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Feminism Translation Theory, arising in the 1980s, offers a fresh perspective in translation practice ,which thoroughly emphasiz es the translator’s subjectivity. Meanwhile, this theory also presents certain limitations in translation practice. This paper aims at making a brief review of feminism translation theory.  相似文献   

李莉 《海外英语》2014,(3):151-152
Translator’s Invisibility is Lawrence Venuti’s most famous book.In this book we can conclude his translation theory:translators should be invisible(transparent)or visible in his translation.We will analyze in his opinion which kind of translation is perfect to readers,and how should the translator be visible in his translation by comparing the theories of Friedrich Schleiermacher and Norman Shapiro.Finally we can get a good translator should use foreignizing translation in order to be visible in his translation.  相似文献   

刘小林  黄金珠 《海外英语》2014,(8):151-152,160
Science and technology translation involves various industries and professions,with its own system of terminology and unique language features.For a translator,who is not a professional scientist or technician,it seems to be difficult to do science and technology translation accurately and properly.Consequently,it is necessary for the translator to give play to his subjectivity when translating science and technology documents or related interpretation:searching for related data to replenish necessary professional knowledge,consulting with professional technicians actively to clarify the jargon and common sayings,and thinking critically to scrutiny the source text.  相似文献   

张晓静  张思 《海外英语》2012,(19):168-169
As the most active factor,the translator bears a positive function in translation activity,which is mainly displayed in the whole translation process,that is,before,during and after translation.  相似文献   

葛鹏 《海外英语》2012,(15):275-276
Nowadays more and more translators are trying to use machine to help their translation work.Translator’s Workbench is a tool of machine translation.In this essay,I will explore functions and benefits of Translator’s workbench 2007 with the theory of MT and TM.  相似文献   

卫娜 《海外英语》2015,(2):189-190
The translator, as the main body of a translation, has been in an invisible and ignored state for a long time. The position of the translator has been improved and the role of the translator has begun to be recognized since the field of translation studies multifaceted and deepened. In order to analyze the translator’s subjectivity better, the thesis states comprehensive definitions of the translator’s subjectivity and uses Wolf Totem as a case study, whose author is Jiang Rong and the translator is Howard Goldblatt, to show that how the translator Howard Goldblatt utilizes his subjectivity in the translation process.  相似文献   

The translator, as the main body of a translation, has been in an invisible and ignored state for a long time. The position of the translator has been improved and the role of the translator has begun ...  相似文献   

Translation is an activity aimed at transferring the source language to the target language, related to many aspects in?volving culture, society, history and so on. The translator plays a critical role...  相似文献   

谢丽 《华章》2009,(18)
For the Chinese versions of Hamlet, Liang Shiqiu’s and Zhu Shenghao’s translations can be called the classic. Because the two great translators have their own choices, their versions differ a lot. In the translating process, translator’s subjectivity plays an important role and it is one of the major reasons for emerging different translation. The thesis mainly talks about Liang Shiqiu’s and Zhu Shenghao’s different versions from the perspective of translator’s subjectivity by comparison.  相似文献   

蒋知洋 《海外英语》2014,(9):177-178
The translation activity is a process of the interlinguistic transmission of information realized by the information encoding and decoding.Encoding and decoding,cognitive practices operated in objective contexts,are inevitably of selectivity ascribing to the restriction of contextual reasons.The translator as the intermediary agent connects the original author(encoder)and the target readers(decoder),shouldering the dual duties of the decoder and the encoder,for which his subjectivity is irrevocably manipulated by the selectivity of encoding and decoding.  相似文献   

勒菲弗尔的“操纵论”认为,翻译就是一种改写,改写就是一种操纵。所有的改写,无论其意图,都反映了某种意识形态和诗学。旅游文本的翻译也难免受到译者所处时代的意识形态和诗学的操纵。文章依据勒菲弗尔的“操纵论”,通过对甘肃景点介绍翻译案例的分析,探讨并总结归纳出基于“操纵论”的甘肃景点介绍旅游文本英译翻译策略,以期提高甘肃旅游文本的译文质量,为甘肃旅游文本翻译的理论研究和实践提供借鉴,进而推动甘肃旅游业发展。  相似文献   

权力与话语:意识形态对翻译实践的操纵   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在跨文化语境下,意识形态对翻译实践具有操纵作用。其主要表现是意识形态对翻译的选材,翻译的解码过程,翻译策略的选择,以及翻译目的的操纵。因此,译者在翻译过程中,要调整民族心态,坚持本土文化身份,以务实的态度促使文化的良性互动和多元文化的发展。  相似文献   

本文从操控论的渊源、发展及意识形态二维操纵角度指出:社会主流意识形态对文学写作与翻译的外部搡控与文本内作者意识形态对社会意识形态的对立与对抗,这两种意识形态的矛盾才是真正的意识形态批评。并指出:翻译批评不能只停留在外部,而应深入到文本内部,扩大对文本的解读权力,以促进译学研究的深入发展。  相似文献   

翻译不是简单的文字转换活动,译者也不只是将原文本"易"为目标文本。生活在特定社会背景下的译者,社会意识形态、社会规范、文化渊源都会对其产生重大影响,对其行为具有一定的约束性。而译者作为翻译的主体既有受操控约束的一面,又有在跨文化交际中体现主体性的一面。  相似文献   

根据勒菲弗尔的“重写”理论,译者对原作进行重写是为了迎合主流诗学,而诗学又受意识形态支配。因此,可以说,译作是译者意识形态对原作的操控的结果。本文将通过研究“爱情”的徐志摩译本探讨译者意识形态对诗歌翻译的影响,以证明意识形态对诗歌翻译不可低估的操控作用。  相似文献   

《一位女士的画像》中作者亨利·詹姆斯站在女性的立场观照了伊莎贝拉的悲剧婚姻和命运,但由于受他本人的性别角色和男权社会主流意识形态的影响,在创作上很难走出男权意识的藩篱。亨利·詹姆斯对伊莎贝拉悲剧命运的安排、伊莎贝拉独立形象的解构这两方面暴露了隐藏在文本后面的他将女性视为艺术品观赏的男权思想,和按男性的意愿对女性形象的随意操控以及男性文学中对妇女的本文骚扰。  相似文献   

字幕翻译组在英美剧的对外传播中起着重要作用,但目前国内网络字幕翻译的质量参差不齐,针对字幕翻译组的翻译策略的研究也较少。“改写”普遍存在于热门英剧Sherlock的字幕翻译中,该文通过分析,发现观众期待、诗学和委托人是导致“改写”的主要原因,这也体现了翻译组在翻译过程中基于多种因素的操纵。  相似文献   

翻译是文化身份的再现,它受制于文化之间的权力关系。中国传统翻译研究的标准是“忠实”,注重原著与译文之间的文本对比。试图借鉴西方操控学派的研究视角来进行分析,揭示在这个传统翻译研究标准之上还有一只操控翻译行为的手——“意识形态”。  相似文献   

刘鹏 《培训与研究》2010,(11):122-124
随着人们对翻译认知的加深,人们将视野从语言内部转移至语言外部.意识形态作为语言外部材料,对翻译产生了至关重要的影响.本文首先界定了意识形态的涵义,在此基础上,从翻译行为、翻译策略和翻译文本三个方面分析翻译活动中,意识形态如何对翻译进行操控.  相似文献   

从影片《花木兰》分析意识形态对配音翻译的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迪斯尼影片《花木兰》巧妙地将中国传统经典故事与西方价值理念相结合,在全球范围获得巨大商业成功.通过从意识形态角度对《花木兰》的配音翻译进行分析和研究,发现由于受到意识形态的影响和操控,木兰形象受到了改写,中国传统文化中的儒家思想,佛教思想也有所显现,揭示配音翻译是对原文对白的改写,是意识形态操纵的产物.  相似文献   

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