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This paper examines issues in the debate on quality assurance in the English system of higher education as they have developed between the Further and Higher Education Act of 1992 and the review proposed by the Secretary of State at the end of 1994. The main focus is on the development by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) of its method of quality assessment and the call for the restoration of 'self-regulation' in such matters to the institutions. The role of the institutions in developing the methods adopted by the Funding Council is outlined, and the chief criticisms of its effects evaluated. The paper concludes by reviewing options for change in the immediate future and the conditions that will have to be met. It is argued that systems could undoubtedly be improved, but that key elements of 'self-regulation' have already been won in the continuation of external peer review.  相似文献   

Drawing upon five recent studies, this essay provides a summary analysis of the assessment of academic quality of doctoral programs in physical education. Specifically, the analysis focuses on 12 rankings of doctoral programs and examines them in terms of three methodological issues: subjective versus objective measures, measures of quantity versus measures of quality, and single versus multiple measures. In conclusion, two composite rankings of the academic quality of doctoral programs are given, and recommendations are made for future quality assessment studies in physical education.  相似文献   

During the last few years,a national quality assessment systemfor evaluation of the core activitiesof universities has been establishedin Sweden. Beyond participating inthese national efforts, LundUniversity has also participated inthe European benchmarking programmemanaged by ESMU (European Centre forStrategic Management ofUniversities). This reportconcentrates upon two issues.Firstly, the role of internationalbenchmarking is discussed incomparison with the establishedSwedish national quality assessmentsystem. Secondly, a number ofmethodological problems encounteredduring these activities are discussedin the light of Lund University'sthree-year experience of the ESMUbenchmarking exercises.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - External quality audits have been introduced in many parts of the world including Asia Pacific, Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. While external quality...  相似文献   

This study obtained data from 1,633 students who took the Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP) to evaluate whether the English, math, and critical thinking exams should be used as performance funding measures in the state. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was utilized to demonstrate that the use of the exams was problematic because students failed to give the assessments their best effort. Other variables in the analysis included level of English and math completed, grade point averages for English and math, cumulative grade point averages, and student characteristics. Policy implications for performance funding are also addressed in the study.  相似文献   

指向核心素养的课程改革,需要更科学、更综合的评价体系.表现性评价已广泛应用于核心素养的评价.然而,并不是所有表现性评价都能有效评价并发展学生的核心素养.建构一套科学的表现性评价质量分析框架,是实现高质量表现性评价的基础.本研究在回顾已有表现性评价质量分析标准的基础上,提炼评估表现性评价质量的关键指标,形成表现性评价质量分析框架.同时,运用该框架尝试性地对表现性评价案例进行分析,为我国指向核心素养的表现性评价的设计和实施提供借鉴.  相似文献   

指向核心素养的课程改革,需要更科学、更综合的评价体系.表现性评价已广泛应用于核心素养的评价.然而,并不是所有表现性评价都能有效评价并发展学生的核心素养.建构一套科学的表现性评价质量分析框架,是实现高质量表现性评价的基础.本研究在回顾已有表现性评价质量分析标准的基础上,提炼评估表现性评价质量的关键指标,形成表现性评价质量分析框架.同时,运用该框架尝试性地对表现性评价案例进行分析,为我国指向核心素养的表现性评价的设计和实施提供借鉴.  相似文献   

澳大利亚高等教育投资体制改革综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
章对过去三十多年来澳大利亚高等教育投资政策的三次重大变革进行了回顾,对其现行的高等教育投资体制作了较为详细的考察与分析,并在此基础上,提出了对我国高等教育投资体制改革可资借鉴的几点启示。  相似文献   

英国大学的科研竞争力在国际上一直遥遥领先,这与其不断创新的大学科研绩效评价与拨款制度密切相关。基于知识创新范式的转型与绩效评估自身面临的困境,英国在最新的一轮评估中引入科研卓越框架(REF)。相比于之前的科研水平评估(RAE),科研卓越框架在指标体系上增加科研影响力维度,突出大学科研对社会经济的贡献导向;在评估单元设置上大幅度地合并划分过细的学科,缩减学科单元总量,鼓励跨学科研究;在基于绩效评价结果的拨款上倾斜程度更加明显,拨款机制也更为透明。本轮英国大学科研绩效评估与绩效拨款改革与创新,对于中国"双一流"建设绩效评价和绩效拨款具有重要启示。  相似文献   

绩效拨款不仅是一种拨款方式,更是一种问责方式。自美国田纳西州1997年率先设立绩效拨款机制以来,目前美国有近一半的州建立了该机制。美国绩效拨款机制的形成受到财政、支持力量以及政策的影响。尽管对州绩效拨款存在争论,但高等教育绩效拨款在一定程度上合理分配了政府有限的教育资源,弥补了经费的部分短缺,有力地鼓励了高校重视教学科研质量、降低成本,提高了高等教育的办学效益。  相似文献   


Noncredit community college enrollment accounts for approximately 40% of all enrollment in the two-year sector, or five million students (American Association of Community Colleges, 2016). Yet, this population is seldom discussed in the higher education literature due to inconsistent definitions, funding, and data reporting at the state level. Many of the structural elements (e.g., funding, enrollment) have not been documented recently or completely. This study used data from the 2015 Survey of Access and Finance Issues, administered annually to the National Council of State Directors of Community Colleges. The authors calculated noncredit enrollment by function and frequencies on funding mechanisms, funding by function, noncredit data reporting, and the measures captured at the state level. The study also employed polychoric and polyserial correlations examining the relationships among structural, contextual, and perspective-based items. This was done to capture the national landscape on this important community college function through the lens of state-level community college leaders.  相似文献   

美国国家科学基金会社会科学研究资助政策的酝酿,既受改变战后美国社会科学发展困境的驱使,也得到"学科融合"策略的推动,冷战局势则加剧了美国政府资助社会科学研究的紧迫性.1957年美国国家科学基金会颁布"社会科学研究计划",1960年成立社会科学司,从而正式启动社会科学研究资助政策.在此政策影响下,美国社会科学研究不断增强,并呈现出鲜明的美国特色.  相似文献   

本研究使用文献分析法比较国内外高等教育领域中绩效评价实施的需求、内涵与作用机制的异同。第一,国外高等教育中绩效评价的实施是内外部力量综合作用的自觉行为;国内主要是学习模仿的应对行为。第二,国外高等教育中的绩效评价是一个多维度的概念,不仅体现经济理性观和组织再造观,还珍视高等教育的独特性;国内则侧重于从指标的角度来界定,在某种程度上过滤了高等教育多维复杂的特点。第三,国外高等教育中绩效评价的实施是在理顺不同主体间相互关系的基础上强调过程与结果;国内则是在投入-产出的基础上构建指标测量绩效,忽视了主体及主体间的特性。  相似文献   

Moderation is a quality assurance process that plays a central role in the teaching, learning, and assessment cycle in higher education. While there is a growing body of research globally on teaching, learning, and, to a lesser degree, assessment in higher education, the process of moderation of assessment has received even less attention. In a context of heightened accountability and greater transparency in the tertiary sector, the formalising of moderation processes has not been a part of established practice. In light of these changes, the purpose of this qualitative study was to identify and investigate current marking and moderation processes and practices operating within one faculty in a large urban university in eastern Australia to gain insight into the challenges to effective moderation. The findings suggest the need for moderation to be considered holistically as an inherent part of teaching and learning, and the need for ongoing staff development.  相似文献   

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