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The aim of this study was to construct a valid and reliable methodology for the analysis of performance profiles of individual playing positions within rugby union. Twenty-two matches were sampled from the domestic season of a professional male rugby union team. Key performance indicators for individual positions were developed and notated using a computerized behavioural analysis system. Performance profiles of playing positions containing data from one or more individuals were then constructed to compare intra-positional differences. Significant differences (chi-square) were observed between individuals within all the tested playing positions for the principal performance indicators (passing, carrying and tackling for the forward positions, and passing, carrying, tackling and kicking for the backs). For example, the difference between the two outside-halves in the study (P?<?0.001) was illustrated by one of the players having a median of 6 successful carries for the season (95% confidence limits of 13 and 3), whereas the other had a median of 2 successful carries (95% confidence limits of 5 and 1). The findings suggest that while general positional performance profiles appear to exist, intra-positional differences may occur due to variations in an individual's style of play, the decision-making demands of the position and the effects of potential confounding variables. Multiple profiles may therefore be necessary for some playing positions to account for variation in factors such as playing conditions and the strength of the opposition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to construct a valid and reliable methodology for the analysis of performance profiles of individual playing positions within rugby union. Twenty-two matches were sampled from the domestic season of a professional male rugby union team. Key performance indicators for individual positions were developed and notated using a computerized behavioural analysis system. Performance profiles of playing positions containing data from one or more individuals were then constructed to compare intra-positional differences. Significant differences (chi-square) were observed between individuals within all the tested playing positions for the principal performance indicators (passing, carrying and tackling for the forward positions, and passing, carrying, tackling and kicking for the backs). For example, the difference between the two outside-halves in the study (P < 0.001) was illustrated by one of the players having a median of 6 successful carries for the season (95% confidence limits of 13 and 3), whereas the other had a median of 2 successful carries (95% confidence limits of 5 and 1). The findings suggest that while general positional performance profiles appear to exist, intra-positional differences may occur due to variations in an individual's style of play, the decision-making demands of the position and the effects of potential confounding variables. Multiple profiles may therefore be necessary for some playing positions to account for variation in factors such as playing conditions and the strength of the opposition.  相似文献   


This study examined the relative contribution of exercise duration and intensity to team-sport athlete’s training load. Male, professional rugby league (n = 10) and union (n = 22) players were monitored over 6- and 52-week training periods, respectively. Whole-session (load) and per-minute (intensity) metrics were monitored (league: session rating of perceived exertion training load [sRPE-TL], individualised training impulse, total distance, BodyLoad?; union: sRPE-TL, total distance, high-speed running distance, PlayerLoad?). Separate principal component analyses were conducted on the load and intensity measures to consolidate raw data into principal components (PC, k = 4). The first load PC captured 70% and 74% of the total variance in the rugby league and rugby union datasets, respectively. Multiple linear regression subsequently revealed that session duration explained 73% and 57% of the variance in first load PC, respectively, while the four intensity PCs explained an additional 24% and 34%, respectively. Across two professional rugby training programmes, the majority of the variability in training load measures was explained by session duration (~60–70%), while a smaller proportion was explained by session intensity (~30%). When modelling the training load, training intensity and duration should be disaggregated to better account for their between-session variability.  相似文献   

This study describes foot positioning during the final two steps of the approach to the ball amongst professional rugby goal-kickers. A 3D optical motion capture system was used to test 15 goal-kickers performing 10 goal-kicks. The distance and direction of each step, as well as individual foot contact positions relative to the tee, were measured. The intra- and inter-subject variability was calculated as well as the correlation (Pearson) between the measurements and participant anthropometrics. Inter-subject variability for the final foot position was lowest (placed 0.03 ± 0.07 m behind and 0.33 ± 0.03 m lateral to the tee) and highest for the penultimate step distance (0.666 ± 0.149 m), performed at an angle of 36.1 ± 8.5° external to the final step. The final step length was 1.523 ± 0.124 m, executed at an external angle of 35.5 ± 7.4° to the target line. The intra-subject variability was very low; distances and angles for the 10 kicks varied per participant by 1.6–3.1 cm and 0.7–1.6°, respectively. The results show that even though the participants had variability in their run-up to the tee, final foot position next to the tee was very similar and consistent. Furthermore, the inter- and intra-subject variability could not be attributed to differences in anthropometry. These findings may be useful as normative reference data for coaching, although further work is required to understand the role of other factors such as approach speed and body alignment.  相似文献   

The captain is perceived to be an important member of the leadership structure within teams across many professional sports. However, while there is a general acceptance that this is the case, there is very little research exploring the role and associated demands at an elite level. As a result, the aim of this study was to explore the captaincy experiences of elite professional rugby union captains. The participants were eight male captains purposefully sampled for this study. Participants were interviewed individually to gain an understanding of each participant’s captaincy experiences. The data were thematically analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Nine super-ordinate themes emerged in the study: role, skills, requirements, challenges, the coach, development, experience, context, and approach. Results suggest that the captaincy role is broader than previously highlighted, particularly at the elite level. Also, the study highlights inconsistencies in the selection of captains and a lack of formal developmental support for elite rugby captains. As a result, future research should explore the development of specific evidence-based approaches to captain selection and development.  相似文献   

Amateur before 1995, professional thereafter, French rugby has changed considerably. However, to focus the entire analysis on the most manifest transformations can lead to certain pitfalls of which the main effect consists in only understanding rugby through the notion of change, built for the circumstances into a veritable rhetoric capable of explaining by itself all that goes on and is played out. It is not a case of stating that nothing has changed but rather to show that the rhetoric of change in effect says little about French professional rugby, from a sociological point of view. In the case in point, this rhetoric masks on the one hand what has not or has hardly changed, notably the relationships between players and directors; on the other hand what has effectively changed but which is hardly talked about, in particular the players' working conditions and the possible regulation regarding employers and club directors.  相似文献   

Data on 1420 high-standard rugby union players measured between 1905 and 1999 were collated to chart the evolution of body size and shape in rugby union football. Individual data were available for 843 players. Where only summary statistics were presented, Monte Carlo simulation was used to generate pseudo-data. Anthropometric variables included height, body mass, body mass index (BMI) and somatotype where available. The rates of increase in body mass (2.6 kg per decade) and BMI (0.4 kg ·m -2 per decade) were well above those of the general population of young males. The increase in height (1.0 cm per decade) was comparable to the secular increase. The increases in body mass and BMI since 1975 have been three to four times those between 1905 and 1975. Since 1975, players have been less endomorphic (-0.3 units per decade) and less ectomorphic (-0.4 units per decade), but much more mesomorphic (+1.1 units per decade) than before. There is a close association between body size and success. Final ranking in the 1999 World Cup showed significant correlations with the average mass of the squads.  相似文献   

Data on 1420 high-standard rugby union players measured between 1905 and 1999 were collated to chart the evolution of body size and shape in rugby union football. Individual data were available for 843 players. Where only summary statistics were presented, Monte Carlo simulation was used to generate pseudo-data. Anthropometric variables included height, body mass, body mass index (BMI) and somatotype where available. The rates of increase in body mass (2.6 kg per decade) and BMI (0.4 kg x m(-2) per decade) were well above those of the general population of young males. The increase in height (1.0 cm per decade) was comparable to the secular increase. The increases in body mass and BMI since 1975 have been three to four times those between 1905 and 1975. Since 1975, players have been less endomorphic (-0.3 units per decade) and less ectomorphic (-0.4 units per decade), but much more mesomorphic (+1.1 units per decade) than before. There is a close association between body size and success. Final ranking in the 1999 World Cup showed significant correlations with the average mass of the squads.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s several Fijians have entered rugby union competitions in Japan, attracted predominantly by the financial incentives offered by large corporations who dominate Japanese rugby. In Japan, Fijians face numerous economic, demographic and sociocultural experiences that challenge the vaka i taukei (the ‘traditional’ Fijian way of life). Migration thus becomes a lens through which Fijians review their identity and place in the world. This paper discusses the sociocultural complexities that underpin critical migrant perspectives on the communal patterns that dominate the Fijian way of life. Based on research conducted in Fiji and Japan, this contribution provides an anthropological perspective on transnational Pacific Islander rugby mobility. It pays particular attention to aspects of sociocultural transformation – a theme previously neglected in scholarship on Pacific Islanders in professional rugby.  相似文献   

The developmental activities of rugby union players and their interaction with deprivation remain to be elucidated. Five-hundred and ninety elite junior rugby union players (14.8 ± 0.5 years) were split into deprivation quintiles. These players subsequently completed a participant history questionnaire to record their involvement in rugby and other sports. Players accumulated 1987 ± 1297 h in rugby between 6 and 15 years of age. During the mini rugby stage (6–10 years of age), players accumulated an average of 113 ± 105, 89 ± 69 and 43 ± 19 h per year in rugby play, practice and competition, respectively. Moreover, 461 players engaged in an average of two other sports during the mini rugby stage. During the junior rugby stage (11–15 years of age), players accumulated 179 ± 98, 115 ± 90 and 64 ± 26 h per year in rugby practice, play and competition, respectively, and 538 players took part in three other sports. Players who were more deprived accumulated less rugby hours and participated in fewer other sports, but age milestones were not different between deprivation quintiles. There were no differences within developmental activities in rugby between deprivation groups.  相似文献   

A prospective cohort study was used to assess the influence of training volume on injuries sustained by 502 professional rugby union players in England. Training volumes (excluding warm-ups, cool-downs, and recovery sessions), player injuries, and player match exposure times were reported weekly. Higher training volumes (>9.1 hours per week) did not increase the incidence of match or training injuries. However, higher training volumes did increase the severity of match injuries, particularly during the second half, and consequently resulted in a significant increase in the number of days' absence due to match injuries. Although lower-limb injuries were the most common match and training injuries, shoulder dislocations/instabilities resulted in more days' absence during weeks of higher training volumes, but the differences were not significant. The least number of days lost due to injuries occurred during weeks of intermediate training volumes (6.2-9.1 h per week). Training volume was not correlated with final league position. Fitness testing, defence, and rucking and mauling components were identified as being very high- or high-risk training activities. Our results provide evidence of the benefits of modifying the volume and content of rugby union training to reduce the risk associated with injuries to professional players.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the variability of weekly match and training loads in adolescent rugby union players across a competitive season, and to investigate the effect of match frequency on load distribution across different activities. Internal match and training load data (i.e. session-rating of perceived exertion (sRPE)) were collected daily from 20 players from a regional academy across a 14-week season. Data were analysed using a mixed-effects linear model, and variability was reported as a coefficient of variation (CV). Differences between 0-, 1-, 2-, and 3-match weeks were assessed using Cohen’s d effect sizes and magnitude-based inferences. Mean weekly total match and training sRPE load was 1425?±?545 arbitrary units (AU), with a between-player CV of 10?±?6% and within-player CV of 37?±?3%. Mean week-to-week change in total sRPE load was 497?±?423?AU (35%), and 40% of weekly observations were outside the suggested acute:chronic workload ratio ‘safe zone’. Total weekly sRPE loads increased substantially with match frequency (1210?±?571, 1511?±?489, and 1692?±?517?AU, for 0-, 1-, and 2-match weeks, respectively), except for 3-match weeks (1520?±?442?AU). Weekly match and training loads were highly variable for adolescent rugby players during the competitive season, and match frequency has a substantial effect on the distribution of loads. Therefore, match and training loads should be coordinated, monitored, and managed on an individual basis to protect players from negative training consequences, and to promote long-term athlete development.  相似文献   

职业篮球运动员工会是维护职业篮球运动员合法权益的重要组织。鉴于实践领域的具体矛盾冲突,在中国男子篮球职业联赛(CBA)职业化发展趋向倒推劳资结构调整以及劳资纠纷中运动员的有效救济途径阙如的背景下,我国职业篮球运动员工会的建立具有现实必要性。从建构职业篮球劳资关系三方机制的维度来看,中国篮球协会改革已经进入深水区,CBA联盟已基本具备资方联盟形态,由中国篮球协会牵头组建独立的运动员工会是弥补我国职业篮球劳资关系三方机构结构缺失的关键之举,同时该建构模式是兼具合法性与现实性的可行之策。美国职业篮球运动员工会(NBPA)的建立为我国运动员工会的建立提供了可资参考的域外经验,应结合我国本土实际进行选择判断,应当明确独立性与渐进式是我国职业篮球运动员工会应具备的本质属性。  相似文献   

Limited research has compared the physical qualities of adolescent rugby union (RU) players across differing playing standards. This study therefore compared the physical qualities of academy and school Under-18 RU players. One-hundred and eighty-four (professional regional academy, n = 55 school, n = 129) male RU players underwent a physical testing battery to quantify height, body mass, strength (bench press and pull-up), speed (10, 20 and 40 m), 10 m momentum (calculated; 10 m velocity * body mass) and a proxy measure of aerobic fitness (Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1; IRTL1). The practical significance of differences between playing levels were assessed using magnitude-based inferences. Academy players were taller (very likely small), heavier (likely moderate) and stronger (bench press possibly large; pull-up plus body mass likely small) than school players. Academy players were faster than school players over 20 and 40 m (possibly and likely small), although differences in 10 m speed were not apparent (possibly trivial). Academy players displayed greater 10 m momentum (likely moderate) and greater IRTL1 performance (likely small) than school players. These findings suggest that body size, strength, running momentum, 40 m speed and aerobic fitness contribute to a higher playing standard in adolescent rugby union.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to evaluate changes in the stature, body mass, age and number of players by playing position in the first team squads of English Premiership rugby union teams from 2002 to 2011. Medical personnel at each club reported the individual data for every first team squad player. The average annual number of players included in the study was 485.2 players per season (standard deviation: 58.0). The mean stature of players in all positions increased in the period 2002 to 2011 but statistically significant trends (P < 0.01) were only observed at fly half and prop. While the mean body mass of players increased in most positions only fly half and back row players showed statistically significant (P < 0.01) upward trends. Apart from second row forwards, the average age of players in all positions decreased but this trend was only significant (P < 0.01) at prop. The numbers of registered players in every position increased but these trends were only significant (P < 0.01) at prop. English Premiership professional rugby players are generally getting taller, heavier and younger but statistically significant changes were limited to fly halves (taller and heavier), props (taller and younger) and back row forwards (heavier).  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation could reduce muscle soreness and maintain muscle function following eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. The aim of this applied field study was to investigate the effectiveness of consuming a protein-based supplement containing 1546?mg of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) (551?mg eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 551?mg docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) twice daily (FO) compared to a protein-based placebo (P) on muscle soreness, countermovement jump (CMJ) performance and psychological well-being in 20 professional Rugby Union players during 5 weeks of pre-season training. Players completed a 5-point-Likert soreness scale with 5 indicating “no soreness” and a questionnaire assessing fatigue, sleep, stress and mood each morning of training, plus they performed CMJ tests once or twice per week. Data were analysed using magnitude-based inferential statistics and are presented as percent beneficial/trivial/harmful. On day 35, there was a likely (% beneficial/trivial/harmful: 94/5/1) moderate (0.75, standardized mean difference (SMD)) beneficial effect of FO vs. P on the change in lower body muscle soreness compared with day 0 (FO: ?3.8?±?21.7%; P: ?19.4?±?11.2%). There was a likely (92/7/0) moderate (SMD: 0.60) beneficial effect of FO vs. P on CMJ performance (change from baseline to day 35, FO: +4.6?±?5.9%; P: ?3.4?±?8.6%). From day 20, a moderate beneficial effect of FO on fatigue was observed. In terms of practical relevance, the moderate beneficial effect of adding fish oil to a protein-based supplement on muscle soreness translated into the better maintenance of explosive power in elite Rugby Union players during pre-season training.  相似文献   

李明川 《体育科技》2003,24(4):46-49
要攀登体育运动高峰 ,选材工作极为重要 ,选材的方法很多 ,而运动能力遗传选材 ,有其科学性和实用性。广西羽毛球队应用运动能力遗传方法选材 ,取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

广东省高校高水平篮球运动员文化学习现状调查及其对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用文献资料、问卷调查等研究方法,对广东省高校高水平篮球运动员的文化学习现状进行调查。进而对运动员文化学习所存在的问题展开了深入分析,并在此基础之上提出了改善运动员文化学习的对策,力图为体育和教育行政管理部门制定新的政策法规提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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