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Processes of internationalisation are not a novel phenomenon: they have been present since the beginning of human history and have been the subject of theories and analyses since the early days of social-science research. This article highlights (1.) the social pre-conditions of historical and current processes of trans-regional communication and exchange, and argues that (2.) these conditions were not superseded but reinforced by the rise of nation states and their international relations. They are based on processes of cultural standardisation, differentiation and competition, which also fuel and transform elite formation and elite competition. (3.) With the emergence of international organisations in the wake of World War II, historical processes of international standardisation and competition were extended to national education systems. (4.) National education systems are currently witnessing a transformation which originates partly from the competition between national and international elites, and partly from new dynamics in international migration.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In dem folgenden Artikel wird eine These aufgegriffen, die das Scheitern der Schule in Afrika aus der Unvereinbarkeit von schulischen Erziehungszielen und traditionaler afrikanischer Erziehung während der Kindheit zu erklären versucht. Die Vertreter dieser These bedienen sich des psychoanalytischen Modells der Entwicklung eines Kindes und versuchen, Diskrepanzen zwischen der frustrationsfreien, gewährenden Erziehung während der Kindheit und der triebunterdrückenden Erziehung in und Sozialisation durch die Schule her vorzustellen. Hier werden nun Ergebnisse anderer ethnologischer Untersuchungen diskutiert und eine neue Interpretation des ethnopsychoanalytischen Materials versucht. Weder kann die Einschätzung afrikanischer Kindheit noch die These, Schule bringe völlig neue Verhaltenserwartungen, z.B. Leistungsforderungen mit sich, aufrecht erhalten werden. Zum Schluß werden einige andere Erklärungen für die Schwierigkeiten der Schule in Afrika angeboten.
Summary This article expounds the theory that the failure of school is due to the incompatibility of the educational goals of school and traditional upbringing in Africa. The thesis is put forward by adherents of the psychoanalytical model of child development and seeks to emphasize the discrepancies between the childhood where children are not frustrated and where their needs are cared for and the school education which represses the drives and its socialization of children. Finding a number of anthropological studies are discussed and reinterpretations of the ethno-psychoanalytical materials attempted. Neither the evaluation of childhood in Africa nor the theory that with school come wholly new expectations of behaviour (e.g., a performance requirement) can no longer be maintained. In conclusion, other explanations for the difficulties encountered by school in Africa are offered.

Résumé On expose dans cet article la théorie selon laquelle l'échec de l'école serait dû à l'incompatibilité des objectifs éducatifs de l'école et de l'éducation traditionnelle en Afrique. Cette thèse est soutenue par des représentants du modèle psychoanalytique du développement de l'enfant et cherche à souligner l'opposition entre l'éducation libérale sans frustrations reçue au cours de l'enfance et l'éducation opprimante de l'école et sa socialisation des enfants. On examine les résultats de plusieurs études anthropologiques et l'on tente de réinterpréter les matériels ethno-psychoanalytiques: ni l'évaluation de l'enfance africaine ni la théorie selon laquelle l'école permettrait d'attendre de nouveaux comportements (ou de nouvelles exigences de performance) ne peuvent être maintenues plus longtemps. Pour finir, on donne quelques explications supplémentaires des difficultés que connaissent les écoles africaines.

“Transfer of innovation” is understood in education science as concerned with the dissemination of scientifically based innovations in educational systems. This contribution will begin with a more precise definition of the term transfer, an overview of the current state of research and on which factors influence the successful dissemination of innovations in educational systems. In the second part, four strategies will be presented which enable the dissemination of scientific evidence into practical settings. Here we will compare strategies which have been used within the context of pilot programmes in Germany with internationally established approaches. These international approaches are more output-orientated and, therefore, look to the effects of innovations on pupils—especially with respect to performance development. The comparison contrasts classic top-down with evidence-based strategies and participative strategies with design-research approaches. Finally, we discuss the role given to educational research within these strategies.  相似文献   

The importance of non-school educational stimuli which arise in “normal” everyday life (mainly through experience and “learning from life”) and the contribution of such stimuli to the educational development of young people are often underestimated. The educational value of the widely differing casual educational structures in family and peer relationships is often not fully appreciated in educational research until such structures are combined with formal school education. So far, researchers have only just begun to explore the value of informal education and to venture beyond the “traditional” limitation of empirical educational research in Germany to formal, institutionally organised education and competence acquisition processes for pupils. In recent years, attention has not only been directed towards the family as an independent place of education—studies have also focused on real life informal interaction situations in peer relationships and their importance as significant educational factors in the context of unsupervised child daytime activities. The researchers tend to regard the family as a “different type of educational sphere” and peer relationships as social interactions between equals with considerable educational potential, involving social and cultural exchange processes which constitute “everyday education” and which differ in their effects depending on the milieu. In view of the enormous differences in the way in which children and young people are integrated into family and peer-based everyday situations, it is important to point out the high educational significance of family and peer relationships for informal education, and this must always be analysed in relation to the social milieu of the family of origin and the type of school attended by the young people. The existing research initiatives and results are discussed here in relation to various research questions. The varied considerations in relation to the significance and impact of peer relationships and the existing approaches adopted in research serve as a starting point for further suggestions for future research, and these desirable new directions in research are then discussed from a theoretical and methodological perspective.  相似文献   

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