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<正>中国博戏源远流长,博大精深,世界上现行的棋牌用具大多与之有关。博戏源自商末的"六博",早在春秋及秦汉时期就非常盛行,《孔子家语》《淮南子》《博经》《楚辞》等古代文献对此多有记载。从史料上来看,早期博戏是一种高雅的游戏,博戏之人受人尊重,西汉甚至还设有博侍诏官,只是后来和赌输赢联系在了一起,《盐铁论》中的"博戏驰逐之徒,皆富人子弟",李白的"连呼五白行六博,分曹赌酒酣驰辉",便是对该现象很好的说明。于是博戏的大众娱乐功能渐渐消失,六博也因此遭到社会的排斥,加之围棋的盛行,隋唐以后几乎不复存在。但是到了北宋年间,有人将两个骰面刻在一扇牙板上,形成"牙牌";由于诞生于宋徽宗宣和年间,牙牌也称"宣和牌";后来改用牛骨制作,又称"骨牌"。牙牌发展到明朝,有人将宣和牌副和相关诗句编印成册,形成《宣和牌谱》。清朝时期宣和牌谱的应用进一步拓宽,出现了牙牌数等用法。临沂大学闵凡信教授对《宣和牌谱》进行了长期而深入的研究,出版了《宣和牌谱清玩》(以下简称《清玩》)一书,对骨牌文化进行了全面的解读,成为目前第一部细致解说骨牌文化的著作。  相似文献   

博戏盛行于秦汉时期,然于先秦墓葬中亦偶有博具之发现。通过对先秦博具的考察及与秦汉博具的比较,可以发现先秦博具在博戏发展初期的特点:形制多样;组成较为单一;有些博具与占卜有关。  相似文献   

李清照是北宋杰出的女词人,诗、文、词三绝。在她寥寥传世散文中,有三篇独为打马博戏而著,字里行间倾注对打马博戏的衷喜之情。晚年的清照身际离乱,孤苦无依,她借助打马博戏来打发无聊寂寞时光,寻找生活乐趣。但这位老人并没有因博戏而玩物丧志,她的视野始终敏锐地关注着现实,打马博戏中寄寓着她的拳拳爱国心和浓浓报国情。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》提及博戏十数种,包括骨牌、双陆、猜枚、射覆等,集中描写人们嬉耍博戏的生活场景近百次,参与者遍及社会各个阶层,是解读康雍乾时期博戏发展状况的重要线索。同时,书中对骨牌、围棋、猜枚、拇战、抢新快等主流博戏的组织形式、适用时间与场合、参与人群的整体特征等,都有图绘式再现,对博戏在社会生活中展现的两面性,即发挥的"玩物""怡情""修身""养性"的积极作用和直接或间接呈现的玩物丧志、破坏家庭和谐与社会安定的危害性,亦有全方位披露,是评介博戏这一文化现象的特殊视角。  相似文献   

汉代博戏与赌博习俗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赌博与博戏活动在汉代十分盛行,上自宫廷百官,下至民间里巷,许多人都迷恋于此。汉代博戏方法相当丰富,除传统的投箸和投毙外,还产生了一些棋类等变种,是中国古代博戏发展史上的一个重要阶段。汉代博戏兼有赌与戏的双重性质,与今天的赌博活动并不一样。  相似文献   

巴蜀好游嗜赌,自古风尚相沿。早在《隋书》就记载蜀中士人悠闲聚会喜欢意钱等博戏。清代“湖广填四川”后,大量南北移民人四川,各种博戏入巴蜀,赌戏更是南北兼融。在巴蜀地区来看,清代赌风最盛,当为成都平原一带。古今巴蜀地区赌风尤盛,但经济意义上豪赌大博并不明显,民间博戏的休闲娱乐功能更明显。  相似文献   

孟戏是流传于江西广昌的一种古老戏曲,孟戏的研究始于20世纪60年代,文革以后获得了继续发展,新世纪以来,孟戏的研究取得了丰硕的成果。孟戏研究的历史可概括为开拓期、复苏期和繁茂期。  相似文献   

张有 《家教指南》2011,(2):74-77
对我国河西地区汉魏墓出土的多幅六博砖画和木俑博戏,作者以图像和文献相参照,重新确认砖画表现的形态应该是樗蒲和博塞而非六博。这一考证,不仅发现了弥足珍贵的樗蒲和博塞图像,而且也为人们研究河西地区博戏的演变和古人的游艺活动方式提供了实证。  相似文献   

作为世界上的三大古老戏剧之一,中国戏曲通常凭借鲜明的民族性存在于国人的生活之中,来表达着国人的思想感情与艺术情操。而黄梅戏是其中的一个重要代表,岳西高腔作为黄梅戏的重要组成因素,是青阳腔的支流。本文结合具体实际,深入的探讨和分析了岳西高腔同黄梅戏之间的关系。  相似文献   

张家界阳戏是滋生于张家界的一种古老的剧种,被誉为“三湘一绝、五溪奇葩”、“土家族文化中的艺术荟萃”。近二十几年来,张家界阳戏逐渐低迷,如何挖掘和保护,有必要同张家界的发展态势良好的旅游产业紧密结合起来。  相似文献   

This is the report of a five month study, undertaken by Sundridge Park Training Technologies in association with Guildford Educational Services to assess the potential of smart card technology to support learning and the management of learning. The study had two strands—the state of the art of the technology and its potential for supporting, delivering and managing learning. In addition to a study of the literature and extensive discussions with people using smart cards, potential users of smart card and visionaries, the project team developed two illustrative systems using cards to store personal data relating to education and training. The term ‘smart card’ is often used loosely to describe three different types of card, each of which is similar in general shape and size to a traditional credit card. These are: memory cards, laser cards—and true smart cards incorporating a processor and memory. This study has been concerned with memory cards and smart cards. The focus for smart card applications has been predominantly financial: there are relatively few applications in education or training. A notable exception is the large scale project at the University of Bologna which uses smart cards to manage the progress and achievements of a large number of students in the Department of Electronics. The two illustrative systems provided valuable experience of using memory cards and smart cards in quasi‐real education and training applications. They highlighted the problems of limited memory capacities and confirmed the high level of user acceptance reported by other trials. We can expect considerable advances in the technology of both memory cards and smart cards over the next months and years. The memory capacities of both types of cards will increase many‐fold and the unit costs will fall as large quantities of cards are produced for financial applications. Education and training applications will benefit from this expanding market. The major surprise from the study was the level of interest in the work and the enthusiasm expressed by almost all of those who came to hear of it. The general level of awareness of smart card technology was found to be low. However, the requirement for a system which will enable individuals to manage and own their learning on an extended timescale was generally recognised. Some of the possible applications for smart cards and memory cards in education and training had emerged before the official start of the study and it is clear that the technology is potentially pervasive. The project team and those consulted identified a wide range of possible applications both in education and in training. These focussed on assessment, personal course planning and management, identification of relevant learning opportunities, and the ownership of learning. It was felt that, over the next few years, smart cards are very likely to be in common use as credit cards for financial applications. Therefore, their use for education and training should be planned now. The recommendations from the study are that: More detailed studies are needed to find out how smart cards and memory cards could be used by different organisations in a fully operational system; Standards should be established for smart card applications in education and training, similar to those governing financial applications; Applications should be developed after the standards have been established. To be convincing, these should take a case study approach with small pilot studies in a variety of contexts and must follow real needs rather than attempt to drive them; The case studies would then form the basis for a campaign to increase awareness of smart cards and their potential for education and training, together with a programme for building an infrastructure to support the proposed systems. The public sector should fund the task of developing standards and providing interfaces with existing educational systems and projects to demonstrate the feasibility of various applications. Since educational standards have a European dimension, the European Community may be a source of support for work in the area of standards. At the same time, private sector funding should be sought for skill development and career development systems in industry and in education. The Training Agency itself should consider the application of smart card technology to the control and management of the Youth Training Scheme (YTS).  相似文献   

This study examines a Victorian geographical card game entitled The Counties of England published by Jaques & Son. Advertised as highly instructive and educational, it was designed to teach children about the principal towns in each county, their products and notable buildings. The aims of the study were to discover whether the information printed on the cards accurately reflected the towns’ main features and if the number of cards allocated to each county was representative of its population size. The study found that many towns included in the first edition of the game were accurately represented, but later issues, despite some modification, carried somewhat outdated information. Counties with large populations were also generally allotted more cards. Several factors were identified as possibly influencing which towns were selected and how they were presented, including tourist appeal, the card designer’s interests and knowledge and the rules and conventions of the game.  相似文献   

我国刑法第196条第1款第3项规定冒用他人信用卡的构成信用卡诈骗罪,对于冒用信用卡的行为如何界定学界尚无专门讨论,“冒用他人信用卡”包括冒充他人身份和使用他人信用卡的行为,二者必须同时具备.而对于骗取他人信用卡并使用的行为,并不能因为刑法规定“盗窃他人信用卡并使用以盗窃罪定罪处罚”而认定为诈骗罪,应认定为冒用他人信用卡,从而认定为信用卡诈骗罪。  相似文献   

This paper describes daily report cards and the evidence relating to their use in schools for children with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This intervention typically involves teachers evaluating a student's behaviour at school against pre‐determined targets and parents subsequently providing reinforcement at home for positive reports. Research suggests that the daily report card has been effective in treating a range of ADHD symptoms and improving school outcomes, including academic achievement in some cases. The daily report card also encourages collaboration between teachers and parents, and evidence suggests that the intervention benefits from the inclusion of reinforcement at home. Daily report cards are easy to implement and research finds that teachers consider them an acceptable intervention for ADHD. This paper also considers challenges in using daily report cards, including barriers to their use over the long‐term and the risk of stigma for children with a report card. Ideas to address these issues are suggested.  相似文献   

We present a card game suitable for classroom use to provide an interactive and lively experience while studying organometallic reactions, synthesis and catalysis. It is based on a deck of playing cards, and we call it CARS (Catalysis and Reaction Sequences). The object is to arrange a set of random cards served to the player in a correct sequence. The correct sequence is based on the sequence of steps found in the catalytic cycle of a set of reactions. The game is similar to the popular multiplayer card game rummy. We illustrate the game with a set of cards based on the C—C bond forming reactions, but it can be modified by the teacher to suit the topics being taught and could even be converted to a web-based version or a stand-alone study tool operating on a computer.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于声卡和LabVIEW的音频信号采集分析系统的设计方案。利用声卡把语音信号采集进入计算机,再利用LabVIEW图形化编程语言对音频信号进行时频域分析。实际应用表明:该系统的硬件和软件设计简单,开发周期短,成本低,采样精度高,同时又具有很强的兼容性和扩展性,易于升级换代和维护。此外,用户还可以在PC上配置多块声卡并行工作,实现多通道采集系统。声卡与LabVIEW相结合的信号采集技术在工程测试测量以及教学实践领域中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

目前,学界对于冒用他人信用卡在ATM(自动取款机)上取款行为的性质认定主要存在两种观点,一种观点认为此行为属于盗窃性质,应当以盗窃罪定罪;另一种观点认为此行为属于诈骗性质,应当认定为信用卡诈骗罪。本文通过对银行客户服务终端和用户密码法律地位的分析,认为应当将ATM视为银行的电子代理人,冒用他人信用卡在ATM上取款的行为应当认定为信用卡诈骗罪。  相似文献   

我国刑法对信用证诈骗罪作了专门规定。在司法实践中 ,信用证诈骗存在多种具体表现形式 ,如委托人与信用证收益人、信用证开证申请人相互串通等 ,其犯罪特征符合信用证诈骗罪构成要件。信用证诈骗产生的原因在于信用证的单据交易特点、独立性特点、跨国性特点等。由于犯罪活动的复杂性 ,信用证诈骗中有争议的法律问题不容忽视。  相似文献   

刑法第196条之“冒用他人信用卡”的司法认定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘帆 《大连大学学报》2009,30(1):115-119
信用卡诈骗罪中的“冒用他人信用卡”是指以非法占有为目的,冒充他人身份、利用信用卡在特约商户消费和银行营业柜台、自动取款机上取款、转帐的行为,被冒用的信用卡既可以是他人合法有效的卡,也可以是他人伪造、骗领或作废的卡。在司法实践中,一般将冒用捡拾的他人信用卡、冒用代他人保管的信用卡、通过网上银行和电话银行冒用他人的信用卡等六种行为方式认定为刑法第196条第1款第3项的“冒用他人信用卡”,以信用卡诈骗罪论处。  相似文献   

本文从银行卡产业发展的现状着手,从受理市场规模和现有磁条银行卡的安全问题两个方面分析了制约银行卡产业发展的瓶颈,并针对银行卡产业发展存在的瓶颈提出了发展银行卡产业应该从抓住机遇、改善受理环境、加强内部风险管理和加快银行卡人才培养四个方面采取相应的措施。  相似文献   

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