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This article focuses on the impact of learning spaces as well as collaborative technology, which affects library building and design. The article illustrates that learning spaces are an important component in the design of library buildings rather then a temporary trend. During each of our company's latest public library building projects, both librarians and architecture teams have recognized the need to support increases in learning activities. To bring more users to the public library, they recommended that the building needed increased seating to support training, education and in‐house cultural programming. The stories cited in this article suggest that there is a relationship between learning spaces and collaborative technology. Among librarians and library planners, learning spaces are seen as a unifying requirement for the expansion of library services. They recognize that the library's seating plan must include more learning spaces to support social networking, sharing and project base learning. Our qualitative findings suggest that public libraries need more learning spaces to support new types of digital work.  相似文献   


We examine how students in academic libraries work; their furniture, technology and space needs; research methods used to determine these; and the results and evolution of our space design and assessment efforts. From the creation of a new collaborative center at Mann Library at Cornell University in 2007 to our latest space redesign in 2015, we've used a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods—including surveys, interviews, usability tests, and participatory design exercises—to discover the study behaviors and needs of users, applied this data to help redesign our collaborative study spaces, and assessed the results.  相似文献   


Building on experiences from earlier digital initiatives and partnerships, the University of Virginia has developed new services and forged new collaborations between traditional information technology and library units in support of changing approaches to science and engineering research and education. Over the past 4 years, the library has evolved through numerous service models, changes in institutional vision, and budgetary shortfalls and has emerged with a new understanding of where to invest resources and energy for coming challenges.  相似文献   

文章利用内容分析法对国外重点图书馆发展战略和愿景规划中有关用户研究与服务的内容进行分析和梳理,归纳出这些图书馆战略规划在用户信息环境、用户信息需求、用户信息行为、用户信息技术等方面的主要内容和特点,以期对我国图书馆的用户服务提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

以森建筑公司开设的六本木图书馆为代表,日本全国陆续出现一批营利性会员制图书馆,备受舆论关注。六本木图书馆2003年开馆,虽然收费昂贵,但经营状况良好,会员逾三千人。会员制图书馆的宗旨是建立一个人与人沟通、合作,创生新事物的空间,强调图书馆作为专门交流场所的重要性。其馆藏特色鲜明、专业性强、更新及时,服务以开馆时间长、活动空间多样、提供餐饮等见长。会员制图书馆既具备传统图书馆的功能:提供查询、借书服务和读书空间,又是一个可以饮食、交流、办公、思考、放松的空间,是一个可随时在公共空间与私人空间之间自由切换的空间。这样的空间以往在日本不曾存在,其产生、兴起以致繁荣,有着显著的社会及文化动因。表3。参考文献22。  相似文献   

网络环境下的图书馆个性化信息服务   总被引:36,自引:3,他引:36  
楼宏青 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(6):195-199
论述了图书馆拓展个性化服务的必然性,介绍了国内外图书馆开展个性化服务的情况,网络环境下图书馆开展个性化服务的方式和技术一并提出图书馆实现网络信息个性化服务要注重的几个问题。  相似文献   

This article asks questions and invites discussion of important issues that must be addressed for our profession to continue to keep pace with the needs of a rapidly changing landscape. These broad questions invite discussions about: space, staffing, facilities and our changing roles. It looks at space in our facilities and how we use that space as both are pressing issues for libraries. The examination of our space includes the virtual spaces we create via resources on the web. Staffing and how staff will work together in the changing landscape are issues that will shape what our profession and libraries look like in the future. The questions and suggestions are intended to spark conversations in libraries about these important issues.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Creating new public programming that showcases new technology is an idea that has great appeal for most public libraries. This article summarizes ideas that emerged from a library planning charrette that was hosted by the Louisville Free Public Library, with the M.I.T. Design Laboratory facilitating. The article also suggests ways in which innovation and experimentation can be implemented at low cost within the bounds of an existing public library infrastructure. The use of open source Internet content resources is recommended as a source of inspiration.  相似文献   


This article reports on the “2019 Best Practices from World Libraries” Photo Gallery Project initiated by the International Connections Committee (ICC) of the International Relations Round Table (IRRT) at the American Library Association (ALA). The project was inspired by a 2018 ALA-IRRT Emerging Leader’s project, Toward Increasing Engagement of International New Professional Leaders in ALA Activities, which followed a survey study developed to explore IRRT’s ability to engage its international members. The article shares the project planning process and the key actions taken to build a virtual and physical gallery for the 2019 ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC, as well as highlights example programs from the project which demonstrate how libraries around the world are building stronger communities. Finally, the authors consider how the project may be improved upon and further developed in the future.  相似文献   

刘璇  徐飞 《图书情报工作》2012,56(7):136-135
认为《公共图书馆面积规划研究》一书是一部体系完备、具有创新性内容的学术著作。它从图书馆业务工作的角度出发,系统地研究公共图书馆面积规划的理论、方法和各种影响要素,开拓了图书馆建筑研究的新领域,并提出适合中国公共图书馆使用的面积规划方法与通则,具有较高的实践应用价值。  相似文献   

基于数字图书馆的个性化信息服务研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
邱燕燕 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(5):152-154,205
数字图书馆的个性化信息服务是数字环境下提高图书馆服务质量、效益和水平以及数字化信息资源使用率的重要手段。文章从分析国内外数字图书馆个性化信息服务的现状入手,探讨数字图书馆个性化信息服务的特征、服务流程以及个性化信息服务系统基本功能模块和定制形式。  相似文献   

论网络环境下高校图书馆的个性化信息服务   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
李甜甜 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(5):175-177
从个性化信息服务的概念入手.以国家重点学科文科基地图书室为例,阐述了个性化信息服务在高校图书馆信息服务中扮演的角色,并对图书馆个性化信息服务的对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过对近几年的文献分析后梳理出目前国内图书馆个性化服务研究的趋势和热点问题,从而得出资源研究和用户研究两大研究视角,并分析了技术研究在这一主题的发展情况。参考文献20。  相似文献   

分报告五:哥伦比亚大学图书馆考察报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哥伦比亚大学图书馆是一个综合型的研究型图书馆。该馆收藏了丰富的数字化馆藏资源,并致力于为读者提供多种多样的数字化信息服务,旨在通过新的传媒方式和数字化技术帮助师生方便地进行学术交流,协同工作和共享新的知识。为了满足新的服务期望,该馆针对数字化信息服务制定了发展战略规划。  相似文献   

影响公共面积规划的社会因素有很多,但服务人口及社会经济发展水平是两个最关键的因素,它们直接决定着图书馆面积的大小。在服务人口因素中,从人口统计学以及图书馆业务角度可以将人口指标分为户籍人口及常驻人口、直接服务人口及间接服务人口,其中后两个人口指标对确定图书馆面积有着直接的影响。社会经济发展水平表现为当地交通状况和产业经济结构。图书馆面积规划时要针对不同的社会影响因素采取不同的应对策略。  相似文献   

The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit recently heard a suit brought against the Federal Communications Commission by Verizon concerning the 2010 Open Internet Rules. These rules were meant to protect consumers and ensure net neutrality by Internet service providers (ISPs). The Court struck down these rules, and now ISPs will have more power about how content is delivered to users. Librarians should be knowledgeable of net neutrality and this ruling, as it potentially affects abilities of users to exercise intellectual freedoms and could impact the library’s ability to provide services to its users.  相似文献   

图书馆公共空间是社会化的行为场所,其设计应该最大限度地满足人们的不同需求并充分体现人性化。图书馆公共空间设计的要素主要包括光环境、材质与色彩。随着社会的不断进步,现代图书馆室内公共空间设计呈现出一些新趋势:由平面空间转向立体空间;光环境与色彩设计更加人性化;绿色、生态、低碳设计日益兴起;趋向智能化,舒适度增加,保持民族化,注重科学性,加入减噪设计等。  相似文献   

In planning for a new library construction project for the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa, graduate students enrolled in the University of Oklahoma (OU) School of Library and Information Studies collaborated in an innovative effort to develop a commons-based reference service. By first considering a philosophical approach to the need for a commons, blending in the experiences of other libraries that have created similar spaces, and focusing on the workflow issues likely to be encountered by the graduate assistants staffing the commons itself, this planning team developed an uncommon peer-to-peer approach to reference and education services, one focused on the patron as student.  相似文献   

石笑  贡金涛 《图书馆》2021,(1):31-39
文章主要运用网络调研和统计分析等方法,分别从战略规划文本制定主体、战略发展方向、战略规划体例及内容等维度,对23份国外一流大学图书馆战略规划样本进行统计分析,进而得出若干研究结论和发展启示,以期为我国高校图书馆制定战略规划和开展新型服务提供必要的理论参考。  相似文献   

Metropolitan Sierra Leone is made up of Freetown, the capital city and its environs. Within its bounds are dispersed a variety of libraries, each with the mission of providing adequate, relevant and up‐to‐date materials tailored to the needs of their numerous clientele. However, because of stringent budget cuts and a lack of human and material resources, these institutions are unable to carry out their missions. One way to improve this situation is through collaboration in the provision of materials and services. This article explores the need for the establishment for networks among public, academic and school libraries in metropolitan Sierra Leone. The article begins by defining metropolis followed by a brief recounting of some features of a metropolis, the library scene in metropolitan Sierra Leone and a consideration of plausible areas for networks among these libraries. The article concludes with a discussion of some issues that have to be faced if the proposed network is to materialise.  相似文献   

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