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“代为保管”的规范意义是受委托占有他人财物,本质是“占有”,包括事实上的支配还是法律上的支配;“他人”包括自然人、单位甚至国家;刑法上的遗忘物包括遗失物,指非基于他人本意而失去控制,偶然(即不是基于委托关系)由行为人占有或占有人不明的财物;埋藏物不限于埋藏在地下,指发现当时所有权归属不明之物。  相似文献   

制度保障是中等职业学校顺利实施弹性学习制度并取得成效的关键。具体需要如下保障:政策保障,包括出台配套政策,提供正确导向,活用激励机制,推广成功经验;社会保障,包括给予观念保障,实行资源共享,提供专业服务;校本保障,主要是营造实验氛围,改革课程体系,优化学生管理,提升教师素质,优化教学资源等。  相似文献   

我国远程教育精品课程研究的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国远程教育精品课程的相关研究主要集中在三个方面:一是如何认识远程教育精品课程,包括概念界定、特征、建设意义与建设主体的相关探讨;二是如何合理开展远程教育精品课程建设,包括一些策略和措施探讨,以及与此相关的比较借鉴研究;三是如何有效推进远程教育精品课程建设的进一步开展,包括对存在问题的归纳总结和针对问题进行改进的相关探讨。相关研究需要进一步强化问题意识,讲究方法的合理运用,充实研究内涵,提升研究成果的质量。  相似文献   

金华职业技术学院园艺技术专业开展体验性学习,探索课堂与实习地点的一体化,按照园艺植物生产过程,构建了园艺技术专业"生产过程式"人才培养模式,即第一时段为期3学期,进行职业基本素质、认知实践和结合农时的农事操作训练,培养单项技能;第二时段为期2学期,进行职业综合技能训练,注重培养学生的农业生产、经营、管理等综合素质;第三时段为期1学期,进行综合技术应用能力训练,培养职业综合素质。  相似文献   

神农架唇形科植物种类共有34属86种(含变种),具有我国种子植物属15个地理分布区类型中的11个。区系成分以温带成分(23属45种),特别是旧世界温带成分(10属20种)米体,表明该地区唇形科植物区系有以温带成分为主的多类成分共存的特点。唇形科资源植物十分丰富,按其用途可分为野生蔬菜类、蜜源植物类、观赏植物类、药用植物类、香料植物类、油脂植物类及特有植物类等,这些资源植物具有较大开发利用价值。  相似文献   

针对传统人工出卷知识点覆盖不全面、难易程度不好把握、分值分布不均、耗时又耗力等问题,采用Visual C++开发平台通过ADO数据库接口连接Access数据库,设计了一个自动出卷系统。该系统实现了试题库管理(包括试题增加、删除和查询)、难度管理和试卷生成等功能,具有界面简洁、出卷迅速、易于管理等特点。  相似文献   

Causal reasoning represents one of the most basic and important cognitive processes that underpin all higher-order activities, such as conceptual understanding and problem solving. Hume called causality the “cement of the universe” [Hume (1739/2000). Causal reasoning is required for making predictions, drawing implications and inferences, and explaining phenomena. Causal relations are usually more complex than learners understand. In order to be able to understand and apply causal relationships, learners must be able to articulate numerous covariational attributes of causal relationships, including direction, valency, probability, duration, responsiveness, as well as mechanistic attributes, including process, conjunctions/disjunctions, and necessity/sufficiency. We describe different methods for supporting causal learning, including influence diagrams, simulations, questions, and different causal modeling tools, including expert systems, systems dynamics tools, and causal modeling tools. Extensive research is needed to validate and contrast these methods for supporting causal reasoning.  相似文献   

什么是心理教育——基于教育学反思   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
心理教育既是一种教育思想 ,也是一种教育制度。从教育学视角来看 ,心理教育是张扬人性的教育 ,体现在人的心力、人的潜能、人的德性三方面 ;心理教育是发展性教育 ,包括求上心态、自主意识、健全人格三方面 ;心理教育是幸福教育 ,主要表现为察知幸福、体验幸福、追求幸福三方面。  相似文献   

This investigation uses an ethnographic case study approach to explore the benefits and challenges of including a variety of goals within a high school Environmental Science curriculum. The study focuses on environmental education (EE) goals established by the Belgrade Charter (1975), including developing students’ environmental awareness and behavior, but also explores alternative goals including empowerment, presenting a balanced perspective, improving critical thinking skills, and developing an emotional connection with environmental issues. This research, which was conducted at a public high school in the northeast United States, aims to understand the teacher’s reasoning for including the above goals within the curriculum and the students’ reactions to the enactment of these goals. Interview data from 10 student participants and the teacher reveal areas of alignment between teacher and student perspectives regarding goals such as presenting a balanced approach, as well as misalignment in areas such as the teaching of environmentally friendly behaviors.  相似文献   

论现代编辑的基本素质与能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代编辑应不断适应新时期社会经济的发展,具备一定的基本素质与能力,并不断加以提高。这主要包括政治素质、职业素质、文化素质和创新素质;应具备的基本能力包括选题策划能力、语言文字能力和计算机应用能力。  相似文献   

通过对课堂教育情景下大学生学习方式(学习的动机和策略)与创新能力(创新人格和创新思维)两者内在关系的实证研究分析,表明学习的深层动机与创新人格(好奇心和意志力)显著正相关;同时,深层策略与创新人格(好奇心和意志力)和创新思维(流畅性、灵活性、独创性)也显著正相关。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to challenge the idea of incompatibility between links to research and links to professional practice in engineering education. The concept of ‘academic drift’ is introduced, both related to drift towards theory and towards research links in the curriculum. Empirical data were collected through a case study conducted at a department in a research-intensive technical university, including semi-structured interviews with academic staff and an analysis of course syllabuses. The results show that the respondents perceive no incompatibility between including links to research and including links to professional practice in engineering education. Indeed, they state that the two aspects are mutually reinforcing and overlapping. Their rationales for incorporating such coupled links to research and professional practice include increased motivation among students and preparing them for employment. In conclusion, including research in the curriculum does not necessarily lead to academic drift; conversely, the curriculum in engineering education can consist of a seamless blend of research and professional practice.  相似文献   

数据仓库的架构模型包括了星型架构与雪花型架构等模式。数据仓库建模的一般流程一般包括确立数据分析主题、确定度量值、确定维度和数据粒度和创建事实表等环节。ETL是数据仓库实施过程中的一个重要处理环节,在数据仓库的构建中,ETL贯穿于项目始终,包括了数据清洗、整合、转换、加载等各个环节。所以ETL在整个数据仓库项目中起着十分关键的作用。  相似文献   

Being entered for exams and reaching key educational thresholds, for example 5 A* to C grades (including English and Mathematics) at GCSE, are important markers of participation and success in secondary education. However, little is known about the prevalence and make-up of children in care reaching these thresholds. Using secondary data analysis, we compared the proportions of children in care, children ‘in need’ and children in the general population who achieved four key thresholds, including exam entry and 5 A* to C grades, including English and Mathematics. We then focused on children in care and examined factors that predicted exam entry and achieving 5 A* to C grades, including English and Mathematics. Children receiving social care interventions were less likely than children in the general population to be entered for exams or to reach important educational thresholds. For children in care, several socio-demographic, care and educational factors predicted their likelihood of success. No children with an autistic spectrum disorder or who had ever been permanently excluded were recorded to have achieved 5 A* to C grades, including English and Mathematics. Children with poor attainment at Key Stage 2 were also at significant risk of not achieving this threshold. Practitioners and policymakers should consider the modifiable risk factors for poor educational performance and be aware of groups of children in care who are at significant risk of not achieving a minimum standard which could open doors for their future.  相似文献   

关中方言片除了渭河平原以外,南面包括陕南商洛和安康两地区的部分县市;西面包括豫西陕县、灵宝、卢氏等地和晋西南汾河谷地数十县;北面包括陕北南部的五个县;西面包括宁夏固原地区东南、甘肃平凉和庆阳地区。从历时的角度来看,关中方言的特征词大致可以分为三类:传承词、创新词、变异词。关中地区长时间作为中国古代社会的中心,其方言中的特征词能够反映出当时社会的情况,对当代的音韵学、词汇学、社会学、民俗学等有宝贵的价值。  相似文献   

基于优选论,建立语境推导模式,其中制约条件为句法缺省值原则、语义真实性原则和语用真实性原则.模式体现了直线推导、自动激活、同步激活、动态可及性四个特点,反映了推导过程中各步骤间的因果关系.  相似文献   

大学新生是社会中一个特殊群体,对其的挫折教育越发受到关注。本文主要针对大学生受挫的主要类型:学习挫折、理想挫折、交往挫折、恋爱挫折,对其形成的内外因进行分析,提出了对大学生开展挫折教育的基本途径:正确归因、劣性教育、优化环境、合理宣泄。  相似文献   

期刊编辑部作为高等院校的一个重要窗口,其工作人员具有特殊的审美职能:整体形象美,包括服饰的美和行为的美;工作环境美,包括工作环境的布置、良好人际环境的建立;语言能力美,包括语言表达时要口齿清晰,富有节奏感,准确、简洁、流畅、连贯、幽默、生动;心理素质美,包括要有坚定的信心,要有包容一切的胸怀,要有坚强的意志几个方面。  相似文献   

本文首先论述了软件性能工程(SPE)方法,包括SPE概念、SPE过程、SPE与其它软件开发模型的集成、SPE策略及SPE工具,然后讨论了如何在从基于数据流模型(包括分析模型和设计模型)再工程为UML模型过程使用SPE的方法。  相似文献   

成功的语言模因具有长寿性、多产性和复制的忠实性三个特征。文章以全球语言监测机构公布的年度热门词汇榜单体现出的语言现象为例论证成功的语言模因还具有领域性、时效性和贴近性三个特征,增强了模因论的解释力。  相似文献   

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