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美国作家赛珍珠一生关注妇女问题,对女性的命运与遭遇始终保持敏感。不寻常的童年经历和在华生活的记忆奠定了她为中国女性写作的基础。在《东风·西风》中,赛珍珠以其特有的双重文化背景和宗教立场,对时代变迁中的中国女性命运做了深刻而细腻的分析。作家通过批判旧礼教下妇女的“无我”婚姻,构建中西融合的新式婚姻,集中表达了自己鲜明的女性主义立场。对赛珍珠女性主义意识的分析有助于我们更全面而客观地评价作家的人道主义思想和文化融合观;有助于我们反省现代女性在社会中受到的不公正待遇,更好地聆听她们内心的真实需求。  相似文献   

赛珍珠在《水浒传》英译本All Men Are Brothers中对鲁智深的绰号的翻译,体现了个人意识形态和外界权力对译者翻译策略选择的作用,显示了她为跨文化交际所做的努力和贡献。  相似文献   

Since the publication of the Good Earth in 1922, Pearl S, Buck published another two novels based on the same theme and they were called the House of Earth Trilogy. The House of Earth Trilogy used as a window to understand China for the westerners at that time. And it had a great impact on the whole world. People gave two different views on her success of winning so many awards. Some thought that she wrote what she knew and her works were based on her own experiences. But others said that she was a foreigner and her values, her distinct aesthetic views would affect her writing. So, some of her depictions, to some extent, were untruthful and distorted. The aim of writing this thesis is to give an objective judgment on the Good Earth, and make it easier for us to communicate with the westerners on literature.  相似文献   

李岱 《海外英语》2015,(2):166-168,175
As one of the most famous contemporary British women novelists, A.S. Byatt depicts the true situation of women in her"Frederica Quartet". The quartet involves some feminist issues such as marriage and celibacy, female power and women’s alienation. In the quartet, Byatt associates the mythical virgin images to the women figures in real life, and contemplates possible ways for women to survive and keep female power in a male-dominated society. It makes a detailed analysis on the recurring virgin images and the characterization of female characters in the quartet, aiming to analyze the theme of Byatt’s quartet and reveal her feminist concerns.  相似文献   

As one of the most famous contemporary British women novelists, A.S. Byatt depicts the true situation of women in her“Frederica Quartet”. The quartet involves some feminist issues such as marriage and ...  相似文献   

许丰田 《海外英语》2012,(6):204-206
T.S.Eliot,a great American poet in the twentieth century,is a spokesman of the Imagist Movement.He emphasizes describing the rotten Western civilization and the decayed morals after the First World War.Prufrock that T.S.Eliot described in his early poems is timid,hesitant,sensitive,anxious,lack of will and confidence;This paper will analyze the detailed behaviors of the characters in Eliot’s early poems and reveal the major image of modern men more clearly.  相似文献   

Feminism Translation Theory, arising in the 1980s, offers a fresh perspective in translation practice ,which thoroughly emphasiz es the translator’s subjectivity. Meanwhile, this theory also presents certain limitations in translation practice. This paper aims at making a brief review of feminism translation theory.  相似文献   

刘小林  黄金珠 《海外英语》2014,(8):151-152,160
Science and technology translation involves various industries and professions,with its own system of terminology and unique language features.For a translator,who is not a professional scientist or technician,it seems to be difficult to do science and technology translation accurately and properly.Consequently,it is necessary for the translator to give play to his subjectivity when translating science and technology documents or related interpretation:searching for related data to replenish necessary professional knowledge,consulting with professional technicians actively to clarify the jargon and common sayings,and thinking critically to scrutiny the source text.  相似文献   

IntroductionAccordingtoNida’stheory ,translatingconsistsinreproducinginthereceptorlanguagetheclosestnaturalequivalentofthesourcelanguagemessage ,firstintermsofmeaningandsecondlyintermsofstyle.Betweenthemeaningandthestyle,meaningmustbegivenpriority ,andth…  相似文献   

赛珍珠作为一个从小在中国长大,以创作中国题材的小说闻名于世的美国作家,其身上的后殖民倾向是显而易见的。一方面,她的中国题材小说以她的亲身经历为素材,为西方了解中国打开了一扇窗户;另一方面,她的小说中也存在着浓厚的说教意味或说是化殖民的色彩。  相似文献   

赛珍珠拥有跨文化身份和多元文化观,与后殖民理论家有着诸多异同。她从积极的意义上言说中国,解构殖民话语霸权对它的歪曲和丑化;在与明恩溥的个案比较中可见,她和殖民主义文化立场有着巨大差别。这一切证明赛珍珠有鲜明的后殖民性,对她的研究可以和后殖民主义建立起联系。  相似文献   

赛珍珠是美国人,却一生在中国生活了将近四十年。中国的传统文化在她身上打下了深深的烙印,这主要表现在她对中国人的土地情结、家族制度、伦理道德观念及小说写作等方面的推崇。  相似文献   

赛珍珠的父母在她三个月时漂洋过海来中国传教。然而,他们的海外传教事业终因异质文化的对抗和碰撞而未能成功。赛珍珠从他们事业和生活的双重不幸中认识到了异质文化进行平等对话和交流的重要性和必要性。她继承了父亲对事业的热诚投入和艰苦开拓的精神,并从母亲身上学会了坚强面对困境争苦难的勇气和决心,抛弃了狭隘的宗教信仰,形成了自己的中西文化观,成了一座沟通东西方文明的人桥。  相似文献   

从东西方意识形态差异的角度出发,赛珍珠关于中国题材的文本创作蕴藏着或隐或显的帝国意识和殖民主义的霸权话语,展示了民族主义与殖民主义的冲突及其视域中的宗教意识形态和种族差异问题。张艺谋作为继承其衣钵的优秀学生,其电影创作存在有意识地迎合西方文化霸权的倾向。在东西方文化交流日益频繁的今天,应正确对待东西方文化,公正评价异域文化。  相似文献   

文章从赛珍珠的真理观入手,阐明了辩证观的在场对赛珍珠研究的重要性,指出了辩证观对于研究方法的综合的要求,并通过对赛氏具体作品批评的探讨,论述了如何以批评的多元和对话来实现赛珍珠研究的综合辩证。  相似文献   

创造性叛逆——女性主义话语策略及其翻译观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
女性主义翻译观认为翻译是译者/女性实现其理论及政治主张的载体,主张翻译采用女性主义话语策略,使翻译活动为译者/女性提供话语生存空间。本文主要论述了女性主义翻译的三种主要实践方式:增补、劫持以及加写前言和脚注,旨在探讨女性主义翻译在翻译策略上实现文学翻译的创造性叛逆,从而实现其男女平权的政治诉求。  相似文献   

众所周知,人们对美国的海外传教事业毁誉参半。赛珍珠的一生与美国传教事业的关系错综复杂,她为了挣脱孩提时期宗教信仰的束缚进行了艰难的斗争。赛珍珠的经历代表了很多人对传教活动的醒悟,人们开始质疑“向非基督教文化传播基督教是否有道德可言”这个问题。  相似文献   

东西方两位伟大的作家赛珍珠与林语堂在各自的小说创作中,基于共同的社会政治文化背景和所受的中国传统文化与西方基督文化的影响,从各自性别角度出发,塑造出个性不同的传统依附型女性和新时代女性,表现出了女性外在的生存价值和内在的生命体验,指出了女性的弱点和误区,他们的创作具有深厚的社会内涵和文化意蕴。  相似文献   

赛珍珠的大部分作品都是以中国为题材的传奇,其中包涵着浪漫的爱情、传奇的人物、奇异的风俗等等,再加上她善讲故事,能够化常为奇,避常取奇,使得其中国题材小说形成了鲜明的传奇风格。  相似文献   

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