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A teaching method may not work for all students. Therefore, attention should be paid to the type of students entering the learning environment in order to explain how they perceive the learning environment and achieve. This study investigates students’ perceptions and achievement in four learning environments that differed in the degree to which case-based and lecture-based learning were implemented (either separately or combined), hereby making use of students’ motivational and learning profiles. Participants were 1098 first-year student teachers who took a course on child development. Results showed that autonomously motivated deep-strategic learners were significantly more positive about each type of learning environment than little motivated and less pronounced deep-strategic learners. However, with regard to achievement, student profiles did not differ. Instead, the learning environment proved to be of significant influence: students in a gradually implemented case-based setting and a completely lecture-based setting scored significantly higher than students in a completely case-based setting.  相似文献   

Although the shift from page to screen has dramatically redefined conceptions of writing, very little is known about how youth compose with multiple modes in digital environments. Integrating multimodality and multiliteracies theoretical frameworks, this comparative case study examined how urban twelfth-grade students collaboratively composed across three multimodal projects when responding to and analyzing literature. Data sources included screen capture and video observations, student design interviews, written reflections, and multimodal products. Findings revealed that multimodal composing was a complex, dynamic, and varied process mediated by the interaction of multiple factors. Students exhibited modal preferences when working with open and flexible digital tools – spending a majority of time working with that particular mode and relying on it to carry the communicative weight of their compositions. The development of multimodal composing timescapes for this study provided new insights into students’ rapid and frequent cross-modal traversals as they worked on their digital projects.  相似文献   

The use of writing groups to support students undertaking post-graduate research within universities has begun to receive attention from academic supervisors and doctoral researchers. Very little has been written by doctoral students themselves on the benefits of working within such writing groups. In this article, the experiences of working within a doctoral writing group at an Australian University are presented, primarily from the perspective of students. The authors identify two main benefits they have experienced through participating in a writing group using a ‘multi-voiced’ approach. First, they discuss the kind of learning that they achieved through working in a writing group. They do this with reference to key principles of peer learning and of peer review. Second, they focus on the ways the group worked as a community of discursive social practice. An overarching message for them in participating in the group and now writing this article is the shift in their thinking and experience of writing from seeing writing as an essentially private and implicit process to writing becoming a matter of public and shared work. These two notions are bound by the concept of identity building, drawing from the literature on communities of practice.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine teachers’ use of knowledge sources in meetings where they discuss and formulate initiatives and solutions to develop existing teaching practice based on national test results. While practices of data use have been extensively researched, less attention has been given to the content of data use practices. Analyses of what kind of knowledge sources are used, and how, in discussions about student performance levels and accompanying initiatives to improve teaching can yield important insight into the potential and pitfalls of local data use practices. Based on an analysis of the knowledge sources that Norwegian secondary school teachers draw upon in so-called ‘result meetings’ and of the prognostic frames that teachers initiate, we find that teachers use several knowledge sources and that their data use practices can be characterised as complex and ‘thick’, although the data itself are ‘thin’. However, although teachers draw upon a range of knowledge sources and integrate these when identifying possible solutions, the solutions themselves are often short-term and directed towards improving test results. In order for teachers to ask more fundamental questions regarding existing practices, more attention should be directed towards problem-solving processes and also whether result meetings can provide arenas for complex problem-solving.  相似文献   

The tensions between environmental protection and economic growth are critical to future well-being, and it is therefore important to understand how young people conceptualize these tensions. The aim of the present study is to explore students’ solutions to the dilemma of economic development and mitigating climate change, with regard to societal responses to the challenge of climate change. The study was conducted in China’s Green Schools. Green School is an international long-term programme with the aim of increasing students’ knowledge of environmental issues, and transferring this knowledge into positive actions to affect the wider community. The data were obtained through semi-structured pre- and post-interviews with 15–16-year-old students in three groups (12 students) from Green Schools in the Beijing area. The results show that students’ discussions focused exclusively on economic growth and social welfare. Students seem to believe that environmental problems are inevitable, nature is a ‘box’ of resources, and economic development is necessary in order to sustain and even improve nature. Therefore, there is no dilemma between economic development and environmental protection. The paper ends with a discussion on research and implications for teaching climate change.  相似文献   

The article elaborates and exemplifies a potential categorization of the reasons for using philosophy, in particular the philosophy of mathematics, in mathematics education and approaches to doing so—the so-called ‘whys’ and ‘hows’. More precisely, the ‘whys’ are divided into the two categories of ‘philosophy as a tool’ for teaching and learning mathematics, and ‘philosophy as a goal’, referring to a stance of considering it a purpose in itself to teach students certain aspects regarding the philosophy of mathematics. A division of the ‘hows’ into three different categories is offered: illumination approaches; modules approaches; and philosophy-based approaches. A major part of the article is spent on providing illustrative exemplifications of each of these approaches by referring to already implemented uses of philosophy of mathematics in mathematics education as well as by suggesting new ones.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the problem-solving performance of 101 university students and their interactions with a computer modeling tool in order to solve a complex problem. Based on their performance on the hidden figures test, students were assigned to three groups of field-dependent (FD), field-mixed (FM), and field-independent (FI) learners, and were instructed to use integrated-format materials and Model-It® in order to solve a problem about immigration policy. The results showed that there were significant differences among the three groups of learners in terms of their problem-solving performance. Consequently, the study employed educational data mining (EDM) methods in order to examine how FD and FI learners actually interacted with Model-It® in order to solve the problem. The EDM methods provided rich analytical information and details about learners’ interactions with the computer tool. Implications for designing effective joint cognitive systems are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper aims to find out two outcomes of feedback in the novice writers’ graphic organizers, which are the novice writers’ ability to align their ideas to their writing goal, and their perceived germane, metacognitive, extraneous and intrinsic cognitive loads when generating and revising ideas based on the feedback. Data was gathered from the students’ graphic organizers, mental difficulty questionnaires and focus group discussion. The findings show that the students’ relevance of ideas improved with feedback in their organizers, except for one sub‐process. In addition, the students’ metacognitive load seems to affect the amount of ideas generated. These findings have implications for media selection mix and social collaborative environments.

Rückmeldung über graphische Organizer von Studenten unterstützt das Schreiben – Relevanz von Anfänger Ideen und Erinnerungsnotizen

Mit diesem Beitrag soll versucht werden, die Ergebnisse zweier Rückmeldungen über die graphischen Organizer von Anfängern zu finden: die Fähigkeit des Anfängers seine Gedanken dem Schreibziel anzupassen und seine erwartete Relevanz metakognitiv, sachfremde und intrinsisch kognitive Beiträge beim Erzeugen und Überprüfen von Ideen, die auf dem Feedback beruhen, zu nutzen. Die Daten wurden auf den graphischen Organizern der Studenten gesammelt, ebenso schwierig zu bearbeitende Fragebögen und Gruppendiskussionen. Es zeigte sich, dass die Relevanz der Ideen mit dem Feedback auf den Organizern der Studenten wuchsen, außer für einen Sub‐Prozess. Zusätzlich scheint der metakognitve Beitrag der Studenten die Menge der erzeugten Ideen zu beeinflussen.

Un appui à l’écriture reposant sur l’usage de la rétroalimentation dans les organisateurs graphiques des étudiants ‐ sur la pertinence des idées des novices de l’écrit et sur les charges cognitives

Le but du présent article est de trouver deux résultats de la rétroaction dans les organisateurs graphiques des apprentis écrivains nommément: la capacité des novices de l’écrit pour aligner leurs idées sur leurs objectifs d’écriture et les charges métacognitives appropriées, étranges et intrinsèques telles qu’ils les perçoivent lorsqu’ils révisent ou produisent des idées fondées sur la rétroaction. On a recueilli des données provenant des organisateurs graphiques des étudiants, des questionnaires sur la difficulté intellectuelle et les discussions de groupes ciblées. Les résultats obtenus montrent que que la pertinence des idées des étudiants s’améliorait avec la rétroaction dans leurs organisateurs sauf pour un sous‐processus. En outre la charge métacognitive des étudiants semble affecter la quantité d’idées produites.

Un apoyo a la escritura basado en el uso de la retroalimentación en los organizadores gráficos de los estudiantes, en la pertinencia de las ideas de los novatos de la escritura y en las cargas cognitivas

La finalidad de este artículo es de encontrar dos resultados en la retroalimentación de los organizadores gráficos de los novatos de la escritura que serían: _la capacidad de los dichos novatos de sintonizar sus ideas con sus objetivos de escritura y_ las cargas metacognitivas ajenas y intrinsecas tal como las perciben cuando producen o revisan ideas basadas en la retroalimentación. Datos fueron recogidos de los organizadores gráficos de los estudiantes, de los cuestionarios de agilidad intelectual y de los debates de grupos enfocados. Los resultados muestran que la pertinencia de las ideas de los estudiantes mejoró con la retroalimentación en sus organizadores si no fuera por un solo subproceso. Además a lo que parece, la carga metacognitiva de los estudiantes afecta la cantidad de ideas producidas.  相似文献   


Drawing on data from a project exploring children's and adults’ friendships across social class and ethnic difference, this paper focuses on the enactment of national and institutional policy around children’s friendships as realized in three primary schools in diverse urban areas in London. Through a focus on the way in which social and emotional learning (SEL) and teachers’ understandings of children’s friendships seek to govern children’s friendship behaviours, we turn to Foucault’s work to explore how power shapes relations between policy frameworks and teachers’ practices, and between those who teach and those who are taught. We discuss the disciplinary potential of SEL and teachers’ ‘common sense’ understandings of children’s friendships, but conclude by noting possibilities for teachers to create spaces in which all children can safely explore the nature of friendships.  相似文献   

We empirically explored whether academics from pure/soft and pure/hard fields engage in reflective practice on teaching differently and, if so, whether these differences could be partially explained by the epistemological structure of their discipline. Interview data from academics in pure/hard (N = 30) and pure/soft fields (N = 10) were deductively analyzed according to different types and domains of reflection as well as the nature of learning underlying these reflections. The greatest differences between the two groups were found with respect to reflection on core beliefs as well as within the domain of educational goals and purposes, both being more common in soft fields. Soft and hard fields engaged in instrumental, communicative as well as emancipatory learning about teaching but to different degrees. We propose that teaching expertise requires a disposition to engage in reflection on core beliefs, particularly but not exclusively within the domain of goals and purposes, the latter involving both communicative and emancipatory learning. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.
Carolin KreberEmail:

The editors of a recent special edition of Qualitative Studies in Education map a new field of post-qualitative research and raise fundamental questions about core concepts such as ‘method’ and ‘data.’ They ask whether qualitative inquiry as we know it is any longer possible if we understand language, the human and the material as completely imbricated. In taking up the relation between language and representation as core to what is proposed as the ‘new new,’ the paper examines these questions in relation to data generated in a project called ‘Love Your Lagoons’ conducted with 10 schools and 300 children in Sydney’s water catchment. In particular, the paper focuses on data from one secondary school that offered ‘Regeneration’ as a sport option in which the students walked to their local Redbank Creek every week and spent time there. By closely attending to the circumstances of the collection of data and analyzing it through approaches offered within the ‘new new,’ insights into the relationship between language, materiality, and the human are offered. Summary comments are made about the politico/ethical project of the post-human I and the relevance of data and method to such post-qualitative inquiry.  相似文献   



This paper explores questions of access to perceptions of educational policy by members of policy elites. In particular, it reviews some possibilities of broadening how national education policy is contructed by examining the utility of published autobiographical tests.  相似文献   

This article reveals the multiple ways in which data are constituted as a vehicle for governing teachers’ work and learning. Drawing on the concept of governance, including in relation to the sociology of numbers, and data from one school in Queensland, Australia, the research reveals how teachers’ work and learning were constituted through practices of: establishing specific ‘targets’, including various ‘audacious goals’ for school and national testing; focusing upon ‘aligning’ all forms of school, regional and national data collected within the school; and participating in various ‘data conversations’ about specific students with senior members of staff. While the research reveals how teachers found such practices beneficial for improving their practice with students, it also shows how this learning was always and everywhere framed within a broader discourse of data, and how this data-centric focus came to constitute what was valued about their work and learning, and that of their students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how concept cartoons, together with other diagnostic and scaffolding tools, could be used in formative assessment, to stimulate talk and argumentation among students in small groups, as part of peer‐assessment and self‐assessment; and to provide diagnostic feedback about students’ misconceptions to the teacher for teaching towards conceptual change. Two classes of Primary 5 and 6 students worked in small groups to discuss the opposing viewpoints posed by the cartoon characters, using scaffolding tools to guide their discussions and to evaluate, challenge, and document each others’ ideas. Students also used drawings to depict their ideas. The conversation from one group was audio‐taped. These tools provided a record of students’ thinking in a form that was accessible to the teacher for monitoring and feedback purposes. Findings showed dialogic talk and interactive argumentation among students where they made their reasoning visible. Students’ assertions and questions had formative potential as they encouraged exploratory and reflective discourse by drawing upon each others’ ideas. The teacher’s discursive practices, as well as her role in designing scaffolding structures for supporting ‘assessment conversations’ when using concept cartoons and in devising strategies that take into account students’ conceptual and epistemic thinking, are emphasised.  相似文献   

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