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PEP五年级下册第六单元B部分话题是询问某人正在做什么事:Is he/she playing chess/counting insects?并能正确回答:Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.教材提供的词组有:countinginsects,collecting leaves,writinga report,playing chess,having apicnicWarm up or lead in设计一:歌曲导入百度上输入:洪恩Gogo学英语MTV23,可找到这首歌曲:What’s she doing? She is  相似文献   

[教学目标] 1.能听懂、会说功能句:DoesLingling / Tom like meat(fish… )?Yes, she/he does. No, she/hedoesn't.  相似文献   

第一部分单元教学提示一、教学要点参考 1.能力目标:(1)能够运用句型"What does your father/mother do?Where does she/he work?How does she/he go to work?"及其回  相似文献   

1.一般过去时的构成(以动词work为例)否定式疑问式否定疑问式简单回答Ididnotwork.Youdidnotwork.DidIwork?Didyouwork?Didtheywork?Didyouwork?Didwework?Didhe/she/itwork?Theydidnotwork.Youdidnotwork.Wedidnotwork.He/she/Itdidnotwork.DidInotwork?Didyounotwork?Didyoutheynotwork?Didyounotwork?Didwenotwork?Didhe/she/itnotwork?Yes,theydid.No,theydidn’t.Yes,youdid.No,youdidnt’t.Yes,Idid.No,Ididn’tYes,he/she/it/did.No,he/she/itdidn’t.Yes,youdid.Not,youdidn’t.Yes,wedid.No,wedidn’t[注意]①prefer…  相似文献   

[教学目标]   1.能听懂、会说功能句:DoesLingling / Tom like meat(fish… )?Yes, she/he does. No, she/hedoesn‘t.……  相似文献   

1.当两个或两个以上的人称代词并列使用时,单数的顺序为"you,he/she and I",复数的顺序为"we,you and they",即单数人称二三一,复数人称一二三。如:You,he and I are in Grade Seven.你、他和我都在七年级。若承认错误或承担责任,常把I放在前面,即"I,he and you"。如:Sorry,I and she are not right.对不起,我和她都错了。2.当he和she并列作主  相似文献   

1You're out on a date with your friends. When you decide to run to the restroom,you:a.Beg your best friend to come with you,If he/she no,you start whining.b.Give him/her a look that says,"I must gossip with you in the bathroom.Now."But if he/she doesn't notice,you go away.  相似文献   

1.一般将来时的构成(以动词 study 为例)否定式 疑问式 否定疑问式 简单回答I shall/will notstudy.Shall I study? Shall I not study?(Shan’t I Study?)Yes, you will.No, you won’t.You will notstudy.He/She/It will not study.We shall/willnot study.You will notstudy.They will notstudy.Will you study?Will he/she/it study?Shall we study?Will you study?Will they study?Will you not study?(Won’t you study?)Will he/she/it notstudy?(Won’t he/she/it study?)Shall we not study?(Shan’t we study?)Will y…  相似文献   

书童 《今日中学生》2013,(12):23-24
Helen's eyes were not very good,so she usually wore glasses. But when she was nineteen never wore glasses when and began she was to go out with a young man, she th him. When he e, ame to the door to take her out, she would take her glass off, and when she got back home again and he left, she would put them on.  相似文献   

一、重点词汇解析1.家庭成员名称grandfather祖父/外祖父,grandmother祖母/外祖母。father父mother母,brother兄弟来称呼。sister译成姐或妹,parent译成父或母。uncle伯、舅、叔,aunt姨、婶、姑。daughter女儿son儿子,parents指父母。2.人称代词he,she,it代词he,she,it都属第三人称单数形式的人称代词。它们的复数形式是they。在实际应用中,he,she,it及they常用来代替前面所提到的名词,在句子中做主语。he用来代替单数男性,  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm-up/Revision1.Greeting.2.Let’s sing the song"I love my family".(PPT链接歌曲动画)设计意图:在歌曲中将学生带入英语学习情境,潜移默化地进行情感教育。3.Let’s chant.T:(PPT shows the chant)Father,father,he’smyfather.Brother,brother,he’s my brother.Grandfather,grandfather,he’s my grandfather.Mother,mother,she’s my mother.Sister,sister,she’s my sister.Grandmother,grandmother,she’s my grandmother.  相似文献   

1.Whatdoes he/ she do?He/ She is a driver.这是询问和回答某人职业时常用句型 ,有时也可用 What are you?Iam a…What is he/ she?He/ She is a…或这样提问 :What's yourjob?Iam a…What is his/ her job?He/ She is a…如 :你妈妈是做什么工作的 ,她是一名教师。可以用以下三种表达法。1 ) Whatdoes yourmother do?She is a teacher.2 ) Whatis your mother?She is a teacher.3) What's your mother's job?She is a teacher.2 .Where does he/ she work?He/ She works onthe farm.针对一般现在时地点提问常用这样句型 :Where…  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.出示被遮住一半的一学生在跑步、唱歌、游泳等图片,请生用"Is he/she……?Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t."来问答。2.由上一环节引出词组"read a newspaper"并朗读该词组。3.出示一图片,师问:Is he reading a newspaper?S:No,he isn’t.引出词组"read a picture book"并朗读该词组。4.同法教学词组"read a magazine"。5.朗读含有read的各个新学的词组。6.出示被遮住一半的两个学生或几个学生在打乒乓球、踢足球、打牌、下棋等图片,请生用"Are they……?Yes,they are./No,they aren’t."来问答,同时教学词组"play chess,play cards"。7.出示一生在玩溜溜球的  相似文献   

1.过去进行时的构成过去进行时由“was/were+现在分词”构成。(以动词work为例)肯定式否定式疑问式简单回答I(He,She,It)was working.We(You,They)were working.I(He,She,It)was not working.We(You,They)were not working.Was I(he,she,it)working……?Were we(you,they)working……?Yes,you were,No,you were not.Yes,I was.No,I Was not.Yes,he(she,it)was.No,he(she,it)was not.Yes,he(she,it)was.No,he(she,it)was not.Yes,you(we,they)were.No,you(we,they)were not.2.过去进行时的用法(1)过去进行时表示过去某一个时刻或…  相似文献   

Lesson Five     
教学要求:1.复习现在进行时的一般疑问句及回答。2.学习句型:A:What's he/she doing?B:He's/She's mopping.A:What are they doing?B:They'recleaning the classroom.教学重点和难点:句型 What's he/she doing?What are they doing?和句中动词的正确使用。教学过程:一、课前歌曲 London's bridge.二、复习  相似文献   

教学目标:1.知识与技能:能够听、说、读、写以下单词及缩写:smart,active,shy,funny,how,old,are,he,she,he’s,she’s;能够听、说、认读句子:He/She looks active;能够在适当的情境中正确地听、说、读、写下面的句子:How old are you?I’m nine,How old is he/she?He’s/She’s twelve.2.过程与方法:学生在学习单词和句型的过程中,学会合作、学会探究、学会倾听、主动参与实践。3.情感、态度与价值观:能够进一步增强学习英语的兴  相似文献   

PEP三年级下册第二单元Part B继续家庭话题,重点由"Who’s this woman/man?"转到"Who’s this boy/girl?He is my brother/sister.",同时在真实情境中运用"Come on!How funny!"Warm-up or lead in设计一:家有儿女T:Look at the screen.Let’s say the chant:Who is he?Who is she?Dad,mom,family.Who is he?Who is she?  相似文献   

教学要点 New words Vocabulauy and structure for describing people e. g,tall,short, young What's she/he like?  相似文献   

一、说教材 1.教材地位 Module4的主题是Food,主要语言功能是谈论自己并询问-ftlz人对食物的喜好。主要教学11个单词meat, pass, rice, mum,noodles, fish, milk, banana, pear,orange, apple 和9个句型Pass me the…,please. Here you are. Do you like …? Yes,I do. No,I don't. Does Daming/Lingling like…? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn't. He likes…  相似文献   

My aunt Aggie used to think that she was able to sing very well.But I am sorry to say her singing was terrible.One day she asked a piano-tuner to come and tune(调音)her piano.He came,and when he tried to tune the piano it seemed to be all right.However,he thought he had better do something though he would rather have gone away.so he went over it carefully and made a very good job of it.A few days  相似文献   

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