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As media options continue to expand in both quantity and variety and move to new media platforms, consumers’ media diets are becoming increasingly varied and complex. This complexity calls for a more nuanced method of quantifying media consumption that goes beyond the binary like-minded or cross-cutting categories currently used in studies of selective exposure. We develop a measure that captures the full diversity of content in an individual’s media diet, the media diet imbalance score, by adapting Brader, Tucker, and Therriault’s (2014) measure of sociodemographic cross-pressures. Our method allows for research on important aspects of the current media environment that are impossible with existing measures, and it is less labor intensive than previous strategies for measuring selective exposure.  相似文献   

This study features the development and validation of a multidimensional scale for Perceived News Media Importance (PNMI), a concept pertaining to how much individuals personally value normative functions of political/public affairs journalism. Comprised of six different dimensions that represent the weight of what citizens deem to be desirable about news work, the PNMI concept exhibits the capacity to strengthen scholarly explanations about the public’s perceptions of the news media and related democratic outcomes. More specifically this research, which employs three data sets, is designed to (1) explicate the PNMI concept, (2) develop and validate a PNMI scale, (3) and explore PNMI’s predictive value relative to news media use and support for freedom of the press. Evidence of validity is confirmed with media trust, political media use, political interest, and ideology. Furthermore, PNMI is shown to be predictive of (a) mainstream and social media-based news use, as conditioned by perceptions of the press satisfactory performing normative functions, and (b) support for press freedoms. While the hypothesized PNMI model (as a higher order latent construct with six lower order dimensions) exhibits a sound model fit, a combined data set (total N=912) reveals that PNMI could also be treated as a multi-factor, lower-order latent construct.  相似文献   

一、传统品牌首先要明确市场主体地位,进行管理体制、机制创新 应对市场挑战,理顺管理体制、机制非常关键.作为中国青年出版总社的社办期刊,<青年文摘>是出版社的主要经济支柱,但在很长一段时间内,它只是个社属编辑部,主要负责刊物内容的编辑,并没有什么经营自主权.  相似文献   

品牌个性的测量模型及其适用性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对大量国内外的相关理论与研究进行文献回顾与分析,全面、系统地梳理了已有的品牌个性量表,以及在不同文化和行业背景下对品牌个性量表适用性的验证与讨论,指出品牌个性测量的未来研究必须进一步明确品牌个性内涵,并建立本土化度行业化模型.  相似文献   

The rise of digital media labs and spaces for content creation in public libraries has been documented in the scholarly literature. However, fewer studies have investigated the outcomes of media literacy initiatives in community media centers (CMCs) and how they might inform similar programs and services in public libraries. This article reports findings from a study that used qualitative research to investigate the current goals and activities of CMCs across the United States. The findings show that the educational, social, and community benefits of these programs could be useful for public libraries to consider in developing or augmenting their own media literacy initiatives.  相似文献   

移动社交媒体环境下用户错失焦虑症(FoMO)量表构建研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
[目的/意义] 鉴于移动社交媒体环境下用户错失焦虑症(Fear of Missing Out,FoMO)已经逐渐成为一种普遍存在的现象,为了更好地测度用户在使用移动社交媒体过程中的FoMO程度,本研究尝试在中文情境下开发FoMO的有效度量工具。[方法/过程] 以现有相关研究文献为基础,结合用户访谈构建移动社交媒体环境下FoMO初步测度问卷,综合采用专家咨询、探索性因子分析(EFA)和验证性因子分析(CFA)方法进行量表开发。[结果/结论] 最终构建一个包含心理动机、认知动机、行为表现和情感依赖四个维度的移动社交媒体环境下用户FoMO测量量表,具体涉及16个相应指标。数据分析表明,该量表信度和效度较好,可为后期针对移动社交媒体采纳和持续参与的影响因素探索提供工具参考和理论指导。  相似文献   

深度报道与媒体品牌资产的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,深度报道能从权威性、思想性、人文关怀和可读性等方面塑造强势的品牌形象。而媒体所处的现实环境、媒体的品牌定位及竞争对媒体的深度报道具有一定的规制作用。  相似文献   

跨媒体出版的品牌建设不仅能提升出版企业的竞争力,实现跨媒体拓展,还能取得良好的经济效益和社会效益。然而,当前跨媒体出版的品牌建设存在着品牌战略缺失、品牌观念落后、品牌效益低下等问题,亟需解决。本文分析跨媒体出版中的品牌建设问题,探讨了媒体出版的品牌创新措施,以期对跨媒体出版的品牌发展提供若干建议。  相似文献   

Skin conductance provides an inexpensive and nonreactive measure of electrodermal activity (EDA) that is widely used as an arousal indicator. When communication research employs real-world audiovisual stimuli, the measurement sensitivity of EDA-based data can become challenging. Measures that are commonly employed to correlate EDA with continuous stimuli (the tonic skin conductance level and the frequency of skin conductance responses) are replicable for stimuli of one minute or longer. This article discusses positive changes in EDA (EPC) as a measure that integrates the frequency of skin conductance responses with their amplitude while reducing processing complexity and error. The use of EDA data from 115 subjects demonstrates that EPC is a more accurate measure of stimulus-induced arousal than the response frequency, the conductance baseline, and average skin conductance. Assets and drawbacks are discussed in the context of theoretical and practical issues.  相似文献   

网络媒体权力寻租现象严重影响我国社会的健康发展,成为亟待解决的重要问题.文章探讨了网络媒体权力寻租的典型表现、存在原因,并提出了相关对策:建立合理、规范的市场化运作流程,确立与控制流程腐败风险中的关键节点,构筑权力与资本交易的防火墙;梳理内部管理制度,加强人防与技防的双重监督,保障数字信息、技术管理权限的合法使用;提高从业者对媒介“社会公器”角色的领悟,深化他们对媒体公共性内核的认知,自觉抵制网络寻租行为.  相似文献   

关于海外华文传媒的战略性思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
进入 2 1世纪 ,随着国际关系格局出现重大变化 ,有必要立足全球传播和国际传播的战略性高度 ,重新审视海外华文传媒的性质、特征及其作用。海外华文传媒是国内传媒在海外的延伸 ;它可能成为促进祖国统一的推动力量 ;它让中国了解世界 ,让世界了解中国。随着世界经济发展重心的东移及海外华人经济的进一步扩展 ,未来海外华文传媒呈现集团化发展、多种媒体共存共依、向全球拓展、海内外媒体及受众相互融合等趋势。  相似文献   

对借用公众传媒开展特色服务的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
明安生 《图书馆》2000,(5):46-48
本文通过借公共传媒开展特色服务这个全新的视觉,从服务方式、特性及注意的问题三个方面展示了公共图书馆新的特色服务。  相似文献   

本文结合新媒体传播环境,针对农业产品品牌传播,提出了农业产品品牌的新媒体传播方式,即体验传播、精准传播、互动传播和植八传播.  相似文献   

葛贤 《图书馆杂志》2000,19(9):33-35
通过与媒体合作开展信息服务工作的实例,探讨图书馆文献信息的传播模式,提出与媒体密切合作是拓展和强化图书馆信息服务功能的有效途径。  相似文献   

The Digital Video Recorder (DVR) was often considered the awaited revolution in the way people use television; however, TV recipients seem reluctant to adopt this innovation. This article suggests a new perspective in that the DVR should be interpreted as a supply-side service innovation instead of a hardware consumer innovation. Evaluating the perceived attributes of the DVR as an innovation, it turns out that the supply-side service innovation is more likely to succeed. The article discusses the possible impact of the DVR on the value chain of television and on the exploitation chain of motion picture rights. Focusing on the features of time shifting and advertising avoidance, it is shown that the relevance of broadcasters will diminish in comparison to the distributors'. Finally, the article discusses how the DVR might develop as a new profit window in the exploitation chain of motion picture rights and thereby make a lead into video distribution without a physical medium. Altogether, it is shown that the distributors will benefit more from the DVR than the recipients will, and therefore, it is indicated to change perspectives and evaluate the DVR as a supply-side innovation.  相似文献   

张如成 《新闻界》2007,(6):132-133
随着电视产业化和频道专业化的深入,中国的电视媒体显现出空前无比的繁荣景象:频道越来越多,节目五彩斑斓,让人目不暇接.在这种表面“繁荣“的背后却隐含着现实的运营危机.对于电视媒体的发展而言,本文认为塑造收视率高、影响力大、竞争力强的品牌栏目就成为电视媒体的现实需要和当务之急.  相似文献   

杨华钢 《新闻界》2007,(5):109-110
本文探讨了当前国际受众研究领域的一个新的发展方向,并指出受众性格研究对于中国电视频道品牌管理的重要意义.  相似文献   

Adopting the construct of “brand personality,” this article examines the perceived differences among various television news brands, investigates the distinction between cable and broadcast news brands, and explores the applicability of brand personality in this market. CNN was found to possess the most distinct, positive personality, whereas CBS news had the least differentiated brand personality. Fox News was seen as the most dynamic and conservative. Overall, broadcast network news was perceived to be more traditional and liberal than cable network news. Three modified dimensions—competence, timeliness, and dynamism—were found to represent the personality facets of the television news product.  相似文献   

本文对我国2008年新媒体研究的总体情况进行了回顾和分析,作者认为,媒介融合和产业融合、移动传播和移动媒体、新媒体现象及其引发的舆论、伦理和法律等问题已成为我国新媒体研究的焦点。  相似文献   

林茂 《编辑之友》2016,(7):44-47
在新媒体技术日益向传统纸质媒体渗透的大背景下,文章提出保持个性的相互融合已成为文化发展的新趋势,传统出版社应充分考虑当今新形势下的消费者阅读习惯与市场需求,不断在知识层面获得积累,引入外延式的生产思路,以开发图书内容的剩余价值,并结合时代特色,适当利用新媒体技术去促进传统纸媒自身的发展,以融合的方式实现跨越式发展,从而完善与发展既有品牌.  相似文献   

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