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中国古代的接受理论与文学鉴赏"知音"论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代的文学批评活动中,潜存着丰厚的文学接受意识和丰富多彩的文学接受批评实践,以刘勰的知音论为代表,从郢书燕说到误读造妙、从入出有道到得意会心、从想象自得到知音见异,通过历时态读者的阅读与接受来把握和生成文学作品的历史生命,中国古代的文学接受活动内在地契合了接受理论的实质与内核,具有东方式的独到理论批评价值.  相似文献   

从传播学的新视角研究宋代女性词,发现宋代女性词的传播与接受具有自身的特点和互动关系,从传播方式上看,因传播媒介的不同可分为三种传播范式:书面文字传播、合乐歌唱传播、题写刻录传播。在接受类型上,宋代女性词在传播过程中,因传播方式、传播对象、传播目的、传播环境等不同因素,形成的接受差异主要可归纳为三种:休闲娱乐型接受、审美鉴赏型接受和情感认同型接受。同时,各种传播范式和接受类型之间又存在复合交叉的现象。  相似文献   

文学接受过程是较为复杂的过程,它是接受主体在文学文本中启动、强化、不断深入展现生命力的动态过程。本文试图用文学接受过程的有关理论从"从期待视野看琼瑶小说——琼瑶重视读者;从接受心理看琼瑶小说;从读者的接受动机看琼瑶小说"三个方面来探讨一下琼瑶小说。  相似文献   

工件在验收过程中的验收极限和设计中尺寸公差的极限尺寸不是同一个概念.在工件检测过程中,检测工具的选用是至关重要的,只有确定合适的验收方式,才能从根本上避免工件尺寸合格而无法使用的现象出现.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effectiveness of a preparatory programme on the acceptance of students with physical disabilities by their peers in inclusive schools in Tehran. The classrooms which had students with physical disabilities were included in this study. Two hundred and twenty‐one third‐ to fifth‐grade students (116 girls and 105 boys) were selected randomly and were placed in experimental and control groups. The Acceptance Scale (Form B) established by Voeltz was used to measure peer acceptance. Data were collected from two groups before and after applying the preparatory programme. The data were analysed by t‐test for independent groups and two‐way ANOVA. The results showed increase of acceptance in experimental group. Also in comparing the level of acceptance in girls and boys, the results indicated that the acceptance in girls were more than boys.  相似文献   

政治认同和合法性之间的关系是相当复杂的,在某种程度上往往把二者混为一谈,但细细推敲起来,政治认同更侧重感性,是形成规定、制度等之前的心理状态,是以情感的归宿为重心的;合法性更侧重理性,是规定性的。政治认同是达到合法性的实践前奏;而合法性是政治认同的最终归宿和理论升华。政治认同还存在着一种在几种认同选择项中选择的意味,所以认同还不是很牢固的,而合法性就是比较牢固的认同,是上升到理性层面的理论化了的认同,可以说认同了的未必能达到合法的程度,但合法的肯定是受认同的。两者是辩证地相互运动着的。  相似文献   

本研究从理性行为和外语焦虑角度探索大学英语学习者对翻转学习的接受度的影响因素。 研究共提取输出态度、输入反感度、自主学习态度、课堂态度、效果预期及整体接受度六个因子。路径分析显示效果预期、输入排斥度、课堂态度直接决定接受度;其他因子有间接影响。回归分析发现整体接受度仍然是预测成绩的主要因素;而自主学习态度对口语成绩有较明显的预示力。研究提示教师应该从内外机制加强整体接受度和自主性。  相似文献   

Teacher feedback behavior is a key determinant of the social referencing processes that influence the social acceptance of pupils. The present longitudinal study explores how teacher feedback on academic performance and social behavior is related to social acceptance during classroom activities and recess in the natural setting of inclusive classrooms. Data come from a study with 32 teachers and their 546 first to third grade pupils in Switzerland. Teacher feedback behavior was videotaped and peer nominations and ratings were used to assess social acceptance. Multilevel regression analyses showed that feedback on incorrect social behavior was negatively correlated with feedback on correct academic performance. Teacher feedback on incorrect social behavior and on correct and incorrect academic performance predicted how pupils were accepted by their peers during classroom activities. However, teacher feedback did not affect social acceptance during recess. The effect of teacher feedback behavior on social acceptance appears to depend on context. Social acceptance during classroom activities is influenced by teacher feedback whereas social acceptance at recess is not.  相似文献   

This paper started with the review of the history of technology acceptance model from TRA to UTAUT. The expected contribution is to bring to lime light the current development stage of the technology acceptance model. Based on this, the paper examined the impact of UTAUT model on ICT acceptance and usage in HEIs. The UTAUT model theory was verified using regressions analysis to understand the behavioral intention of the ADSU academic staffs’ acceptance and use of ICT in their workplace. The research objective is to measure the most influential factors for the acceptance and usage of ICT by ADSU academic staff and to identify the barriers. Two null hypotheses were stated: (1) the academic staff of ADSU rejects acceptance and usage of ICT in their workplace. (2) UTAUT does not predict the successful acceptance of ICT by the academic staff of the Adamawa State University. In summary, our findings shows that the four constructs of UTAUT have significant positive influence and impact on the behavioral intention to accept and use ICT by the ADSU academic staff. This shows that university academic staff will intend to use ICT that they believe will improve their job performance and are easy to use. The facilitating conditions such as appropriate hardware, software, training and support should be in place by the management. In the Adamawa State University, EE and SI are found to be the most influential predictors of academic staff acceptance of ICT and use among the four constructs of UTAUT. The greatest barriers are time and technical support for staff. Knowledge gained from the study is beneficial to both the university academic staff and the Nigerian ICT policy makers.  相似文献   

翻转课堂通过变革教学流程实现了知识传授的提前与知识内化的优化,为大学英语教学改革的进一步发展提供了新的思路.文章以问卷调查和访谈为主要研究手段,着重探析了大学英语学习者对于翻转课堂的接受度.研究结果表明,尽管学习者对翻转课堂不同阶段的接受度存在差异,翻转课堂基本上得到了学习者的认可.文章进一步剖析了翻转课堂获得认可的原因,并指出在大学英语教学中推广与应用翻转课堂时应注意的问题.  相似文献   

从宋代诗话这一宏观视野来看,白居易接受群体庞大而复杂,接受状况全面而具体。传统的伦理批评与宋代崇德尚贤的社会风尚使白居易的品格赢得各阶层的尊重。君主的嘉奖、批评家的赞誉、藏书家的传布、文人群体的追贤、民众的敬爱等,共同营造了浓郁的接受氛围。文人群体的影响接受论、不同阶层的文本接受论、道德及文学批评论等,构成了较为完整的白居易接受体系。此接受呈现出鲜明的时代性、阶段性和地域性,反映出社会文风改革、政治教化、怡情悦性的多重需求,显示出宋人的思辨精神和理性批判,转法华而不为法华转,最终塑成一种新型内省人格和平民气质,召唤着后世的接受与再批评。  相似文献   

《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家菲茨杰拉德出版于1925年的小说,然而这部作品直到1983年才在中国大陆出现第一个译本,它在中国大陆的接受经历了漫长的历程。从译介的角度,分四个时期(即拒绝接受期、初步接受期、基本接受期、全面接受期)对这部小说在我国的译介历程进行梳理和概括,分析影响其接受的各种社会因素,通过此个案研究考察我国接受环境对外国文学作品传播的影响因素。  相似文献   

采用《青少年社会主义核心价值观量表》等问卷对1 171名“90后”大学生进行调查,根据调查数据分析了“90后”大学生社会主义核心价值观的认同程度及其与心理健康水平的相关性.结果表明,“90后”大学生对社会主义核心价值观的认同态度较积极明确,社会主义核心价值观认同程度与心理健康水平呈显著相关.  相似文献   

我国的法学著作大都认为,两大法系在合同承诺的生效规则上存在着截然不同的规定,大陆法采纳了到达主义,英美法采纳了发信主义。然而,这种观点是错误的。因为依投邮主义,即使信函和电报在传递途中遗失,合同也照样成立,这显然不合情理,故英美法系的法官把邮递规则限定在十分狭窄的范围内。依英美法的规定,以对话为承诺时的生效规则为了解主义,非以对话为承诺时的生效规则为到达主义.邮递送达承诺时的生效规则是到达主义和投邮主义。发信主义只是合同承诺生效制度中的例外规定.两大法系的承诺生效规则差别不大。  相似文献   

智障人士社会接纳度调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究采用自编“智障人士社会接纳度调查问卷”,调查了上海市4个区2270名社区居民,旨在了解社区居民对智障人士的认识和行为倾向的接纳度。结果表明:在认识上,社区居民对智障人士具有较高的接纳度;在行为倾向上,社区居民社会行为倾向的接纳度高于个体行为倾向的接纳度。社区居民的受教育程度、职业以及与智障人士的接触频率等都会影响他们对智障人士的接纳。最后,作者建议通过加强宣传力度、开展助残志愿服务、丰富社区活动等措施促进社区居民对智障人士的接纳。  相似文献   

The tablet PC represents a very popular mobile computing device, and together with other technologies it is changing the world of education. This study aimed to explore the acceptance of tablet PC of Italian high school students in order to outline the typical students' profiles and to compare the acceptance conveyed in two types of use (learning and communicative activities at school). Data were collected using an online survey that was filled out by students at home. Two hundred and ninety‐six students from six public high schools in Milan and surrounding suburbs voluntarily accepted to participate in the study. The results show a varied situation in the Italian schools despite the availability of and funding for the technology. Three clusters were identified with high, moderate and low acceptance of tablet PC and a comparison between such clusters revealed significant differences in gender, grade level and usage frequency. The groups showed also significant differences in relation to the uses of tablet PC at school that appeared coherent with their level of acceptance: students who have higher level of acceptance are those who use the tool more both for learning and communicative purposes. To conclude, students with lower acceptance probably need to better understand the opportunities offered by this technology and how to use it. Based on examining the data from the survey, preliminary recommendations are made.  相似文献   

"两课"教学的接受过程包括以信息传递为中心的传输系统和以主体对信息的接受为中心的接受系统.二者的相互统一才构成了完整意义上的"两课"接受活动.传输是接受活动的前提;传输是师生平等的互动活动;传输不等于接受.接受目标最终能否得到落实取决于接受而非传输.接受活动包括反映和择取、整合和内化、外化和践行等环节.在"两课"接受过程中,传输与接受是既对立又统一的互通共振过程.它具有阶段性与整体性的统一,稳定性与可变性的统一,引导性与持久性的统一等特点,是一个多级反馈、连续运行、循环往复、螺旋上升的运行过程.就宏观而言,大学生对"两课"的接受必须经过认识→实践→再认识→再实践这样多次的反复,才能实现最终意义上的接受、内化和提高.  相似文献   

This study compared principal and self ratings of performance of guidance functions for practicing counselors who did not have teaching experience. The sample consisted of 43 counselors and their principals from throughout the United States. The ratings indicate better-than-average initial counselor acceptance by administrators, teachers, students, and parents with the degree of acceptance being greater after they had counseled for a while. Principal and self ratings differed significantly on initial acceptance by students and present acceptance by other counselors. Ratings of acceptance by both school psychologists and social workers were below average. There was no significant difference in counselor and principal ratings of counselor understanding of various school procedures and policies or of their ability to perform basic guidance activities. A majority of the principals who had worked with the counselors with non-teaching backgrounds indicated they would recommend the hiring of such a person to their school board.  相似文献   

大众文化的兴起从根本上动摇了传统文化的权力结构.从“诗教”传统到大众文化,文学接受不再是少数人把持的特权.而成为由大众共同享有的权利。就宋词接受而言.“诗教”传统消除了词在原初状态所具有的“异质”特征.从而将之纳入到主流文化的序列之中:大众文化则通过“去道德化”和“碎片化”的方式消解了附着于传统宋词接受的话语霸权。  相似文献   

This paper reports results from two studies aimed at examining whether perception of social acceptance and actual social acceptance differ according to the presence of an illusion of scholastic incompetence. Results of both studies conducted in Belgium and in Quebec (respectively 179 and 543 participants) show that children’s illusion of scholastic incompetence is linked to a negative perception of social acceptance. However, according to the evaluation by peers, social acceptance of those children is similar to the others. This suggests a generalization of the negative bias of self-evaluation to both academic and social domains. The discussion proposes further variables that could improve the understanding of the origin of the illusion of incompetence.  相似文献   

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