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不要让唠叨和指责把家变成荆棘丛生的沙漠,而要用爱和接纳,让家成为孩子心灵的港湾。  相似文献   

The effects of a 10-week Dreikurs parent education program was investigated in terms of maternal attitudes, expressed practices, and parent-child behaviors. Variables assessed included maternal control, maturity demands, communication and nurturance. Using a Posttest-Only Control Group design, 60 mothers of kindergarten children in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, were randomly selected from a pool of 81 volunteers. The mothers (Ss) were randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions: experimental and control. Ss in the experimental group participated in the Dreikurs parent education program, while control Ss received delayed treatment. Using Baumrind's (1967) Parent Interview Schedule and Scales, Ss were interviewed and rated regarding their child-rearing attitudes and practices. Ss were videotaped interacting with their kindergarten children in a structured situation and tapes were rated using Baumrind's (1967) Home Visit Sequence Analysis. Results indicated that Ss who participated in the Dreikurs program had more positive attitudes toward independence training and independence granting. Specific suggestions were made for further studies in terms of research design and revision of instruments. Additional suggestions included focus on personality characteristics of parents.The study formed the basis of a doctoral dissertation by the first authorThe paper was presented at the Eight International Conference and Seminar of Counseling, Oslo, Norway in July, 1978.The first author has moved to the University of Calgary since the study was completedInquiries or request for reprints should be directed to Dr. S. Robertson, Department of Educational Psychology, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N 1N4.University of Alberta  相似文献   

This article discusses the origin of the concept of primary health care (PHC) and compares and contrasts it with the concept of selective primary health care (SPHC) as it relates to programs devoted to improving child health. PHC came to encapsulate a health policy that emphasized basic health services particulary for the poor and focused attention on the relationship of health improvements to socioeconomic factors, which incorporated such things as education, nutrition, employment, and overall standards of living. SPHC narrowed the focus of health to a limited number of cost-effective medical/technological interventions that were believed to improve health rapidly and dramatically. Health planners developing child survival strategies must choose which approach to follow. Those who emphasize the importance of process do not reject the value of specific medical interventions, just as those who follow specific programs recognize the importance of considering the broader processes that determine health. However, entry points, work methods, and goals of the 2 approaches are very different. Whether the choice is conscious or unconscious, the one which is taken will have wide implications for the allocation of money, material, and manpower.  相似文献   

This paper describes one Center's experience using individual psychotherapy to help the sexually abused child. The approach described rests upon a five-part conceptualization of the traumatic experience: trauma, threat to ontogeny, neglect and emotional unavailability by the caregiver, child's feeling of exploitation, and the child's adaptation. The process of treatment is divided into three phases: starting, middle and closing. Some common issues which occur are guilt, loss and anger, as well as alterations in the child's sexual feelings. The psychotherapeutic approach to these and other issues is coordinated with other therapies. If the child is to appear in court, the experience of testifying provides a reality-based focus for treatment and is not a divisive problem for the therapist. At times, therapists experience feelings of anger, hopelessness and a desire to rescue their patients. The therapists meeting in a supervision group provided a means of understanding and working through the therapists' experiences. Future study of the therapy process with long term follow-up could reveal the issues necessary for an abused child to negotiate in order to achieve full recovery. Further research could establish which treatment modality is primarily suited to a particular type of sexually abused child taking into account differences in age, duration and severity of abuse, family dynamics and psychological impact.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to better understand parents’ perspectives of education in Budapest, particularly parents of children with disabilities or children who struggle with learning. Nine parents were interviewed. Parents found schools for their child with a disability to be lacking in terms of updated materials, methods and service provision for students; relationships with families and the burden placed on families to advocate for their child or find alternatives were also problematic. Changes are required at all levels of the educational system, including parent involvement and teacher preparation programmes.  相似文献   

The results from use of behaviour therapy with child abuse cases is very encouraging. Data has been presented to show the approach both economical and rewarding. Our experience suggests that selected social workers may be able to learn to use the approach with a relatively short period of training.  相似文献   

家庭教育是所有教育中最早期、最重要的一种教育形式,对孩子的思维模式和世界观的形成起着至关重要的作用。随着社会经济的发展,中国的家庭越来越重视家庭教育,但由于各种原因家庭教育往往陷入误区。建立温和型家教方式,是应该被关注和提倡的科学方法。  相似文献   

Many individuals claim that Piaget's theory of cognitive development is empirically false or substantially disconfirmed by empirical research. Although there is substance to such a claim, any such conclusion must address three increasingly problematic issues about the possibility of providing an empirical test of Piaget's genetic epistemology: (1) the empirical underdetermination of theory by empirical evidence, (2) the empirical difficulty of testing competence-type explanations, and (3) the difficulty of empirically testing epistemic norms. This is especially true of a central epistemic construct in Piaget's theory — the epistemic subject. To illustrate how similar problems of empirical testability arise in the physical sciences, I briefly examine the case of Galileo and the correlative difficulty of empirically testing Galileo's laws. I then point out some important epistemological similarities between Galileo and Piaget together with correlative changes needed in science studies methodology. I conclude that many psychologists and science educators have failed to appreciate the difficulty of falsifying Piaget's theory because they have tacitly adopted a philosophy of science at odds with the paradigm-case of Galileo.An earlier version of this paper was read at the 1990 annual meeting of the N.A.R.S.T in Atlanta. I wish to thank Mansoor Niaz for making suggestions about improving the quality of the paper.  相似文献   

The preparation of teachers of behaviorally disordered children remains a challenge for university training programs. The origins of the problem can be found in the medical model adopted by special education which allowed for the development of various schools of thought which suggested panaceas to deal with all problems. Unfortunately, the problem of preparing teachers to work in a variety of settings with a wide range of behaviorally disordered children still exists. To meet these problems, it is suggested that a framework of teacher preparation which included competence in educational assessment, remedial teaching, and behavior management would provide the skills essential for effective programming in a variety of treatment settings. The content for these skill areas should represent a careful integration of components from a variety of theoretical approaches. The result should represent a comprehensive, functional delivery system which meets the pragmatic demands of those delivering services to the behaviorally disordered child.  相似文献   

This essay endeavours to reframe current discussion of the relationship of religion to education by highlighting an often seriously neglected element of contemporary educational thought: the changing, post-secular understanding of childhood in the globalised age. Drawing upon recent ethnographies of childhood, and an older anthropological scholarship, the essay seeks to illuminate the place of religion and religious experience in the education of the young by interrogating prevailing and competing perceptions of childhood that often implicitly underpin the discussion of the relationship of the ‘post-secular’ to both liberal and critical-constructivist accounts of educational purpose. In rehabilitating this core concern with childhood, the essay also seeks to recover the ‘pre-secular’ child of folklore, myth, fairytale and romantic aesthetics in order to propose that current Western conceptions of the child are constitutively implicated in these living legacies.  相似文献   

高等教育大众化:数量与质量孰先孰后   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校扩招后的教育质量是人们比较关注的问题,从历史的视角和世界比较的视角对高等教育质量进行考察,不难看出,在高等教育大众化过程中,高等教育的质量危机是无法避免的。“数量先行,再抓质量”这一发展模式有其合理性与可行性。  相似文献   

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