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In latent growth modeling, measurement invariance across groups has received little attention. Considering that a group difference is commonly of interest in social science, a Monte Carlo study explored the performance of multigroup second-order latent growth modeling (MSLGM) in testing measurement invariance. True positive and false positive rates in detecting noninvariance across groups in addition to bias estimates of major MSLGM parameters were investigated. Simulation results support the suitability of MSLGM for measurement invariance testing when either forward or iterative likelihood ratio procedure is applied.  相似文献   

Latent growth curve mediation models are increasingly used to assess mechanisms of behavior change. For latent growth mediation model, like any another mediation model, even with random treatment assignment, a critical but untestable assumption for valid and unbiased estimates of the indirect effects is that there should be no omitted variable that confounds indirect effects. One way to address this untestable assumption is to conduct sensitivity analysis to assess whether the inference about an indirect effect would change under varying degrees of confounding bias. We developed a sensitivity analysis technique for a latent growth curve mediation model. We compute the biasing effect of confounding on point and confidence interval estimates of the indirect effects in a structural equation modeling framework. We illustrate sensitivity plots to visualize the effects of confounding on each indirect effect and present an empirical example to illustrate the application of the sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

The latent growth curve modeling (LGCM) approach has been increasingly utilized to investigate longitudinal mediation. However, little is known about the accuracy of the estimates and statistical power when mediation is evaluated in the LGCM framework. A simulation study was conducted to address these issues under various conditions including sample size, effect size of mediated effect, number of measurement occasions, and R 2 of measured variables. In general, the results showed that relatively large samples were needed to accurately estimate the mediated effects and to have adequate statistical power, when testing mediation in the LGCM framework. Guidelines for designing studies to examine longitudinal mediation and ways to improve the accuracy of the estimates and statistical power were discussed.  相似文献   

When conducting longitudinal research, the investigation of between-individual differences in patterns of within-individual change can provide important insights. In this article, we use simulation methods to investigate the performance of a model-based exploratory data mining technique—structural equation model trees (SEM trees; Brandmaier, Oertzen, McArdle, & Lindenberger, 2013)—as a tool for detecting population heterogeneity. We use a latent-change score model as a data generation model and manipulate the precision of the information provided by a covariate about the true latent profile as well as other factors, including sample size, under the possible influences of model misspecifications. Simulation results show that, compared with latent growth curve mixture models, SEM trees might be very sensitive to model misspecification in estimating the number of classes. This can be attributed to the lower statistical power in identifying classes, resulting from smaller differences of parameters prescribed by the template model between classes.  相似文献   

探究培养过程关键要素,可为提升硕士生培养成效、推进新时代研究生教育培养机制改革提供理论支撑和实践指导。本研究构建了硕士生培养过程关键要素影响模型,基于全国硕士生满意度时序调查数据,运用结构方程模型探讨硕士生培养过程关键要素及影响路径。根据研究结论,提出增强培养单位硕士生培养过程机制的系统化、体系化;建设成效导向的硕士生培养过程机制的相关管理制度;改善硕士生培养的基础条件等建议。  相似文献   

In longitudinal design, investigating interindividual differences of intraindividual changes enables researchers to better understand the potential variety of development and growth. Although latent growth curve mixture models have been widely used, unstructured finite mixture models (uFMMs) are also useful as a preliminary tool and are expected to be more robust in identifying classes under the influence of possible model misspecifications, which are very common in actual practice. In this study, large-scale simulations were performed in which various normal uFMMs and nonnormal uFMMs were fit to evaluate their utility and the performance of each model selection procedure for estimating the number of classes in longitudinal designs. Results show that normal uFMMs assuming invariance of variance–covariance structures among classes perform better on average. Among model selection procedures, the Calinski–Harabasz statistic, which has a nonparametric nature, performed better on average than information criteria, including the Bayesian information criterion.  相似文献   

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