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In past centuries, only women attended women in childbirth. Birthing women were in control, choosing who should attend them and where and how to give birth. Men were usually excluded unless they were needed for their strength and their tools if labor was obstructed. Eventually, with the medicalization of childbirth, male physicians became involved, introducing new techniques that interfered with the normal birth process and competed with midwives. By the 19th century, midwives struggled to hold onto their profession and advance through education. Midwives survived in Europe, but in America, they were eventually usurped in the early 20th century when birth began taking place in hospitals and as medical science and technology advanced. Midwives eventually rose again as educated nurse-midwives. Technology and obstetric interventions in normal childbirth continue, in spite of lack of evidence of their efficacy. Midwives are again in jeopardy because of rising malpractice insurance costs, women''s trust in technology, and, most recently, renewed efforts by physicians to once again prevent midwives from practicing autonomously and outside the hospital environment in the United States.  相似文献   

Have=Have Got?     
Clever Mouse and Pig Little are talking about what they have in their bags. Clever Mouse: I've got ten pencils. What do you have in your bag? Pig Little: I have 5 erasers. How many pens have you got? Clever Mouse: I've got three. Do you have crayons in your bag? Pig Little: Yes, I have. Have you got story books in your bag? Clever Mouse: No, I haven't.难点一、H ave和H ave got都可以表示“有”的意思,have got更加口语化。如:Jack hasgota beautifulhouse.Jack hasa beautifulhouse.难点二、H a…  相似文献   

The creation of technologically-based ‘virtual education’ has been portrayed as a means of widening access to learning opportunities for those currently excluded from participation in lifelong education and training. Now in the UK these claims are being operationalized under the ‘University for Industry’ initiative and associated Virtual College programmes all of which aim to make real the concept of Britain as a ‘learning society’ for all with an emphasis on reaching those traditionally seen as non-participants in learning. This paper examines these claims in the light of current knowledge about the characteristics of non-participants in lifelong learning and the barriers that they face. It is suggested that the application of ‘technological fixes’ to underlying socio-economic determinants of participation will solve some problems, create others, and leave many unaffected. In this way the paper argues for independent research on the impact of the ‘virtual college’ movement, and begins to outline the form such research could take.  相似文献   

Have You Read?     
Nordstrom, Friedenberg, and Gold. Society's Children: A Study of Ressentiment in the Secondary School. New York: Random House, 1967.

Jonathan Kozol. Death at an Early Age. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1967.  相似文献   

Byrnes and Fox (1998) present the case for the relevance of cognitive neuroscience in educational psychology, including both logical and empirical arguments. In this commentary, I begin by briefly reviewing the history of the case for including the brain in educational psychology: Early educational psychology—as reflected in Thorndike's (1926) educational psychology textbook—emphasized the neuronal basis of learning; contemporary educational psychology—as reflected in educational publications—tends to ignore the brain; and future educational psychology will need to overcome the pitfalls encountered in previous misuses of brain research. Next, I examine two logical arguments for Byrnes and Fox's case, namely, that including cognitive neuroscience research makes educational psychology more complete and more plausible. Then, I examine the empirical argument of Byrnes and Fox by focusing on the value of cognitive neuroscience research in attention and memory as well as in reading and arithmetic. Finally, I suggest criteria for evaluating the contributions of cognitive neuroscience research in educational psychology, including the need for research on educationally relevant tasks and issues.  相似文献   

This study carried out research focusing on diverse learners, such as pupils who have English as additional language (EAL) in primary schools in the Midlands, England. Essentially, we wanted to know how they are supported to become global learners. Therefore, questions were posed to school leaders on their understanding of the concept of globalisation; how globalisation is developed, supported, monitored and evaluated. Research on the concept of globalisation is contentious, with as many definitions as there are cultural contexts. But the central message is that the movement of a global economy brings with it the potential to make knowledge and information accessible to all. We interviewed senior leaders in primary schools over a period of 3 months and our sampling isopportunistic rather than truly random. The findings suggest the need for strong leadership for embedding globalisation in the curriculum, an enabling team structure, and partnership development locally and globally.  相似文献   

娇魔镑宁哨鬓鬓蒸夔蒸襄夔鬓蘸轰翼婴藻馨黝麟臀擎瞬臻肇】夔翼鬓鬓獭撇彝摹&蒸馨鬓馨翼摹馨摹蘸薰蘸醚月能麒砚跳l线面霎竣考组徽鑫奴嫩甜通星戚资赚施全Let Me Have the Tooth@佚名 @卢将博~~  相似文献   

There is much discussion about whether childrenshould have KFC or not.In my opinion,I think childrenshouldn’t have it because it’s bad for people’s health.KFC has a lot of kinds of French Fried chicken,such as,hamburgers, chicken,pudding, cheese andmany fast foods which is fried in oil.Even the onlything that isn’t fried,KFC salad,also has some porcineoil in it.Fried food can increase the risk of cancer.SOpeople call KFC rubbish food.Another reason is that children should have it fo…  相似文献   

尸孟,,鬓Wl飞at’swrong with your baek‘少相似文献   

2001年12月出版的英国《自然》杂志发表了英国进化论心理学家怀特的一篇文章。在文中,怀特比较了9位著名专家对非洲类人猿7种行为的研究结果后得出结论:非洲类人猿群体间的39种主要行为差异只能是后天学习来的,而不是天生的。这一结论具有重大意义,它说明:人类不是惟一能创造文化并能使之传承下去的动  相似文献   

There were only three days left for the Spring Festival and people could feel the atmosphere everywhere.Watching children playing crackers by the stree4 I felt very excited while on my way home.  相似文献   

This evaluation study explores how a nonprofit health insurance provider responds to the results of its annual employee engagement survey. The study answers two questions: (a) What do organizational leaders do with the data collected? and (b) How do leaders perceive the usefulness of the survey? It provides study results, discussions, and recommendations relevant to human performance technology practitioners, to help maximize the value of an organizational survey by increasing its usefulness as a catalyst for change.  相似文献   

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