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农业推广服务是近代中国基督教大学开展社会服务的一项重要内容,主要采用演讲与展览、实地试验、与农家合作、印发普及读物等形式。这些活动改善了农民的生活,提高了农民的素质,也促进了基督教大学教学科研的发展。当然,受经费等条件所限,其成效亦有限。但探讨其开展农业推广的原因、形式与内容、保障、成效及其制约因素,将有助于为当今高校的农业推广服务提供可资借鉴的经验和启示。  相似文献   

Purpose: To address the dynamic challenges associated with developing a globally sustainable society, numerous scholars have stressed the need to cultivate the imagination of agricultural students. This study aimed to explore how pictorial representations stimulate the imaginative capacities of agricultural extension students. Design/methodology/approach: We adopted a focus group method that enabled in-depth discussions amongst selected participants. Three focus group discussions were held with 15 student participants in Taiwan. Regarding the pictorial representations, a series of works from three great artists were selected, namely Jean-François Millet, Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró. The works were chosen. Findings: The results indicated that different indicators of imaginative capacities were stimulated by different types or combinations of pictorial representations. For example, realistic visual stimuli were beneficial for cultivating student intuition of problem solving. The atmosphere and colour of visual stimuli affected student sensibilities. The abstract stimuli and remote analogues were beneficial in generating original ideas and breaking design fixations. These stimulations occurred largely according to encountering problems and project needs. Practical implications: These findings can assist agricultural educators in developing imaginative curricula and instructional strategies and might increase students’ creative performance. Originality/value: This research provides intriguing insights into the complexities of human imagination. First, the present study developed a novel approach to assess how pictorial representations stimulate the imaginative-capacity indicators of agricultural extension students. Our results indicated that various indicators were stimulated by various types or combinations of pictorial representations, and how and why these stimulations occurred largely depended on design problems and project needs.  相似文献   

提高农业推广学课程教学质量的理论与实践探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从现代农业大学教育理念和现代化大农业对人才素质的需要出发,针对农业推广学课程特点,在多年教学实践与探索的基础上,总结分析了农业推广学的课程性质、在我国农业新的发展历史时期农业推广学在农科和管理学科中的学科交叉、不可替代和提高综合素质方面的地位与作用,提出了新时期提高农业推广学课程教学效果的主要措施。  相似文献   

Purpose: To provide farmers with access to salient knowledge on sustainability that could contribute positively to farmers’ livelihoods, there is a need for knowledge facilitators. This paper examines the role of public extension workers as boundary workers in Indonesia on sustainable agriculture and challenges around them.

Design/methodology/approach: To identify sustainability perspectives, this research uses Q-methodology which analyzes individual perspectives on sustainability, their differences, and similarities. This research also employs focus group discussions and interviews. In three regions in Indonesia.

Findings: Q-method resulted in two perspectives. The technologists perceive sustainable agriculture as food security and the use of organic pesticides. They also believe that the responsibility for sustainable agriculture lies with extension workers and governments. The environmentalists believe the concept of sustainability implies the active prevention of environmental degradation. They also believe that everybody should take responsibility for sustainability. The paper determines that boundary work needs highly motivated extension workers; the ability to gain trust from farmers; and government support.

Theoretical implication: This paper contributes to the literature on boundary work by connecting the concept of boundary work to agricultural extension.

Practical implication: The results may be used as inputs for Indonesian policymakers to develop a guideline on sustainable agriculture for extension workers.

Originality/value: In current studies on extension workers in developing countries, an analytical framework which employs the concept of boundary work is hardly found. Boundary work is a relevant concept to depict challenges extension workers are confronted with when brokering. Q-methodology aims to obtain individual perspective on a particular issue. This research provides insight on individual perspectives of extension workers on sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

Purpose: This paper argues the rationale for a model of reflective practice in the formation of young agricultural advisors and to use this model to inform a wider discussion on the importance of the different levels of reflection in agricultural extension higher education.

Design/methodology/approach: The paper presents a model of four reflective practice modules conceived as successive building blocks in the professional development of a reflective agricultural advisor and examines the model through the lens of theory and the lens of experience of the first cohort of students to complete the programme.

Findings: Experiential learning with structured critical reflection is shown to support the integration of knowledge gained into new professional identities as agricultural advisors.

Practical Implications: Curricula for higher education in agricultural extension need to be revitalised and refreshed to address the mismatch between the emphasis on the social dimensions of extension in the literature and the general lack of attention to this in the education and formation of agricultural advisors.

Theoretical Implications: The paper presents a model of reflective practice that draws on experiences in other professions that could be applied to early career and continuing professional development for agricultural advisors.

Originality/Value: By presenting a model for reflective practice, the author intends to stimulate a wider discussion on the importance of the different levels of reflection in agricultural extension higher education.  相似文献   


Purpose: To analyze the Brazilian experience in designing and implementing a recent extension policy reform based on agroecology, and reflect on its wider theoretical implications for extension reform literature. Design/methodology/approach: Using a critical public analysis we characterize the evolution of Brazilian federal extension policy between 2004 and 2015, using political and legal documents as well as recent academic studies for policy frame characterization and implementation analysis. Findings: The case reveals the difficulty of implementing an agroecological extension approach as part of the endogenous development proposal expressed in 2004 PNATER. The agroecological proposal tended to be impaired by a more general demand for diverse public policy programs implementation, facing a series of institutional constraints. A policy reframing process led to a search for alternatives to make it compatible with a federal centralization trend and public administration rules, resulting in a contracting out emphasis. Theoretical implications: The study shows the political economy aspects of extension reform, and how original plans are influenced by path dependence and different and contrasting demands. Practical implications: The study points to the importance of considering political and institutional environments in extension reforms, and indicates a necessity for additional reflection about strategies for scaling up proposals for agroecological and sustainability oriented extension. Originality/value: Few studies are dedicated to understanding the political economy of extension reform, and reform of Brazilian rural extension systems.  相似文献   

以可持续发展为基点,分析安康农业现状和面临形势。在土地资源生态规划和优化利用的基础上构建可持续发展农业体系,并初步探讨适合本地自然,技术水平的单元土地经营对策和农业生态系统控制对策。  相似文献   

经过三年的努力,大连农业现代化实现了跨越式发展,同时也存在着差距与不足。要加快实现大连农业现代化,必须推进农村基层政府机构改革,加大对农业的保护和扶持,进行土地制度创新,加大农业经济结构调整力度,积极推进农业产业化经营进程,提高农民组织化程度,完善农业科技研发和推广体系,建立和健全社会化服务体系,加快农业生态建设和资源环境保护。  相似文献   

加快农业和农村发展仅仅期望改革政府管理方式以提高绩效是不够的,还必须从创新制度人手,即在农业和农村发展的各个不同领域选择不同的制度改革战略.并在每个制度体系的治理层次、宪法层次和操作层次建立起有效的制度安排。  相似文献   


This article examines the historiography related to the 1876 founding of Sapporo Agricultural College, the first institution of its kind in Japan. Focusing specifically on the involvement of William Smith Clark, who previously served as the president of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, it argues that the nascent imperial ambitions harboured by both the United States and Japan are essential to a full understanding of Sapporo’s founding, curriculum and subsequent history. Drawing on both primary and secondary sources as well as theoretical perspectives on empire, this article depicts Sapporo as one small part of a larger campaign of westernisation.  相似文献   

当前龙岩市的农业正进入新的发展阶段,但在农业科技投入、农业技术推广和体制创新等方面仍然不适应农业发展的需要。因此农业科技发展要成为农业可持续发展的根本动力,就必须从农业科技体制创新入手,加大科技投入和政策扶持力度,选准农业技术研究的重点和方向,加大对农民的科技培训力度。  相似文献   

Purpose: This study evaluates the impact of an outsourced extension service delivered by Lima Rural Development Foundation (Lima) in the Umzimkhulu district of South Africa. The evaluation is conducted at both the household and program levels.

Design/methodology/approach: Household impacts were estimated using two-stage regression with instrumental variables to account for selection bias. Gains in household income were extrapolated to estimate the net incremental benefit of the program and its financial return at district level. These analyses were underpinned by a rigorous sampling design.

Findings: The results show that the outsourced extension service made a significant and substantial contribution to household crop income and net income. In addition, clients perceived a range of socio-economic benefits such as better diets, improved product quality, and job creation. Analysis of the financial cost and benefit of the extension service at district level suggests an annual net incremental benefit of R5 million (US$0.4 million), and a 95% probability that returns to the service exceeded 20% in 2012/2013.

Practical implications: These results suggest that there is good reason for donors to continue funding effective extension services to small farmers in areas of high agricultural potential.

Theoretical implications: This is an empirical study. It uses well-established methods to measure the impact but introduces a local economy multiplier to capture some of the indirect effects of agricultural extension.

Originality/value: This research is valuable as very few studies worldwide have evaluated the impact of agricultural extension services at both the farm and program levels.  相似文献   

试论政府在解决"三农"问题中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于耕地少、技术落后、农村土地制度的内在缺陷和深层矛盾的制约等原因,导致沉重的“三农”问题,以及要缓解加入WTO后农业所面临的国际竞争压力,都需要政府的具体运作。政府作用要想得到充分的发挥,需要对税收制度,以及对管理农业、农村、农民的制度进行改革。  相似文献   

我国社会主义市场经济体制的确立、社会民主的发展、全球化的国际形势等,都要求我国在公共政策制定中实现更多的公众参与.公众不仅是公共政策制定与执行的重要角色,而且也是公共政策实施的对象,在公共政策制定过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用.只有让公众积极有效的参与到公共政策的制定过程中,才能提高公共政策的质量,实现公共目标.  相似文献   

公共政策制定的公众参与机制,是实现公共政策公共性和科学性的重要保证。《广州市流动商贩管理暂行办法》制定过程中,通过市民问计会、专家咨询以及意见征询等形式,构筑政府与公众之间平等的对话平台,初步建立了政府与公众互动的政策制定模式。但其公众参与仍停留在“政府主导的有限参与”阶段,参与的广度、深度和效能都有待提高。公众参与效能的提升既取决于公民的参与意愿和能力,也有赖于政府制度的供给和积极的回应。  相似文献   

直隶是刨办农学堂,发展近代农业教育最早的省份之一。其中,遵化“农算学堂”是全国诞生最早的农学堂;直隶农务学堂则是全国成立最早的高等农业学堂。直隶各类农业教育机构的兴办,不仅为各地培养了许多懂得农业科技知识的人才,而且推动了直隶近代先进农业技术知识的推广和传播,但其局限性也显而易见。  相似文献   

磷是自然生命必不可少的重要元素之一,而自然界中的磷循环是典型的沉积型循环,属不完全循环。解磷微生物的存在能够将不溶性磷转化为可溶性磷,本文将对解磷微生物的种类、主要来源及其在农业中的应用等方面进行综述,并对其应用前景进行展望。  相似文献   

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