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Background: Coaches are central to the development of the expert performer and similarly to continued lifelong participation in sport. Coaches are uniquely positioned to deliver specific technical and tactical instruction and mentoring programmes that support the psychological and social development of athletes in a challenging, goal-oriented and motivational environment. The current study aimed to qualitatively investigate current coach learning sources and coaches’ educational backgrounds in team sports in Ireland. Methods: Coaches from five team sports in Ireland were asked to complete an online questionnaire. Subsequently male coaches (n?=?19) from five team sports who completed the questionnaire and met the inclusion criteria were invited to attend a follow-up semi-structured interview. Inclusion criteria for coaches were that they possess at least 10 years’ experience coaching their sport and were coaching more than 4 hours per week. Results/Discussion: Formal coach education does not meet the needs of high performance coaches who rely more on self-directed learning and coaching experience as their main sources of CPD. Although prior playing experience at a high level is both valuable and desirable, there are concerns about fast-tracking of ex-players into high performance coaching roles. Conclusions: Preferred sources of education and the best learning environment for coaches of team sports in Ireland are more informal than formal. Further research is needed to examine how this learning is applied in a practical manner by examining coaching behaviours and the impact it has on the athlete development process.  相似文献   

运用文献研究法、调查法、总结归纳等研究方法,以职业发展理论、市场经济理论、医学和体育学理论为理论基础,结合我国有关文件法规,对"医体结合"应用于职业社会体育指导员发展的职业方向和可行性进行分析,论述了"医体结合"应用于职业社会体育指导员的社会价值,提出开发"医体结合"类特色职业社会体育指导员类别、医学类院校和体院类院校共同培养以及吸纳医学和"医体结合"专业人才加入职业社会体育指导员队伍的三重路径选择,并制定出相关培养方案。  相似文献   

Placebo-induced performance enhancement is a new controversial issue in competitive sports. Coaches have control over the use of placebos, but their practices and attitudes were barely studied to date. In this survey 96 coaches from regional, national and international levels were asked about their practices and attitudes concerning placebo use in sports. Results revealed that 90% of the respondents were aware of placebo effects. Many (44%) coaches admitted to administering a placebo to their athletes. Those working at international level have administered placebos more often than the others (P = .02). Two thirds of the coaches agreed to the wider use of placebos in sport. Respondents who have used placebos in the past reported improved athletic performance. They also agreed more to the wider use of placebos than the coaches who previously did not use a placebo (P = .001). Team sport coaches use more often placebos than coaches working with individual athletes (P = .05). Only 10% of the sample thought that their athletes would refuse a hypothetical performance enhancer supplied by them. After a successful placebo intervention, only 15% of the coaches would administer it again without consulting the athlete. Overall, the coaches are optimistic about placebo use in sports. Close to half of them, especially those coaching at higher levels of competition, may use it regularly while achieving positive results.  相似文献   

竞技体育学理论和运动训练学理论不是一个层次的理论问题,传统竞技体育学理论涵盖了运动员选材学、运动训练学、运动竞赛学以及竞技体育管理学等4个子学科;从竞技体育学理论体系结构的完整性和运动选材学科发展的需要,有必要把“运动员选材学”发展成为“运动选材学”;并提出了新的竞技体育理论体系构成的有序结构,使竞技体育专项系统层的目标、任务更加明确,为运动训练各个阶段训练工作的具体操作确定明确的方向。  相似文献   

职业体育俱乐部的经营收益   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄晓灵  黄菁 《体育学刊》2005,12(1):42-45
从市场经济学的角度出发认识职业体育俱乐部,并运用经济学原理分析直接影响职业体育俱乐部收益的两大因素:成本和支出.采用数理统计法和对比分析法把我国职业体育俱乐部与国外职业体育俱乐部收入作对比,分析产生差距的原因.在符合我国国情的前提下,提出一些有利于我国职业体育俱乐部良性发展的对策.  相似文献   

关于体育概念与体育科学的辨析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高谊 《体育学刊》2001,(1):18-20
对体育与竞技的概念及其科学体系进行分析和研究,是体育事业发展的需要。弄清楚体育与竞技的概念以及体育科学体系的内涵,不仅有益于学术交流,而且还有助于推动和促进我国体育事业向广度和深度发展。体育是通过身体运动而进行的增强体质、促进人身心全面发展的教育。  相似文献   

采用社会调查和文献资料等方法,对北京体育大学、上海体育学院、华东师范大学体育与健康学院、山西大学体育学院体育学硕士研究生的择业倾向问题进行了研究。结果显示:体育学研究生的择业地域期望较高,普遍关注大城市和经济发达地区,而很少有人愿意到小型城市和欠发达地区;体育学研究生的首选择业单位为高校;体育学研究生的择业倾向具有时效性和地域性,在不同的时空条件下,他们的择业取向存在不一致性。从整体上看,体育学研究生的择业倾向呈现出多元化和复杂化。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2016,19(5):479-491
Collaborative governance has its origins in public administration and relates to cross-sector collaboration between parties who, by working together, may achieve common goals and more optimum outcomes than by working in isolation. The purpose of this paper is to explore the utility of collaborative governance as a relevant theoretical underpinning upon which to base future sport governance research focussed on the federal model of governance. To do this, we draw on an integrative framework of collaborative governance from the public administration literature to identify relevant research questions instructive for new research directions in sport governance. We offer evidence indicating that the federal model of sport governance is the type of network well-suited to the adoption of a collaborative governance regime but conclude there are barriers and challenges that could inhibit its implementation. The outcome of our work is a research agenda to guide research and theory development that may enhance our understanding of collaborative governance in sport, and of the barriers to its adoption and how they may be overcome.  相似文献   

The captain is perceived to be an important member of the leadership structure within teams across many professional sports. However, while there is a general acceptance that this is the case, there is very little research exploring the role and associated demands at an elite level. As a result, the aim of this study was to explore the captaincy experiences of elite professional rugby union captains. The participants were eight male captains purposefully sampled for this study. Participants were interviewed individually to gain an understanding of each participant’s captaincy experiences. The data were thematically analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Nine super-ordinate themes emerged in the study: role, skills, requirements, challenges, the coach, development, experience, context, and approach. Results suggest that the captaincy role is broader than previously highlighted, particularly at the elite level. Also, the study highlights inconsistencies in the selection of captains and a lack of formal developmental support for elite rugby captains. As a result, future research should explore the development of specific evidence-based approaches to captain selection and development.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine knowledge and perceptions of applied sport psychology within English soccer. National coaches (n?=?8), youth academy directors (n?=?21) and academy coaches (n?=?27) were surveyed using questionnaire and interview methods. Questionnaire results revealed a lack of knowledge of sport psychology that appeared to underpin some of the most significant barriers to entry for sport psychologists. These included lack of clarity concerning the services of a sport psychologist, problems fitting in and players' negative perceptions of sport psychology. Overall, however, lack of finance was the highest rated barrier. Six barrier dimensions emerged from the interview data: negative perceptions of psychology, lack of sport psychology knowledge, integrating with players and coaching staff, role and service clarity, practical constraints, and perceived value of sport psychology. These findings were broadly compatible with the survey data, with finance emerging as a major barrier and misconceptions of sport psychology being common. Our conclusions are discussed in relation to the practical implications of the study for both applied research and the provision of sport psychology services within English soccer.  相似文献   

分析了运动队科研团队的建设机制及其成长过程的规律性,以期对建设一支与项目特点相适应及运动训练实际需要相适应的多学科、综合性、结构合理、高素质、高效运转的科研团队有所裨益.  相似文献   

中小学校体育科学研究的现状   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李秀华  刘成  黄晓华 《体育学刊》2003,10(2):100-102
主要采用问卷调查和逻辑分析等方法对我国16省,直辖市,自治区的241所中小学校体育科研情况进行了调查,结果发现当前我国中小学校体育科研的整体状况令人担忧,这与领导普遍不重视等原因有关,同时提出适时更新教育观念,加强领导对体育工作的有效投入以促进教学改革等相关对策。  相似文献   

The Paralympic Games are the pinnacle of sport for many athletes with a disability. The overall purpose of this paper is to highlight the role that the field of sports biomechanics specifically (and sports science in general) may play in improving performance in various summer Paralympic sports through research and consultancy. To achieve this broad aim, this review provides some history and background on the Summer Paralympic Games, discusses the eligibility and classification rules, describes the potential for the constraints-led approach of dynamical systems theory to inform practice and research in this area, and reviews selected studies examining the biomechanics of the primary forms of Paralympic locomotion. Some recommendations on how sports biomechanics can help facilitate improvements in Paralympic athletic performance through applied research and consultancy are provided, along with commentary on what may be some of the most important issues addressing Paralympic sport.  相似文献   


Although coaches and players recognise the importance of leaders within the team, research on athlete leadership is sparse. The present study expands knowledge of athlete leadership by extending the current leadership classification and exploring the importance of the team captain as formal leader of the team. An online survey was completed by 4,451 participants (31% females and 69% males) within nine different team sports in Flanders (Belgium). Players (N = 3,193) and coaches (N = 1,258) participated on all different levels in their sports. Results revealed that the proposed additional role of motivational leader was perceived as clearly distinct from the already established roles (task, social and external leader). Furthermore, almost half of the participants (44%) did not perceive their captain as the principal leader on any of the four roles. These findings underline the fact that the leadership qualities attributed to the captain as the team’s formal leader are overrated. It can be concluded that leadership is spread throughout the team; informal leaders rather than the captain take the lead, both on and off the field.  相似文献   

介绍了德国“体育计算机应用”学科的发展、研究和课程教学情况,并时该学科的特点进行了分析。指出在我国体育高等院校开设“体育计算机应用”系列课程对提高运动训练、体育教学和科学研究水平有着的重要作用。同时根据我国高等体育教育的具体情况,提出了三个模块的“体育计算机应用”系列课程的教学构想。  相似文献   

思维滥觞及体育、竞技在科教文中的地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育(PE)和竞技(Sport)思维滥觞体现在体育和竞技语词、概念双脱落,认为身体化即体育,金字塔大体育,不计特性和本质,“历史因果链条”说,“家族相似”说。指出体育(PE)和竞技(Sport)在教科中的地位。  相似文献   

1996~2002年国家体育总局社会科学课题立项状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡建华 《浙江体育科学》2005,27(1):11-13,21
通过文献资料法、统计分析法,对1996~2002年国家体育总局局管立项课题状况分析表明:立项数量逐年增加,为繁荣我国体育社会科学,软科学研究打下很好基础;体育产业、竞技体育、体育经济、群众体育、体育概论、运动训练、奥林匹克、社区体育等是历年来我国社会体育研究的主要热点,国家在注重研究热点的同时也应照顾到体育研究宏观布局的平衡性,建议加强农村体育、特殊人群体育、全民体质、体育概念、西部体育、体育法学等研究内容的研究.  相似文献   

试论体育社会科学学科体系构建的逻辑起点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
要探讨体育社会科学学科体系构建问题,首先必须明确它的逻辑起点.为探寻这一逻辑起点,在对近期内快速发展并已初步形成的学科体系考察基础上,运用辩证逻辑思维的方法,经过抽象和提炼,提出了体育社会科学学科体系的逻辑起点是"人本体育"的观点.无论从学科发展的历史,还是学科本质属性来看,"人本体育"都应是本学科最本质、最基本、最概括和不可分割的范畴,这个范畴可成为本学科体系构建的起始点和基石.  相似文献   

孙威 《体育学刊》2007,14(5):24-28
奥林匹克运动是体育科学与体育人文融合的文化,奥林匹克文化和人的自由是科学体育与人文体育和谐发展的核心;奥林匹克运动正在从人类科学发展的工具——夺标与健康的功利化追求,转变为对奥林匹克文化——精神、制度、人的实质自由的追问;在体育过程中不断扩展体育个体的实质自由是复兴科学与人文和谐发展的奥林匹克文化的基础。  相似文献   


Interdisciplinarity is often presented as a significant element of sport science. We present here the results of an investigation conducted in four European Sport Science Research Centres applying interdisciplinarity. Four main dimensions, that we have called “forms”, have been investigated. The “scientific”, “organisational”, “academic” and “societal” forms cover a wide range of activities run by these Centres. We have compared their situations using indicators. Globally they present quite similar combinations of forms, with dominant roles in the construction of interdisciplinarity played by the organisational and societal forms. The scientific form is never quite supported by an epistemological setting and the academic form, mostly characterised by the position of the university, plays an influential role when it is hostile to that kind of research. Following Klein classification, all of them remain at a multidisciplinary stage, one of them exploring interdisciplinary tracks in some research projects. The development of a common culture and a curiosity regarding disciplines other than its own is a key factor for a sustainable situation, as is the capacity to secure long-term financial resources, often linked to a high academic recognition for the director(s).  相似文献   

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