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韩国白居易研究70年代为萌芽期,80年代为适应期,90年代为成长期。韩国白居易研究落后日本,原因是多方面的,当务之急,解决实际问题制定中长期规划,翻译注释白居易全部作品。  相似文献   

白居易一生创作丰富,今存诗二千八百多首,是唐代存诗最多的诗人。因此历来对白居易诗歌研究者颇多,但大都集中于讽喻诗和闲适诗,忽略了白居易诗歌中另一个重要的部分就是白居易的题咏诗。白居易的题咏诗真实的反映了他的生活情趣和价值观,通过对白居易题咏诗创作成因、题咏诗的分类及题咏诗的艺术特色进行分析研究,使我们更加的了解白居易的审美情趣及思想内涵。  相似文献   

白居易的诗在文学史上以"讽喻"和"直白"而著名,这也成为了描述其诗歌主张和写作风格时的常用标签,但是以往的研究似乎过分高估了白居易讽喻诗的意义与价值。白居易的讽喻诗存在两大"困境":一是讽喻诗的实际讽谏效果远远没有达到白居易所预期和后世所想象的程度;二是虽然白居易十分推重自己的讽喻诗,但当时社会所欢迎的却是白居易其他类型的诗歌。  相似文献   

韩国白居易研究70年代为萌芽期,80年代为适应期,90年代为成长期。韩国白居易研究落后日本,原因是多方面的,当务之急,解决实际问题制定中长期规划,翻译注释白居易全部作品。  相似文献   

本文主要以白居易的闲适诗为研究对象.阐析白居易闲适诗的内涵,“闲适”包括闲境、身闲适、心闲适、忘适四个层次;将白居易的闲适诗分为“自适”与“适俗”两个方面的内容.从雅俗、世俗、庸俗三个角度解读白居易闲适诗中的“尚俗”问题;进一步解读闲适背后白居易思想内蕴的丰富性与复杂性。  相似文献   

“永贞革新”是唐朝政治形势的转折事件,也是白居易一生中经历的最重大的政治事件.要全面深刻地研究白居易的思想、人品及其作品的思想内容与文学成就的来源,就不能忽视其与“永贞革新”及主要成员关系的研究.本文从相关的原始文献材料入手,对白居易与“永贞革新”集团主要人物的交往情况进行了梳理和分析,以揭示白居易对“永贞革新”的态度及其评价.  相似文献   

这篇研究述评,是应日本勉诚社之约而作,译文将刊于该社编印的七卷本《白居易研究讲座》第五卷。文章力求在全面翔实地占有材料的基础上,对我国近八十年来白居易研究的主要成果、发展趋势及存在的问题,作了概略的巡礼和评述。视野开阔,持论公允,提供的信息量大。《白居易研究讲座》编委、日本大阪帝冢山学院大学下定雅弘教授来信称:该文“内容周密,笔力雄浑。可以说是确定历来膨大的白居易研究的位置,而指示今后我们应该注意的分野、该走的方向的一张巨大地图。”对白居易研究乃至古典文学研究,均有一定的参考价值。本刊先期发表,以飨读者。  相似文献   

民国学者对白居易的研究,其方法有比较法、品评辨体法、文艺学本体方法、知人论世法、批判法等。各种方法并驾齐驱,引导读者多角度解读白居易,使得读者对白居易诗歌的渊源所自、魅力之所在、风格形成原因各方面有了深入理解。  相似文献   

白居易在渭南居住约十年,其中最久的一次是丁母忧的四年。白居易作于渭南下圭阝的诗篇真切地反映了他复杂的人生情怀:仕与隐的矛盾、重情与忘情的纠葛、生命的痛苦体验与消解苦痛的释然。白居易在渭南的创作对研究唐代社会状况和白居易一生的创作及思想有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

《瓯北诗话》是赵翼晚年的诗论名著,主要是对李白、杜甫、韩愈、白居易、苏轼、陆游、元好问、高启、吴伟业、查慎行等十家诗人的诗歌创作进行系统地评析。其中,对白居易的评析颇为详尽,主要涉及白居易的生平、思想及政治造化;诗歌的题材、体裁、寓意、真伪辨析、艺术风格、艺术传承;白居易与其他诗人的比较研究等方面,颇具高见灼识。  相似文献   

文章对建国50年来国内学术界所出版的有关韩愈研究的著作分类予以述评,认为50年以来尤其是近20年来,是韩学研究史上的鼎盛时期,硕果累累,成就斐然。文章分4个方面对此作出了评价。  相似文献   

As the British expanded their dominions in India, political and administrative needs made it imperative for them to acquire more information about their subjects. Hence, systematic and meticulous surveys began to be commissioned by the East India Company as it assumed charge of educating the natives. These surveys were an integral part of what Bernard Cohn has called the “documentation project” whose ultimate object was to control and subjugate the colonial subjects. Therefore, a key purpose of instituting educational surveys was to dismiss indigenous education and justify its supersession by colonial education. In the process, much of the information acquired by the colonial state was simplified and digested into a monolithic narrative. This article shows that regardless of the imperatives that influenced it, the colonial survey sometimes revealed fascinating details about the nature of indigenous institutions that were often overlooked by the British Governors General. As a case study, this article examines a set of enquiries instituted by the governments of Madras, Bombay, and Bengal in 1822, 1824, and 1835 respectively. By re-examining the reports submitted by district collectors in response to these government enquiries, this article seeks to challenge colonial notions about indigenous education. One of the principal aims of this article is to refute the charge that indigenous schools did not impart any moral or useful instruction. In doing so, the article also aims to highlight the instruction that was imparted in indigenous schools.  相似文献   

法律实证主义是西方的重要法学流派,同时又是一个饱受误解的学派。本文首先探讨了法律实证主义的定义问题,认为,法律实证主义是一个家族相似的流派。接着.讨论了法律实证主义思想的中心地带——“分离理论”和“社会事实理论”.力图消除人们对它的误解。随后重点研究了对法律实证主义的批判,对这些批判分别加以驳斥和辩护。  相似文献   

This article opens with a review of current research on peer interventions and their capacity to impact on school climate and bystander behaviour, as well as to meet the aims of fostering altruism. The main focus of the article is a study of an email support group in an all-boys school in the United Kingdom. It was set up in response to an incident of physical bullying and after consultation it was found that email was the preferred mode of support. The article discusses the reasons for this and presents details of how the support system was set up and operated, and reports the outcomes. The authors conclude that email provides a good medium for peer support schemes in schools, as it increases anonymity, and reduces concerns about 'grassing'.  相似文献   

P. V. S. Rao 《Resonance》2008,13(5):420-429
To be associated with an important and challenging activity that is being carried out for the first time in the country is a truly memorable and satisfying, even if somewhat disquieting experience. I was privileged enough to have this opportunity when I was involved in the design and implementation of India’s first computer. TIFRAC (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Automatic Calculator) — so was it named by Jawaharlal Nehru when it was formally commissioned in 1960 — was a truly a unique computer. Some of the features of this machine are described later in this article. It is also my intention in this article to convey some of the excitement, adventure and sense of accomplishment that the successful completion of this exercise brought to the design team.  相似文献   

This article provides an account of my experience of immersion as a third-level teacher into the three-dimensional multi-user virtual world Second Life for research purposes. An ethnographic methodology was employed. Three stages in this journey are identified: separation, transition and transformation. In presenting this journey of immersion, it is hoped that the article will contribute to the discussion of conducting research in online environments.  相似文献   

本文认为历来关于《七发》主题的两种说法并不可靠。《七发》并不具有讽谏的政治意图,它只是枚乘进行艺术尝试、带有游戏笔墨意味的一篇骋辞之作。对其解读不必拘泥于对“微言大义”的发掘,而应将其放在艺术发展的环节上考察其价值。本文从四个方面对此作了论述。另外,对于《七发》表现出的思想倾向,本文则认为其表现了枚乘自荐与荐贤的心理,及汉初重黄老的思想倾向。  相似文献   

《诗经》雅、颂中一些涉及到“辟雍”的篇章可以证明,作为西周重要礼乐建制的“辟雍”,是西周中期、具体说是周穆王时期才建造的,其直接的缘起是大祭文王。以此为标准,也有助于厘清几件青铜器的断代误差。  相似文献   

This article contends that over a long period of time there was growing support for a student loan scheme. In the event, the Thatcher Government adopted proposals which failed to consolidate that emerging consensus. What was it about the Government's legislation that achieved this political own goal? How can such politically maladroit behaviour be explained? What elements should the legislation have contained if the consensus were to be firmed up and enhanced? These are the key questions which we attempt to answer in this article.  相似文献   

《论十大关系》是中国共产党人建国后探索建设中国社会主义道路上的一个重要里程碑。它从十个方面指出了我国社会主义建设道路上需要处理的问题,指出正确处理这十个方面的关系对于加快我国的社会主义建设有重要的作用。它包含着丰富的哲学思想。  相似文献   

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