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Visualizing Oral Histories: Comics and Graphic Novels/Digital Humanities Lab, is a new model for digital humanities scholarship that other librarians can follow to create and teach similar DH labs attached to humanities courses at other institutions. The model includes a preliminary syllabus and preliminary assignment rubrics designed to integrate the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) “Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education” (ACRL Framework) into course assignments. Incorporation of a DH lab into a humanities course curriculum reimagines librarian roles and creates a pedagogical strategy that explicitly incorporates information literacy standards into the undergraduate course curriculum.  相似文献   


This column examines the potential applications of the ACRL Information Literacy Framework within special libraries. The authors address the current literature related to the ACRL Framework in special libraries and present two case studies detailing its usage in instruction and outreach initiatives. The first case study relates to an instruction session for interns at Mt. Cuba Center. The second case study relates to teaching users to edit Wikipedia at the New York Botanical Garden. Suggestions for how to integrate the ACRL Framework into future projects as well as suggestions for how information literacy can take on a greater role within the special libraries field are included in the conclusion.  相似文献   

The library literature contains many discussions on problem-based learning as a means of engaging students in instruction and promoting information literacy. A related but relatively unexplored opportunity is available through client-based projects. Using examples from the business education literature, library literature, and the author's experience, the author attempts to connect the consulting processes of client-based projects to information literacy competencies, specifically, the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. The correspondence in the steps reveals exceptional opportunities for librarians to simultaneously apply what they already know, stretch their own boundaries, and promote information literacy in highly-motivated students.  相似文献   

Sharing a variety of characteristics and theories, critical inquiry and information literacy have the potential to complement one another in a higher education setting. This article explores an initiative at the University of South Carolina Aiken to help students with their critical thinking and reasoning skills through the implementation of a new, one-credit, freshman seminar course. The class, entitled Critical Inquiry, would address three student learning outcomes, including one directed at information literacy. A case study of how the initiative was implemented is discussed.  相似文献   

What does it mean to be an ethical businessperson, and how does an ethical businessperson create, locate, organize, and evaluate business information? Critical business information literacy (CBIL) is the application of social justice to business information literacy. This article seeks to define, discuss, and realize CBIL by tracing the literatures of critical librarianship, critical management, and corporate social responsibility. To establish best practices, the authors drew upon applications of CBIL at four institutions of different size, geography, and scale. The intent is to provide spaces and foundations for further CBIL application and discussion.  相似文献   

The Association of College and Research Libraries is developing a new framework of information literacy concepts that will revise and replace the previously adopted standards. This framework consists of six threshold concepts that are more flexible than the original standards, and that work to identify both the function and the feelings behind information literacy education practices. This column outlines the new tentative framework with an eye toward its implications for health sciences libraries, and suggests ways the medical library community might work with this new document.  相似文献   

The ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education combined with the Decoding the Disciplines model provides a structure for critical reflection to help unearth and clarify tacit, or unspoken, expert disciplinary processes and values related to information literacy. This article details a pilot project designed to explore the process of unearthing unspoken assumptions about disciplinary information literacy through reflective questions designed using the theory of Decoding the Disciplines and the structure of the Framework, and details themes which emerged from several of the author's experiences with librarians and teaching faculty working through the reflections. The themes are presented as potential further sites for inquiry and to generate ideas for identifying and addressing discipline-specific roadblocks, both practical and cultural, through the Framework.  相似文献   

通过对当前我国在校大学生信息素质状况的调查和统计,分析了大学生信息素质的现状和内在原因。同时,提出了为更好地培养大学生信息素质,高校图书馆应采取的方针和对策。  相似文献   

This column is adapted from a presentation given at the 2018 Library Marketing and Communications Conference. In it, we describe our marketing team’s approach to developing sustainable marketing practices with our library’s strategic goals in mind. In an effort to create reusable, platform-flexible content, we developed social media posts that highlighted concepts from the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy. Our success on social media inspired us to consider how this content could be implemented on additional platforms. With this column, we invite you to engage with new ways of developing content for use on multiple marketing platforms.  相似文献   

This article explores the creation and implementation of a high-impact, hands-on assignment that both challenges and transforms students' perception of the power of information. The author created a web-based project in which students designed, organized, and promoted their own web portal for peers who were struggling with substance abuse addiction. In order to create buy-in from the students, the assignment's purpose centered on the concept of digital citizenship. The idea behind this concept is to encourage students to use information ethically and to help their fellow digital citizens find and use information ethically as well. In realizing the power of credible, useful information, the project aimed to encourage students to use this power to help their peers who may be struggling. Once the students demonstrated a firm understanding of information literacy, the assignment provided the challenge to put their abilities to practice in student-led small groups that were each in charge of a section of the website. The structure of the class mirrored a workplace environment where the teams set deadlines that were approved by group vote. In the end, each of the students had a hand in creating an open access website that included information that could help their peers in the “real world.”  相似文献   

基于建构主义理论的高校信息素养教育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对当前信息素养教育存在的诸如:教学体系层次不科学、内容与实际联系不够密切、教学过程中忽视学生的主动性和能动性、评估不够科学与全面等问题,认为应对高校信息素质教育进行改革.引进建构主义理念,在现代信息技术的支持下,开展探究式教学、情景教学、讨论协作教学等新教学模式,并建立科学的评价体系,对信息素质教育进行意义构建.  相似文献   

介绍了培养学生信息素养的目标、信息素养的内涵和评价标准及其多层次教学体系。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to report on how Web 2.0 tools in an online information literacy instruction course aligned with ACRL's Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. A qualitative case study was undertaken on an online graduate course related to information literacy instruction. Data collected included: course activities, assignments, emails, online discussions, and surveys. The educational theory of constructivism and its adherence to reflection, active learning, and social interaction was used to find patterns in the data. Activity theory provided a framework for data analysis and interpretation related to the patterns of activities that took place while students used each Web 2.0 tool. Web 2.0 was found to enhance all five information literacy standards. These standards related to collaboration, information organization, creativity, discussion, and technology education.  相似文献   

This case study describes collaboration between an instructor and business librarian to maximize a one-shot information literacy session for a required marketing class for business majors. It includes an active-learning exercise where groups use three key business databases to conduct a company and industry analysis and an environmental scan for a company. The instructor then guides them in developing a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) analysis. This session prepares students for the SWOT analysis they will have to submit for their actual projects. This article includes assessment of groups' in-class exercises as well as citation analysis of the assignments they turned in for their actual projects.  相似文献   

文章阐述了学术信息素养概念的内涵,指出培养研究生学术信息素养的必要性与重要性。分析了研究生在信息检索中存在的共性问题及其原因,在此基础上,提出了培养研究生学术信息素养的方法与途径。认为学术信息素养不是孤立的概念,需要从多种途径全面提高研究生的学术素养,并对科技信息检索与利用课程的实践环节进行悉心设计。此外,还要探索合理的考核机制,关注"泛在"环境下信息素质教育的发展。  相似文献   

论高校信息素质教育课程体系的构建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对高校信息索质教育的意义、内涵和信息素质教育课程体系的构建进行了思考和阐述.  相似文献   

Objective: The article gives an account of a study on the impact of facilitating information literacy education (FILE) on its participants, health librarians who have attended this course between 2007 and 2010. Methods: The analysis presented here is based on the first stage of the research, funded by the Higher Education Academy Information and Computer Sciences and consisting of an online survey. This survey was conducted in Autumn 2010 and examined the respondents’ examples of information literacy practice before and after FILE. Results and conclusion: Two main outcomes can be drawn from the data. First, that overall the respondents’ provision of information literacy education has shifted from a tutor‐centred approach (where the trainer decides what the learner needs) to a learner‐centred approach (where the learner decides what he/she needs). And secondly, that the impact of FILE should be seen in terms of a self‐perpetuating professional development, rather than measured in terms of specific changes that occur at set times (e.g., at the end of the course or 6 months after completion). As one FILE participant puts it: ‘When FILE ends your career as an information literacy professional starts.’  相似文献   


This article provides an overview of the “fake news” issue and places it in the context of information literacy instruction for college students. In 2017, the faculty librarians at a large state college in Florida developed a news literacy instruction program that included instructional faculty outreach, lesson plans for one-shot information literacy instruction sessions, lessons assignments for one-credit information literacy classes, and learning objects in a LibGuide that can be used by students or embedded by faculty into courses across the disciplines.  相似文献   

Until relatively recently, the concept of information literacy, and teaching the skills to enable it, was mainly a concern of academic libraries. Now, it is also seen to be of high importance within the context of health care libraries. Health care libraries and librarians can provide crucial support towards the implementation of evidence‐based practice in patient care through both information literacy skills training and by conducting mediated searches on behalf of health care practitioners. This article reports the findings from an investigation conducted by Charlotte Kelham as part of her MA in Librarianship from the University of Sheffield. Her dissertation investigated how health care librarians understand the concept of information literacy, the implications of this for their role and their perceptions around how their role is valued. Charlotte graduated from Sheffield in 2013 and is currently job hunting. AM  相似文献   

介绍了全媒体时代医学生信息素养教育应融入视频信息素养、媒介信息素养及移动信息素养教育等新内涵,提出了全媒体环境下医学生信息素养教育应包括更新教学模式、增加教育内容及提高全媒体展示能力等新策略。  相似文献   

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