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郭文娥 《科教文汇》2014,(2):183-184
一部分高中学生在写作议论文时不懂得如何展开论证,针对这种现象,本文介绍了五种常见的论证方法,并从高中语文教材中选出相应的例子进行分析,以期对学生议论文的写作有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

张晓萍 《科技风》2013,(11):174+181
本文主要针对学生议论文写作观点模糊,思想肤浅,以堆砌事例代替说理,逻辑混乱,没有层次感等的问题,谈论议论文写作的基本思路、结构以及论证方式方法。  相似文献   

方芳 《科教文汇》2008,(22):133-133
一篇好的议论文具有逻辑清楚的特点。受中国传统议论文的影响,中国学生的英语写作普遍缺乏充分的逻辑论证,这是导致英语词汇衔接等一系列篇章问题的原因。  相似文献   

凌苑玲 《科教文汇》2011,(11):96-96,98
许多高中生在议论文写作中不会就例说理。但是议论文写作的严密逻辑是不能忽视的,无论是全文的谋篇布局,还是语段内部的层次安排,或是句子间的相互关联,都应体现出一个缜密的说理论证过程。那么,如何运用事例来论述观点,把论证推向深入?笔者认为恰当运用"因果分析"可以让学生写作"思如泉涌"。  相似文献   

议论文三要素是论点、论据、论证,科技论文作为讨论学术问题的议论文,同样具备这三要素。在科技论文写作中,论点、论据、论证三要素非常重要,基本上决定了论文写作的成败。要想提高科技论文写作水平,就必须在这三方面狠下功夫。从论点来看,选择确定主题是科技论文写作的前提;从论据来看,积累准备材料是科技论文写作的基础;从论证来看,安排结构层次是科技论文写作的关键。  相似文献   

<正>语文必修三的主要写作指导是议论文的写作指导。初学议论文写作的学生,常出现的问题是内容空洞、语言表达平淡乏味、缺乏感染力等,那么在指导学生写作议论文的过程中,怎样才能让学生写作的议论文语言表达形象生动、内容充实而有文化底蕴呢?这在于学生对论证方法的掌握与灵活运用,其实我们在学习必修三古代散文时就有许多优秀的范例,可以让学生真切的感受到,便于模仿,以至于熟练应用。一、比喻说理,形象生动。  相似文献   

侯巍 《科学中国人》2014,(3S):175-175
通过多角度、客观、全面的评价有争议的历史人物——汉代李广将军的孙子李陵,以提高学生的议论文写作水平,并引导学生在文章中公正的有理有据地论证自己的观点。  相似文献   

闫淑华  张超 《知识窗》2014,(2):63-63
议论文开头写得好,就很容易打开论证思路,使整篇作文一气呵成。那么,如何在最短的时间内进入写作状态,写出令自己满意的开头呢?笔者总结出了以下五个妙招:  相似文献   

杨晓燕 《科教文汇》2008,(34):104-105
议论文写作的关键是运用事实论证观点,是为例证。从认知科学的角度看,新信息必须进入学生原有认知结构的适当部位,才能被理解和接受;否则,将被歪曲变形。作为学生的原认知结构,记叙文写作经验与作为新信息的议论文事实论据的选择和表述有着本质的差异,在学习中起着干扰和破坏作用。解决这个问题的策略是设计专项练习,营造“悟”的磁场,以帮助学生创建新的知识结构,学会例证。  相似文献   

对于英语学习者来说,英语写作是极其重要的。而英语议论文的写作又在英语写作中占据着举足轻重的位置。故对于英语议论文写作,掌握其写作技巧就显得颇为重要。首先,要想成功地写好一篇英语议论文必需掌握其议论主旨,这一点与中文的写作相似。何为议论主旨?所谓议论主旨即针对现实生活中的种种现象、问题。矛盾,或新思想、新观念,进行逻辑分析和论证说理,从而表明作者支持什么或反对什么的立场、观点和见解。最终达到明辨是非,抨击时弊,弘扬正气,说服读者,教育社会的目的。只有明确了议论主旨后,整篇文章才会有的  相似文献   

Assessing student’s essay writing and providing thoughtful feedback is a truly labor-intensive and time-consuming task. With human instructors already overwhelmed, the alternate is to consider a computer-based grading. Recent advances have generated renewed interest in automatic evaluation of essays (AEE). The AEEs instantaneous feedback and more consistent grading helps students draft better essays. This work presents a system to automatically grade the school children essays in Arabic, calling it AAEE for “automatic Arabic essays evaluator”. The system is modeled upon the scoring scheme followed by the school instructors in Saudi Arabia. The instructors had specific criteria upon which an essay is assessed. Putting these criteria together we developed a system that relies on Latent Semantic Analysis, and Rhetorical Structure Theory. With this design we are able to assess individual components of the essay such as language proficiency, structure of the essay etc. To test the system, we collected essays by local school children covering grades 7–12. A total of 350 different handwritten essays—spanning eight different topics—each transcribed into computer readable format. The AAEE shows that 90% of the test essays were correctly scored, and a correlation of 0.756 between automatic and teachers’ scoring. This exceeds the human-human correlation of 0.709 for the Arabic essays.  相似文献   

Argument mining (AM) aims to automatically generate a graph that represents the argument structure of a document. Most previous AM models only pay attention to a single argument component (AC) to classify the type of the AC or a pair of ACs to identify and classify the argumentative relation (AR) between the two ACs. These models ignore the impact of global argument structure of the documents, which is important, especially in some highly structured genres such as scientific papers, where the process of argumentation is relatively fixed. Inspired by this, we propose a novel two-stage model which leverages global structure information to support AM. The first stage uses a multi-turn question-answering model to incrementally generate an initial argumentative graph that identifies relations among ACs. At each turn, all ACs related to the query AC are generated simultaneously, such that the sibling global information between the answer ACs is considered. In addition, the partially constructed graph is used as global structure information to support the extension of the graph with additional ACs. After the whole initial graph structure has been determined, the second stage assigns semantic types to both the ACs and ARs among them, leveraging information from this initial graph as global structure information. We test the proposed methods on two scientific datasets (one is the AbstRCT dataset including 659 abstracts about cancer research and the other is the SciARG dataset that consists of 225 computer linguistic abstracts and 285 biomedical abstracts) and a student essay dataset PE with 402 essays. Our experiments show that our model improves the state-of-the-art performance on two scientific datasets for different AM subtasks, with average improvements of 1%, 2.41%, 1.1% for the ACC, ARI and ARC task respectively on the AbstRCT dataset, and 2.36%, 1.84%, 8.87% for the ACC, ARI and ARC task on the SciARG dataset. Our model also achieves comparative results on the PE datasets: 87.7% of F1 scores for the ACC task, 81.4% for the ARI task and 78.8% for the ARC task.  相似文献   

Mathematics is the most chameleon of subjects, whose meaning is differently defined in different circumstances. This essay considers the mathematics of Augustus De Morgan as an illustration of the ways that the essence of the subject, the very objects that are included within it, has been adjusted in response to cultural factors. Since these cultural factors are the same ones that shape scientific development, the argument is that the history of mathematics and the history of science are always inextricably bound to one another.  相似文献   

We investigate youths' conceptualization of social robots. Informed by Schudson's theory of the potency of the cultural object, we conducted two studies. The first study centered on essays on social robots written by bachelor's and master's students. The second study centered on prototypes of social robots built by small groups comprised of same students. The essays and prototypes were content analyzed. The results confirm that social robots embody all five dimensions that characterize cultural objects. However, to fully understand this peculiar cultural object, another dimension needs to be introduced: dynamicity.  相似文献   

“中文屋”思想实验蕴涵的论证结构是其有效性的根本保证,而基于“语法不等同于语义”,“模拟不等同于复制”两个逻辑真理,又可以从中分离出两种论证形式:逻辑论证和经验论证,它们分别支撑“中文屋论证”的两个要点。文章试图对“中文屋”两种论证形式进行考察,证明它在批判强人工智能上的有效性,同时揭示两种论证形式之间存在的不融贯问题。  相似文献   

王晓婷 《科教文汇》2013,(26):69-71
自亚里士多德提出隐喻这一概念起,隐喻由其修辞学范畴延伸至所有领域的词、句乃至篇章。Richards和Black的“互动理论”,Lako什和Johnson等人的“映射理论”、Fau-connier的“合成理论”以及近期兴起的由Forceville & Urios-Aparisi提出的多模态臆喻理论均使得隐喻得到长足发展。隐喻渗透于生活,受制于文化,相异于意识形态。隐喻可以以词、句、篇章为平台,以语境、文化、主体自治等为着手点,结合隐喻理论,进而考察隐喻对于意义构建的作用,得到简化交流理解障碍的启示。  相似文献   

李希华 《科教文汇》2011,(32):71-72
美文的阅读与欣赏对于中学生人文素质的提升具有不可忽视的作用,本文总结了"美文阅读教学三步法",来指导学生欣赏美文佳作。  相似文献   

Money is everywhere in science. Yet historians have only rarely placed the money trail at the center of their analyses. The essays in this Focus section demonstrate that following the money offers a historiographical path for investigating a number of key issues across disciplinary boundaries in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Drawing on cases and materials relating to a number of scientific fields, including electrical engineering, aeronautics, agriculture, and paleontology, the essays examine the continuous role of money in industrial and military patronage, personal connections and networks, and spatial and geographical dimensions of science, as well as in relation to state funding and ownership. Together, the contributions demonstrate how following the money offers a way of overcoming hyperprofessionalism in the history of science.  相似文献   

基于Endnote的CNKI文献导入方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
姚炜  陈兰  王德英 《现代情报》2008,28(1):180-181,201
设计制作格式转化和导入模板,将CNKI数据库中的期刊文章、学位论文、会议论文的文献题录导入EndNote X1.  相似文献   

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