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孟红梅 《班主任》2013,(11):49-50
三年前,儿子表现出明显的叛逆期对抗,动辄与我对着干,甚至争吵起来,我很是烦恼。有一次,我忍不住斥责他:“现在的你整个一刺儿球,一碰就扎手。”儿子昂起头:“我要是刺儿球,那刺儿有逆着长的,也有顺着长的,如果您顺着方向摸就不会扎手。”我怔住了,想想那刺儿球,不就像儿子所说的那样吗?轻轻地顺着方向摸就不会扎手,而急躁地逆着方向摸自然被扎得又深又痛了。  相似文献   

孙翔 《素质教育博览》2009,(6):55-55,57
这是一场没有硝烟的战斗。老爸,文武双全,足智多谋;老妈,聪明机灵,爱耍小聪明。当两个人的争吵升级成为PK时,那是多么的精彩!  相似文献   

文吉  颜舒频 《初中生》2008,(9):81-82
那年夏天,我和蓉儿姐姐在一片宁静的海边嬉戏,听海浪放声歌唱,看船儿扬帆起航。姐姐爱听歌,我也一样,可是由于喜欢的风格不同,从来没有争吵过的我们,那天下午有了分歧。  相似文献   

1从前,有一对夫妇生了十个儿子,儿子们先后娶了媳妇。九个媳妇整天搬弄是非,兄弟间常常争吵不休。  相似文献   

近几天,我发现一向心无城府、嘻嘻哈哈的儿子,似乎有了很重的心事。我洗了一盘他最爱吃的美国红提,"小心翼翼"地送到他的房间,一番拐弯抹角地套问,他终于气咻咻地告诉我:他和李展吵架、闹翻了。 我闻言大惊。儿子和李展可是一对“尿尿浇蚂蚁”长大的铁哥们儿呀,这是怎么啦?  相似文献   

一辆马车飞驶而来。“咚”地一声,车上掉下一样东西。可是车上的人并没发现,车子飞快地开走了。大黄牛冲过采,兴奋地叫:“啊,是一捆干草,这下好了,够我美美地吃一顿了。”  相似文献   

四个朋友在为谁的狗最聪明而争吵。第一个人是个工程师,他对自己的狗喊道:“三角形,露一手。”这只狗便跑向书桌,拉出一张纸和一支铅笔,画出了一个完美的三角形。  相似文献   

陆真 《早期教育》2000,(6):37-37
我儿子4岁,平时说话总是神气活现的,可一到“关键”时候嘴巴就卡壳:和小朋友争吵或受到老师批评时,他不会辩解,也不会申辩’,只会一个动地哭。可事后询问起来,他会说得头头是道。若问他当时为什么不说,他又会语塞。见他这样,我真有些恨铁不成钢。请问,有什么好方法能解决我儿子的这个问题?  相似文献   

他们之间只有无止无尽的争吵。他们争吵的话题永远是一个,都是关于经济的问题。他们吵架时某方说“又不是我个人的女儿,你凭什么全摊在我身上……”“摊”,这个字像极了一把泛着凶光的刀子,插在了我心上。终于有一件值得我高兴的事了,他选择去外地发展。我在地图上找他将要去的城市,很远。  相似文献   

庄周 《现代语文》2005,(5):19-19
译文:住在河边的一个人因家境贫困,只好靠编织蒿帘糊口,有一天他的儿子在深渊中潜水,找到一颗价值千金的宝珠,他对儿子说:“快去拿块石头来把它砸碎!价值千金的宝珠,一定是在深渊中黑龙的旁边,你能够拿到这颗宝珠,肯定是黑龙正在睡觉,要是黑龙还醒着,你这条小命还在吗?”  相似文献   

碱浸提法提取S604、S606、931、中7、808、808对照、868、135、908、9015、939等11种香菇菌棒中的蛋白质和多糖,结果表明:135和908的蛋白质含量显著高于其他9个品种,9015的多糖含量显著高于其他10个品种。  相似文献   

在传统社会中,妇女的社会地位极为低下,最典型的标志就是受“三从”、“四德”道德观念的束缚。“夫死从子”,即是要求做母亲的在丈夫死了以后依从儿子。但从家庭层面来看,这一“从”明显与上下尊卑的根本原则-“孝”相矛盾。也就是说,由社会传统及上下尊卑观念的根本定住和孝的原则决定了妇女的“三从”之中的“从子”事实上从整个社会来看是如此而从单个家庭中看却并非如此。《韩诗外传》中所表现出的母亲的崇高家庭地位和权威都充分说明了这一问题。  相似文献   

Piaget has suggested that the reason why children find it difficult to draw foreshortened views is because they lack any conscious awareness of their own viewpoint. Instead, it is proposed that most of these difficulties derive from the constraints of drawing as a representational system: for example, although a round region shows a true view of a foreshortened stick, it is unsatisfactory as a representation. To test between these alternative proposals, 4-, 7-, and 12-year-olds were asked to draw sticks and discs in foreshortened and nonforeshortened positions. As predicted, fewer 7- and 12-year-olds used a round region to represent a foreshortened stick, compared with children of the same age who used a long region to represent a foreshortened disc. In addition, the 12-year-olds used a different and more effective denotation system compared with the 7-year-olds.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to present a synthesis of the peer‐reviewed differential bundle functioning (DBF) research that has been conducted to date. A total of 16 studies were synthesized according to the following characteristics: tests used and learner groups, organizing principles used for developing bundles, DBF detection methods used, and types of bundles that indicated statistically significant DBF in the hypothesized direction on multiple occasions. The article concludes with a list of suggestions to individuals who conduct DBF research. For example, effect size guidelines should be established for interpreting the amount of DBF in bundles of items assessed with simultaneous item bias test (SIBTEST), given that it is the most commonly used DBF procedure. This would reduce our reliance on statistical significance testing. General effect size guidelines are needed as well as guidelines for special circumstances like small sample cases. Other useful suggestions are offered as well.  相似文献   

科学发展观倡导人们要坚持外在美与内在美的统一,切入点是人生轨迹具有多变性特点。在现实世界中要积极地进行审美体验,在困境中要坚守对理想的希冀,保持良好的审美意识,不断地聚集取得成功的力量。要将某些突然光顾于特殊个体生命历程中的生活事件与宏大的社会历史变迁密切地联系起来。倡导持之以恒的奋斗精神,要冲破人与环境悖论的束缚。审美主体在情感上要站在利害关系之外之应有的高度,在协调利害关系时,虽然置身于利害关系之中却必须具有美感创造的要求,要建立利益协调机制,超越世俗的纷扰,注意到人性的美好和道德境界的崇高,使自己的命运与绝大多数人的命运联系在一起,以统筹兼顾的根本方法促进人的全面发展。  相似文献   

齿轮制造过程中存在加工误差,同直径跨距棒方法测量圆柱齿轮的加工误差已经走向成熟,本文将这一理论进行修正应用到非圆齿轮中,通过采用不同直径的检测棒可以完成非圆齿轮节曲线误差、齿距偏差和齿距累积误差的检测。首先将非圆齿轮进行逆、顺时针轮廓划分,然后计算逆、顺啮合点的坐标,最后确定出两种跨距棒的直径。这为非圆齿轮的误差测量提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

对于《孟子》中“捆屦”之“捆”的解释,存有三种不同的观点:一种释为“叩椽”,一种释为“编织”,第三种将“叩椽”与“编织”合流。文章认为“捆”当释为“编织”义。  相似文献   

"互联网+教育"是信息化时代教育的创新与优化,但它无法改变教育的本质.教育所承担的不仅仅是知识的传授,更是道德的培育.当代教师应该在师道的基础上,充分利用互联网,在互联网思维深刻影响教育的同时,警惕教育中的马太效应,加强国家教育政策的指导.  相似文献   

以废弃的羊肚菌菌棒为原料,ZnCl_2为活化剂制备废弃菌棒活性炭.考察了废弃菌棒在不同条件下制备的活性炭的吸附性能.结果表明:在质量浸渍比为30%、炭化时间为45 min、炭化温度为500℃时制备的活性炭碘吸附值最大,为720 mg/g.通过比表面积分析仪对改性前后制备的活性炭的比表面积进行测定,改性后的活性炭比表面积大幅度提升,达到657.5 m2/g.  相似文献   

Increasingly, tests are being translated and adapted into different languages. Differential item functioning (DIF) analyses are often used to identify non-equivalent items across language groups. However, few studies have focused on understanding why some translated items produce DIF. The purpose of the current study is to identify sources of differential item and bundle functioning on translated achievement tests using substantive and statistical analyses. A substantive analysis of existing DIF items was conducted by an 11-member committee of testing specialists. In their review, four sources of translation DIF were identified. Two certified translators used these four sources to categorize a new set of DIF items from Grade 6 and 9 Mathematics and Social Studies Achievement Tests. Each item was associated with a specific source of translation DIF and each item was anticipated to favor a specific group of examinees. Then, a statistical analysis was conducted on the items in each category using SIBTEST. The translators sorted the mathematics DIF items into three sources, and they correctly predicted the group that would be favored for seven of the eight items or bundles of items across two grade levels. The translators sorted the social studies DIF items into four sources, and they correctly predicted the group that would be favored for eight of the 13 items or bundles of items across two grade levels. The majority of items in mathematics and social studies were associated with differences in the words, expressions, or sentence structure of items that are not inherent to the language and/or culture. By combining substantive and statistical DIF analyses, researchers can study the sources of DIF and create a body of confirmed DIF hypotheses that may be used to develop guidelines and test construction principles for reducing DIF on translated tests.  相似文献   

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