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戴涛 《海外英语》2014,(20):193-194,208
This thesis makes an analysis of the heroine’s mental growth from the initial phase of the heroine’s mental trauma to the struggling phase and to the mature phase. It analyzes the reasons and manifestations for her mental solitariness,expounds her confusion and struggling during her growth from the perspective of psychoanalysis and reveals her mental maturity in the end after a series of setbacks and conflicts during pursuit of affection,friendship and kinship. In some senses,the heroine’s mental growth displayed in this thesis is the psychological portrayal of some contemporary college students,which has certain educational significance to the student readers especially those who possess the similar life experience and accesses them to have an incisive understanding of real life.  相似文献   

胡争艳 《海外英语》2013,(4X):167-168
Song is one of Christina Georgina Rossetti’s most outstanding death poems,dealing with the main themes that she concerns:death,love and religion.This paper tries to use the technique of deviation that refers to violations to the standard language and readers’expectations to interpret this poem’s stylistic features from the aspects of grammar,phonology,image,theme and narrative point of view.Through the stylistic analysis with the method of deviation,its solemn theme is exposed clearly.  相似文献   

祝小玉 《海外英语》2014,(5):216-217
There are a lot of,or precisely speaking,a train of patterns in Amy Lowell’s Patterns for it seems to be consisted of disparate patterns but as a matter of fact these seemingly disrelated patterns disclose one pattern together from the points of both feminism and psychology.And this paper is aimed to discover the inherent co-relationship among these different patterns and shed light on the theme of this pome,in other words,the feminism of this pome.  相似文献   

刘龙章 《海外英语》2012,(10):233-238
In the thesis the author explores the humor of the actor’ s lines in If You Are the One from the perspective of cooperative princi ple and its four maxims in the context of pragmatics.Through analyzing the purposeful violation of the maxims in the environment of the cooperation principle,the author intends to probe into the ways the actors figure out the implicature of humorous utterances and manage to carry on the conversation and the reproduction of the amusing effect.  相似文献   

In the Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff is a main and controversial figure. Different critics comment on him from many different aspects. Nevertheless, this thesis focuses on the inhumanity of Heathcliff....  相似文献   

胡爱洁 《海外英语》2014,(5):176-177,206
Thomas Hardy is an outstanding novelist in the nineteenth century.He has produced numerous works including novels and poetry.His tragic novel Tess of the d’Urbervilles has a great impact on the world literature.The paper is focused on the exploration of Tess’s tragedy through her life experiences.Tess’s tragedy can be illustrated by three factors—her family aspects,love experiences and her social images,which also contribute collectively to poor Tess’s destiny.The social background of the period provides a basis for the novel,and the deformed social values and morality is the root of her tragedy,together with her personal temperament and the Christian religious influences.Christian mores of self-sacrifice,wide love and purity have a great effect on characters in the novel.In the fourth part,there is some enlightenment from Tess’s tragedy.It is believed that women play a crucial role in society.Tess is a woman with good qualities and her experiences give a warning to women today:the proper treatment of one’s behaviors and the social rules is critical.  相似文献   

The Thorn Birds is a saga novel written by Colleen McCullough.As to Frank in the book,it is generally considered that he has an Oedipus Complex.And in a way,Fiona’s Phaedra Complex results in Frank’s failure in getting rid of his Oedipus Complex.This paper mainly analyzes Fiona’s Phaedra Complex and its influence on Frank.  相似文献   

黄瑞 《海外英语》2011,(5):281-283
This study analyzes the the verbal humor in the movie series If You Are The One from the perspective of some pragmatic theories.The findings of the study provide explanations towards generative mechanism of humor,such as the violation of Cooperative Principle,avoiding face-threatening acts,and particularly,creatively reveal that special use of Politeness Principle can produce a humourous effect,too.  相似文献   

电子音乐作品《Jackdaw》中的交互作曲与采样技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子音乐作品《Jackdaw》采用了交互与采样技术。此一手段的运用,使单一乐器演奏的作品自由变化,呈现出更多新的创作素材。  相似文献   

传统音乐在现代性的冲击下逐渐地消沉、没落,如何在当代视野下复兴传统音乐是现代音乐人需要着重思考的问题。就东北传统民乐来说,通过它与现代电子乐之间的思辨性融合来探讨新的发展路径或许具有较强的典型性。现代电子音乐重奏曲《北国新时代》正是这一思辨融合中的成功案例。  相似文献   

柯克《音乐语言》于20世纪50年代在英国出版,时值西方音乐学术界崇尚形式主义的时期,自律论占据绝对的主流地位,体现了一种冲破形式主义牢笼,捍卫音乐情感理论的反潮流精神。文章以音乐能否作为语言表达情感,音乐怎样作为一种语言发挥作用,如何确定音乐词汇中的基本术语,以及音乐表现各种情感的途径等,对柯克《音乐语言》的研究过程与思路,结合音乐作品的例证,作了音乐语言与情感表现的探讨与分析。  相似文献   

和声用其独特的表现手段使音乐得以不断发展、深化。流行音乐中也存在着多种多样的和声手法,我们从常用变化和弦的运用方面作一些简单的归纳。  相似文献   

《乐府传声》中声乐表演艺术的“体验”和“表现”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以《乐府传声》的声乐表演艺术为研究对象,运用体验派和表现派两大表演艺术流派的理论,就文中关于表演艺术的“体验”和“表现”的表演方法进行了思考。解读发现,徐大椿对于声乐表演艺术中声乐表演方法的认识,与体验派和表现派的认识相比,有不可替代的独特性。  相似文献   

音乐审美教育作为艺术教育的一个重要组成部分,具有极高的美育价值,是最直接的大学美育,它追求人格全面平衡的发展,对全面推行、实施素质教育起着不可替代的作用.而在教育实践中,仍偏重社会需求,忽视大学生美育情感的培养,培养出来的学生知识面狭窄,文化基础知识和艺术修养贫乏,想象力、创造力和适应社会的能力欠缺.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断发展,网络在今天的音乐传播中起到了相当重要的作用。在以网络为传播媒介的当代音乐特点发生了很大的变化。当然,最为新兴的传播技术———网络传播在体现其特有的优势的同时,也存在着许多亟待解决的问题。同时,音乐的网络传播还影响到了当代人的音乐观,也从一定程度上预示了音乐今后的发展方向。本文将从音乐的网络传播及当代人的音乐观两个方面做简要的论述。  相似文献   

白居易是唐代伟大的诗人音乐家,多有言乐论声之佳作。本文旨在对其诗歌中首倡的“唱声兼唱情”的声乐美进行审视,以期显现唐代声乐艺术的审美范式。这是我国传统的声乐艺术值得探讨并有继承的历史文化魂宝。  相似文献   

文章通过对《西方音乐史》在国内教学现状及国外相关著作在翻译成中文方面存在的问题的分析,重点探讨了在教学过程中应该加强对一些重要的音乐理论、音乐风格、音乐家及作品运用外文进行教学的必要性,希望引起更多同仁们的关注。  相似文献   

音乐创作的主体意识要求音乐创作者在创作音乐作品时,首先必须考虑赋予其音乐作品之生命、情感、信念与意愿,其次才是使其作品符合当时社会对艺术作品的美学倾向或是其它的非艺术因素的要求。一首优秀音乐作品的创作,是建立在音乐创作者自身所拥有的专业技术和具备完善的音乐创作主体意识基础之上的,为此,本文将简要论述音乐创作的主体意识。  相似文献   

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