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试论杜威的教师教育思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于教师在教育改革中的重要性,杜威非常重视教师教育工作。其关于教师教育思想的主要内容有:教育学院是教师教育的主要机构,但初等学校和高级中学也是教师教育机构的一部分;教师教育应包括一般文化知识、具体学科知识、教育理论知识(含心理学和学科教法等)、专业精神四个方面的内容,其中,一般文化知识是前提,具体学科知识是基础,教育理论知识是主线,教育实际见习是重要环节,而所有这些都以专业精神为灵魂和统率。  相似文献   

成人教育的对象是成人,由于对象的特殊性,对成人教育教师的要求更高.成人教育教师专业化的知识结构包括:渊博的科学文化等方面的知识;精深的学科专业知识;普通教育学、心理学等基础理论知识;成人教育方面的理论知识;实践性的知识素质.  相似文献   

建设与知识经济时代相适应的教育思想体系既是教育发展的需要,又是时代的要求。文章在知识经济时代对教育提出的新要求,知识经济时代教育的指导思想和价值导向、知识经济时代教育发展的核心和原则,知识经济时代若干重要的教育思想理论问题,知识经济时代的教育管理观等五个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

知识与智慧在人类教育活动中表现为同一—分化—统合—转化四种关系形态及四个历史阶段,它深刻地反映了知识价值与智慧价值在人类教育活动中的演化过程。在古代教育中,知识与智慧浑然一体、朴素同一;至近代,二者在教育活动中发生了必然的分化、脱离;在现代教育中,知识与智慧处于对立统一的状态;转识成智是当代教育发展的一种价值走向。  相似文献   

为了理解高等教育质量,我们需要关注作为其前提的知识的作用。因为知识是大学学术工作的基础,它直接或间接地关系到高等教育文化的多样性。换句话说,知识形成了认知、诊断和处理高等教育质量问题的基础。本论文从知识的作用及知识重建的视角,分别就以下五个方面以日本为案例来研究质量保障的方法:知识的作用;知识社会和高等教育的关系;打造学习中心:日本文化和西方文化的冲突;多样化的知识:分裂、分化和冲突;探索新的大学模式。  相似文献   

通识教育知识观下的教师合作教学模式——一种实践观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,通识教育的研究集中程度很高,主要分布在四大块:国内外大学课程设置的通识教育观;通识教育实现的现状;通识教育的内涵辨析;通识教育理念的历史进程分析。总结所有分析可得出这样的理念:通识教育是基于全面知识的培养全人的教育。那么,基于这种理念的教师教学实践,就应该是通识教育知识观下的教师合作教学模式,在这种模式下,教师通过更好的扩展知识储备以用于课堂教学,借以更好的实现通识教育的内涵旨要。  相似文献   

大学的材料和基础是知识,因此,知识追求往往反映高等教育的理想。现今的高等教育处于一个非常确定的学术处境:后现代论说或后现代理念在高等教育领域引起的巨大浪潮,此波浪潮对高等教育的知识追求产生巨大的冲击,在冲击的过程中也不可避免将高等教育推向另一个尴尬境地。其中包括高等教育的知识认知、知识结构和知识运行等都出现了不同程度的转向,对这些转向的理性认知以及科学指引对高等教育的和谐发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

作为区域教育和学校发展决策和计划的谋划者、构思者、设计者的教育策划人才,是知识创造财富、知识改变命运的知识经济时代的“智业”工作者和活用知识的“知本家”和“智本家”。其知识素质主要包括两个方面:一是按合理的知识结构储备知识。二是知识的综合化即知识的活用。其能力构成主要包括:创新能力、策划能力、方案执行能力。  相似文献   

奥林匹克教育包括奥林匹克历史知识教育和奥林匹克人文知识教育,本文主要从奥林匹克主义、宗旨、理想、精神等方面,探讨了奥林匹克人文知识教育的内涵.  相似文献   

生命化教学关注知识,但知识不是唯一,不是目的,知识只有转化为智慧,才有其价值。智慧有其两面性,智慧的合理运用,必须有人文精神的引导。所以,生命化教学必须把知识授受、智慧启迪和灵魂润泽有机结合起来。  相似文献   

Advanced knowledge is the basis for higher education, but less research on higher education deals with it. The essay elaborates on the major point in several ways: first, the practice-oriented higher education research tends to ignore advanced knowledge; secondly, higher education shall never turn a blind eye to advanced knowledge due to their close relation; thirdly, the paper presents a tentative discussion over the external and internal characteristics of advanced knowledge. The research on advanced knowledge can not only provide better support for the reform of higher education, but also has great significance in perfecting the present theoretical system of higher education. __________ Translated from Beijing Daxue Jiaoyu Pinglun 北京大学教育评论 (Peking University Education Review), 2006, (4): 2–8  相似文献   

STEM教育从美国传播至世界其他许多国家,成为了许多国家战略发展、教育创新的重要途径.但实践发现,STEM教育中学科界限分明、知识不关联的现象严重阻碍了学生创新能力的培养.从知识论的视角看,STEM教育本质上是反对传统教育"知识孤立"的倾向,主张"知识融通".本文基于科学理性主义的科学精神、科学知识和科学方法构建了STEM教育的三层体系框架:信念层——STEM教育的意识状态,认识层——STEM教育的知识结构,方法层——STEM教育的思维工具.达到领域内容标准、探索学科之间不确定的相关性和确立相关知识间的逻辑关系模型,这"三步走"的STEM教育实践之路将有助于教师理解和处理STEM教育中的"知识"问题.  相似文献   

This article searches for an autonomous discipline of education, one that is a self-governing discipline and exercises the right to organize its own activities and to make independent decisions. In undertaking this quest, it asks: how may education be organized to safeguard its autonomy so as to be able to generate strong and unique educational knowledge and theory? To address this question, Herner Saeverot argues for a conceptual structure comprising three interrelated perspectives: education as translation (ETN), education as task (ETK), and education as truth (ETH). These three perspectives are part of the overarching term “the science of education” (SE). While ETN translates knowledge from noneducational disciplines into educationally relevant knowledge, ETK produces distinct educational knowledge or theory directly from educational practice (EP). Through these processes, education can function as an autonomous and a self-governing discipline. However, more research is needed to identify what would be required for education to become a strong autonomous discipline. The reason for this is that ETK ultimately produces educational theory in a weak sense, that is, it yields knowledge structures that are too loose or poorly articulated to be designed as strong theory. Thus, ETH examines ETK to produce educational theory in a strong sense, in other words, knowledge that has undergone thorough scientific verification and theoretical substantiation. By way of this organization, educational theory is developed through (1) ETK as a firsthand experience in which practice-based knowledge and theory is derived directly from EP, and (2) ETH as a second-order observation of EP in which theory-based knowledge is derived indirectly from EP and directly from practice-based theory (ETK).  相似文献   

大学生的学习兴趣问题已成为困扰大学教育的一大难题,这不仅表现在不少学生厌学、对学习得过且过,而且还表现在学习热情的严重缺乏。造成这种现状的原因主要在于兴趣教育的缺乏、大学教学与学生需求的严重脱节、读书无用论的抬头以及严峻的就业形势。而要改变这一现状,则至少需要将目前的教育观念从知识教育为主转变为能力教育、兴趣教育为主,并努力培养一支适应教学需要的高素质师资队伍,此外还需要大力改革教学模式。  相似文献   

世纪之初,知识经济时代初露端倪。知识经济的实质是:高新技术产业,其潜在资源是人的智力。因此重视教育,重视人才,重视学习,成为知识经济的主要特征之一。从某种意义上讲,知识经济将是一种教育型经济,学习型经济。由于现代社会信息发达,知识爆炸,所以,不能指望一次性学习而终身享用,必须建立终身教育体系。终身教育是知识经济之本,备受世界各国瞩目。终身教育必须注意三个问题:教育对象,受教育的对象应该是不带任何附加条件,凡地球公民都有受教育的权利;教育时间,受教育的时间应该贯穿于“生命的全过程”;教育范围,教育领域扩展为终身教育。要构建适合我国国情的终身教育体系。  相似文献   

高职课程开发的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程开发目前已成为高职课程改革之中的一个重要方面,高职课程开发中主要存在以下问题:课程开发主体积极投入不够,课程开发模式过分强调能力本位,课程开发内容仅仅注重显性知识。课程开发的策略有:树立科学的教育理念,构建合理的支持系统,注重缄默知识的开发。  相似文献   

在学理上,课程知识观是关于课程知识的“性质”、“功能”与“实践方式”等最根本性问题的理解。学校教育是通过课程知识的选择、组织和传递来实现人的生成的,通过对知识社会学视阈中课程知识观的学理分析与考察,为教育中人的生成提供了新的视角:在性质上,课程知识中“无人身”的中性判断被颠覆;在功能上,课程知识提供了“知性”与“人性”相遇的可能“场域;”在实践方式上,课程知识在其“组织策略”中生成人。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨健康教育对原发性高血压的辅助降压作用 ,评定健康教育对高血压患者降压效果影响与健康知识认知情况。方法 :将原发性高血压病人 40例 ,随机分为两组 ,各 2 0例 ,一组 (观察组 ) ,用药物治疗的同时配合健康教育 ,另一组 (对照组 ) ,单纯用药物治疗。结果 :观察组降压效果明显优于对照组 (p<0 .0 1 ) ;观察组对健康知识认知度较对照组明显增高 (p<0 .0 1 )。结论 :对原发性高血压病人进行健康教育 ,可提高其健康认知水平 ,有利于病人治疗和康复  相似文献   

Child abuse and neglect are serious social problems that make extraordinary demands on teachers’ knowledge and professionalism. Yet the field of education has been slow to develop a discipline-specific knowledge base about child abuse and neglect for teachers and teacher education programmes and there is a paucity empirical research into teachers’ knowledge in relation to child abuse and neglect. This paper describes a qualitative study of eight purposively selected early childhood teachers. To identify and evaluate their child abuse and neglect knowledge, Grossman's [(1990). The making of a teacher: Teacher knowledge and teacher education. New York: Teachers College Press; (1995). Teachers’ knowledge. In L. W. Anderson (Ed.), International encyclopedia of teaching and teacher education (2nd ed., pp. 20–24). Tarrytown, NY: Pergamon] typology of teachers’ knowledge is used as an analytic framework on which to map the teachers’ interview data. Findings reveal that, in the absence of preservice and inservice education specifically about child abuse and neglect, early childhood teachers held and deployed knowledge in resourceful ways. They used, as a basis, their existing early childhood knowledge and adapted this knowledge by augmenting it with a range of personal and professional knowledge resources to fit their particular challenges and situations. This approach, however competent and innovative, also reveals shortfalls in knowledge. Implications of this research are drawn for child abuse and neglect curriculum development in initial and continuing teacher education including the case for specialist knowledge needed to establish teachers’ professional reputation for dealing capably with cases of child abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

In this paper, I report on an examination of the rhetoric and implementation of peer education in Myanmar. I demonstrate that while there was widespread consistency on interviewees' views of what peer education should involve, there was a significant gap between this rhetoric and the ways in which peer education was implemented, particularly in relation to the training of peer educators. It is my argument that this gap occurred because of failure to utilise, or even recognise, a particular form of knowledge: knowledge as phronesis, which is most commonly translated as ‘practical wisdom’ and incorporates factual, emotional and experiential knowledge. Instead, as I show, the pedagogic processes in use in peer education practice in Myanmar drew on an (unexpressed) understanding of knowledge as episteme: a form of knowledge that is facts-based, technical and presumed objective.  相似文献   

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