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The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) offers competitive grants to institutions to provide training to prepare education personnel to work with children with disabilities. These grants have been found to improve the recruitment, training, and retention of special education personnel. This study explored the use of OSEP–personnel preparation (OSEP–PP) grants in school psychology programs from the perspective of school psychology university trainers with current active OSEP grant funding. Findings suggest that OSEP–PP grants enhance school psychology program recruitment efforts and improve the training of school psychologists. Study participants highlighted the importance of diversity within both training and recruitment. On the basis of these findings, authors discuss ways in which OSEP–PP funding can improve field shortages and school psychology training, and subsequently enhance school psychology practices towards more comprehensive service delivery.  相似文献   

实践教学体系是心理学专业提高人才培养质量和学校办学水平的重要支撑。心理学专业的实践教学体系的内容主要包括实验、实训、见习、实习等。师范学院心理学专业实践教学体系的构建,需要在行业面向上以中小学心理健康教育为主,以企业和机关事业单位为辅,兼顾学生升学的需要;在此基础上,还需要做好保障体系的建设。  相似文献   

This project was designed to provide a retrospective analysis of the parent training literature during the last decade. Eighteen journals with behavioral psychology, clinical/counseling psychology, school psychology, and special education emphases were selected for review. Data related to the number of articles published in each journal, year of article publication, referral problem, and contributing institution were collected. Results indicate that behavioral journals published the most empirically based parent training articles (66%), followed by clinical/counseling psychology (26%), special education (6%), and school psychology (3%) journals. Parents with noncompliant, handicapped, or abused/neglected children comprised the majority (58%) of research participants. Suggestions for involving school psychologists in parent training research and broadening the focus of parent training to include preventive, as well as remedial, efforts are presented.  相似文献   

This article was written to demonstrate how career education concepts and techniques can he integrated into school psychology training programs. Each basic career education phase was presented along with implications for training programs. Adoption of these procedures should produce individuals with a clear career commitment to the profession of school psychology as well as the skills necessary to function effectively upon initial employment.  相似文献   

王彦平 《成才之路》2021,(1):100-101
留守儿童在心理、生活、学习、思想等方面的问题已经成为家庭、学校、社会教育中的突出问题.教师要关注留守儿童,注重观察、沟通与引导,让留守儿童健康成长.文章从留守儿童的共性问题、如何深入了解留守儿童、留守儿童教育的优化策略三个方面具体阐述留守儿童的培养途径.  相似文献   

In recent years, increased attention has been devoted to the applicability of school psychological services to the adult population. Despite such attention, few school psychologists currently are being prepared to service adults. This paper argues that, with increasing numbers of learning disabled students entering postsecondary institutions, there exists an opportunity for school psychology training programs to aid in the servicing of these legally handicapped adults, while, at the same time, providing valuable experience to school psychology students in servicing the adult population. Specifically, this paper provides the reader with an overview of services provided to college learning disabled students, discusses the relationship between such services and school psychological services, and identifies numerous and service possibilities that exist for the profession of school psychology.  相似文献   

Implicit within a perspective of positive psychology is the assumption that environments can be promoted to foster individual strengths through a preventative focus and the development of positive institutions. Given that the development of positive institutions has direct implications for school psychology, this paper begins to draw attention to the potential of positive psychology within school systems. Throughout the paper, it is suggested that a focus on schools may serve as the nexus between the movement in positive psychology searching to promote positive human development and the institutions that could serve as the vehicle for this development. Historic and emerging trends are examined, with particular attention to how positive psychology could promote the development of positive schools (institutions) that foster success for all students. Specifically, the parallel histories of discontent with deficit‐oriented practice in the fields of mental health and school psychology are reviewed, and precursors to building and maintaining positive institutions that focus on working within the existing system to promote lasting change are explored. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 101–110, 2004.  相似文献   

公共课心理学教材的改革 ,应根据高师培养目标来设计 ,结合师范生师范素质和未来中学教育实际 ,遵循师范性、实用性、精简与更新等原则 ,合理选择应用心理学有关理论 ,充实和丰富教材内容 ,构建师范特色突出、理论联系实践密切、操作性强的新体系  相似文献   

Directors of American Psychological Association (APA)-approved school psychology programs were surveyed to determine what responsibilities and benefits attend their role as training director; they also were asked to identify what they liked about serving in the training director role. Of 42 possible respondents, 33 (79%) returned usable questionnaires. Several responsibilities that all or virtually all of the training directors engaged in were identified (e.g., end-of-year APA report preparation); many respondents (61%) received release time from a class, but otherwise any benefits they received were few; and several important, motivating reasons (e.g., contributing to the future of school psychology) for functioning as a training director were identified. The implications of these findings for school psychology programs are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

吴丽  孙山 《林区教学》2020,(5):117-120
叛逆心理一般在幼儿3岁左右出现,其行为表现主要有:我不要上幼儿园、我的玩具、我的零食、破坏性行为、哭闹、喜欢的东西自己选、跑着逃避、否认与说谎、暂时承认错误等,其原因主要表现在幼儿心理发展、家庭教育及学校教育三个方面。导正策略为:尊重幼儿心理变化规律,稳抓关键期;顺应幼儿的心理变化规律,有效引导;以“幼儿为中心”的发展教育;家园合力共促幼儿发展。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展和社会的进步,由贫困带来的一系列影响严重制约着贫困大学生的成长和发展.国家、社会和高校在帮助他们摆脱贫困的同时,更应该关注他们的健康成长.随着对贫困大学生心理状况的认识逐渐清晰,高校应该将研究的视角放在他们人格特征的培养上,以增强他们人格当中的积极力量.积极心理学作为心理学一个新的发展趋势,提出的乐商概念对于贫困大学生积极人格的培养具有重要价值和意义.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法等对北京市营利性青少年篮球培训市场的消费与经营现状进行研究。研究结果显示,目前北京市营利性青少年篮球培训市场的发展处于初级阶段,但发展潜力大。篮球培训学员主要是小学、初中的学生,和文化课冲突是影响学员参加培训的重要因素。篮球培训机构以个体投资为主,场地条件较好,但主要是租用篮球场馆;管理人员的整体素质不高,懂体育又精通经营管理的专业人才比较缺乏,从而导致培训机构的营销手段比较单一。教练员队伍呈现出低龄、高学历、专职化程度低、流动性大、从业年限少等特征。并针对研究结果提出相关对策。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化进程的不断加快和小学英语教育的开设,人们对英语的学习越来越重视,各类英语培训机构如雨后春笋般蓬勃发展起来。对培训机构和学校少儿英语教育的教育目的、过程、方法等进行研究、对比,以期找到各自的优势,探索出更适合少儿英语教育的方式方法。  相似文献   

桂东县各乡镇留守儿童的比例和农民人均纯收入呈现出中等程度的负相关。留守儿童普遍学习成绩一般,心理容易早熟,容易违纪,容易出安全事故等。但对留守儿童不宜有先入为主的偏见,固定在“双差生”的位置上。解决留守儿童问题是一个社会性、系统性的工程,它需要全社会包括政府的关心、参与和大力支持,需要国家和地方政府加大对教育经费的投入,需要建立长效管理机制,采取具体措施,发掘和鼓励留守儿童闪光点,进行正面教育。  相似文献   

在行动学习中,促进师是一个重要的角色,它的作用在于促进小组成员围绕目标以更具效能的方式思考与对话,从而促成小组成员找出问题答案,而他本身并不一定要知道答策。促进师所起的作用正好与孟子所言“以其昏昏使人昭昭”相吻合。随着时代的发展,党校仍然以灌输式教学为主,教师总是充当“标准答案发布者”显得有些勉为其难。党校应从教学机构向教学培训机构特变。教师在课堂上可以采用以学员为中心的、发挥学员主体地位的教学培训方式。要完成上述转变,党校教师应学会以促进师这一角色出现于课堂上。  相似文献   

近年来,随着家长对儿童校外教育的重视,儿童培训市场的竞争也就越来越激烈。本文通过对泰州市妇女儿童培训中心的机会与优势、威胁与劣势进行分析,提出了相应的营销策略,供广大儿童培训机构参考。  相似文献   

废名在抗战期间,从北大回到故乡湖北黄梅,从事小学教育。其自传体小说《莫须有先生坐飞机以后》有大量的儿童教育片断描写,集中表现了其儿童观和儿童教育思想。废名认为"每个儿童都有他的世界",教育者应尊重儿童本有的世界;"自然"是儿童的好学校,主张让儿童接受"自然"的教育;学校教学要从儿童的生活和心理出发。废名对儿童天性的尊重以及对以儿童为本的教育思想的倡导,至今仍有现实意义。  相似文献   

国外学校心理学的发展及其对我国特殊教育的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首先回顾了学校心理学在欧美国家的发展历史,介绍了当前学校心理学在其他发达国家的发展现状及其特点。然后文章简单讨论了学校心理学在我国发展的条件和现状。在我国,学校心理学刚刚进入她的萌芽期,队伍的完善和职业规范也有待于长期的发展和建设。我国特殊教育的现状决定了特殊教育教师还将是特殊教育体系中服务于特殊儿童少年的孤独的主力军。在心理健康服务有待于提高的现状下,笔者对我国特殊教育的未来发展也提出一些参考性的建议。  相似文献   

农村中学教师继续教育问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
农村中学教师继续教育目前在国家教育政策、培训机构、培训内容和教师自身等方面存在着一系列问题,对此,我们应该从加大政策倾斜力度,完善培训机构,更新培训内容和提高教师觉悟入手,以提高农村中学英教师继续教育的质量。  相似文献   

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