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苏斯文 《海外英语》2014,(4):180-181
The Analysis of the Symbol Meaning of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince—From the Perspective of Poetics  相似文献   

ThestoryofTheTempesthappensonamagicalis land .Itishalf-mythicandhalf -real ,whichmakesitdifferentfromtheworksofpurerealismandmakesitfullofsymbolsandallegories .Thecharactersinthisplayareinterpretedasallegor icalfigures .Prospero ,asanomnipotentmagician ,hasaboundlesssupernaturalpower ,suchascontrollingtheforcesofnature ,foreseeingeverythingandsendingthespiritsatwilltoachievehisowngoal.Heisnowactuallyasupermanorhalfagod .PerhapsjustinthissensesomecriticsconsiderProsperoasGod ,Calibanasadevil…  相似文献   

InhisPrinciplesofPragmaticsLeechusestwo questions :[1]Whatdoes“X”mean ?[2 ]Whatdidyoumeanby“X” ?tode scribethescopeoftwobranchesoflinguistics :semanticsandpragmatics .① Thisarticleinfactgrowsoutofthetwoquestionsandthepurposeofitistodiscovertherelationshipanddi…  相似文献   

IntroductionMostofustakeitfor grantedthatunderstandinganutterancemeansthecomprehensionofthetotalmeaningconveyedbythespeaker.Asamatteroffact,itusuallyturnsoutthatitisfarfromenoughforustounderstandandinterpretthemeaningfullyandcorrectly .AnEnglishwordusu…  相似文献   

肖瑶 《海外英语》2012,(14):163-164
Confucius’doctrines had great influence on Chinese history.Han Wudi rejected other schools of thoughts but held Confucianism in esteem and so its leading position in Chinese history was established.Its influence was so extensive in China that the Analects of Confucius is indispensable even now,either for studies on Confucius himself or for studies in Chinese history.For thousands of years,Confucianism has exerted a far-reaching influence on Chinese society,culture and on the Chinese psychology.Its influence has extended abroad and Confucianism has held a leading position in the world.  相似文献   


Programs for the gifted need to be continually documented for an evaluation process that enhances maintenance and growth.  相似文献   

Top of The World     
洲滩黔添骤黔}魔淤退,峋”峋翩脾幽剧SCC葬)续禅载热典蠢壕琴夕艳。t the Sun”‘my eyes,擎料藻{犷交{澎、乡亡祥睡赎自谁{遥赎螃羲如吨娜))续鑫夕碑过如门,此威犷种卿葬件“‘叩琴勺祥取坤启do加劝八力dthe。过y Ic扣五约d始出ek Evers讯ce you、杯由。加。dd 6n cre碑协心以- exPlanatloll,thatl’ve foul喊ve beel】习roun己Your love’5 put me on the top of thew耐己Something in the windh韶Ieamed卿l飞ame,And It,st哑ng me tllat俪1乡are not tl飞e same. In the leaves on the trees,八nd the toueh of the breeze…  相似文献   

This study draws on interviews with community supervisors partnered with high school students and presents their perspectives on service-learning and youth. The results show that there was a hidden curriculum being played out at community sites that was in part facilitated by community agency supervisors who actively engaged in mediating, mentoring, and structuring the service-learning experiences of students. Agency supervisors' decisions about the curricular experiences of students had a significant impact on the social justice aims and intentions of the projects designed by the teachers. Consequently, it is crucial for schools and teachers to take into consideration the community supervisors' perspectives and interpretations of social justice and invite them into a collaborative partnership throughout the process of structuring service-learning experiences.  相似文献   

Peter dozed off while his teacher was talking.Teacher:Peter!Tell us,what’s the biggest in the world?  相似文献   

The introduction of the concept of the variable represents a critical point in the arithmetic–algebraic transition. This concept is complex because it is used with different meanings in different situations. Its management depends on the particular way of using it in problem-solving. The aim of this paper was to analyse whether the notion of “unknown” interferes with the interpretation of the variable “in functional relation” and the kinds of languages used by the students in problem-solving. We also wanted to study the concept of the variable in the process of translation from algebraic language into natural language. We present two experimental studies. In the first one, we administered a questionnaire to 111 students aged 16–19 years. Drawing on the conclusions of this research we carried out the second study with two pairs of students aged 16–17 years.
Filippo SpagnoloEmail: URL: http://www.math.unipa.it/~grim

The origin of World Water Day The international observance(纪念) of World Water Day is an action that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro. The United Nations General Assembly made 22 March of each year the World Day for Water by adopting a resolution. This world day for water was to be observed starting in 1993, in harmony with the rec- ommendations of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development contained in chapter 18  相似文献   

Top of the World     
香港影星黎明和张曼玉主演的《甜蜜蜜》是一部很受观众欢迎的电影。在电影里,黎明扮演的黎小军对教他烹饪的师傅说,他将来要在纽约最高的大厦的顶层开一家饭店,取名TOP OF THEWORLD。看到这里我不禁拍案叫绝,因为top of the world有两层含义:一为“世界之巅”的意思,而on the top of the world这个短语又有兴高采烈,非常快乐的意  相似文献   

Top of the World     
香港影星黎明和张曼玉主演的《甜蜜蜜》是一部很受观众欢迎的电影。在电影里,黎明扮演的黎小军对教他烹饪的师傅说,他将来要在纽约最高的大厦的顶层开一家饭店,取名TOP OF THE WORLD。看到这里我不禁拍案叫绝,因为top of the world有两层含义:一为“世界之巅”的意思,  相似文献   

Hello, we are redwood trees(红杉树). We come from America. We are very toll, more than* 100 meters tall. We are the tallest trees in the world. Why do we grow* so toll? Because we live a very long time. We can live more than 2 000 years! We live by the sea. The weather there is not 1oo cold or too hot.* There is a lot of rain and fog* by the sea. We can grow well in rain and fog. In autumn, our leaves will turn red and look very beautiful. Would you like to be our friend?  相似文献   

世界之大无奇不有。世界上最小的国家是海国。海国虽小,国旗、邮票、货币、护照样样俱全。想了解海国更多的情况,请看下图和下文。  相似文献   

ice cream:凡荣登"翻译优胜榜"者,均可获得一份好礼!所以请参与者务必写清真实姓名、详细地址和邮政编码。  相似文献   

No Language is fixed or unvarying. Ail languages show considerable linguistic variation at any given point of time or over a period of time. Words are the building materials of lan-  相似文献   

LIU Li-hua 《海外英语》2014,(16):210-212
Henry James' s first novella Daisy Miller brought him popularity and literary reputation after its publication. Through the application of reader theory and a close reading of the text, this article analyzes Daisy's strong personality and her misfortunes during her trip to Europe, and reveals how the novella highlights the conflict between American frankness and innocence and European sophistication. Besides, this article also elaborates on James' unique artistic skills—central consciousness and psychological analysis through his choice of narrative point of view, which contribute to the theme and the artistic charm of DaisyMiller.  相似文献   

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