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文章首先分别分析了婴幼儿语言发展的特点和成人外语学习的现状,然后从婴幼儿语言启蒙的角度,重新诠释了成人学习外语所需的几项要素,即有效的听、善于模仿及保持高度的兴趣、持续的专注力和不断重复。  相似文献   

法国拉康的后精神分析学理论在中国的研究中跨越了学科界限,在文学理论、哲学和心理学等领域都引起一定反响。拉康精神分析的成功与其后的结构主义哲学观念有密切关系,中国的拉康研究中这一特点尤为显著,其中应用性的阐发研究取得一定成就,而理论阐释方面,以拉康理论与其他理论的结合性阐发最具有创新性。文章提出了关于拉康研究中三个重要范畴的深化与探索的看法,并且对尚存的欠缺之处进行了梳理。  相似文献   

Auditory Context and Memory Retrieval in Young Infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three-month-old infants were trained to move an overhead crib mobile while 1 of 2 musical selections was played. Retention was assessed 1 or 7 days later in the presence of either the same music or a different musical selection. in Experiment 1, the musical selections were very different (classical versus jazz); in Experiment 2, they were much more similar (two classical pieces). Infants in both experiments displayed 1 day retention regardless of wich music was played during the retention test. At 7 days, retention was seen only when the music played during the retention test matched the training music. These data are consistent with similar findings showing that 3-month-old infants'memory is disrupted at long retention intervals when the context present during retention testing does not match the learning context. As the infant's memory wanes, context appears to function as a necessary cue for the retrieval of acquired expectancies.  相似文献   

Object Permanence in Young Infants: Further Evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent evidence suggests that 4.5- and even 3.5-month-old infants realize that objects continue to exist when hidden. The goal of the present experiments was to obtain converging evidence of object permanence in young infants. Experiments were conducted using paradigms previously used to demonstrate object permanence in 5.5-month-old infants and 6.5-month-old infants. In one experiment, 3.5-month-old infants watched a short or a tall carrot slide along a track. The track's center was hidden by a screen with a large window in its upper half. The short carrot was shorter than the window's lower edge and so did not appear in the window when passing behind the screen; the tall carrot was taller than the window's lower edge and hence should have appeared in the window but did not. The infants looked reliably longer at the tall than at the short carrot event, suggesting that they (a) represented the existence, height, and trajectory of each carrot behind the screen and (b) expected the tall carrot to appear in the screen window and were surprised that it did not. Control trials supported this interpretation. In another experiment, 4.0-month-old infants saw a toy car roll along a track that was partly hidden by a screen. A large toy mouse was placed behind the screen, either on top or in back of the track. The female infants looked reliably longer when the mouse stood on top as opposed to in back of the track, suggesting that they (a) represented the existence and trajectory of the car behind the screen, (b) represented the existence and location of the mouse behind the screen, and (c) were surprised to see the car reappear from behind the screen when the mouse stood in its path. A second experiment supported this interpretation. The results of these experiments provide further evidence that infants aged 3.5 months and older are able to represent and to reason about hidden objects.  相似文献   

基础会计课程模拟实验的有效性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
课程实践教学是整个实践性教学环节中的重要一环,探索适合成人教育的课程实践教学方式,突破传统的课堂教学模式,是人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点的核心内容之一.本文通过对西安电大开放教育会计、金融、工商管理专科学员基础会计课程模拟实验的问卷调查,对实验结果的有效性进行了分析,旨在探索课程实践教学对提高学生技能、能力的价值和意义.  相似文献   

Samples of reaches were obtained from groups of infants aged 4.5, 6, and 7.5 months. Split-screen video recordings were transcribed as sequences of (x,y,z) hand coordinates, and the hand path was examined for evidence of initial aiming and subsequent correction of the movement path. At all ages, the initial direction of the movement was correlated with target direction, providing evidence that the hand was aimed toward the target. Additionally, changes in movement direction made after the commencement of the movement tended to curve the hand path toward the target, providing evidence of error correction. Local minima of hand speed evident within segments of continuous motion were associated with turn toward the target. However, the movement path was also curved toward the target within the movement elements bounded by these minima. This finding was seen as consistent with "continuous" correction of movement errors and as contrary to the suggestion that infant movements are concatenations of ballistic movement units whose boundaries are marked by troughs in the speed profile.  相似文献   

国外学者论青年马克思与青年恩格斯的学术关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要就国外马克思学家关于青年马克思与恩格斯学术关系的研究作一介绍和评析。英国著名马克思学家卡弗通过对比马克思的思想发展来考察恩格斯思想发展的程度,得出的结论是青年恩格斯思想领先于马克思;日本著名马克思学家广松涉基于对《德意志意识形态》的文献学研究,明确提出青年恩格斯引导青年马克思的论断;里格比等马克思学者也提出青年恩格斯对青年马克思有很大影响。笔者认为,国外学者关于青年马克思与恩格斯学术关系的探讨是有启迪意义的,但广松涉非常极端的观点却难以成立。  相似文献   

基于程度补语句下位分类研究的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程度补语句是汉语语法学界研究的热点内容,学者们对组合式程度补语句的关注程度远高于粘合式程度补语句。关于其下位分类,学者们亦有不同的看法。本文考察了现有程度补语句下位分类研究成果,从不同角度分析了现有研究的特点和存在的问题,以期更进一步认识这一重要句型,并为对外汉语教学与研究提供参考。  相似文献   

建立利益相关者共同参与治理机制是大学治理研究和实践的重要目标.本文利用层次分析法(AHP),结合利益相关者理论,对通过问卷调查所获数据进行分析,获得大学利益相关者的权重排序,并在排序的基础上认为大学治理的主体应该是关键利益相关者.  相似文献   

This study compared 3- to 4-month-olds' recognition of previously unfamiliar faces learned in a moving or a static condition. Infants in the moving condition showed successful recognition with only 30 s familiarization, even when different images of a face were used in the familiarization and test phase (Experiment 1). In contrast, infants in the static condition showed successful recognition only when the familiarization duration was lengthened to 90 s and when the same image was used between the familiarization and test phase (Experiments 2 and 3). Furthermore, presentation of multiple static images of a face did not yield the same level of performance as the moving condition (Experiment 4). These results suggest that facial motion promotes young infants' recognition of unfamiliar faces.  相似文献   

基层党组织是党实现组织动员的最重要载体,是党员活动的最重要阵地,是党执政的最重要基础。以安徽省为例,机关基层党组织设置科学、体系健全,负责人履职尽责,推动科学发展能力不断提升,党员教育管理与时俱进。但也存在党建责任制落实不到位,领导体制和运行机制不完善、工作内容和方式贫乏单一,党务干部队伍亟待加强等问题。原因是机关党建工作体制关系不顺、工作落实缺乏力度、领导重视支持不够、上下联系不畅。建议科学整合资源,探索构建大党建格局;健全培养选拔机制,加强基层党务工作者队伍建设;创新工作方式,发挥基层党组织的战斗堡垒和党员的先锋模范作用。  相似文献   

INFANTS and young children with Down syndrome who were living at home and attending exemplary early intervention programs were assessed by trained examiners in the five domains of the Battelle Developmental Inventory. Data was compared to the 50th percentile attainment and found that infants and young children with Down syndrome are more similar to other children in Personal Social and Adaptive Domains and less similar in Communication and Cognitive Domains. These differences begin to show more dramatically as the child reaches the age of 36 months. The older the child the greater the measured differences. Documenting and understanding this uneven developmental path is significant in program planning.  相似文献   

Fourth grade children learned consonant-digit associates of their choice from two novel, distinctive lists during daily, five-minute study sessions. Points exchangeable for free time reinforced correct responses on corresponding tests under high (80%) and low (20%) reinforcement conditions. Equivalent novel high- and low-reinforcement lists were also studied each day as homework on which, unlike session materials, correct test responses were reinforced equally (100%). Results showed that children preferred to study and learned more on the highly reinforced lists during the experimental sessions. Children also displayed a generalized nonreinforced preference for learning the “highly reinforced” homework material.  相似文献   

近年来,关于婴幼儿归纳推理能力的发展研究受到国际心理学界的重视,其中婴幼儿是否能够基于概念进行归纳推理是一个焦点问题。Mandler等人利用概括化模仿技术对婴儿的归纳推理进行了研究,发现:9-20个月的婴儿的归纳推理受到领域水平的概念类别所限制,是一个基于概念的过程;Gelman等人探讨了类别成员关系、语言标签、心理本质主义在幼儿的归纳推理中的作用,发现:2-4岁幼儿的归纳推理受基本水平的类别成员关系所限制,也是一个基于概念的过程。二者的分歧可以用语言的作用加以解释。  相似文献   

借助乔姆斯基空语类理论分析汉语空位主语的特征。由于汉语空位主语不具备指称句内可识别性,它的先行项必须依靠一定的语境才能识别,因而汉语空位主语不同于乔姆斯基的空语类,属于话语省略。  相似文献   

3 experiments using the familiarization-novelty preference procedure were conducted to investigate whether 3-month-old infants could form categorical representations of the spatial relations above and below. In Experiment 1, one group of infants familiarized with exemplars depicting a dot in different positions above a horizontal bar displayed a subsequent visual preference for a novel category exemplar (dot below bar) that was paired with a familiar category exemplar (dot in novel position above bar). A second group of infants presented with exemplars in which the dot appeared in variable locations below the bar also responded preferentially to a novel category exemplar (dot above bar) when it was paired with a familiar category exemplar (dot in new position below bar). These preferences did not result from the salience of vertical up-down changes in dot position or the encoding of dot positions relative to an internal horizontal midline (Experiment 3) or from an inability to discriminate the members of each category (Experiment 2), but rather would seem to be a consequence of the ability to represent categorically the spatial relations above and below. The data provide evidence for early categorical organization in human spatial memory.  相似文献   

教师身份认同是最近的研究热点之一。大学英语青年教师是大学英语教师群体的主力军。研究大学英语青年教师群体的身份认同对教师个人的发展和国家整体教育水平的提高有重要意义。本文对一位刚入职的青年教师进行了为期4个月的个案研究,采用课堂观察、叙事研究等方法对其教师身份认同形成的影响因素和构建途径进行探究,以期促进大学教师的成长及其专业发展。  相似文献   

青年教师是我国大学发展的主力军.大学青年教师的职业道德素质是其专业素养的基础,30年来学者们对大学青年教师的职业道德内涵、职业道德内容体系、职业道德存在问题与原因以及培养策略进行了多方面的研究.研究中还存在着内容泛化,缺乏理论深度和创新性;理论研究多,实证研究少,缺乏信度;研究内容与领域比较狭窄,职业道德内容与职业道德培育策略混乱等问题.细化教师职业道德内容条目研究,建构教师职业道德理论体系,把理论研究与实证研究结合起来,充分借鉴国外先进经验,构建有针对性的职业道德培育策略是今后研究的重点方向.  相似文献   

以2012年和2017年福建省投入产出为数据基础,根据相关的理论基础以及相关的产业部门归类和划分准则,对福建省各产品部门的两大部类进行归类,计算各产品部门的三大价值系数,然后分析福建省36个产业部门的价值构成,进而揭示每个产品部门的发展潜力。研究结果显示,少数产品部门的两大比例关系失调是导致福建省经济无法持续稳定健康发展的重要因素。最后,针对研究中发现的问题提出了刺激消费、扩大内需以及积极发展新兴产业等建议。  相似文献   

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