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蘩漪与安娜作为两部世界名著中的主人翁,都是以悲剧为结局。她们的悲剧既有相同之处,也有不同之点。相同之处主要表现在四个方面:一、她们的悲剧都是社会的悲剧;二、她们的悲剧都是从不幸的婚姻开始的;三、她们的悲剧都是将幸福的希望寄托于不能使之实现幸福的人身上造成的;四、她们的悲剧都是与自身思想上的不成熟性分不开的。不同之点主要表现在两个方面:一、在反抗的过程中,蘩漪比安娜更积极、更彻底,方式更极端;二、她们的悲剧又各具时代特征。  相似文献   

周珣 《阅读与鉴赏》2008,(10):30-30
她们不特别漂亮,也不算难看;不特别聪明,也不算傻;不特别能干,也不算笨;不特别有想法,也不算没头脑;不特别招人喜欢,也不让人烦。总的来说,她们没有任何特别之处,这让她们平凡得近于平庸,普通得非常普遍。和那些因各方面出众而引人注目的女性相反,她们是一群掉在人堆里都找不见的姑娘。她们身上没有磁场,也不吸引眼球;她们朴实无华,似乎缺乏光彩。很多时候,她们都是可以、也正在被忽视着的人,但在人生的某些时刻,她们会悄无声息地显示出她们的重要性。  相似文献   

唐代女性的学养不同于前代的封闭与死板,也异于后代的保守与僵化。所以她们扮演的母亲角色在家庭教育方面也不同于以往及后世。她们是一群聪明、能干、坚强的女性,是有智慧的、有头脑的严且爱的母亲。唐代母亲在教育方面起的作用主要表现在两个方面:学业及思想品德。  相似文献   

陈撷芬和玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特分别是中国和英国的女权主义先驱,她们所处的时代虽然相差百余年,但在女权主义思想方面却有着相通之处,她们对于女性现状的感受和求变的呼声是相似的.  相似文献   

风琴是幼师专业的一件重要教学用具,教会学生使用它,是我们任课教师的艰巨任务。从幼师学生的入学水准来看,她们的音乐感受能力和理解能力是较差的,因而我们在教学中,一方面要强调对学生的基础训练,另一方面要开阔她们的音乐视野,培养她们的音乐表现能力。那么怎样...  相似文献   

王熙凤和郝思嘉分别是中国古典小说《红楼梦》和美国畅销小说《飘》的主人公。她们都是世界文学画廊中光彩夺目的女性形象,在她们身上都体现出了女强人的特征。本文试从她们对传统观念的挑战,对夫权的僭越,非凡的自信与才干三方面来分析,说明无论是在东方还是西方,无论是在奴隶社会还是封建社会,女性意识在觉醒的初期都带有明显的相似性。  相似文献   

熊丙奇 《生活教育》2013,(11):124-125
这次应邀到杜克大学访问,见到三位内地的留学生,她们刚到杜克大学留学三个月,可都谈到这里与国内四年大学学习完全不同,对她们的改变极大。尤其是有关自我认识和职业发展方面,让她们有全新的认知。  相似文献   

在《聊斋志异》(以下简称〈聊斋〉)中,蒲松龄为我们塑造了众多光彩照人的女性形象,这些女性形象较之以往文学作品有很大的突破,甚至可以说在对女性的肯定与张扬方面达到了前人从未企及的高度,作者笔下的她们是美丽的,贤惠的,并且富有反抗精神。在欣赏她们美的同时,我们也在思索她们的美丽贤惠是为了什么?她们在男权意识强烈的社会中真正获得了幸福吗?由这些女性形象折射出的前卫女性伦理观念,  相似文献   

袭人、晴雯在《红楼梦》中是次要角色,但一个温柔和顺,似桂如兰;一个冰清玉洁,心比天高。一个内抑,一个外张。两人性格中有钗黛的影子,但由于她们的阶级出生、社会地位、生活环境都使她们在思想感情等方面与钗黛不可能不具有差异。曹雪芹在塑造人物形象时,深刻而真实地通过对比手法写出这个差异,表现出她们不同的思想性格的独特性,从而使她们的人物形象更为鲜明。  相似文献   

张彩云 《现代语文》2007,(9):79-80,87
李清照与朱淑真是宋代相映生辉的女作家。她们的诗词在艺术构思、题材范围、艺术风格等方面有许多相同相近之处,但是她们在艺术主张、艺术感受、厚重感等方面又存在着一些细微差异。把握她们的异同,揭示其艺术特色,对于女性文学研究具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

儿童是文化的产物,同时也创造着自身的文化。幼儿园课程应改变以传承社会主流文化或成人文化为主要目的的工具价值取向,从儿童自身的文化品性出发,在课程开发、实施和评价的过程中激发、培育和提升儿童文化,促进儿童的自我建构和主动发展。  相似文献   

This chapter draws attention to the self-regulatory skills that students use in informal learning settings. Formal and informal learning settings are defined as complementary learning environments and it is pointed out that students differ with respect to the learning environments they find conducive to learning. It is suggested that the goals students set for themselves when learning in an informal learning context are different from the goals they set for themselves in a formal learning context. Furthermore, it is speculated that students attend to different clues and select different self-regulatory strategies in these complementary learning contexts, mainly because goal congruent information becomes readily available while learning.  相似文献   

格林利夫是“服务型领导”思想的提出者和推广人。在管理大师层出不穷的西方社会,格林利夫以其对管理独特而深入的理解赢得了广泛的尊重。“服务型领导”思想彻底改变以往管理者高高在上的视角,提出“首先是服务者。然后才是领导者”,使管理者从价值榨取者向价值创造者和价值共享者转变。在复杂多变的信息社会。只有“服务型领导”才能够完成管理者的使命。  相似文献   

“湖畔”诗人专写情诗,他们少受封建文化的毒害,较轻易地打破了传统观念的束缚,写出了关于爱情的浪漫想象,其诗中的现代性主要体现为爱情至上的态度和对女性的尊重。“新月”诗人的情诗,则在清纯的旋律上增添了缠绵的情调,专写青年人细腻的体验和热切的恋爱告白。他们追求意境的美和意象的生动,开创了一个中西文化融合的新局面,标志着中国现代情诗的趋向成熟。  相似文献   

Teacher educators, as mentors involved in developing student–teacher learning, encounter increasing demands to promote self-regulated learning (SRL) in their students. This study investigated how teacher educators are committed to promoting SRL in their students, as well as how they promote their own professional development as self-regulated learners, which may (or may not) mirror the way they support SRL in their students.In both the Israeli and Dutch teacher education contexts, the study investigated how teacher educators conceptualize SRL and what they mean by actively utilizing SRL approaches, both as a framework for their own professional development and as a way to involve their students in self-directed learning.The study notes several professional dilemmas teacher educators face with respect to SRL. These dilemmas seem to be connected to their underlying conceptions of teaching and learning, as well as the demands of the setting in which they teach. Furthermore, what teacher educators themselves are doing in terms of SRL does not align with what they are teaching others to do; this divergence was the case in the Dutch context more than in the Israeli context. As such, teacher educators struggled with both learning to use SRL approaches themselves, and teaching their students to use them.  相似文献   

情感与情绪是实践教学活动中非常重要的两个因素。教师对实践教学工作和学生要投注良好的情感,视实践教学为享受,让学生感到你可亲、可信、可敬,就会尊其师、敬其道、效其行。教师要具有良好的情绪投入实践教学,使学生心情开朗、轻松愉快、精力充沛,充满兴趣和信心,把实践教学搞好。  相似文献   

高职院校贫困生救助既是一项经济问题,也是一项社会问题与伦理问题。政府是高校贫困生救助中的重要责任主体,对于政府而言,在实现高职院校贫困大学生资助过程中应当遵循公正原则、差异性原则及公共性原则。各方社会主体应当体现出关爱、风险及尊重原则。经济上的外在支持只能暂时性地应对策略,坚毅的伦理品质才是高职院校大学生脱贫最为彻底的保证,需要大学生做到诚实守信、自立自强。  相似文献   

In the United States and around the world, refugees are frequently portrayed as helpless victims, burdens of the host society, and potential criminals. Similarly, in schools even well-intentioned educators focus on what they lack, rather than the various stories, experiences, and perspectives they have to offer. To provide another perspective, we aim to find ways to empower resettled refugee youth and draw implications for education of former refugees and other marginalized students. Through interviews, we sought to understand the stories of ten former Burmese refugee adolescents with respect to their backgrounds, migration, and school experiences. Our analysis shows that they recognized their marginalized positionings in the United States that are attributable to their limited English proficiency, ethnicity and race, and former refugee status. They, however, authored narratives of themselves that contest such marginalizing narratives by providing diverse stories of refugees different from dominant ones and positioning themselves as valuable members of local communities and change agents for a more equitable society. These findings call for pedagogical approaches in which schools and communities provide space for stories that former refugee youths bring, value stories authored by them, and draw on their perspectives on inequity and social transformation.  相似文献   

李佺宁 《安康学院学报》2010,22(6):116-117,128
免监考是指考场不安排教师监考,由学生自我约束、相互监督完成的考试。这种考试具有积极意义,它体现了信任和尊重学生的人本思想,注重学生诚信品质的践履躬行,有利于培养学生的集体荣誉感和促进社会诚信意识的回归。  相似文献   

In considering the great responsibility placed upon teachers to involve themselves in child abuse prevention, education, and detection, the National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse (NCPCA) conducted a nationwide survey of teachers from 40 school districts in 29 randomly selected counties. The survey explores teachers knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about child abuse and its prevention. Five hundred and sixty-eight teachers responded, revealing that while the majority of teachers confront child abuse among their students, they are provided insufficient education on how to address it. Other findings are reported with respect to teachers' reporting behavior, potential barriers to reporting, child assault prevention programs, and corporal punishment in schools.  相似文献   

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