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高宪礼 《怀化学院学报》2007,26(12):107-110
借鉴西方显性学习策略训练模式,采用书面问卷、策略教学及阅读测试等调查方法,对以策略训练为基础的阅读教学的影响进行探讨和研究。结果表明:系统地接受显性策略训练的学生在阅读成绩方面明显优于对照组;以策略为基础的阅读教学增强了学生的策略使用意识;通过对成功和非成功阅读者的比较,发现策略的运用与阅读水平的提高间有显著相关性。问卷调查显示,学生对策略训练普遍持认同态度,说明这类策略训练活动应用于大学外语课堂阅读教学是可行的、有效的。  相似文献   

古代文学研究必然会带上当代意识,研究古代文学应当关注当代,但我们应该关注有进步意义的当代意识,应该是当代意识和学术意识,现实性和学术性统一。应该关注当代发现的新材料和相关研究成果,关注新的技术手段,关注当代新的观念。要用新的当代观念,提升古代文学研究的思维层次和认识水平。从当代意识看,古代文学研究有直接的实用的价值。但古代文学研究的价值更主要在文化的积累和传承。一些文化遗产的意义,可能更为深远,它不仅留给今天,而且留给将来,可能正因为是基础的研究,对于提高民族文化素养有着更为基础的作用。  相似文献   

语言与思维是紧密相关的,教师在英语教学中将提问作为教学手段,从提问中激活学生的已有认知,关注学生思维品质的提升,可以促进学生的深度学习。在语篇教学中,教师要善于聚焦问题,激活主题,在阅读前生成问题,衔接新旧认知经验;在阅读中提出问题,促进学生深度学习;在阅读后追问,拓展学生英语阅读视野。  相似文献   

语音加工技能在汉语为母语个体英语学习中的作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
语音加工技能是英语为母语个体读写能力发展的核心技能,在汉语为母语个体的英语学习中也具有重要意义,不仅如此,汉语加工与学习经验对学习者英语语音加工技能发展及其作用也具有显著的影响,因此,我国英语教学及其研究应当更充分地关注语音加工技能的发展,系统考察学习者语音加工技能的发展与口语词汇、学习起始年龄与学习方式的关系,深入探讨语音加工技能训练的作用与条件,研制有效的训练方案,加深对英语学习内在过程的认识,并为促进英语学习和教学提供科学依据。  相似文献   

长久以来,英语教学关注的是英语作为沟通工具应该如何被更好地掌握,为我所用,所以,听、说、读、写的技能和方法被过多研究。然而,语言是精神、思想的载体,学生应当通过这个载体去领会情感上获得的愉悦和内心深处被触动的体会。因此,教师理应重视英语学习中的情感因素,并在课堂实践中帮助学生体会美好的情感。  相似文献   

为迎合时代发展,促进教育质量提升,解决教学弊病,就需要重视教育改革。新课改对其提出很多新颖要求,尤其是学生的学以致用能力和可持续发展素养培养。阅读作为语文课堂必不可少的内容,更要将其作为重要话题。合作学习有助于提升学生的综合学习能力、知识应用能力。本文以小学语文阅读为讨论对象,畅谈语文阅读对合作模式的应用,夯实基础,提高质量。  相似文献   

写作教学要重视的“三导”,即导读、导思和导写,它是“导学式”教学法在写作教学中的灵活应用。通过导读,引导学生借鉴思想成果和写作方式;通过导思,发展学生的思维能力;通过导写,将写作能力的提高落在实处。  相似文献   

虽然网络教学已成为世界高等教育领域一个备受关注的前沿和热点问题,但高校网络课程的推广和有效应用仍然是仟重向道远.本论文基于<学习科学与技术--信息时代大学生学习能力培养>本科课程多年网络教学及跨校协作的实践探索,总结了高校网络课程跨校协作共建共享的方法、策略及主要问题和障碍,以期抛砖引玉,共同推进我国高校网络教学的健康、快速发展.  相似文献   

语文教学要重视培养学生的自学能力,要引导学生积极参加听说读写的实践,重视在实践中学习语言、理解语言、运用语言。教给学生一些学习方法,鼓励他们采用适合自己的方法,主动地进行学习,逐步培养学生的自学习惯和自学能力。  相似文献   

This review, which can be seen as a scoping review, highlights 92 empirical studies about the learning and instruction of reading Chinese as an additional language (CAL) published in English between 1976 and 2018. It first identifies and evaluates the trends of CAL reading research over the past four decades, including the developmental trajectory of the field, topics that are hot versus those not-so-hot, populations that are widely studied versus under studied, research methods adopted in the selected studies, and the most widely cited articles. Second, the review examines direct evidence that supports effective practices of CAL reading instruction and explores two tracks of studies: high-evidence versus low-evidence practices. This review concludes with thoughts on the future directions of CAL reading research inspired by trends in the areas of literacy, second language acquisition (SLA), and teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language (TSCL/TCFL). To be specific, there is a need for the field to pay equal attention to learning to read and reading to learn.  相似文献   

Ann Browne 《Literacy》1985,19(1):46-50
An attempt was made to measure children's attention to text when reading. Attention was measured by observing the children's ability to reflect on text during and after the reading task. Questions were asked to determine how far children had assimilated new information from the text. It was felt that perhaps children do not know why they have learned to read and regard competent performance rather than understanding or personal gain as the object of reading, especially when reading aloud to the teacher. Children were, therefore, also asked why they thought they had been taught to read. The possibility of a relationship between the degree of attention manifested and the number of purposes for reading nominated was also considered. The results revealed no relationship between individual's ability to attend to text and to nominate a greater number of purposes for learning to read. However, the evidence suggested that the ability to attend to text and the understanding of the uses of reading might both be improved.  相似文献   

本文详细分析了英语学习中存在的误区:把听说读写译五种技能学习变成单一的看懂,只默读,不朗读;只动眼,不动口:聋子听力,哑巴口语;阅读量不够;把知识当技能,只学不用;浮躁速成心理;重结果,不重过程;对教师的依赖;频繁改变教材缺乏系统性。同时提出了语言学习的理念:语言学习规律是先“语”后“文”。英语是技能不是学问。练听必练说,练读必练写。语言是在不断地犯错误中学会的,畏惧错误就等于毁灭进步。口耳沟通胜过纸笔沟通“盯住”一套教材,“听烂”一本磁带。英语是学会的不是教会的。学好英语没有捷径。为考试而学是没有意义的。  相似文献   

对于母语学习而言,阅读和写作是落实语言运用的两条主要途径。目前国内外关于阅读的研究较多,但对于写作的研究相对滞后。写作研究主要有微观和宏观两种写作文本分析范式,微观分析范式侧重通用语言表现,宏观分析范式侧重叙事结构,二者在研究内容、研究手段和研究结果三方面既有突破,又有局限。构建具有教育技术学特征的新型写作文本分析范式是深度分析个体写作内在差异的新视角,是归纳母语学习普遍规律和梳理未来语言学习研究方向的新途径。新型写作文本分析范式应建立微观、宏观和中观分析相结合的内容分析框架;依据言语表达的输出特征,探寻与内容分析框架相对应的、以发展性为指向的研究手段;并以语言运用为中心,发现个体语言运用的特殊规律,为写作教学提供更为深入和透彻的理论解释。  相似文献   

随着数字化阅读的迅猛增长,传统纸质媒体与数字化媒体已经成为学习者获取学习资源的两种重要介质。电子课本作为数字化阅读与学习范式变革在基础教育领域中应用的产物,其应用效果受到人们的期待。电子课本如何促进学习?它对人的影响与纸质课本有何不同?基于梅耶多媒体学习理论,以电子课本和纸质课本两种阅读介质为例,对未成年人阅读过程中的眼动行为进行比较实验,结果表明:未成年人阅读纸质课本和电子课本的注意力分配有差异;电子课本阅读促进了更积极的交互,其测验成绩显著高于纸质课本,正文的观察时间和注视次数与测验成绩显著相关,但同时也增加了外在认知负荷。因此,设计人员在设计电子课本时应该兼顾学习者注意的广度和深度,实现各种多媒体学习内容的优势互补;家长和教师应该了解数字化阅读特点,适当引导未成年人的电子课本使用。  相似文献   


In the education context of sub-Saharan Africa, reading has received substantial attention in recent years. Reading skills and habits have been identified as a marker of success in formal education, particularly with the current international focus on reading achievement as a measure of learning. Meanwhile, adult literacy continues to be seen as an important feature of human development, and reading skills are carefully tracked in reporting on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This attention given to reading by major international agencies, and by the partners whom they influence, has contributed to a general belief that progress of all kinds can be linked to the ability to read and understand written text. Literacy and reading certainly feature prominently in many aspects of lifelong learning. However, the current interest in establishing so-called reading cultures is handicapped by a significant mismatch in assumptions about the utility and functions of literacy.


The research was conducted at Haramaya University with a group of in‐service teacher trainees in the Department of English with the aim of helping the trainees learn about the construction of reading comprehension questions. The data for the study were collected from the trainees’ reading comprehension exercises and their analyses of the cognitive categories of the questions collaboratively designed in the classroom. A reflective diary was kept to record events and to reflect on them. The study resulted in three major findings. The first is that trainees develop better understanding of the pedagogical values of reading comprehension questions when they have the chance to design, evaluate and use hierarchically ordered questions themselves. The second major finding is related to the use of small‐group learning as a strategy to promote collaborative learning. The study found that a community of learning does not happen just by putting trainees together into a group. Thirdly, the study demonstrated that action research should not be conducted with a predetermined problem in mind, but flexibly, to address issues that arise through the action research itself. The experience recounted here suggests that action research is much more than the technical things we do in classrooms; it also helps generate new knowledge.  相似文献   

影响人的学习的最重要因素是什么?不同的教学理论对此给出了大相径庭的答案,这是因为它们各自对学习本身持有不同的视界,有的看重预期的学习结果,有的聚焦影响学习过程的各种方法,还有一些则抓住了学习发生的条件.有八种对教育传播与技术领域的理论发展一直产生影响,并且仍在产生强烈影响的最流行研究范式,它们分别是完形心理学、行为主义和新行为主义、发展心理学、文化—历史学派、信息加工理论、认知符号理论、认知资源理论和社会建构主义.一般来说,研究总是在某个特定的范式框架内进行的,但是研究者应该认识到,范式本身会对研究方法和结果产生很深的影响.更重要的是,研究者应该对各种不同的理论与范式持开放的心态,因为新的发现总是出现在不同范式之间的交叠磨合处.  相似文献   

中国的大学英语改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The key factors that pushed College English in China to the stage of transformation are: globalization, student challenges, expansion of enrolment and primary and high school coordination challenge. The theoretical frameworks should cover the concepts of communicative competence, the learning-centered approach and learner autonomy. It then describes the major areas affected by the transformation to a new CE, in which the primary objective is to develop students’ English comprehension and communicative competence: the nature and goal of the curriculum, curriculum requirements, teaching mode, assessment, and administration, In the new CE, focus has shifted from reading to listening and speaking, and special attention is now given to independent learning by capitalizing on advanced information technology; five principles are understood as the underpinnings of the transformation: a shift in orientation towards competence, the dominance of learning, focus on process, emphasis on culture, and increasingly democratic learning.   相似文献   

专业基础阅读是指研究生为学好本专业而围绕核心学科及相关学科开展的结构性、储备性、奠基性阅读,它不同于学术研究阅读——如为专题论文写作和学位论文研究而开展的文献阅读或专题阅读,它对社科类学术型研究生的专业成长具有极为重要的价值。本文结合教育管理专业研究生的培养经验,例析社科类研究生专业基础阅读中存在的实际问题,进而建议社科类研究生在阅读目的上从“学以致用”转变为“学以致知”、在阅读内容上从“杂乱无章”发展为“自有体系”、在阅读素养上从“海绵型”读者成长为“钻石型”读者。  相似文献   

针对教学研究领域的三个主题:教学设计、课程设计、信息通信技术与媒体,国际教学设计研究领域的学者们主要关注如下研究热点:认知和学习心理学研究成果为教学设计模型提供了新的理论基础和创新途径,课程开发和信息通信技术需要进一步整合到教学设计模型中;课程开发及其对教学设计模型的影响;信息通信技术对教学设计和课程开发的影响,从更加整合和全面的视角来看待学习、教学、课程和技术之间的关系。《教学设计中课程、规划和进程的国际观》从以上三个方面展示了国际观点。当前教学设计研究和实践逐步形成以下发展趋势:一是教学设计研究越来越呈现出跨学科特点;二是运用技术创建有效学习环境成为教学设计研究的重要领域;三是欧美学者在教学设计研究领域既共享众多核心观点,又在研究角度、内容上各有不同,使得整体研究成果深度交融。  相似文献   

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