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构建教师在线专业学习共同体对于完善未来国家在线教师教育体系有着重要意义.在线专业学习共同体借助互联网技术营造的网络学习空间,通过共同学习、资源分享、沟通对话,有力地支持教师学习者获得拓展个人专业学习边界的机会.构建教师在线专业学习共同体将赋能教师合作学习,丰富教师跨界学习路径,提升教师群体归属感,激发教师自我变革动力.应紧密结合网络虚拟空间的特征、教师专业学习的需求以及共同体的核心内涵,从技术性要素、认知性要素和社会性要素三方面着手构建高效的教师在线专业学习共同体.  相似文献   

We examine the experiences of five teachers who traveled with a team of educators, scientists, and explorers on circumpolar Arctic expeditions to deliver adventure learning (AL) programs to K–12 students at a distance. Results highlight the personal and professional impacts this opportunity had on teachers, including their empowering, fulfilling, and mentally exhausting experiences while assisting in delivering distance education to students worldwide. The article concludes with a discussion of issues to consider in the development of similar programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyse teachers’ perceptions of using the modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment (Moodle) platform as a learning management system in a small-scale blended learning (b-learning) Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE) programme for in-service secondary school mathematics teachers in South Africa. It describes how the Moodle platform was used in combination with on-campus and later off-campus contact sessions for a widely dispersed population of 76 in-service mathematics teachers over a four-year period. Qualitative data was gathered by means of a questionnaire with open-ended items, while quantitative data was gathered from the centre's archives. The main findings were that Moodle enabled in-service teachers to experience social, cognitive and teaching presences, through synchronous and asynchronous discussions with peers and facilitators, and a teaching presence by submitting their inquiries and assignments online for facilitators to provide them with answers and feedback. The main obstacles to the integration of Moodle were limited availability of technology, slow speed, and unaffordable cost when available. With increased broadband connectivity Moodle holds the prospect for diversifying b-learning experiences that can support teachers’ professional learning outcomes and throughput for distributed populations of practising mathematics teachers, in particular.  相似文献   

Teacher education institutes are in search of alternative models of field experiences, inspired by collaborative learning. This study examines team teaching. We focus upon the assistant teaching model, in which the student teacher assists the mentor during teaching. We investigate which assisting activities student teachers prefer, how student teachers and mentors experience these activities and the conditions for implementation they foresee. Data were gathered using activity reports, reflective documents and questionnaires. Results show that the preferred assisting activities mainly consist of guiding pupils during individual and team work and of teaching a part of a lesson in front of an entire class group. The assistant teaching model has both advantages (professional growth, …) and disadvantages (feelings of unfamiliarity, …) for the student teacher. Advantages and disadvantages have also been reported for mentors (support, high workload, …) and pupils (support, confusion, …). Finally, several conditions for successful implementation of the assistant teacher model are discussed.  相似文献   

In October 2010, the University of Southern California School of Social Work entered the online education environment with the launch of the first national web-based MSW program. After an initial enrollment of 80 students, in just 3 years this state-of-the-art MSW, offered in a technology-advanced synchronous and asynchronous format, has generated an enrollment of 2,000 students residing in 38 states. The development and rapid growth of the Virtual Academic Center has not been without significant challenges, the most substantial of which has been the creation of a national field education program. This paper describes the MSW courses taught in the online environment, and pedagogical hurdles faced in order to maintain the educational quality that is the hallmark of the School's campus-based MSW program.  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of high-stakes gate-keeping assessments (of both K-12 students and new teachers) on teacher development of equitable teaching practices. Drawing from two studies of field experiences in Washington State—one of teacher interns and one of cooperating teachers—findings include that state level policies in response to NCLB may actually be decreasing teacher attention to closing the achievement gap. Further, the article explores how even progressive performance-based standards—when administered “globalistically”—are generally ineffective. After discussing university complicity in exacerbating the problem, the paper concludes with ways policymakers may shift their attention from creating complicated rubrics to promoting relationships that support pedagogical change.Jason Margolis is an Assistant Professor in Teacher Education and Professional Development Partnerships, Washington State University.  相似文献   

In the student teaching triad model adopted in this study, pairs of pre-service teachers worked collaboratively with cooperating teachers during a 12-week field experience. The main objectives of the study were to document the benefits and challenges for pre-service teachers and cooperating teachers who participate in a triad model and to describe the co-teaching models that would emerge during this experience. Pre-service teachers and their cooperating teachers reported several strengths of the triad model in the following areas—learning from each other, professional support, outcomes for K-12 students, comprehensive feedback about teaching and classroom practice, and pre-service teacher confidence. Limitations and concerns identified by both groups included dependency, confusion with classroom management issues, loss of individuality, and competition between the pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

In this study we explore the experiences of new teachers in urban schools at the intersection of three major policy agendas—alternative certification, new teacher retention, and the small schools movement. We examine alternatively certified teachers’ perceptions of the rewards and challenges of teaching in small schools, the support neophyte teachers seek and receive in these unique educational settings, and the reality of small school implementation in a modern urban environment. The findings have implications for policy-makers, urban school reformers, teacher educators and professional developers, administrators and teachers working to create and implement effective policy for twenty-first century urban schools.  相似文献   

在职教师网上学习困难之调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网上学习为在职教师提供了一种灵活的进修机会,促进了教师终身学习的发展。然而,通过几年的实践,学员们在这一新的学习模式下会产生哪些困难呢?本研究以华东师范大学网络教育学院在职进修教师为样本,采用网上问卷调查的方法,旨在探讨在职教师网上学习的主要困难及影响因素。本研究收回的有效问卷为196份。研究发现,教师网上学习的困难包括基础设施条件、操作技能、资源,以及个人等方面,影响网上学习主要因素包括网上教师水平、网上学习环境、网上学习支持等等。根据在职教师网上学习困难的综合分析,作者提出了一系列改进网络教学的策略性建议,可供网上教学工作者参考。  相似文献   

The Windows into Teaching and Learning (WiTL) project was developed by researchers at one large urban institution in the southeast region of the United States as a way to facilitate online clinical experiences for content area methods students during summer coursework. Utilising both synchronous and asynchronous elements, WiTL addressed the issue of students gaining meaningful clinical experiences in coursework offered during the summer. Though the purpose of WiTL was initially for methods students to engage in observations of and conversations with practising classroom teachers, an unanticipated outcome occurred. In this paper, the authors describe the WiTL process and discuss the impact it had on the professional growth of the practising classroom teachers. The results indicate that WiTL encouraged teachers to utilise reflective practice in rethinking their pedagogy and used technology to facilitate professional learning community among classroom teachers.  相似文献   

Three elements of the ecology of a mathematics methodsfield experience were particularly important topromoting a shift in locus of authority thatprecipitated reflective thinking among the preserviceteachers: (a) an inquiry perspective, (b) the cohortgroup, and (c) school-university collaboration. Thearticle describes these three aspects of the ecologyof the field experience and provides the perspectivesof the mentor teacher, preservice teacher, and teachereducator. Also included are new challenges andproblems that arose with each aspect.  相似文献   

This study examined the development of effective teaching skills in teacher candidates in the context of early field experiences directly tied to a pedagogical course. Evidence from faculty instructors, mentor teachers, and teacher candidates suggests secondary education candidates were able to develop effective teaching skills related to instructional strategies, classroom management, and curriculum design during an early field experience. Teacher candidates developed these skills as they shifted their identities from candidates-as-students to candidates-as-teachers.  相似文献   

There is a growing need for qualified online instructors to teach the expanding population of online K-12 students. To meet this need, teachers must be provided learning opportunities to acquire the specific types of knowledge and skills necessary to teach online. In this systematic review of the literature, we utilize the TPACK framework to aggregate the types of knowledge and skills required to teach online and examine both the extent to which these elements are addressed in existing programs and are based on empirical research. Findings suggest that the types of knowledge and skills based on empirical research originate from few studies and that most programs address only a small subset of knowledge and skills, varying greatly without uniformity in content or learning experiences.  相似文献   

Although visual arts teachers have free access to high quality online artwork images offering them immense teaching resources, making meaningful use of them remains a pedagogical challenge. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the transition from face-to-face to online teaching caused an immediate need for teachers to enhance their digital competencies and technological capability for planning and delivering a blended art curriculum. Herein, I propose a ‘teacher-curator pedagogy’ via a study in six primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong to assess its effectiveness. The study took place in the academic year of 2021-22 with 331 student participants. The proposed pedagogy puts visual arts teachers in the role of ‘digital curators’ who create virtual exhibitions for teaching art appreciation and artmaking. This paper addresses the theoretical framework, implementation strategies, and the results of the study highlighting its effectiveness, impact and limitations on teaching when using teacher-curated virtual exhibitions in both physical and virtual learning contexts. It was found that the technological capacity and confidence of the teacher participants was enhanced through the use of online resources and virtual exhibition tools. Making use of the 3D presentation of exhibits in themes and context through digital content curation, the teachers engaged students with deep interaction through the blending of online and face-to-face teaching. However, the proposed pedagogy was limited by the high demand of training and preparation work, hardware and software support, and difficulties in assessing and monitoring learning beyond class.  相似文献   

本研究通过对14名实习生的访谈,了解了他们经历实习后对大学所学理论性知识作用的实际认识。研究将理论性知识分为三类:学科内容知识、教育方法类知识、教育原理类知识。访谈发现:实习生普遍认同学科内容知识的价值;关注教育方法类知识但大多不能从大学的学习中受益;本科生对教育原理类知识的价值认可度低,硕士生的认可度相对较高。可见,教育原理类知识和方法类知识更易和实践脱节,但这种脱节并非不可避免。大学和中小学在教师培养过程的沟通与合作、实习生本人的反思意识与能力以及对不同理论性知识的合理定位,对沟通教育理论和实践具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Although primary teachers in the Republic of Ireland are generalist teachers, language teaching of both Irish and English, as well as the development of literacy skills across the curriculum is an integral part of their daily professional practice. This paper presents an analysis of the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL) with a view to considering its potential as a reflective tool in the initial primary teacher education (IPTE) in the Republic of Ireland. The creation and structure of the EPOSTL within a European language policy landscape is delineated, and thematic analysis is presented, focusing on three of the EPOSTL’s main theoretical and conceptual underpinnings: (a) teacher autonomy, (b) reflective practice and, (c) self-assessment. The role of primary teachers as language teachers within a new framework of plurilingualism is highlighted. In order to consider the suitability of the EPOSTL as a reflective tool in teacher education, IPTE educational policy documents are examined to uncover converging discourses with the underlying themes of the EPOSTL. The EPOSTL emerges as a good conceptual fit with IPTE policy. It presents as a reflective tool with the potential to promote a transformative and integrated approach to language teacher education in and across Institutes of Education at a time of sociolinguistic and curriculum change in Irish primary schools.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, computer mediated communication (CMC) technologies have been used in a variety of efforts aimed at fostering teacher learning and teacher collaboration. This study is an attempt to closely examine the literature on the use of electronic networks for creating reflective teacher communities. We found that many teacher networks pursued the goal of building learning and reflective communities for teachers. Much was expected out of electronic teacher networks both as a practical solution to the stubborn problems in teacher professional development and as a new agent to create what is difficult to realize in face-to-face situations. However, we found a general lack of rigorous research on these networks. Little is known about the effectiveness of these networks on teacher learning. Few seriously examined to what degree the networks indeed were communities that promote reflective discourses.  相似文献   

培训新教师的导师:来自荷兰的经验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荷兰学者冯克进行了长期研究,发现作为一名成功的新教师导师必须具备的知识基础包括三个基本要素:第一,新教师专业发展的过程;第二,指导新教师课堂教学的策略;第三,理解新教师的经验学习过程.  相似文献   

‘Learning through play’ in early childhood education is widely advocated, but studies show that play is not easily enacted in classrooms. The quality of learning through play has been questioned in various countries, especially when learning outcomes are a global concern. This paper examines how one teacher implemented learning through play within a formal and didactic Hong Kong pre-school classroom. Following this real-life adaptation of the play pedagogy, this paper aims to illuminate the practical theories of linking play with learning in the classroom. The findings support the adoption of ‘play’ in young children's learning and reveal tactful ways in which a teacher can encourage the evolving ‘flow’ of children's play while simultaneously scaffolding their learning. The paper analyses the tact involved in the above process and suggests key dimensions for realizing ‘learning through play’ in the classroom.  相似文献   

培养研究型教师——芬兰以研究为基础的教师教育探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自2000年以来,芬兰学生连续四次在国际学生评估项目(PISA)中名列前茅,令世界瞩目。虽然芬兰学生出类拔萃的表现是诸多因素共同作用的结果,但以高品质的教师教育培养高素质的教师是促使其教育成功的关键。本文从芬兰以研究为基础教师教育实施的动因、涵义、理论模型及实施过程等层面,探讨了成就芬兰学生杰出表现背后的教师教育,对我国未来的教师教育的变革具有一定的启示与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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