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Community college student athletes are unique in their setting in the world of college student athletes. Many compete for the love of their sport, while others have aspirations for transferring to major colleges to continue their participation. The current study made use of the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale with a sample of nearly 400 community college student athletes to begin to understand some of the unique counseling needs of these students. These needs are highlighted by the need for student athletes to have a mentally healthy perspective on the role of sport in life and the relationship of sports to academic pursuits. Community college administrators need to use caution in balancing student development with mental health concerns.  相似文献   

大学生心理控制源与自我价值感的相关研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
运用青少年学生自我价值感量表和内一外心理控制源量表对578名大学生的自我价值感和心理控制源水平进行团体测试.并进行相关分析和回归分析.以此来探讨大学生心理控制源和自我价值感的关系。结果表明:大学生的心理控制源量表上的得分与自我价值感量表上各因子得分均呈显的负相关;且高、低自我价值感组的大学生在心理控制源水平上的得分有极显的差异。由此可见,大学生自我价值感水平的高低及其不同因子和层面与其心理控制源存在显的负相关.即高内控的大学生,其自我价值感水平也高。  相似文献   

自尊与心理控制源对大学生心理健康的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:调查大学生心理健康状况,探索自尊、心理控制源与心理健康之间的关系.方法:选取210名重庆大学学生,进行自尊量表(SES)、心理控制源(IPC)、症状自评量表(SCL-90)测试.结果:(1)该校大学生总体心理健康状况良好,心理问题检出率为11.92%.主要表现在人际关系敏感、强迫、偏执和敌对等症状上;(2)自尊、内控性对心理健康有一定的正向预测作用,而有势力他人和机遇则与心理健康显著负相关.结论:自尊和内控性是大学生心理健康的两个重要心理中介因素,所以提升自尊水平和培养内控倾向是改善高校大学生心理健康状况的有效途径之一.  相似文献   

大学生心理控制源与人际信任研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
研究了大学生心理控制源和人际信任的特点与关系。被试为内蒙古科技大学261名学生。使用内控性、有势力的他人及机遇量表和人际信任量表进行团体测试。结果表明:大学生人际信任无性别、城乡差异,其程度处于中间值水平。大学生的心理控制源中内控性与有势力的他人两部分表现出较强的男女差异,在机遇部分差异不明显。大学生的内控性显高于有势力的他人和机遇2个控制源。大学生人际信任与内控性存在强负相关,与有势力的他人、机遇控制源存在强正相关。  相似文献   

This study discusses the implementation of a service learning component in community college communication 101 level courses. Through the execution of a service learning component in communication classes at a community college, students’ communicative competency and attitude toward community service is assessed. Using two different delivery approaches, a quantitative study assessed the pretest and posttest of the standardized tool Communicative Adaptability Scale (CAS). Eight sections of communication 101 courses were distributed into two groups: (a) an experimental group and (b) a control group. The experimental group (n = 69) was required to finish a service learning project consisting of 15 hours by the end of the semester. The control group (n = 64) students did not participate in a community service project. Quantitative research methods were applied through data collection of the CAS taken by participants preimplementation and postimplementation of the service learning component, which was a community service project. The CAS results support that the implementation of service learning significantly increases students’ communication adaptability and competence.  相似文献   

就高校健美操课的教学,如何根据教材特点,针对学生实际,有的放矢进行教学等问题作了一些探索。  相似文献   

本研究主要探讨大学生心理控制源、时间管理倾向对主观幸福感的影响,并检验时间管理倾向的中介作用。采用问卷调查法对230名大学生进行测量。结果表明:(1)心理控制源在性别上存在显著性差异,性别和心理控制源在主观幸福感得分上存在显著交互作用;(2)相关分析表明,主观幸福感(SWB)和时间效能感、时间监控观、内控性有显著正相关,而主观幸福感和机遇、有势力的他人呈显著负相关;(3)时间管理倾向在内控性和主观幸福感间存在完全中介作用。  相似文献   

This study informs public policies regarding the use of subsidized loans as financial aid for community college students. Using logistic regression, it analyzes the National Center for Education Statistics’ Beginning Postsecondary Students (BPS 90/94) data to predict persistence to the second year of college and associate’s degree attainment over five years. During the period under study, loans did not contribute to higher persistence and attainment rates. Loans are observed to have a negative effect on persistence and no effect on degree attainment. Estimates of the interaction effects of borrowing and income status are insignificant but demonstrate the need for further testing. The findings are attributed to a combination of the high uncertainty of degree completion among community college students and the negative affective component of indebtedness. Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the American Education Finance Association Annual Meeting (Austin, Texas, March, 2000) and at the AIR Forum (Cincinnati, Ohio, May 2000). It has also appeared as a working paper of the Institute for Higher Education Law and Governance at the University of Houston, Texas (IHELG Monograph 01–07).This paper is based upon work supported by the Association for Institutional Research, the National Center for Education Statistics and the National Science Foundation under Association for Institutional Research Grant No. 99-128-0.  相似文献   

粤东高校学生运动损伤的原因及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对粤东大学生参加运动时发生运动损伤的情况的调查表明:大学生运动损伤的时间多发生在课外活动和运动竞赛;造成大学生运动创伤的体育项目,多见于对抗性较强的足球、篮球、排球、田径;创伤部位以踝、腕指关节、肘、膝处最多.建议提高大学生自我保护意识,预防意外运动损伤的发生,从而为学习生活与工作打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

This study was based on the view that collective conceptions of learners have intimate connections with both social and linguistic analysis and language education. It set out to examine systematically the perceptions of Chinese college students on English and English education against the background of both the increasing role of English in the world at large and a national advocacy for English learning in China. Drawing on data obtained from an extensive survey conducted at four universities in China, the study probes the complexities of students’ attitudes toward the status of English, the pluralism of English, and the way students identify themselves with English. The findings lend support to making adjustments to English education so as to attend to learners’ needs of learning, communication, and identity seeking and to empower them to meet the opportunities and challenges brought about by the unprecedented spread of the language.  相似文献   


In the spring of 2002 we conducted a structure-focused case study at 4 North Carolina community colleges to understand how selected senior campus leaders assessed a new legislatively-mandated institutional-accountability program. Using confidential interviews and document analysis we collected, analyzed, and interpreted data that revealed clear differences in how leaders regarded the accountability program. These distinct, campus-specific perspectives are characterized as “bureaucratic meddling,” “benign intrusion,” “an opportunity to demonstrate accountability,” and “the divided leaders.” Despite these distinct perspectives, however, we also found 2 overarching themes that illuminated common reactions to the accountability program. First, leaders at 3 of the 4 institutions reported that performance ratings under the accountability program were instrumental in prompting changes in instructional programs or staffing. Second, faculty leaders at 3 institutions exhibited an apathy or unawareness of state indicators, even though some state funding was linked to measures regarding student performance.  相似文献   

体育教学是学生学习运动技术形成运动技能的重要途径 ,凡与身体活动有关的技术动作教学 ,都是围绕着形成学生关于技术动作的正确的运动表象和动作概念展开的。教师根据学生在学习和掌握技术动作时的心理活动规律 ,组织体育教学活动 ,不但可以减少教学的盲目性 ,而且能够促进学生的智力发展 ,提高教学质量  相似文献   

Grounded in Weidman's (1989a) socialization model and Pace's (1979b) theoretical conception of quality of effort, this study examines the effects of peer groups on community college students perceptions of general educational gains. Peer groups were defined as the aggregate student body within an institution. The sample consisted of a national sample of community college students who had responded to the Community College Student Experiences Questionnaire. Given the nested structure of the data, hierarchical linear modeling was used to examine institutional- and student-level effects. Dominant influences on students' perceived gains were from the quality of effort exerted by students. Aggregates of individual-level measures were used as indicators of the peer environment and had little impact on individual-level estimates.  相似文献   

Based on a mixed methods case study design, the current study reports on a Promise Scholarship program offered by a community college and its affiliated foundation to graduating students at a nearby high school located in a low-income neighborhood of a large city and with a high proportion of African American and other students of color. Using a mix of government and private funding, all graduating students, regardless of financial need or academic achievement, were offered free tuition at the community college for one year. The promise of a scholarship plus an intensive outreach effort resulted in the majority of graduating seniors submitting scholarship applications and a four-fold increase in the proportion of graduates from the high school who subsequently matriculated at the community college. Once at college, the student recipients demonstrated a high rate of quarter-to-quarter retention. However, few placed into college-level courses in English and math, and their academic progress at the end of the first year was modest.  相似文献   

为了探讨心理控制源在父母教养方式与人际信任之间的中介作用,采用人际信任量表(ITS)、内在—外在心理控制源量表(I-E)和父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)对大学生进行调查,并使用Process插件进行中介效应检验。结果显示:父母消极教养方式与人际信任、心理控制源均呈显著正相关;人际信任与心理控制源呈显著正相关;心理控制源在父母消极教养方式与大学生人际信任间的中介效应显著。结论:父母消极教养方式不仅会直接影响大学生的人际信任,还会通过心理控制源对大学生的人际信任产生间接影响。  相似文献   

基于高校教师身份认同出现危机这一问题,探讨了教师身份认同存在的问题,审视了导致这一问题的原因,进而为教师对自己的身份认同,从宏观、中观、微观三个层面提出了提高高校教师对自己身份认同的建议.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the personal narrative of flow experiences across three elite sportsmen within their particular sport autobiographical contexts. Using a holistic formal structure analysis to examine the participants’ self-narratives, five major themes emerged: (a) early socialization as the basis of a strong athletic identity, (b) withdrawal from sports as a threat to athletic identity, (c) the dramatic weight of the narrative plots within which the experiences of flow are inserted, (d) biographical sporting flow accounts, and (e) silences and devaluations in flow narrative. The results of the narrative analyses show a close relationship between the flow experiences and athletic identity. This study concludes that, in this case, the narratives of flow experiences have had an ontological role as they served to assert the participants’ threatened athletic identity. Hence, studying narratives as practices is a useful way to better understand not only the internal coherence of the narrative fragments into which flow experiences are inserted, but also the role that they play regarding the autobiographical narrative into which these are inserted.  相似文献   

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