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Mediation models are commonly used to identify the mechanisms through which one variable influences another. Among longitudinal mediation methods, latent difference score mediation stands out due to its unique ability to capture nonlinear change over time. However, there is limited information regarding sample size demands to achieve adequate power with this method, resulting in few applications of latent difference score mediation. To address this limitation, the current study presents empirically supported sample size guidelines for 10 common latent difference score mediation structural models and 9 unique population models. The results of this study offer researchers with a set of representative sample estimates that may be used when designing studies or seeking funding.  相似文献   

调解是一种重要的纠纷解决机制,我国素有调解的传统。毛泽东高度重视调解,在改造传统调解制度的基础上形成和发展了现代调解制度。今天调解依然具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

诉讼调解与和谐社会的理念有着天然的契合关系,相对于严格的判决,调解结案更能促进社会的和谐稳定。立法上强化调解,并不必然削弱法律的权威,也不必然带来强制调解现象。我国民事调解立法应当明确地将调解作为诉讼结案的重要方式,强化法官的调解职能,调解程序的设计也要有利于当事人之间的彻底沟通,提高调解结案率,以更好地发挥调解的消弭纠纷功能。  相似文献   

诉讼调解在现行司法实践中发挥着举足轻重的作用,随着司法实践的发展,调解本身也暴露出一些自身难以解决的问题,诸如诉讼调解是否存在让无理一方获得不当利益、当事人是否真的享有完全意思自由、调解能否实现公平正义理念、调解是否会导致恶意诉讼和虚假诉讼增加、调解会不会引发诉讼膨胀等。本文在讨论这些问题的基础上对诉讼调解应该坚持的原则进行梳理,即事清责明原则、合法性原则、可执行性原则以及程序正义原则。  相似文献   

This article presents several longitudinal mediation models in the framework of latent growth curve modeling and provides a detailed account of how such models can be constructed. Logical and statistical challenges that might arise when such analyses are conducted are also discussed. Specifically, we discuss how the initial status (intercept) and change (slope) of the putative mediator variable can be appropriately included in the causal chain between the independent and dependent variables in longitudinal mediation models. We further address whether the slope of the dependent variable should be controlled for the dependent variable's intercept to improve the conceptual relevance of the mediation models. The models proposed are illustrated by analyzing a longitudinal data set. We conclude that for certain research questions in developmental science, a multiple mediation model where the dependent variable's slope is controlled for its intercept can be considered an adequate analytical model. However, such models also show several limitations.  相似文献   

Mediation has become common in many areas of society, including marital dissolution, community disputes, governmental agencies, and business and industry. Though higher education has been slower than society to adopt mediation services, campus mediation is becoming increasingly more common. This article explains why mediation is a viable educational opportunity and offers a rationale for mediation as a branch of counseling services.  相似文献   

This study investigated influences of censored data on mediation analysis. Mediation effect estimates can be biased and inefficient with censoring on any one of the input, mediation, and output variables. A Bayesian Tobit approach was introduced to estimate and test mediation effects with censored data. Simulation results showed that the Bayesian Tobit approach can be used to deal with censoring in estimating and testing mediation effects under certain conditions. The proposed method was illustrated by analyzing an empirical data set with more than 50% of censored data on the output variable. Some guidelines for applying the proposed method were discussed.  相似文献   

调解是我国传统纠纷解决机制的重要组成部分,由之演化而来的司法调解在我国目前的纠纷解决机制中仍扮演着重要角色,但因司法实践界对案件调解率的过分追求,导致司法调解的弊端凸显,完善司法调解制度事在必行。  相似文献   

调解担保制度作为我国新建立的一项法律制度,对于民事调解司法实践具有重要的现实意义,也有利于我国民事诉讼制度的健全完善。但是,我国有关调解担保制度的规定仍然存在着一些缺陷,例如,关于调解担保与调解书生效时间不一致、案外担保人拒绝签收调解书等问题,就需要通过修订相关规定,进一步地完善调解担保制度,才能更加有效地发挥调解担保制度的作用。  相似文献   

行政诉讼不适用调解一直以来被人们视为行政诉讼活动必须遵循的一项原则,行政职权的不可处分性无疑是这一观点的理论基石。然而,随着行政事务的增多,行政自由裁量是普遍存在的,这就为行政调解提供了理论支持和可能性。最高法院2008年的两个司法解释则为行政诉讼调解提供了法律依据。因此,在行政诉讼中建立有限调解制度具有可行性。  相似文献   

调解作为一种解决纠纷的制度,是我国传统法律文化尤其是儒家法律文化的重要组成部分。传统调解制度依其调节者主持身份的不同,可以分为民间自行调解、宗族行会调解、乡治调解和州县官府调解四种形式。本文从作为方法论的法律文化视角对传统调解作了解读,认为在公法文化和反省性文化的双重夹击下.调解制度成了维护共有的道德价值的工具,调解的过程成了说教过程。因此.必须对传统调解制度进行创造性转化,摒弃调解者的家长式角色以厦泛道德化的成分,让调解者扮演促进当事人交流的角色.去帮助当事人而不是训诫当事人。  相似文献   

建构多元化纠纷解决体系的关键在于司法权的优化配置。司法权对于诉讼外调解的意义主要在于:调解标准的确立、调解组织的权威化和调解效力的强化。因此,我国的诉讼外调解制度,应当明确:改革我国诉讼外调解制度的突破口在于建立司法审核制,提升诉讼外调解协议的效力;通过设置附设于法院的诉讼外调解机构在组织上进一步融合诉讼外调解与司法权力的关系;而最重要的还应是完善诉讼机制,在更深层次上确立诉讼外调解的规范化背景。  相似文献   

调解是一种根据合意的纠纷解决方式。必须在调解中坚持最基本的证明观念:调解中同样存在证明的问题,当事人需要对基本事实进行证明,调解员也承担着对基本事实进行了解、查明的责任。调解中的证明与诉讼中的证明相比存在自身的独特性:调解中的证明是一种自由证明,而非严格证明;调解中存在主观证明责任,但是客观证明责任在调解中不一定发生作用;调解中证明标准具有更大灵活性,但要避免在调解中过分降低证明标准。  相似文献   

我国仲裁协议理论与实践的新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国有关仲裁协议的理论与实践有较大的发展:仲裁协议的效力得到广泛的承认,仲裁实践甚至承认了“未签字”的仲裁协议效力,仲裁协议的法律适用与国际惯常做法保持一致,电子形式的仲裁协议得到认可,仲裁第三人引起广泛关注。因此,修改仲裁法是当务之急。  相似文献   

中介是指事物自身中矛盾双方相互联系的一切居间因素和事物自身变化、发展的一切过渡环节.它具有普遍性和客观性,在事物发展中具有重要作用.但是中介不是事物矛盾体中的基本要素,它从属于矛盾双方,可以归结于矛盾双方,是事物发展的中间环节,而非目的和理想状态.人们对于中介的把握一旦超出这个界限,就会陷入中介僭越的思维误区.与中介相关,中介的僭越分为两种类型:矛盾双方联系中的中介僭越和矛盾转化中的中介僭越.中介的僭越会给人们的理论和实践活动带来各种危害.  相似文献   

维果茨基中介概念的发展及其对教育的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本对维果茨基的中介概念进行了分析。中介分为元认知中介和认识中介两种主要类型,元认知中介指自我调节的符号工具的获得,认知中介指获得解决问题所必需的认知工具。在介绍近年来俄、美有关研究进展的基础上,探讨了维果茨基中介概念对当前教育的影响。  相似文献   

The assessment of mediation in dyadic data is an important issue if researchers are to test process models. Using an extended version of the actor–partner interdependence model the estimation and testing of mediation is complex, especially when dyad members are distinguishable (e.g., heterosexual couples). We show how the complexity of the model can be reduced by assuming specific dyadic patterns. Using structural equation modeling, we demonstrate how specific mediating effects and contrasts among effects can be tested by phantom models that permit point and bootstrap interval estimates. We illustrate the assessment of mediation and the strategies to simplify the model using data from heterosexual couples.  相似文献   

人民调解是正确处理人民内部矛盾的重要方法之一。通过调查和分析蒙自县新安所镇人民调解制度,呈现出基层人民调解制度的现状。  相似文献   

国家公权不得处分,行政主体和行政相对人双方地位不平等,这两点作为我国行政诉讼法不确立调解程序的理由并不充分。域外行政纠纷诉讼和解和诉讼外调解为我国行政诉讼调解程序的确立提供了样本。原告被告的利益契合,单一司法判决程序的局限,避免因非正常撤诉而带来的不利影响,这些表明行政诉讼调解具有正当性基础,我国应建立行政诉讼调解程序。  相似文献   

The latent growth curve modeling (LGCM) approach has been increasingly utilized to investigate longitudinal mediation. However, little is known about the accuracy of the estimates and statistical power when mediation is evaluated in the LGCM framework. A simulation study was conducted to address these issues under various conditions including sample size, effect size of mediated effect, number of measurement occasions, and R 2 of measured variables. In general, the results showed that relatively large samples were needed to accurately estimate the mediated effects and to have adequate statistical power, when testing mediation in the LGCM framework. Guidelines for designing studies to examine longitudinal mediation and ways to improve the accuracy of the estimates and statistical power were discussed.  相似文献   

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