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对山西师范大学图书馆入藏善本古籍所钤印章进行分类,探究古籍藏书印在史传补遗、藏书史研究、古籍版本鉴定、艺术鉴赏等方面的价值和意义。  相似文献   

文章回顾了高校图书馆教学用书保障方式的演进历程,对大复本量政策、小复本量政策、教学参考书数据库、电子图书数据库、移动阅读设备、教参阅览室等方式的优缺点进行了分析,提出移动阅读时代应继续实行大复本量政策的观点。  相似文献   

高职院校大部分是由中等专业学校转制而来,其图书馆目前面临着文献总量不足、馆藏文献质量低和馆舍面积不足等困境.这些院校的图书馆一般具有较长的文献收藏历史.馆藏的各类历史文献虽算不上弥足珍贵.也不足什么珍本、善本,但却反映了一定历史时期我国的出版发行特点及文化背景.由于这部分文献具有特殊历史意义,对于需要它的特定读者仍有一定的参考价值,因此,建立"老书库",对这些文献进行特藏,既可以使这些文献得到保护,又可以满足读者的特定需求,还可以确保图书总量满足教学评估的要求.对图书馆的藏书建设是非常有意义的.  相似文献   

中国文化史上的女藏书家探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国藏书史上,历代的女性藏书家们在中华民族优秀文化的传承中占有一席之地。尤其是一批女性奇秀,她们博学多才,在各自生长的那个社会里,潜心涉猎,著述颇丰;节衣宿食,惜书如命;好书有志,督子成才;远怀卓识,推动着家庭乃至社会藏书事业的发展,留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。  相似文献   


Rather than create a collection solely to support distance learners, libraries should consider the needs of all customers when developing a digital library. The acceptance of digital libraries is dependant upon the conversion of resources to an electronic format that is easy to use and is fully searchable. While electronic journals are widely accepted by most academic library customers, the delivery of online books has had a very different acceptance rate. Rather than support the sequential reading of books, electronic books are commonly used to find information and can be particularly well-suited for reference purposes. This article will provide insight into the history of e-book models and evaluate the usage statistics of a large electronic book collection in an academic library.  相似文献   

中国藏书文化历史悠久,古代藏书家为传承典籍与文化,做出了巨大贡献。藏书史专家陈德弟教授的《先秦至隋唐五代藏书家考略》一书,是目前国内唯一一部系统考述先秦至五代藏书家事迹的专著,该书按朝代共分六章,全面考述了自先秦迄五代见诸传世和出土文献的藏收家四百余人,并作简要评述,同时提供了相关研究资料。全书史料丰富,评论公允,启迪后学。  相似文献   

1902年徐树兰先生所创建的古越藏书楼,实现了从封闭的封建藏书楼向近代公共图书馆过渡的重大文化创新。本文以绍兴图书馆现存古越藏书楼藏书为例,分析了现存藏书之特色,介绍了其中部分珍稀本。  相似文献   

基于Web的馆藏发展业务平台构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从有效控制馆藏采访质量、拓宽采访方式和渠道、降低文献采选工作随机性和无序性的角度出发,提出一种能够高度集成各个分散的出版发行书目信息,并提供新书评介、在线选书、集中订购、标准MARC书目数据下载等“一条龙”或“一站式” 的馆藏发展业务平台——AcqWeb,并对该平台的构建方案、实现技术与方法进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

现代图书馆的藏书剔除工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李娟 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(3):256-256,255
阐述了藏书剔除的重要性,以及做好滞书鉴别、清理和优化馆藏的工作思路。  相似文献   

综合评述了近年来出版的《中国藏书楼》、《中国藏书通史》和《藏书中国丛书》的各自特点及共同之处,肯定了这三部书对中国藏书史、古籍整理和版本学研究的参考意义。  相似文献   

文章描述徽州商人的三个帐簿,即盘货帐簿、当铺经营帐簿与生活消费帐簿。徽州商人经商的帐簿现存很少,特别是清咸丰年间的帐簿,图书馆少见,是经济史研究的珍贵文献。文章重点研究了帐簿的版本状况、帐簿的记帐格式,及其帐目内容,并做了相应分析。  相似文献   

刘凤娟 《图书情报工作》1996,40(6):46-48,77
以本馆中文图书近3年来的借阅统计为基础,利用计量学原理,对图书流通情况进行了计量分析。  相似文献   

四库馆开后,孙仰曾家族进呈图书二百余种,在私人进献者中名列前茅,但因资料所限,其家族情况、藏书及进呈事迹并不彰显。尤其是孙仰曾父子因家乘未备,误将自己列为明重臣孙镊后裔,《四库全书总目》因之而误,为学界因袭至今。论文据南京图书馆所藏孤本孙仰曾《寿松堂进呈书目》、孙峻《寿松堂藏书目》及上图、浙图藏多种稀见孙氏族谱,对孙氏家族及寿松堂藏书、进呈事迹予以考辨。  相似文献   

北宋馆阁藏书事业的兴盛超越之前各代,实为古代书籍的发展做出了不朽的功绩。本文即以《麟台故事》残本卷二中《书籍》所载为主,分析了北宋政府藏书形成的三个主要方面:几次重大的典籍获取奠定了馆阁藏书的基础,民间所献之书又是构成北宋馆阁藏书的重要部分,后置秘阁典藏实为当时堪称精华和极品的组成部分。  相似文献   

As libraries offer more multi-dimensional study areas and online resources, it is important to understand how print books are being used. The reported decline in print book circulation has largely been based on books checked out of the library without recording in-house use (books used in the library but not checked out). Including in-house use gives a more accurate representation of book circulation, helping to demonstrate the value of the physical library and print collections, and informing collection development. To better understand how our print collections are being used, we analyze holdings, checkout data, and in-house use data by subject, as well as circulation in regard to patron group, library gate count and student enrollment. Our findings show declining use of all print collections with the steepest decline in reference books. The majority of books used in house were not checked out, affirming the need to include in-house use data to provide an accurate picture of print book use and inform collection development. We use our findings to inform the redesign of our reference collection and suggest ways to integrate print and digital formats and promote the value of books and reading.  相似文献   

《第一批国家珍贵古籍名录图录》是"中华古籍保护计划"的最新成果,具有极高的版本学价值,体现在以下几个方面:鲜活地再现了我国现存珍贵古籍的原貌;是书影产生以来的集大成之作;所揭示的版本形式齐全;记录的典籍收藏流变清晰可见;版本鉴定严谨,说明文字内容丰富。  相似文献   

The tension between commerce and culture has long been recognized as characteristic of the publishing industry. Publishers seek to put forth quality works of cultural significance yet are constrained by the need to earn a profit. This article is a case study of how this conflict played out at a postwar New York City company, Storm Publishers. Storm was a one-person operation run by Alexander Gode-von Aesch, a German immigrant best known for his work as a linguist and translator. Gode founded the company in 1947 to publish The End Is Not Yet, a pacifist novel by the German playwright Fritz von Unruh. Storm went on to publish a diverse array of scholarly and trade books until it was dissolved in 1958. The article analyzes how Gode pursued a number of strategies—relying on personal connections, developing relationships with celebrities, purchasing advertisements, soliciting reviews, cutting costs, generating subsidiary rights income, and sheer tenacity and audacity—in order to compete with larger and more established Manhattan publishers. It argues Gode harbored a contradictory attitude toward the culture–commerce dichotomy, asserting that his aim was to distribute quality works that could not make a profit while at the same time publishing books aimed at bolstering his balance sheet and lamenting others’ lack of sales. As the first history of Storm Publishers, the article sheds light on the midcentury New York publishing industry and how a small firm sought to claim a place in the postwar intellectual economy.  相似文献   

基于实证分析的馆藏资源质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
馆藏文献质量直接影响图书馆服务工作的效果。本文以苏州卫生职业技术学院图书馆为实例,通过对馆藏图书的数量、学科结构、利用情况以及读者需求符合度等进行了系统的评价分析,提出高职院校图书馆应制定合理的馆藏学科结构体系及图书复本策略,进一步优化馆藏质量。  相似文献   

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