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Although much attention has been paid to how media use and interpersonal discussion motivate people to engage in political persuasion, and despite recent efforts to study the role of digital media technologies, less is known about the creation of news and public affairs content online. This study sheds light on how online content creation works alongside other communicative behaviors, such as news use and political discussion, to affect attempted political persuasion. Using two-wave panel survey data, we find that political discussion and citizen news creation mediate the relationships between online and traditional news use, on one hand, and attempted persuasion, on the other. Furthermore, strength of partisanship moderates the relationship between content creation and attempted persuasion. Findings are discussed in light of their implications for the political communication and public sphere processes.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(3):87-92
Objective: Persuasion in advertising is a critical assignment where students apply Aristotle's and Cicero's persuasive techniques to a specific advertising campaign run by a large, multinational corporation or nonprofit organization

Courses: This assignment can be used in such courses as Persuasion, Advertising, Organizational Communication, Public Relations, Media and Society, and Public Communication  相似文献   

文章揭示在学术社区背景下用户形成沉浸体验的主要驱动因素以及沉浸体验对用户持续使用社区行为意愿的影响机理,采用问卷调查法收集有效样本285份,利用偏最小二乘结构方程模型方法验证概念模型以及沉浸体验的中介效应,研究结论为推动我国学术社区的建设和发展提供参考.  相似文献   

阅读推广已经成为图书馆的主流服务,但作为阅读推广主体的阅读推广人在实践中仍然存在角色模糊的问题,这在一定程度上制约了阅读推广人的专业化发展。本文在借鉴公关人员角色和团队成员角色研究的理论视角和实证研究的基础上,采用混合研究方法,试图明确图书馆阅读推广人角色的类型构成,并分析其前置因素和后续影响。研究发现,当前图书馆阅读推广人的角色类型包括组织联络、宣传评估、调研策划、现场主导和内部辅导;这一角色分类体现了从管理者到混合型再到技工的连续体,其中组织联络位于管理者一端,宣传评估位于技工一端,调研策划因其典型的混合型特点位于中间位置,而现场主导和内部辅导这两个角色则可能位于该连续体的其他任何中间位置;除了性别和学科背景之外,职称、所在图书馆的类型、图书馆所处地域和工作性质对图书馆阅读推广人的角色类型都有一定的影响,而这些角色类型又在很大程度上影响他们对角色重要性的认知和对工作满意度的评价。本研究可为图书馆培养阅读推广人提供参考。图1。表6。参考文献47。附录1。  相似文献   

韩红星  覃玲 《编辑之友》2016,(12):98-103
原生广告实现了品牌内容与媒体编辑内容的自然衔接,传统媒体与社交媒体呈现一派原生“狂欢”景象.“原生”不是偶然,而是媒介技术的达尔文式进阶推动下的结果,由原生广告带来媒体广告终端、内容与模式的变化,挑战了媒体的权威性,而为了避免这场“浮士德的交易”带来的负面效应,加强原生广告的监管成为美国市场媒体广告持续发展的选择.  相似文献   

目前学界在数字原住民和数字移民的概念界定上尚未达成共识。在以往对信息管理的研究中,不同类型的用户通常在动因、认知风格和行为模式上存在较为显著的差异。本文在相关文献研究的基础上对数字原住民和数字移民的概念进行系统性解析和述评,并从认知科学、行为科学和设计学的角度提出数字悟性(digital savvy)的概念,建议暂时搁置对于数字原住民和数字移民的学术争辩,从整合的研究视角出发跨越两者间单纯的二元对立,为用户信息行为领域的理论和实证研究提供新的构念和研究方向。图2。表1。参考文献55。  相似文献   

程明  张蒙 《编辑之友》2022,(1):80-85
从传统广告到数字广告,其信息的认知逻辑随着媒介技术的浸入而不断发生改变.文章从传统广告信息认知的局限角度进行分析,对比建构数字广告下的内容认知逻辑,并深入剖析数字广告的影响能力.研究发现,对于大众媒介下"被控制"的受众而言,企业和媒体在传统广告信息的加工和传播上处于霸权地位.随着数字广告的兴起,不仅将传统的广告信息进行了内容再造,而且令认知的主体与客体在关系连接上发生了改变.此外,数字广告还利用社交媒体的即时性和交互性的特点,消解掉传统广告的控制权力,进而通过数字内容的影响能力完成广告的进化.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]引文是施引文献与被引成果的纽带,反映了后继者的借鉴和肯定。本研究在传统题录关键词网络的基础上,创新地将引文上下文关键词作为研究材料,所构建知识图谱不仅能揭示文献主题的深层次信息,也能够反映受众主观筛选和利用文献的知识过程。[方法/过程]选取数字人文为研究领域,获取3个文献集和两个引文文本集,构建两个无向的关键词共现网络和两个有向的基于文献引证的关键词网络。通过共现网络,观察数字人文领域知识的吸收与扩散;通过引证关键词网络,观察数字人文的形成与转化。[结果/结论]研究揭示数字人文的研究重点、核心领域与核心技术,从受众的角度为数字人文领域未来研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Despite the pervasiveness of digital disinformation in society, little is known about the individual characteristics that make some users more susceptible to erroneous information uptake than others, effectively dividing the media audience into prone and resistant groups. This study identifies and tests procedural news knowledge as a consequential civic resource with the capacity to inoculate audiences from disinformation and close this “resistance gap.” Engaging the persuasion knowledge model, the study utilizes data from two national surveys to demonstrate that possessing working knowledge of how the news media operate aids in the identification and effects of fabricated news and native advertising.  相似文献   

于淼 《编辑之友》2016,(12):75-79
超本地化新闻是对传统社区新闻的超越,它意味着对传统的新闻生产方式、经营方略、融资模式的挑战,代表着未来社区新闻的发展方向.文章立足于社区新闻由本地化向超本地化的嬗变,着重探讨在传播技术快速发展、受众阅读习惯不断变迁的背景之下,超本地化新闻在生产模式和经营方略方面的创新,展现超本地化新闻实践的最新成果,展望其未来可持续发展的方向,并提出超本地化新闻对中国社区治理和媒介公共性实践的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Based largely on McCracken's ‘cultural meaning transfer’ model (1989), which stresses the cultural meanings of celebrity endorsers, this study explores the characteristics that differentiate celebrity-endorser strategies in South Korean newspaper ads from those in US newspaper ads. With Hofstede's cultural typology—uncertainty avoidance and power distance—as a theoretical framework, this study finds that ads in South Korea with a high uncertainty avoidance and a high power distance culture present a higher proportion of celebrity endorsers than those in the US with a low uncertainty avoidance and a low power distance culture. However, US ads have a greater proportion of product-related celebrity endorsers in both high- and low-involvement product ads. The study also provides detailed information on foreign celebrity endorsers presented in international product ads.  相似文献   

Drawing on actor-network theory (ANT), this essay explores the politics of punctualization and depunctualization by closely examining the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), an online advertising and marketing trade consortium. I deploy two concepts from actor-network theory, punctualization and depunctualization, as key lenses through which to see the shifting contours of the Digital Advertising Association as it confronts other actor-networks.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the impact of ICTs, the Internet, and the Web on the life and work of people and mentions new services available through the convergence of computer and communication technologies. Also discussed are “digital determinism” in general and India's growing “digital divide” in particular. The paper discusses the promises and perils of the digital revolution. Comments are made on the library and information infrastructure, superstructure, and digitization initiatives in India. The paper concludes with the observation that only a suitable national policy for library and information systems can contain the emerging “digital divide” in India. Otherwise, networked information and library networks will have no meaning for the 47·79% Indians who are totally illiterate.  相似文献   

This study's purpose is twofold: to introduce a new format into existing political entertainment research (“serious” political talk shows) and to establish a more specific definition of entertainment in a political context. To do so, the authors rely on a two-process-model of entertainment experiences. A telephone survey (N = 230) was conducted to analyze the antecedents and consequences of eudaimonic and hedonic entertainment experiences and to look into politically relevant variables and their distribution among viewers and nonviewers of such talk shows. The results highlight the importance of introducing new entertainment concepts and their relations to other relevant political and motivational variables into the research of political entertainment. More specifically, the findings demonstrate how entertainment experiences contribute to viewers' feeling of being informed and point out several differences between viewers and nonviewers concerning their internal political efficacy and political interest. Finally, looking at political talk shows from an audience perspective extends previous content-based taxonomies.  相似文献   


The online environment has radically changed the way in which users consume, discover and manipulate news. The growing relevance of social media platforms and digital intermediaries for news sharing and consumption increase the likelihood of citizens to be exposed to online news even when they are not seeking it. This digital transformation fundamentally challenges the way online news use and exposure have been conceptualized and measured, affecting also to citizens’ knowledge about public affairs and politics. This article examines the factors that predict the probability to be an “incidentally exposed news user” online. Specifically, based on a representative US sample from the Pew Research Centre, this study analyses the role of media preference, use and trust. Findings indicate that beyond users’ demographics and loyalty, readers’ news preferences, uses and trust, specially of social media platforms, affect their probability to be incidentally exposed to news online. These results have important empirical and theoretical implications for understanding the connection between readers’ news consumption patterns and online exposure, intentional or incidental.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]研究数字经济时代,知识作为关键战略资源和核心资产,对理论和实践提出的新挑战。[方法/过程]采用文献资料调研法和理论分析法,基于网络实体系统(CPS)对数字经济时代知识管理的挑战和趋势进行分析阐述。[结果/结论]数字经济时代,知识管理在对象上对数据的获取和整合要求更高,在增值体系上对数据到信息再到知识的精度、实时性和准确性要求更高,异构整合和数据挖掘成为知识管理的关键,人机交互和人工智作为关键技术将发挥关键作用,在知识管理的目标上,数据驱动的价值创造成为核心。未来知识管理的发展将在战略上向实时动态精准决策演化,在架构上转向全域知识管理,在组织上通过无障碍知识流打造高效创新型组织,在内容上系统整合碎片化知识,在方法上重视基于人机交互的隐性知识转化,在技术上打造基于平台的知识图谱。  相似文献   

Social media have become an integral part of online news use, affecting how individuals find, consume, and share news. By applying the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), this study investigates the effects of motives, attitude, and intention on news-sharing behavior among German social media users (n = 333). Findings show that news-sharing attitude and subjective norms have a positive effect on news-sharing intention, which in turn has a positive effect on actual news-sharing behavior. Taken together, we see that a new media behavior in the early phases of its societal diffusion—like social media news sharing in Germany in 2015—can mainly be explained by a rational choice logic and is rooted in the motives of socializing and information seeking. This finding thus reflects the double nature of social media as a means for both information retrieval and social grooming.  相似文献   

金强 《编辑之友》2021,(9):25-31,79
历史观建构与历史学研究,对于科学史、哲学史、思想史、观念史等的书写有基础性导引作用,进而对阅读行为解析及阅读史研究产生影响.知识考古作为历史观和历史学的双重结构客体,与出版本源的四要素紧密相连,对阅读意义产生了直接影响.知识生产与阅读消费,在市场激发和技术簇拥下愈发趋于同步,并以多重路径开展.对阅读史进行研究,可以在知识考古视域下,从宏观的科学认识意义辨析、中观的史论综合体系构建路径以及微观行为、焦点解读等的具体规制三个脉络展开.  相似文献   


Venture capital funding is an increasingly common yet understudied management model in the rapidly changing market of news media. Drawing on scholarship in media management and entrepreneurship, this study applies a community ecology framework to analyze the relationship between venture capital funding and digital news media firms. In doing so, this work explores the interaction between legacy news media firms and new entrants as they struggle for scarce resources and seek to grow in the face of rapid change. A dataset tracking funding activity of legacy and startup news media firms is used to analyze resource allocation within the digital news media ecosystem. Results of the analyses provide insights for news media management by furthering understanding regarding venture capital funding models and the generative mechanisms that help drive growth. Specifically, findings highlight the importance of cross-sector engagement and the tension between firm age and position for growth in the digital news media ecosystem.  相似文献   

Social media have opened up new possibilities for news engagement, and one of the important possibilities is news curation, which is defined as the reconstructing, reformulating, repurposing, reframing and sharing of news through social media. Focusing on this news curation concept, this study extends the Cognitive Mediation Model and the Communication Mediation Model (O-S-R-O-R) to the social media context. Drawing on a national survey of 1,135 South Korean adults, the present study finds that news elaboration and news curation are positively related to political knowledge and mediate the association between social media use for news and political knowledge.  相似文献   

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