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The population of English language learners (ELLs) and the number of charter school students have both increased rapidly over the past two decades, but no existing research has examined the role that charter school authorizers play to ensure that ELLs have equitable access to charter schools and that those schools implement research-based programs for ELLs. To fill this gap, our exploratory qualitative study employed a multiple-case case study approach to examine how 10 diverse authorizers considered ELLs in their authorizing practices. Guided by Honig’s (2006) three Ps framework (people, places, and practices), we examined how authorizing practices were shaped by external factors, the agency of the actors within the authorizing office, and by the local context in which the authorizer was situated. Overall we found that ELL-related authorizing practices varied widely across the sample, as some authorizers integrated ELLs into their practices, while others paid little explicit attention to ELLs. In terms of place, contextual factors at the state, district, and authorizer levels contributed to the variation. Within the people component of the framework, the commitment of authorizing staff members to improve access and quality for ELLs in charter schools was an important factor, as was the authorizer’s access to ELL-related expertise. We conclude by outlining implications for research, practice, and policy.  相似文献   

Integrating experiences with music in the early childhood classroom supports English language learners’ literacy development (Peregoy and Boyle, Reading, writing, and learning in ESL. Pearson, Boston, 2008; Saricoban and Metin, Songs, verse and games for teaching grammar. Internet TESL J, 2000). This article describes the benefits of incorporating musical experiences into daily instruction and provides practical activities for classroom implementation, e.g., reading, writing, and singing songs for language skill development, reading fluency, and writing progress. Despite a teacher’s level of aesthetic appreciation and musical training, the value of fostering creativity and enhancing literacy instruction through music is vital in today’s diverse early childhood classrooms. Music can transform classrooms into positive learning environments where children thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Providing children with structured and open-ended musical activities, creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect, and sharing the joy of creativity with each other all are foundational to bases for the growth and development of the early childhood learner.  相似文献   

对外汉语教学中新词语问题刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在语言的基本要素中,词汇是最为活跃和敏感的,其中最突出的表现便是新词语的大量产生。在对外汉语教学中,应重视新词语教学,并依据其特点,因“词”制宜。  相似文献   

探讨了汉语新词语的成因和构成方式。在此基础上分析新词语在对外汉语教学中的地位和作用,指出目前对外汉语教学新词语教学中存在的问题与解决途径。  相似文献   

English language proficiency (ELP) assessment scores are used by states to make high-stakes decisions related to linguistic support in instruction and assessment for English learner (EL) students and for EL student reclassification. Changes to both academic content standards and ELP academic standards within the last decade have resulted in increased academic rigor and language demands. In this study, we explored the association between EL student performance over time on content (English language arts and mathematics) and ELP assessments, generally finding evidence of positive associations. Modeling the simultaneous association between changes over time in both content and ELP assessment performance contributes empirical evidence about the role of language in ELA and mathematics development and provides contextual information to serve as validity evidence for score inferences for EL students.  相似文献   

宋薇  毛齐明  雷达  夏静 《中学教育》2011,8(1):76-81
在英语教学中,环境是一种不可或缺的发展性资源。课程从本质上说也是一种发展性资源,所以环境也就成为一种课程。我们应该通过充分发挥环境的作用来设计和实施课程从而实现课程的育人价值。本文以外语教学为例,对环境进行了分类和意义总结,从新的视角阐述了环境作为课程,并在教学实践环节中印证了这一观点。  相似文献   

The English Proficiency Level (EPL) of 205 first year business students from 16 Asian countries was assessed on arrival in Australia using the Australian Second Language Proficiency Ratings (ASLPR). Academic grades were recorded for their first, second and third semesters. Statistical analysis of the students' records shows that educational background is the major determinant of success in business courses, with no statistically significant effect coming from EPL. In practice, English proficiency is used as a major selection criterion in its application to the entry of full fee paying international students; on the basis of the evidence presented here, there is no need for a stringent EPL criterion to be applied, which is an important finding for those involved in the selection of international students who wish to study in Australian institutions. An important policy impinging on academic achievement is that students who fail their first semester are allowed to continue their studies; the policy leads to an estimated 39% of students allowed such grace going on to obtain a pass for the course; EPL bears no relationship to academic achievement for students in this category, the major determinant being their educational background. Thus, it is important that stringent conditions are applied to potential international students' educational background, but that they are not disadvantaged by their English language ability.  相似文献   

This study measured the effects of an online supplementary mathematics curriculum designed for middle school English language learners who speak Spanish as a first language. A randomized experiment measured the achievement differences between middle school English language learners who used the Web-based HELP Math (Help with English Language Proficiency) curriculum and students who used other technology-based programs. Three hundred and ninety-six students participated. Both groups made statistically significant gains from pretest to posttest within their respective curricula, but no main effect was found between the two groups. Post hoc analyses revealed that students with higher levels of English proficiency, who participated in the comparison condition, performed significantly better than students in the HELP Math condition, while students with lower levels of English proficiency performed better in the HELP Math program (although these differences were not statistically significant). Findings are interpreted with caution due to the truncated length of the intervention.  相似文献   

语言生态与英语通用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语在语言生态的自然选择进化中成长为当今世界的强势语言,并在全世界不断扩大传播范围,正深刻地影响着当今社会的各个领域,也引起了人们对语言生态维持和英语通用的不同观点。然而,英语通用与语言生态完全可以在一个空间内和谐共存,人类的参与以及各国语言政策在保持促进语言通用和语言多样性持续之间的生态平衡中也能起重要作用。  相似文献   

文学之于语言教学的作用及地位不言而喻。在对外汉语教学中,人们常常将优秀的汉语作品作为引读对象进行推介,而忽略了英文小说汉译本在对外汉语教学中的地位与作用。文章以英汉小说翻译为例,分析对外汉语教学中英汉翻译小说的运用及审美经验的培养。  相似文献   

英语学习口语错误研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从指导英语教师进行有效的口语教学和学生进行更好的口语学习的角度出发, 对外语学习者的口语转换错误进行识别和归类。调查对象是一年级非英语专业大学生。调查所用的资料库为基于调查对象对彩色照片的描述进行的录音分析。研究结果表明, 母语的影响, 以及逐字逐句的翻译导致转换错误。  相似文献   

在当今对外汉语教育事业发展的黄金时期,我们更应该看到对外汉语教学存在的问题,这样才会有助于更好的发展和完善。本文探讨了在英语背景下的对外汉语教学在文化冲击、语言文化教学方面的主要问题,以期为教学提供参考。  相似文献   

As the English language has become a global lingua franca today, it is not surprising that changes in attitudes and perceptions towards learning English in the international context have taken place at the same time. In this paper, I critically examine the notion of ‘integrative motivation’ in the literature of second language (L2) learning with respect to the changing role of the English language in the global context. In particular, this paper attempts to re-conceptualise the notion of integrative motivation by considering the results of recent empirical research on L2 motivation. It is argued that the predominant motivation of learning English among most L2 learners is no longer concerned with ‘integration’ in the target native English-speaking culture, but with the construction of a ‘bi-cultural’ or ‘world citizen’ identity, as well as identification with the international community. The paper ends by suggesting new ways of understanding the concept of motivation in L2 learning in today’s global context.  相似文献   

Factors that contribute to the performance gap between subgroups and mainstream students deserve special attention. Different subgroups are faced with different sets of challenges. To understand and control for factors leading to the performance gap between subgroups and mainstream students one must clearly understand the issues specific to each subgroup. This paper focuses on assessment and performance issues for English language learner (ELL) students as a subgroup. Identifying factors affecting the performance gap between ELL and non-ELL students may help gain insight into assessment issues for other subgroups of students as well as strengthen assessment of this group.  相似文献   

Listening is a major challenge for many English as a foreign language (EFL)/English as a second language (ESL) learners. Many learners find it difficult to immediately process and segment an ongoing stream of sounds. Decoding training is one of interventions that have been used to assist EFL/ESL learners. This paper reviewed empirical studies of the effectiveness of decoding training in developing EFL/ESL learners' listening. We examined the following four major factors: (a) the types of instructional activities used; (b) the effects of decoding training on student listening outcomes; (c) the main instructional enablers of decoding training; and (d) the main instructional barriers to decoding training. The two activities most frequently used for decoding training were dictation and pronunciation instruction. A meta-analysis of 13 intervention studies showed an overall significant effect in favor of decoding training over non-decoding instruction for listening education (Hedges's g = 0.553, CI = 0.348–0.759, 95% confidence interval, p = 0.000), with no evidence of publication bias. Two theoretical frameworks, cognitive learning theory and the attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction model, were used to synthesize 33 studies to analyze the common elements that promote and hinder the development of learners' decoding skills. We proposed a set of design principles for decoding training that are expected to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of decoding training in EFL/ESL listening education.  相似文献   

英语国际语的教学框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从教师视角研究英语国际语的教学框架,以应对当前全世界非英语国家英语教学所面临的挑战,对我国基础教育英语教学具有重要意义。该框架包括英语国际语体系、教学内容与预期教学结果。笔者全面阐述了在全球化背景下如何界定与区分教学内容与教学预期结果,为大纲的设计者与教材编写者提供了一个尝试性方案及其理据。  相似文献   

Is the doctoral viva voce a reasonable method of examination? This exploratory paper proposes that the doctoral viva voce (oral examination) is a slightly different hurdle for doctoral candidates for whom English is an additional language (EAL, also termed ESL) than for those whose first language is English. It investigates the experience of 11 EAL candidates at a New Zealand university to provide phenomenographical insight to the viva voce as an assessment process. Their additional anxiety about language highlights the problematic side of internationalisation: the need to maintain fairness, equity and impartiality in the face of diversity. What is somewhat glibly called ‘best practice’ must accommodate the tension between institutional practice, desirably consistent and fair, and individual experience of that practice, experience that is unavoidably diverse. Unexpectedly, however, the EAL candidates critiqued the viva voce evaluation practice itself, endorsing it as a final confirmation of doctoral success in the English language.  相似文献   

如今的网络语言不仅流行于网络,也快速地走进了现代人类的生活、工作和学习中。它的产生,一方面,丰富了现代汉语词汇的现有内容,促进了人与人之间的沟通;另一方面又对现代汉语体系的完整性、规范性构成了冲击,也对对外汉语教学产生了一定的影响。因为《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》中的基本词汇与现实生活中出现的网络新词构成了教学中的具体矛盾,现有的一般词汇教学已不能很好地满足学习者的实际交际需求。为此,在对外汉语教学中,应对网络新词采取有效的教学及应对策略。  相似文献   

在全球“汉语热”背景下,为适应和满足世界各国人民学习汉语的热切需求,更好地让外国友人学好汉语,对外汉语教学应:深化教学改革,创新课程体系;加大时外汉语教师的培训力度,坚持实施“国际汉语教师中国志愿者计划”;与时俱进地编写更好的教材;充分利用各种平台,采取灵活多样的教学模式,提高对外汉语教学质量。  相似文献   

词汇是语言三要素中变化最快的部分,它能迅速反映社会的发展变化,对不断涌现的新事物、新现象、新概念反映最敏感.汉语新词新语具有极强的时代性,是汉语学习者了解当代中国的窗口,融入中国社会的重要途径.文章论述了汉语新词新语的特点,对外汉语新词语教学的重要性及新词新语教学应注意的问题.  相似文献   

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