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教育实践是教育理论的生命之源,同时也需要教育理论的滋养。但教育理论与教育实践之间却出现了深深的裂痕乃至鸿沟,由此产生了教育理论如何表达实践的问题。教育理论要想恰当、贴切地表达实践,需要从观念叙述、实体叙述、宏大叙述及单一本质叙述转变为现实叙述、关系叙述、事件叙述及多元本质叙述。这样,教育理论才能更好地表达教育实践。  相似文献   

护理美学是一门新兴的交叉学科,是从护理学的角度,研究护理领域中美的现象和审美规律的理论学科.要在护理实践中,坚持真、善、美的和谐统一,积极探讨护理美学的美感特点及其内涵,把护理工作与美学和谐科学地结合起来,不断充实护理美的内涵,从而有效地指导各种护理美学实践.  相似文献   

实习是每个准教师都会经历的一步。每位实习者在此过程中都会有自己的收获。本文是本人实习的心得,希望能与想要成为老师的你们分享。  相似文献   


This paper reports on a study of how liminality relates to the facilitation of reflective practice in professional education. Liminality refers to sites and positions that exhibit 'in-betweenness', or bordering positions, that might draw together different institutional conditions. The present project aims to examine the role of liminality in professional educational practice with a specific focus upon how liminality may support student reflection. Using a qualitative and comparative research approach, we analysed interview and observational data from police education and a medical programme. Observations and interviews explore practices of collective interactional (and hence observable) reflection at sites that are characterised by ‘betweenness’ of work and education. Findings indicate that situations that afford reflection are characterised by a sense of undeterminedness in terms of either the subject, space or activity. Thus, we conclude that there is some evidence that liminality affords reflection, but also that liminality and underminedness are fragile states that are not easily organised in a professional education curriculum.  相似文献   

实践育人是高职教育发展的必然要求。目前高职院校存在着实践育人教育教学体系不够完善,实践教学环节相对薄弱,教师实践育人水平有待提高,实践育人工作缺乏有效的考核机制等问题。对此,应深化实践教学改革,加强实践育人队伍建设,加强实践育人基地建设,充分调动学生参与实践的积极性。  相似文献   

本文通过分析目前审美教育在高校体育教学中存在的问题,提出将审美教育有效渗透到体育教学中的对策,以供参考。  相似文献   

随着现代教育的进一步发展,众多专家和学者意识到教育的目的在于引导学生健康快乐的成长,使其成为一个快乐的人。快乐教育的理念由此产生,并在现代教育中得到推广与发展。通过对快乐教育及其实践模式进行探析,旨在推动快乐教育的发展,并促进我国教育的进一步建设。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate how policy has become practice in the area of gifted education in the New South Wales government school system. In general, it was a heuristic study of the articulation of policy and practice. A conceptual framework applied to the policy process was used to consider the extent to which the policy intent was realised. At each level of the policy process perceptions and practice were revealed through interviews, documents, content analyses and, in addition, at the school level, through questionnaires as part of a case study approach. The study clarified and gave validity to general assumptions in the areas of policy-making and gifted education. Findings showed that providing for gifted and talented children was not a priority, was not systematic and was not routine. Specifics were lacking through the policy process, resulting in the ad hoc nature of provision for gifted children which varied according to individual initiatives. As the then Minister for Education saw it, the situation was ‘a pepper pot of exciting activities alongside inaction (Metherell 1989).  相似文献   

基于"面向行业、产教融合、校企共建、开放育人"的工程实践教育中心建设理念,结合常州工学院国家级土木工程实践教育中心的建设实践,探讨了工程实践教育中心的管理运行模式、校企合作共育机制、教学团队培育、实践教学体系、人才培养成效等问题。将土木工程教育根植于地方建设行业环境之中,并与土木工程执业资格无缝对接,为培养适应岗位需求的"卓越土木工程师"提供平台支持。  相似文献   

21世纪护理本科院校为达到教育目标,对护理学本科生专业课程体系和教学内容进行了全面改革,推行了新的教育模式。培养学生系统掌握现代护理学以及相关学科理论和技能。护理文化作为长期在护理实践中逐步形成和发展起来的稳定的价值观,及以其核心而进行的护理教学,其内容包含价值观、道德规范、精神、制度、行为准则及文化礼仪。  相似文献   

清华大学化工系安全教育作为化工系人才培养目标的关键支撑,不仅在化工安全知识的传授上力求系统和多样化,而且将工程职业伦理作为安全教育的立足点塑造学生的价值观。总结了多年从事安全教育的经验,坚持将价值观导向、安全文化建设融入安全教育的各个环节,为化工系培养高素质化工安全人才、提高学生安全素养和实践能力发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

课题式课堂教学的研究与实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
把课题式学习分成课题式研究活动,课题式课堂教学,课题式延时作用三个层次,本文借鉴“课题研究”的启示,提出了课题式课堂教学的概念,阐述了此教学方法的特征及其在课堂教学中的开展,并由此提出了其基本策略,基本模式和实施原则。  相似文献   

This paper explores distance education as social practice by drawing on theories of communication and sociolinguistics. Language is fundamental to all social situations including open and distance educational contexts. It is through language that teachers construct texts which indicate student learning intentions; and it is through language that students reconstruct these intended meanings and give expression to them.

The paper argues that success as an open or distance education teacher or student is dependent on expertise in the linguistic demands of the educational context. Though some of these demands are common with traditional forms of education, open and distance contexts add another level of complexity. In particular, the paper advocates a consideration of discourses as fundamental.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the mismatch between science teachers' stated purposes and their actual teaching of science in a secondary school. Factors affecting teachers' practices include their personal beliefs about teaching, learning and the purposes of science education, the school program and the school culture. Specializations: science and technology education, professional development.  相似文献   

教育理论及其相关体制也成为了科技统治下的产物,从而出现诸多弊端,甚至是教育本身的迷失,教育中人的异化。本研究选取了从伽达默尔哲学诠释学的视角去重新审视现代教育,希望在这种探寻中能真正"找回迷失的教育"、"找回人之为人的自己"。从而真正意义上的彻底解决现代教育的困境。  相似文献   

人力资源实践教育作为培养具有基础扎实、宽口径、高实践能力与高素质创新型复合人才的重要途径,其教育实现方法的好坏,将会直接影响到人力资源的质量高低。本文主要从理论的角度对人力资源教育与思想教之间的关系进行了分析,论证了思想教育与人力资源实践教育结合的可行性,然后总结了人力资源实践教育与思想教育整合的意义。以期为人力资源实践教育的创新提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

Deliberate practice is increasingly recognised as necessary for professional development. This paper sets out to explore in what ways student teachers’ learning activities in a teacher education programme can be characterised as deliberate practice. Based on an in-depth exploration of 574 learning activities, our results highlight the different ways in which activities in teacher education programmes can be designed, the different motivations students have to engage in them repetitively, and different ways in which feedback can be organised, within contextual constraints posed by all professional environments. Results also indicate that self-improvement is not the only motivation for engaging in deliberate practice for student teachers, as pupil improvement is also considered important. These results support a context-specific operationalisation of deliberate practice and provide starting points for teacher education programmes to promote deliberate practice in their curriculum.  相似文献   

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