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本科生导师制的实施及导师工作的考核评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
实施本科生导师制是高等教育的一个新趋势,也是高校教学体制改革的一项新尝试。开展导师工作的考核与评价,是完善本科生导师制的内在要求,是实现本科生导师制工作目标的手段。本科生导师制导师工作的考核与评价,必须以激发热情为主导,以完善导学为目的,以制度管理为保障,以多元评价为手段。  相似文献   

This commentary addresses issues concerning (a) the measurement of numbers, letters, and words versus cognitive processes in early screening batteries, and (b) comorbid associations of reading, math, and attention disorders. Based on reading prediction studies, assessments that include numbers should be most predictive of math outcomes. However, given the comorbid association of reading, math, and attention disorders, measures sensitive to reading and attention difficulties may be necessary in early screening batteries for math disabilities.  相似文献   

Path analysis was used to examine the effects of tutor‐tutee intimacy, tutoring conditions and background variables on overall tutor satisfaction, as well on specific satisfaction from achievements, rewards, and relationships. University student tutors (n = 472), who worked with younger children under the auspices of the PERACH Project in Israel, participated in the study. Results revealed higher satisfaction among tutors who reported greater intimacy with tutees and who were able to hold tutorial sessions without difficulty. More intimate tutoring relations were found when pairs were matched by ethnicity, when telephone contact with the tutee was easy, when sessions were easily held, and for female same‐sex pairs.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which a range of child characteristics (sex, age, socioeconomic status, reading skill and intrinsic and extrinsic reading motivation) predicted engagement (i.e., time spent) in different reading activities (fiction books, factual books, school textbooks, comics, magazines and digital texts). In total, 791 children (aged 8–11 years) participated. There was considerable variation in the factors predicting engagement in different reading activities. Although intrinsic reading motivation was a good predictor of recreational book reading, age was a stronger predictor of engagement with digital texts. Furthermore, specific dimensions of motivation predicted engagement in different reading activities; being motivated to read challenging texts predicted recreational book reading, whereas being motivated to achieve good grades predicted schoolbook reading. On the other hand, social reasons predicted engagement with magazines and comics. Implications for education and the relationship between child characteristics and choice of reading activities are discussed.  相似文献   

The school psychologist often is viewed as a diagnostician instead of a remediator. The purpose of this paper is to stress the remedial role that school psychologists can assume without detracting from the importance of diagnosis. Three main points are presented. (a) Paraprofessional tutors can be effective providers of individualized help to problem learners if they are given proper training, structured approaches, and careful supervision. (b) The application of effective paraprofessional models should be extended to the increasing number of mainstreamed handicapped students and adequately evaluated. (c) The school psychologist is in a position to effect improvements in existing remedial education through assuming the role of supervisor as tutorial systems are implemented and evaluated.  相似文献   

Out-of-school-time programs for youth that are focused on STEM content are often seen as affording opportunities to increase youth engagement, interest, and knowledge in STEM domains, yet we know relatively little about how youth actually experience such programs. In this article, we explore how experiences and activities employed in the delivery of summer STEM programs are associated with youth engagement during programming, and whether youth characteristics moderate these relationships. Data were collected from 203 youth (ages 10–16) in nine summer programs using multiple methods including video, experience sampling, and surveys. Through the use of cross-classified, multi-level models, we found that youth reported higher engagement in program activities they perceived to be more challenging and relevant, and in activities, they perceived to have more affordances for learning or developing skills. Gender moderated these relationships such that the positive relationships observed among males were muted or nonexistent for girls. We further identify that program activities are differently associated with fostering challenge, relevance, and learning. Findings have implications for out-of-school STEM programming for youth.  相似文献   

Perceptions of adolescent–parent and adolescent–peer relationship qualities, and adolescents’ attachment states of mind were examined as predictors of adult social and romantic relationship quality, depressive symptoms, and work performance. Adolescents (86 male, 98 female; 58% White, 29% African American, 8% mixed race/ethnicity, 5% other groups) were followed from age 13 to 24 via observational, self-, parent-, and close friend-reports. Adolescent close friendship quality was a significantly better predictor of adult peer and romantic outcomes, work performance, and depressive symptoms than parental reports of the parent–teen relationship; attachment security was also a strong predictor of numerous outcomes. Results are interpreted as reflecting the difficulty for parents judging parent–teen relationship quality and as reflecting the growing importance of close friendships during this period.  相似文献   

胡适对孔子的态度是十分复杂的,他曾疑孔、非孔,反对现实政治中利用孔子搞复古主义、专制主义;而在学术层面则用平等的眼光研究孔子,作"魔鬼的辩护士";当胡适寻求传统文化资源支持其自由主义言说时,孔子又摇身化为自由主义的先驱。孔子还是那个孔子,变的是时代与问题,是胡适的视界和方法。  相似文献   

This study reports on several specific neurocognitive process predictors of reading outcomes for a sample of 278 children with reading disabilities. Three categories of response (i.e., poor, average, and good) were formed via growth curve models of six reading outcomes. Two nested discriminant function analyses were conducted to evaluate the predictive capability of the following models: (a) an intervention and phonological processing model that included intervention group, phonological awareness, and rapid naming and (b) an additive cognitive neuropsychological model that included measures of memory, visual processes, and cognitive or intellectual functioning. Over and above the substantial explanatory power of the base model, the additive model improved classification of poor and good responders. Several of the cognitive and neuropsychological variables predicted degree of reading outcomes, even after controlling for type of intervention, phonological awareness, and rapid naming.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Early Head Start (EHS) Research and Evaluation Project (N = 1851), the current study examined relations among cumulative family and social risk, assessed during infancy and the preschool years, and children's prekindergarten achievement, self-regulatory skills, and problematic social behavior, testing if these associations were mediated through two sets of family processes–responsive parenting practices and the provision of language stimulation and literacy practices. Structural equation modeling results highlight the significance of the timing of children's experience of risk in predicting school readiness competencies. Risk exposure during infancy was observed to be most detrimental for children's school readiness skills and was partially mediated by risk exposure during the preschool years and family processes, assessed during toddlerhood and the preschool years. Moderation analyses revealed no difference in the strength of relationships among the study variables by EHS assignment or by race/ethnicity.  相似文献   

This article aims to explore and understand tutor and student perceptions of the role of the tutor in a large Sixth Form College. It examines whether these perceptions are the same and looks at whether the needs of the student are being met within the college. The tutorial structure within the college is described and the unique role of tutors in a further education setting is identified. The findings reveal how students perceive the tutors to have a wide range of roles, which are primarily focused on supporting and promoting learning. It also describes how, despite the acknowledgement of students for the need of emotional support and the recognition and willingness of tutors to fulfil this role, there is a gap in meeting the students' needs. The reasons for this are explored and shown to be a consequence of time constraints and the underlying relationship between students and their tutor.  相似文献   

We present an inquiry‐based, aquatic science professional development (PD) for upper‐elementary, middle, and high school teachers and examine changes in student outcomes in light of participating teachers’ characteristics and the grade band of the students. Our study lends support to the assertion that inquiry‐ and content‐focused PD, paired with classroom implementation, can effectively improve student learning. Our findings indicate that students improved in their nature of science (NOS) and aquatic science content knowledge and that these changes depended in some ways on the participating teachers’ characteristics and adherence to the program. The students’ improvements were amplified when their teachers adhered more closely to the PD activities during their classroom implementation. The teachers’ previous science PD experience and pre‐PD understanding of inquiry‐based teaching also explained some of the variability in student growth. In both NOS and content, students of teachers with less prior science‐PD experience benefited more. Grade band also explained variation in student outcomes through interactions with teacher‐characteristic variables. In high school, students of teachers with lower pre‐PD inquiry knowledge appeared to learn more about NOS. Our results suggest that inquiry and content training through PD may minimize disparities in teaching due to inexperience and lack of expertise. Our study also demonstrates the value of PD that teaches a flexible approach to inquiry and focuses on underrepresented, interdisciplinary content areas, like aquatic science. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 54:1219–1245, 2017  相似文献   

结合我国本科生导师制的实施经验以及浙江理工大学机械与自动控制学院能源与动力工程系的师资、科研平台、校企合作平台特色,构建了基于导师组的全员全程本科生科研导师制.形成教授主导、监督以及调控的四全导师组,以达到完善本科生导师培养模式的目的.通过对本科生在科研能力上早介入、早引导以及早训练的方法,培养具有创新能力、独立思考能...  相似文献   

本科生导师制由来已久,在我国教育体制改革的大背景下也逐步展开施行了多年,在本科生的人生导航、学习指导、就业指导、心理疏导等方面收到了较好的效果,但也存在一些问题。就本科生导师自身而言,应该从增强责任感、提高知识业务水平、深入到学生中间、对共性问题预先提醒、加强沟通共同面对等方面狠下功夫,本着对工作、对学生高度负责的态度做好本科生导师的相关工作。  相似文献   

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