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目的:了解高职学生中独生子女对就业问题的看法,以利于进行针对性的就业指导。方法:对某学院2011级845名大学生进行匿名问卷调查,进行χ2检验分析。结果:独生子女学生对自己薪酬期望在2 000元以上;选择经济发达城市较多;强调工作单位薪酬福利;追求成为管理者较多;希望从事专业与获得良好的就业指导及加强自身能力;认为自己是学历低、技能差;当就业与恋爱冲突时以就业为主;就业主要选择招聘会;自我创业方面的愿望低于非独生子女,希望有足够的资金、充分的人脉资源等。结论:学校要提供招聘就业信息和就业指导,加强专业素质与能力、应聘技巧培训,树立正确的就业观。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划是为了帮助大学生选择职业、准备就业、获得职业、适应职业和转换职业的具有前瞻性规划,学校在大学生入学之初就必须加强职业生涯规划的教育,促使大学生在校学习期间不断地根据自我职业规划的内容加强素质培养,锻炼各种能力,为其毕业后的职业选择创造和准备条件。  相似文献   


Many older adults who lose their jobs face challenges in finding new employment due to fundamental limitations in their technology skills. While training could give them the skills they need, older workers often have less access to training programs than younger workers. This study examined the feasibility of using an e-learning training program developed for older job-seeking adults lacking the requisite technology skills to find employment. Implementation of the training program was based on a partnership established between university researchers and a community organization. Thirty-five participants aged 50–71 years provided data regarding their previous work histories and problems that they encountered while seeking employment. They completed 12 hours of training in Microsoft Excel and were given multiple-part problems to assess what they had learned. They also provided evaluations of the program. Participants who enrolled in the training had limited computer skills; after a relatively short amount of training, many were able to perform Excel functions such as entering data and using formulas. Most participants indicated that the training they received was very beneficial, and that they had a basic understanding of Excel. Overall, this project demonstrated that academic-community partnerships can provide an effective strategy for delivering training to older adults.  相似文献   

This study explored university students’ views of whether they will need research skills in their future work in relation to their approaches to learning, situational orientations on a learning situation of quantitative methods, and difficulties experienced in quantitative research courses. Education and psychology students in both Finland (N = 46) and the USA (= 122), who thought that they would need research skills in their future work, differed significantly from the students who were not sure whether they would need these skills. The students, who considered research skills important for their future work, were more task-oriented, used a deeper approach to learning and experienced fewer difficulties in the learning of research skills than other students. This finding implies that experiences in learning, learning approaches and situational orientations are related to expectations about future work. For instruction, this means that if we were somehow able to change students’ experiences and orientations towards research into a more positive direction, students might be better prepared for their future work.  相似文献   

目的了解医学类专业学生对就业问题的看法,以利于进行针对性的就业指导。方法对襄阳职业技术学院2011级845名大学生(男593人、女252人),分三个专业(临床347人、护理372人、药学126人)进行匿名问卷调查,进行χ2检验分析。结果药学类、临床类专业的大学生对自己第一份工作的薪酬期望都在2 000元左右,护理类的学生在2 000-3 000元之间,三个专业之间具有较高统计学差异(χ2=88.292,P=0.000);就业指导方面:48.7%大学生认为成功就业的重要因素是就业出路指导(招聘信息的提供),27.9%的被调查者选择了个人素质能力的培养,13.5%的选择了应试技巧训练,具有较高统计学差异(χ2=38.967,P=0.000);就业时工作地域的取向调查结果表明:大多数学生选择了中小城市,排列第二的是经济发达城市;同中有异的是护理学生选择经济发达城市较多,临床学生选择基层乡镇的较多,具有较高统计学差异(χ2=51.950,P=0.000);学生就业失败时取向调查结果表明:排列顺序为大部分选择继续求职(48.9%)、继续求学(20.3%)、自主创业(14.0%),少部分选择普通打工(11.0%),但是临床类学生首选继续求学,护理与药学类学生首选继续求职,选择自主创业的临床与护理类学生也为数不少,具有较高统计学差异(χ2=106.560,P=0.000);就业地点与恋爱关系遇到可能冲突时的选择调查结果表明:排列顺序为大部分选择以自己为主(58.7%)、爱情至上(21.8%)、具有较高统计学差异(χ2=106.560,P=0.000)。结论社会应当视解决学生就业为头等大事,根据专业性质不同,针对性地提供招聘就业信息,培训应聘技巧和素质能力,指导学生根据学历现状选择就业地点与工资水平,及时提高学历,树立正确的就业观和恋爱观。  相似文献   

通过对江苏省六大高校体育专业学生的就业意向调查,分析认为毕业生就业形势严峻,体育专业毕业生要结合自身的特点择业,从实际出发;学校要结合社会的需求培养人才,对学生的择业观念进行正确的引导,从而提高毕业生的就业率。  相似文献   

加强农民工的职业技能培训,提高他们的就业竞争力,是转移农村大量富余劳动力,推进工业化和城镇化的重要手段。农民工职业培训必须不断提高针对性,必须坚持提高农民工就业能力的原则。因此,开展农民工服装专业技能培训应注重针对农民工的特点和企业的需求,与国家职业技能鉴定相结合,校内培训与上门培训相结合,以利于农民工实现就业。  相似文献   

因应产业外移导致结构性的失业,失业者更需要投资职能训练增加其就业率。金融风暴的来临,失业率攀高,行政当局投资大量训练费用予职训主管机构提供训练课程,但是成效与否与投资成本之间确切关系必须有一准确计算公式,使失业者及行政当局能在有限投资成本下提高就业率,故本论文研究弹性职能训练费用与成效率之最佳预测模式。配合信息科技之到来,弹性职能训练费用与其成效率之计算公式,未来可输入在民间及行政当局与职训业者计算机应用程序中,作为控制成本找出最大的就业率。  相似文献   

秦伟 《南昌教育学院学报》2011,26(3):107-107,109
为了解决学生就业难问题,现在很多职业技术学院都非常重视学生的技能教学。只有使学生更多地参与实践,才能掌握一技之长;只有在有针对性的将实训技能作为学生学习的重要组成部分,学生才能够具备一技之长在毕业后找到工作,也只有这样的学生才能立足社会。因而,作为电工嗜血的教学人员必须立足现状,开拓创新,不断提高实训技能的教学水平,才能够培养出许多优秀职校毕业生。  相似文献   

In South Africa, 70 per cent of the population is under 35 years old. South Africa has a vision to increase youth employment by focusing on education, training and skills development that will promote employment opportunities. A work-integrated learning (WIL) partnership model was developed to provide students with work experience and to increase their employability. this article presents the research on the perspectives of students subsequent to their WIL experience. the research method consisted of a structured questionnaire with both closed and open-ended questions. The study findings indicated that students were capable of seeking their own WIL placement and that over 90 per cent of students experienced WIL as rewarding, with multiple opportunities for employment. the article adds theoretical value by increasing the WIL body of knowledge from a student perspective, as well as strategic and practical value by presenting the WIL partnership model that may easily be implemented by lecturers in various disciplines across the continent of Africa and beyond to enable students to enter the workplace with confidence.  相似文献   

加强高职生职业指导工作的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强职业指导工作是适应全面建设小康社会和学生就业的需要。高职院校要做好职业指导工作必须强化创业教育,帮助学生树立创业意识,提高学生的就业技巧和就业能力;科学规范有序地进行职业指导,开展职业模拟教学,建立职业指导基地,做好就业安置工作,狠抓专业技能训练以及注重学生的个体特征。  相似文献   

研究生教育改革项目应以提高研究生培养质量为目标,在实施规划中应以研究生受益为导向。本文以研究生为调查对象,从课程教学、专业实践和学位论文工作等方面了解他们经过硕士阶段培养在知识、能力和素质上的提升情况以及对今后职业发展的影响,并结合就业情况分析评估全日制工程硕士培养项目建设的成效,为进一步推进工程应用型研究生培养模式改革和优化提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

加强高职院校学生职业技能培养,是落实党中央"加快发展现代职业教育"决策部署的重要举措,对于促进经济转型升级、扩大就业和改善民生具有重要意义。当前,高职院校职业技能人才培养存在目标定位不够清晰、与企业需求不相匹配、激励保障机制尚不健全等问题,亟需提高思想认识,深化课程建设、教学模式和实践教学改革,完善政策措施,打造"双师型"教师队伍。  相似文献   

高职院校的培养目标是培养毕业即能上岗的技能型人才,然而,现有的人才培养模式存在的弊端,使高职院校并不能很好地完成这一目标。随着大学生毕业数量逐年增加,就业竞争激烈,高职学生学历不如本科,技能如果再不过硬,就不能达到毕业就可以上岗的“零过渡”,高职毕业生的竞争力将大打折扣。基于此,应将“公司化”运营的培养模式引入实际教学,让学生通过真实项目在做中学,真正提高动手能力,掌握岗位所需技能。  相似文献   

For self-regulated learning to be effective, students need to be able to accurately assess their own performance on a learning task and use this assessment for the selection of a new learning task. Evidence suggests, however, that students have difficulties with accurate self-assessment and task selection, which may explain the poor learning outcomes often found with self-regulated learning. In experiment 1, the hypothesis was investigated and confirmed that observing a human model engaging in self-assessment, task selection, or both could be effective for secondary education students’ (N = 80) acquisition of self-assessment and task-selection skills. Experiment 2 investigated and confirmed the hypothesis that secondary education students’ (N = 90) acquisition of self-assessment and task-selection skills, either through examples or through practice, would enhance the effectiveness of self-regulated learning. It can be concluded that self-assessment and task-selection skills indeed play an important role in self-regulated learning and that training these skills can significantly increase the amount of knowledge students can gain from self-regulated learning in which they choose their own learning tasks.  相似文献   

针对当前美术师范教育存在的学生基本功不扎实和美术毕业生就业布局严重偏差等问题,提出了加强美术师范教育的几点思考。认为只有学校办出特色、课程设置准确把握艺术教育的特点,坚持一手抓扎实的基本功训练。另一手抓学生特长培养和计算机应用能力培养等,才能真正使学生成为一专多能的复合型人才。  相似文献   

Taiwanese vocational high schools (VHSs) deliver general English courses. This paper explores the extent to which these courses are perceived to be appropriately vocationally orientated. This focus gives rise to two main research questions: what are VHS students’ expectations from their English courses, and to what extent are they being met? The research identifies a mismatch between VHS students’ perceived needs from their English course and the actual course of study they receive, which is set by the Ministry of Education. VHS students have clear expectations that their English course will provide them with vocationally relevant knowledge and skills, but the English course they receive does not necessarily equip them for their future employment. Implications for government and educational institutions are explored, including recommendations that English curricula should be reviewed, and that steps need to be taken to ensure that policy goals are in fact delivered.  相似文献   

具有良好的体系,完备的功能、多元化的方式这就是美国职业教育。美国从事职业教育的学校紧贴社会需求设置课程及时调整专业类别,重在就业的岗位知识和技术技能的培训,学生根据劳动力市场变化需要选择自己的专业方向。当前我国的职业教育发展存在两种不同的取向。一方面人们认为职业教育就是就业教育,另一方面受发达国家职业生涯教育、关键能力等职业教育理念的影响,以及迫于我国现实的就业压力,人们认为职业教育要以人为本,不仅要满足于学生职业生涯规划发展的需要,还要加强职业素质及关键能力的培养,培养具有发展潜力的综合素质较高的高技能人才。  相似文献   

对如何培养师范生技能进行调查后发现,部分师范生对师范生技能的认识还不明确,自身的各方面技能如"三笔一话"、"教学设计"、"信息技术"、"德育管理"等基本技能还有待提高.并发现当前师范生培养存在课程设置不科学,教育实践环节不重视,师范生技能训练途径单一等问题,提出改革课程体制,加强职情教育,重视教育实践环节等对策,更有效地培养师范生技能,增强师范生就业竞争力.  相似文献   

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