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This article explores the constructions of class in British girls’ school stories. Feminist scholarship has, to some extent, reclaimed the school story, pointing to the widening of acceptable gender roles for female characters in girls’ school stories, compared to their counterparts in mixed-gender stories, and indeed real life. While the limitations of this middle/upper class milieu have been noted, they are less often explored. I use readings of Bourdieu as applied to femininities by scholars such as McRobbie and Skeggs to examine how the lived experience of class can trouble the status quo. School stories often limit encounters with working-class characters to servants, recipients of patronage or straightforward threats. However, in Brent-Dyer’s A Problem for the Chalet School (1956) a working-class character enters the school on her own terms. Her presence sparks the reaffirmation of the expectations for successful upper-class femininity.  相似文献   

There are two reasons that we categorize Ambrose Bierce as a Gothic writer:the pervasive deaththeme and his devotion to ghost story.Bierce is part of the strong current of pessimism which flowsall the way through the history of American literature.Within this profound and significant tradition,he shares,to a greater or lesser extent,a darker vision of America' s destiny with Melville,Hawthorne,Poe,Stephen Crane,William Faulkner and many contemporary novelists.From his turbulent,unhappy li…  相似文献   

《The Educational forum》2012,76(1):29-47

This essay considers school and external factors that influenced a teacher’s decision to pass a high school student, thus allowing him to graduate high school. I explore my role in understanding and then enacting change within the classroom. This article prompts educators to self-reflect on their positionality, moral decision-making, and culturally relevant pedagogies to address inequities within their institutions. This self-study is example of research that informs teachers about the complexities of ethical and moral decision making in the classroom.  相似文献   

戴涛 《海外英语》2014,(20):193-194,208
This thesis makes an analysis of the heroine’s mental growth from the initial phase of the heroine’s mental trauma to the struggling phase and to the mature phase. It analyzes the reasons and manifestations for her mental solitariness,expounds her confusion and struggling during her growth from the perspective of psychoanalysis and reveals her mental maturity in the end after a series of setbacks and conflicts during pursuit of affection,friendship and kinship. In some senses,the heroine’s mental growth displayed in this thesis is the psychological portrayal of some contemporary college students,which has certain educational significance to the student readers especially those who possess the similar life experience and accesses them to have an incisive understanding of real life.  相似文献   

This essay is an interpretation of Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species. It focuses on the contents of the Origin as Darwin intended them to be understood and the background to the work, thus revealing the originality (or otherwise) of the work.  相似文献   

Bobby’s Story     
~~Bobby’s Story@苏畅~~  相似文献   

Bobby’s Story     
~~Bobby’s Story@苏畅~~  相似文献   

Bobby’s Story     
~~Bobby’s Story@肖攀博 @苏畅  相似文献   

The focus of this article is the experience of the growing numbers of children who, as one of the consequences of increasing globalisation, move between cultures internationally as a result of their parents' occupations. Beginning with a review of research relating to transition, the article goes on to describe a study at an international school in Thailand which, it is argued, is similar in terms of the globally‐mobile nature of its student population to many other such schools worldwide. Using a computer‐based questionnaire, the views of primary‐age children were explored in relation to various dimensions of the transition process. Findings highlighted the importance of recognising the impact of such moves on young children, and of schools being aware of the different stages of transition that children might be experiencing so that appropriate support may be provided.  相似文献   

Written from the vantage point of both a mother and teacher educator, the author recounts the journey taken by Sarah, her 4-year old daughter, as she is introduced to and explores map making as a means of representing and making sense of familiar and unfamiliar places. Offering Sarah’s experience as context, the author offers both a practical and theoretical discussion of children’s emerging geographic literacy, its relationship to identity development and the importance of understanding children’s experience and socio-emotional development to inform pedagogy.
Jennifer H. JamesEmail:

倪筱菊 《海外英语》2013,(1):192-193
《一个小时的故事》是凯特·肖邦于1894年4月19日完成的作品,并于同年12月6日发表。故事以短短的1015个字呈现了马兰德夫人一个小时内复杂的情感变化和人生体验。马兰德夫人体验了虚幻的自由,却因此而付出了生命的代价。通过对《一个小时的故事》的文本分析,该探究探讨了故事中妙巧的人物呈现,独特的故事情节,生动的语言运用以及细致入微的描写。研究阐明了以上四个因素促进故事形成了一个有机的整体,并突出了文章的主题:虚幻的自由和无法摆脱的束缚。  相似文献   

刘曦阳  刘柳 《海外英语》2011,(9):301-302
Hills Like White Elephants is a short story by Ernest Hemingway.It is a story about an American man and a pregnant girl.As the protagonist,Jig is considered as a submissive woman who has no definite views of her own.This paper attempts to analyze the changes of Jig’s inner thought during the forty minutes of waiting the train.In addition to how the girl has grown up from a weak and dependent character into a brave and independent female after the painful struggle in the helpless and hopeless states under the great pressure of the man.  相似文献   

凯特.肖邦的名篇《一个小时的故事》刻画了女性意识的觉醒。在表现这一进步过程的同时,作者不忘揭示女性要实现自由所面临的困难。本文通过意识对比来解析肖邦对女性的自我意识觉醒的描述,并探讨作者对女性获取真正自由所指出的道路。  相似文献   

周梅馨 《海外英语》2011,(10):304-305,307
This paper introduces The Story of an Hour, and researches stylistic analysis in the perspective of reader positioning.  相似文献   

篮球比赛过程中临场情况的变化,对临场裁判员心理状态产生不同的影响,出现错、漏判现象,有可能造成比赛失控,使比赛难以正常进行。本文分析了篮球比赛中裁判员临场出现不良心理变化的原因,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

本文主要从《周易》咨询心理的理论依据、对从业人员的要求及咨询技术方面来挖掘其咨询心理思想。《周易》咨询是通过占卜来进行的,在咨询过程中,与现代咨询心理学有许多异曲同工之处,可以说《周易》是中国古代咨询心理学思想的发轫之作。  相似文献   

高校心理咨询工作中值得注意的几个理论问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对高校心理咨询与心理治疗、心理教育关系的分析、认为从我国国情出发,只有对三者的工作目标、任务、对象、模式、内容、方式方法等严加区分,才能有效地做好上述三种工作;通过对高校心理咨询内容和重点的分析,认为随着科技进步和教改的推进,应将发展性咨询作为我国高校心理咨询的重点。明确这两个理论问题,不仅对纠正我国高校心理咨询实践中的工作偏差和充分发挥心理咨询在高校教育中的应有作用十分必要,且对于把握高校心理咨询工作的发展方向至关重要。  相似文献   

作者通过在课堂教学中引入心理游戏,使学生在这一过程中积极参与、体会心理感受,避免了该课程的教条化,达到真正对学生有所启迪的目的,有助于学生身心的健康。  相似文献   

网上心育:传统学校心育的必然发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网上心理教育具有灵活新颖,简便易行,双向互动,隐蔽性强,信息量大,资源共享,活泼即时,自主自助等特点。网上心理教育是一个系统工程,各级各类学校和教育管理部门必须全面动员,统筹规划,科学设计,多管齐下:要提高认识,重在建设;要注重师资培训,提高网络素质;要加强网络德育,促进学生上网自律。  相似文献   

禅宗是当代心理学研究普遍关注的热点,但当代心理学对禅宗的研究存在着许多曲解和误解。章依据禅宗的经典本,从心理机制、心理特征、心理生活境界几方面对禅宗理论的核心-直觉顿悟法门作了心理学阐释,力图彰显禅宗的心理生活本意。  相似文献   

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