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新闻的基本原则是新闻工作者进行新闻采集、制作和传播的理念依托,这些原则对于新闻工作者报道什么新闻,以及怎样报道新闻起着决定性作用.<新闻的十大基本原则>一书,从新闻专业主义的角度出发,探讨了新闻从业者所应具备的职业意识,其中对新闻真实和新闻客观性原则的阐释,尤为精彩,给予我们诸多启发.  相似文献   

潘陈青 《东南传播》2012,(3):126-128
本文结合近期媒体对李阳家暴事件的报道,分析新的媒介生态下记者对新闻客观性的把握程度,从主、客观两个层面探析导致新闻客观性缺失的原因,认为作为规范新闻报道的客观性原则,应始终为媒介机构及其从业者所恪守,而其实现形式则可以从报道时是否中立地呈现观点、本真地投入其中、平衡地宣扬善恶和逐步地揭示全貌等多个维度上进行考量。  相似文献   

"客观"与"公正",是新闻界公认的报道原则,同时也是使新闻传播更具说服力和可信性的有效的报道方式.新闻报道要做到客观、公正,这是新闻传播者的不懈追求,也是广大受众的强烈愿望.探讨客观报道和公正报道原则的内涵及要求,力求使新闻报道做到客观、公正,并能坚持客观公正与立场倾向的统一是对新闻传媒及新闻从业者的一项基本的业务规范与要求.  相似文献   

新闻的基本原则是新闻工作者进行新闻采集、制作和传播的理念依托,这些原则对于新闻工作者报道什么新闻,以及怎样报道新闻起着决定性作用。《新闻的十大基本原则》一书,从新闻专业主义的角度出发,探讨了新闻从业者所应具备的职业意识,其中对新闻真实和新闻客观性原则的阐释,尤为精彩,给予我们诸多启发。  相似文献   

胡鹏 《新闻世界》2011,(1):58-59
新闻的客观性是新闻的基本特点,也是新闻学习者和从业者首先要恪守的原则。在实际工作中,新闻事件成为新闻又必定要经过新闻工作人员头脑的"加工",这使本该客观的新闻不得不带有人的主观意识,这似乎成了"新闻"本身存在的不可调和的一对矛盾,如何理解新闻的客观性,新闻加工过程中的倾向性以及如何把握二者之间关系,本文对此作一解析。  相似文献   

客观性是新闻业生存和发展的根本,新闻客观性已经受到广泛关注,但依旧面临着一系列的挑战,追求新闻客观性依然是当前新闻从业者所面临的一大课题.本文首先论述了当前新闻客观性所面临的挑战,之后站在一个新闻从业者的角度对新闻客观性进行全面阐述.  相似文献   

"新闻客观性原则"是新闻职业的基本理念,但在贯彻中,往往就忘却了报道者要站在第三方角度审视事实这一客观性原则的操作要求。以我国传媒关于利益冲突事件的报道为例,本文阐释了新闻客观性理念的形成过程,分析了传媒各种缺乏客观性理念的表现。作者认为,新闻客观性作为一种理念,要内化为职业理念,而不能停留在口头上或字面上。新闻客观和可信,取决于报道者自身对价值和事实之间的微妙平衡。  相似文献   

实现平衡不等于展现对立——论新闻客观性中的报道平衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知,在新闻报道中做到平衡是新闻从业者的准则之一,也是保持新闻客观、公正的重要手段。如果新闻只呈现利益一方的观点,或者只对利益一方进行报道,就会使新闻报道片面化,误导受众的试听,损害新闻客观性与真实性。正如《新闻报  相似文献   

与编辑记者相比,在批评报道经常涉及的谴责、贬斥态度呈现上,法官更倾向于意见、情绪表达的理智与分寸.媒体从业者对报道"客观性"的尊重,更多地采取"新闻构成要素基本真实即可"的行业标准.而法官面对媒体因实际条件限制而难以达到理想状态的客观真实时,倾向于将苛刻的客观性要求置于优先地位.  相似文献   

王珊珊 《新闻世界》2012,(1):175-177
中西方新闻体制的差异是客观报道和客观性报道产生差异的主要原因,我国的新闻事业属于社会主义新闻体制,西方的新闻体制是资本主义新闻体制,它们基本内涵的不同决定了客观报道和客观性报道之间立场、规范、报道方法的不同。本文从客观报道与客观性报道的缘起、两者之间的差异以及产生差异的原因、两者之间的相同之处等方面对客观报道与客观性报道进行比较。  相似文献   

Using The Philadelphia Inquirer as a case study, this article examines the visual behaviors of news professionals as they pertain to the importance and function of the social construction of news photos. The author posits the concept of the photographic principle to explain the process by which news professionals maintain photographic integrity—especially given the latest technology and its potential for misuse in constructing news photos. The photographic principle is defined as the guiding standard photo editors use to preserve the inherent value of news photographs. As the article shows, photo editors at the Inquirer provided the model on which the author based the concept of the photographic principle—a positive example of news workers who strive to protect the veracity of news photos.  相似文献   

We are proposing a feedback model of news processing, assuming that news reception is guided by media input as well as by existing cognitive structures. However, these structures are in turn shaped by former media coverage. In our study we examine viewers’ processing of TV news, comparing objective news content (content analysis) to subjective meaning of news stories (viewer interviews). Results show that viewers interpret information about new events in the context of past events, themselves mainly a reflection of former media coverage.  相似文献   

As U.S. news outlets grapple with the challenges of delivering news in a digital era, journalists cover elections with tighter deadlines and fewer resources. Consequently, we are seeing an explosion in coverage of polls, which require little original reporting and attract readers through their “horse race” appeal. As the number of polls increases, news professionals are culling data from a wider spectrum of sources that vary in methodology and credibility. What remains unclear is how effective the news media are in providing polling context in their online coverage that is less limited by the space and time constraints of more traditional mediums. Utilizing the 2016 U.S. primaries, this exploratory study examines online news articles focused on polls to evaluate the quality of digital coverage across national news outlets.

Keywords: Campaigns and Elections; Content Analysis; Journalism; News Media; Political Communication  相似文献   

Mediated debates provide audiences with invaluable campaign information, and the public does in fact learn from debate exposure. Debates have undergone format changes over the years, but their ability to attract a mass audience remains constant. The way news media cover U.S. presidential elections has also evolved; increasing commercial pressures drive heightened emphasis on infotainment, soft news, and electoral strategy—often at the expense of hard news and policy content. Yet little is known about the content of agendas that news professionals set in presidential debates. Through a quantitative content analysis, this study examines 20 years of general election debate questions to determine whether the commercial news values common in today's campaign coverage also influence debate agendas. The findings presented herein suggest not only the presence of these news values in debate agendas but that format and moderator also wield a degree of influence over the content of debate questions.  相似文献   

An examination of the framing of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games in the online version of The New York Times finds that news coverage tended to follow usual news practices, which are usually connected with daily news coverage but not with mega events such as the Olympic Games. Ordinary news practices, which dominate this coverage, tend to lead to conflict-oriented news and snapshots of reality with usually little context. In this case, the coverage of the Athens Olympics primarily focused on the issues security and readiness related to Olympic venues.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to explore whether the US media overemphasized recalled Chinese products in 2007 and, if so, how news coverage in the US media differed from that of the Chinese media. By using a framing analysis of the coverage in two US media and two Chinese media, this study pursues answers to these questions. After comparing the news coverage of the recalled Chinese products and a real world indictor, this study found that neither US nor Chinese media mirrored the real world phenomenon as it was. By comparing news coverage of the issue in The New York Times and The Associated Press with China Daily, and The Xinhua News Agency, the study found that news coverage of the recalled issues differed significantly in terms of the sources used, the nationality of the source, the dominant frames employed, and the attribution of responsibility for the problems. In particular, Chinese media more frequently employed government officials as their main sources, which inherently increased the use of thematic frames. By contrast, US media often used episodic frames. Likewise, American media approached the issues using ‘Customers' Worries’ and ‘Broken System’ frames, whereas Chinese media often attempted to defend the quality of Chinese products and criticized Western media for exaggerating the issues. Owing to the news framing process, US audiences might have acquired more negative images of Chinese products and China in general. By contrast, their Chinese counterparts might have experienced increased antipathy and distrust concerning the American media.  相似文献   

Depression is now one of the most severe public health threats in China and among Chinese college students. To examine the effects of depression news coverage on Chinese college students’ mental health literacy, focusing on their perceived efficacy in recognizing depression symptoms, a 2 (news framing: episodic vs. thematic)?×?2 (responsibility attribution: individual vs. societal)?×?2 (gender: female vs. male) between-subjects experiment was conducted among 187 students at a large research university in China. The key findings, after controlling for depression issue involvement, include: (1) the main effects of attribution on perceived efficacy in identifying others (friends and family members) with depression; (2) the association between gender and perceived efficacy in identifying family members with depression; and (3) the three-way interactions on how framing, attribution, and gender jointly affect not only perceived efficacy in identifying others but also themselves with depression. These findings provide insights on how depression news coverage can help enhance mental health literacy and build stronger depression symptom resilience among Chinese college students. Implications for health journalists and public health communication professionals in China are discussed.  相似文献   

This study links two traditionally marginalized groups in media coverage: women and protesters. Both have generally been found to be underrepresented and misrepresented in mainstream news coverage. Employing a content analysis of abortion protest coverage over 46 years, this study assesses the impact of protesters' goals and tactics on the proportion of women in news coverage. Results indicate that female mentions were more likely to appear when protesters supported the status quo and when protesters were treated more favorably in coverage. Overall, however, the focus on men as sources over women as sources remained quite apparent. Implications for news treatment of women in protest coverage are discussed.  相似文献   

This research examines how TV reported the campaign and the candidates during Taiwan's first‐ever presidential election in 1996.

A content analysis of evening news coverage of six TV stations indicated that the state‐owned broadcast TV stations were far more likely than the privately owned cable TV stations to give a greater amount of coverage and soundbites to the ruling party presidential and vice presidential candidates, using the ruling party officials as principal news sources. The TV Stations’ coverage also contained more news favourable to the ruling party candidates than to other candidates.

The future may well see a turning point in TV election coverage as well as in general news coverage in Taiwan. The three state‐owned broadcast TV stations face competition from privately owned cable TV stations and may soon be confronted with the loss of public trust and audience, unless they can provide fair and balanced news free from government control.  相似文献   

Thai news organizations are developing innovative cross-media news strategies and several of these strategies revolve around social media, which are fast becoming a hub for repurposing and extending traditional content. This paper reports on an empirical study conducted by using in-depth interviews with journalists from the social-media teams of three news organizations in Thailand – PPTV HD36, Nation Multimedia Group and Thairath – to analyse storytelling strategies. The key finding shows that cross-media content can extend news coverage to different aspects of a story, to inform and explain issues, and engaging audiences. This study suggests the objective use and design of content by dividing it into four types, based on functions: repurposing, engaging, cross-promoting and extending exclusive content to new-media platforms, so that it is designed with narrative styles that will carry a story across multiple platforms while ensuring that the different aspects and presentations remain connected to the main issue. A clear understanding of the function to be served by content can help newsrooms to plan suitable narrative styles and the sequence in which long-tail journalism is distributed across platforms to ensure that the quality of journalism is upheld in respect of providing a well-rounded coverage of diverse issues.  相似文献   

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