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This paper analyzes the cultural elements of China’s four traditional festivals from the perspective of the Theory of Cultural Functions, which presents in detail the forming of traditional festivals, varied festival traditions and good expectations held by people toward lives. This paper is also designed with the aim to further exert the functions of traditional Chinese festivals, which as a result, will contribute to the preservation of national characters and the inheritance of national spirits.  相似文献   

李宁 《海外英语》2014,(16):161-162,167
Edmund Husserl’s first important move about phenomenology is the“phenomenological reduction”which means that we should reduce the external world to the contents of our consciousness alone. However, Hans-Georg Gadamer holds the opinion that all interpretation of a past work consists in a dialogue between past and present(Eagleton, T. 2009:62). Gadamer’s famous theory is fusion of horizons which means that the event of understanding comes about when our own“horizon”of historical meanings and assumptions“fuses”with the“horizon”within which the work itself is placed. The present thesis takes Hawthorne’s YoungGoodmanBrown as an example to illustrate different understandings when readers apply the two different theories.  相似文献   

The article gives a brief introduction of Thomas Hardy and His Tess of the d’Urberville, the image of birds in Tess of the d’Urberville and its importance for illustrating the theme has also been analyzed.  相似文献   

MIAO Peng 《海外英语》2014,(16):233-235
Adopting a stylistic approach, this paper tries to figure out the theme of Larkin’s “The building” by means of observing it on three different levels: aural, grammatical, and semantic, offering an example of applying stylistic methods to the study of poetry.  相似文献   

为实现有效宣传和感召,广告英语频繁运用各式文体手段将其关键信息前景化。尝试在前景化视角下从语言的偏离和过分规则两方面出发,对经典及近期的广告英语进行文体学分析,探究其文体特征及效果,旨在从一个新的角度洞悉广告英语的创作特色。  相似文献   

美国现代派诗人肯明斯的诗歌《野牛比尔不复存在》形式独特,思想深邃,历来对其主题的看法多有不同。依据"前景化"理论进行分析,此诗采用了包括偏离、并置和修辞在内的丰富的文体手段,突出了词汇、书写、读音乃至图示等方面的"前景效果"。这些文体手段一方面增加了诗歌的艺术性和形式美,同时对诗歌主题的表现也起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

《只争朝夕》是美国著名犹太作家索尔?贝娄的代表作之一。本文使用语料库软件对它进行检索分析,总结出其在语言运用、情节发展、人物刻画和主题思想等方面的特点,验证了语料库文体学的优势。  相似文献   

该文分别从修辞格、措辞和句子层面对《高级英语》课文中语言的文体效果进行比较和分析。旨在激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的文体意识和独立思考能力,从语言技巧和思想内容的关系角度更深入地理解、合理地解释和充分地欣赏作品,从而提高对语言的鉴赏和应用能力。  相似文献   

卡明斯是美国的诗人和小说家,他的诗歌以风格独特著称。卡明斯力求独树一帜,敢于突破传统诗歌形式的束缚,在诗歌的换行,单词的拼写等方面进行创新,创造了典型的卡明斯风格的诗作。他的诗歌的最主要特点就是变异。本文以卡明斯的一首小诗ihavefoundwhatyouarelike为题材,站在文体学的角度对其语法、书写和词汇等方面对其变异特点进行了具体分析。  相似文献   

本文以国内权威的翻译家杨宪益和戴乃迭翻译的鲁迅的小说《一件小事》为目标译本,从文学文体学的角度,总结了该译本中可供借鉴的翻译技巧,并指出其中的一些不完美之处,进而对其进行了具体细致的文体分析。  相似文献   

Internet language is the product of modern technology, especially for the advancement of Information Technology. It is a social and linguistic phenomenon which has its own stylistic and rhetoric patter...  相似文献   

E. E. Cummings is a well-known 20th century American poet,whose unique writing style makes him a controvercial poet.This paper,from the perspective of stylistics,tries to analyze one of his poems "O Sweet Spontaneous" from five aspects,that is,phonology,graphology,lexis,syntax and rhetorics,so as to give readers a general knowledge of the characteristcs of Cummings poetry and to show to readers that Cummings is a great poet with special talent in poetry writing.  相似文献   

《墓园挽歌》是英国诗人托马斯·格雷最著名的诗篇。本文借助语料库检索分析软件WordSmith4.0,从文体学的角度对《墓园挽歌》三个中译本的词汇特征进行量化描述,分析和解释。同时,对三个译本的修辞特征从词汇和句法两方面进行研究和讨论。  相似文献   

The Color Purple is one of the most outstanding works of Alice Walker, and more and more people keep close eyes on the novel. In the thesis, it is intended to explore Alice Walker’s writing style from ...  相似文献   

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