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Over the past ten years, there has been a growing interest in integrating arts and humanities in medicine to increase learners'' empathy and resilience; improve personal well-being, communication, and observational skills; enhance self-reflection; and promote professionalism. These desired skills and qualities are becoming increasingly important for the physicians of tomorrow. Parallel to curricular interventions of integrating arts and humanities to medical education, there has been an increasing research interest in investigating the impact of such interventions on medical students with respect to improving and sustaining students'' empathy as they progress in their medical education and develop their professional identity. Research has yielded interesting findings on the types and effect of the interventions in the medical curriculum. The Association of the American Medical Colleges (AAMC), recognizing the unique and unrealized role of arts and humanities in preparing and equipping physicians for twenty-first-century challenges, proposed seven recommendations for advancing arts and humanities integration into medical education to improve the education, practice, and well-being of physicians and physician learners across the spectrum of medical education. Institutional initiatives of arts and humanities integration in the medical curriculum in response to the AAMC''s recommendations afford health sciences librarians expansive opportunities and a new landscape of playing an important role in these initiatives. With their diverse educational background in arts, humanities, social sciences, and many other disciplines and fields, health sciences librarians are poised for meaningful contributions to their institutional goals in developing a humanistic, compassionate workforce of future physicians.  相似文献   

The challenge of recruiting science librarians is an ongoing issue, despite efforts to isolate, address, and remedy the deficiency. Most research has focused on investigating why current science librarians chose their careers and on ways library information science (LIS) programs can entice Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) candidates into science librarianship. At Brooklyn College, librarians created a science information internship for undergraduate science majors. By exposing these students to librarianship as a potential career path, we hope to attract and groom future science librarians. This article discusses the development of the internship, the challenges and successes of the pilot, and the assessment of the pilot for improvements and expansion.  相似文献   


Archives and digital collections have traditionally supported undergraduate research experiences or existed in the syllabus as neat, packaged projects or assignments. Now these artifacts are taking center stage in the digital liberal arts classroom. Librarians and archivists are also realizing new opportunities to teach undergraduates their professional tools and methodologies, and they are forging new ground in the classroom teaching students how to curate and create digital scholarly projects. This case study reveals the experiences of two information professionals who cotaught a distance digital liberal arts seminar. It seeks to expand the pedagogy of the digital liberal arts and explore its viability via distance education.  相似文献   

This study analyzed 260 syllabi representing a year of the undergraduate curriculum from a business school. The syllabi were examined based on the mentions of the library from across three categories: spaces, resources, and services, as well as possible opportunities for engagement that librarians could target for collaboration. In this study, the library was mentioned 79 times, mostly in relation to library resources. There were also 479 opportunities for engagement coded. This study found that the majority of undergraduate syllabi do not mention the library, but that there are considerable opportunities that librarians can target for future engagement.  相似文献   

高校本科教学评估与图书馆文献资源建设   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
文章从教育部本科教学水平评估指标要求出发,对当前我国高校图书馆文献资源建设存在的问题进行了客观分析,探讨了高校图书馆文献资源建设的对策与发展目标.  相似文献   

Social networks such as Facebook allow libraries to be proactive in reaching their users. While some libraries have popular Facebook pages, it remains unclear what attracts users to these pages. This study evaluates relationships between libraries’ Facebook page content and popularity. An analysis of 72 academic health sciences libraries’ Facebook pages showed positive correlations between number of library fans and number of tabs, photos, events, and wall posts on Facebook. Libraries posting videos had significantly more fans than libraries without them. This study contributes to an understanding of correlations between content and popularity on Facebook, with implications for library outreach.  相似文献   

To investigate how undergraduates use library and scholarly resources through their mobile devices, the authors surveyed 138 undergraduate students at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) in the spring 2014 semester. The results confirmed that they want to search databases and journals on their mobile devices. By examining the functionalities of mobile-friendly databases, we identified the challenges and barriers to using mobile devices to search electronic databases and find articles. The results of this study were used in generating recommendations for the design, capabilities, and resources of future mobile websites.  相似文献   

高校图书馆对科研资料的管理与开发   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
科研资料保留了专家们在学科前沿进行创造性研究时的宝贵信息,对于高校的教学科研及其管理工作都有重要的参考价值.文章从科研资料的收集、分类、存贮和开发等方面阐述了高校图书馆对科研资料进行有效管理的方法.  相似文献   


The article offers a model for library-centered undergraduate engagement with digital scholarship based on two years of successful implementation at Lafayette College. Librarians designed a competitive six-week summer internship where undergraduate students built their own digital research projects. Through their original projects, students practiced traditional research methods and simultaneously explored subfields of digital scholarship. The article's topics include the relationship between digital scholarship and information literacy, the library's role in facilitating digital scholarship, and the internship's design and execution. The article also includes reflections and recommendations for sustainable implementation.  相似文献   

This year's virtual issue (the 6th in the series) has been published to coincide with the European Association for Health Information and Libraries’ (EAHIL) 2015 workshop (10–12 June, Edinburgh): Research‐Minded: Understanding, Supporting, Conducting Research. This event is being run in collaboration with the International Conference of Animal Health Information Specialists and the International Clinical Librarian Conference. Although research has always been a central part of any librarian's role, until recently health librarians and library users and funding bodies assumed that librarians were ‘midwives’ – there to assist students, clinicians, academics and managers set up and carry out their research. The notion of the librarian as a professional with a research agenda, who understands research methods, submits research grants, and publishes, is a relatively new perspective. If librarians are to take an evidence‐based approach to their profession they need to acquire research skills. This is the rationale for the 2015 EAHIL workshop. To support the workshop, this virtual issue contains six original articles published in Health Information and Libraries Journal over the last 2 years that demonstrate the range of research activities carried out by health librarians, as well as a review article and articles from each of the three feature columns. All articles included in this virtual issue are available free online.  相似文献   

The increasing importance of research assessment is but one factor within the ever-changing scholarly communication landscape that is challenging libraries to develop new services to serve the needs of their academic communities. Institutional budget allocations, grant funding, and faculty tenure and promotion increasingly depend on performance indicators, including bibliometrics such as citation counts, impact factors, the h-index, and other quantitative measurements of research output. With their longstanding expertise in collecting, categorizing, and analyzing data, not to mention their familiarity with scholarly databases and indexes tracking cited references, librarians are well qualified to meet the emerging demand for bibliometrics services.  相似文献   

高校人文社科科研绩效评价方式的科学性探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,评价高校人文社科教师的科研水平采取了一刀切的方式,主要是看论文发表在核心期刊的数量,获得科研经费的数量,获奖项目的级别和数量。这样的科研绩效评价标准使高校教师陷入到论文和科研经费GDP崇拜的旋涡之中。改革目前高校人文社科科研绩效评价标准和方式的对策是:强化质量指标,淡化数量指标;建立独立的学术组织,推进学术自评自律;取消期刊等级制,建立文章同行评价机制;学校每年召开各种类型的学术交流会,让教师介绍自己的研究成果。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 科学数据是科学研究的重要保障资源,对研究机构与研究人员的科研活动具有重要作用。有效管理科学数据能够使其更好地发挥作用,服务于科研工作。分析我国人文社会科学数据管理中存在的问题并提出解决对策,对于人文社会科学数据管理的可持续发展具有重要意义。[方法/过程] 通过分析人文社会科学数据管理相关研究现状,总结我国当前人文社会科学数据管理中存在的主要问题,并提出相应的对策建议。[结果/结论] 我国人文社会科学数据管理在政策制度、管理体制、建设内容、基础设施等方面存在一定的问题,后续应通过完善相关政策制度、建立协同管理体系、加强基础设施建设、注重人才培养等相关措施,以推动我国人文社会科学数据管理的良性发展。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] Scientific data is an important guarantee resource for scientific research and plays an important role in the research activities of research institutions and personnel. Effective management of scientific data can make it play a better role and serve scientific research. It is of great significance for the sustainable development of data management of humanities and social sciences to analyze the existing problems in data management of humanities and social sciences in China and put forward solutions.[Method/process] By analyzing the research status of data management related to humanities and social sciences, this paper summarized the main problems existing in the current management of humanities and social sciences in China, and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.[Result/conclusion] China's humanities and social science data management has certain problems in terms of policy system, management system, construction content, infrastructure, etc. In the follow-up, we should promote the sound development of humanities and social science data management by improving relevant policies and systems, establishing a collaborative management system, strengthening infrastructure construction, and focusing on personnel training.  相似文献   

This study engages public services librarians and librarians in administrative or managerial positions in a conversation about LGBTQ student needs. Using a sample from the Campus Pride Index’s Best 25 LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities, the researchers gathered information regarding outreach, collections, facilities, services, and policies for LGBTQ students. The results of this survey suggest that, while there is a great deal of support for LGBTQ students among librarians, the Campus Pride criteria is not entirely being met. There is an unclear delineation between the role of the library in promoting LGBTQ friendliness, and the role of the larger university, which may be related to the uncertain position of the library in the campus environment. However, the empathy that librarians in both decision and non-decision making roles have towards LGBTQ students opens up the possibility of deeper conversations and proactive, innovative support services in the future.  相似文献   


This article examines the current state of Open Access for the humanities and social sciences in the Czech Republic. Since the Velvet Revolution in 1989, and following the peaceful dissolution of Czechoslovakia in January of 1993, the Open Access movement in the Czech context remains understudied. This article focuses on the current state of affairs of Open Access in the Czech Republic within the European Union framework for Open Access.  相似文献   

This column describes a process for integrating information literacy (IL) and evidence-based medicine (EBM) content within a new school of medicine curriculum. The project was a collaborative effort among health sciences librarians, curriculum deans, directors, and faculty. The health sciences librarians became members of the curriculum committees, developed a successful proposal for IL and EBM content within the curriculum, and were invited to become course instructors for Analytics in Medicine. As course instructors, the librarians worked with the other faculty instructors to design and deliver active learning class sessions based on a flipped classroom approach using a proprietary Information Mastery curriculum. Results of this collaboration may add to the knowledge base of attitudes and skills needed to practice as full faculty partners in curricular design and instruction.  相似文献   

Making scholarly information visible to web search engines is an ongoing challenge, and undergraduate research is no exception. Using a sample of award-winning undergraduate history papers and journals, the authors searched Google, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, and the authors' institutional repository to gauge the difficulty of locating these works. Given that many of these works were not easily found, results suggest that libraries and their institutions could be doing more to increase the discoverability of undergraduate research. Based on the success stories observed in this study, we offer strategies to libraries and librarians for increasing the visibility of undergraduate student research.  相似文献   

The concept of social capital and its contribution to success and well-being in a variety of settings has potential for academic library outreach. Research has found that those with extensive and varied networks of social relationships can benefit in myriad ways, including academic and professional achievement. A connection has also been found between lower levels of social capital and negative effects on individuals as well as communities generally. Academic libraries are strategically positioned to enhance the social capital of their users, effecting positive differences in engagement, retention, and success after graduation.  相似文献   

文章采用问卷调查的方法,对地方普通高校新生的阅读倾向、利用图书馆的频率与目的、获取信息的途径、使用资源的类型等行为进行调查,提出高校图书馆应根据新生的行为特点,确定新生入馆教育的目标与内容,在综合采取多种教育方式的基础上,加强后续教育,以确保人馆教育的质量与效果.  相似文献   

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