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如何上好英语语言教学课,怎样提高语言学习的效率是英语语言教学中长期存在的一个顽固和棘手的问题.本文结合笔者多年的教学实践,通过参比国内外这一领域的新的作法和经验,拟就这一问题作一探讨.  相似文献   

Influential research on African American students has examined their school failure in terms of students’ opposition to school achievement. Only a few studies have explored school engagement and success among these students, and even fewer have examined the experiences of high achieving black students. This study illustrates the school context and school processes that high achieving African American students identify as contributing to their academic success. The findings reveal three main school effects impacting the students’ performance: 1) teacher practices, engaging pedagogy versus disengaging pedagogy; 2) participation in extracurricular activities and; 3) the state scholarship as performance incentive. According to the students, teacher practices were the most instrumental school effect benefiting their outcomes. Recognizing the processes that promote high achievement among African American students can help to improve our understanding of student performance, while promoting success among these students. The author wishes to thank Ron DePeter and Tekla Johnson for their comments on a previous draft of this article  相似文献   

This study examined whether factors affecting first language reading acquisition also affect English Foreign Language (EFL) reading acquisition. Hebrew (L1) and EFL reading related measures were administrated to 145 fourth graders from the north of Israel who were beginning their first year of English instruction. Results from a Linear Structural Equational Analysis (LISREL) showed that the Hebrew independent variable consisting of morphological and phonological awareness, orthographic ability, and word reading (accuracy and speed) predicted EFL knowledge of letter sounds and names, word attack and reading comprehension. In addition to the Hebrew independent variable, English word recognition (accuracy and speed) predicted English reading comprehension. These results support the Linguistic Coding Differences Hypothesis (LCDH), which argues for core linguistic abilities that influence first and subsequent language reading acquisition.  相似文献   

徐晓莉 《海外英语》2014,(11):69-70
Foreign language anxiety is a negative emotion of fear or apprehension occurring in the specific situation of foreign language learning influencing language learning. The author made a research among vocational school students to investigate the level and sources of foreign language anxiety.  相似文献   

阅读素养是语文教育的核心内容,但其内涵不明。本研究拟比较中美两份语文课程标准,厘清阅读素养内 容,反思当前语文教育改革。结果显示,两国课标都视阅读能力和文化养成为阅读素养的构成维度,但侧重点不同。中 国课标以内容为导向,强调其文化养成功能,着重建构课程的文化内容体系。美国核心标准则以过程为导向,重视发展 文本信息处理的认知能力,着重培养学生的学术阅读能力。籍此,论文还探讨了阅读素养对外语阅读教学的启示。  相似文献   

Sexual-minority college students continue to experience heterosexism in the form of heterosexist and biased language from peers. Religion has been identified as a predictor of sexual prejudice among college students. Yet there is limited research on the intersection of race, religion, and heterosexism, and on interventions designed to address this prejudice. This study examined the effectiveness of multicultural education courses at a large public university on reducing heterosexism in Christian students. Analysis of pre- and post- data using repeated measures ANCOVA indicated African American Christian students had significantly higher heterosexism scores than White Christian students, and African American Christian students had a significant decrease in heterosexism as compared to White Christian students after taking a service learning course. These results have implications for future research and education on prejudice reduction.  相似文献   

Like most developing countries in the world, there is a huge gap in opportunities to access quality science education between students from the high- and low-socioeconomic strata of Philippine society. In establishing its own science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) high school, despite limited public funding in 1964, the government embarked on a hopeful project for continuously building up its scientific and technological work force to support modern economic development. The initial focus on elite talent development, however, eventually had to give way to legislative reforms that address issues of social equity. Greater accessibility for scholarships by underprivileged students in the provinces was accomplished, first, through the regionalization of its admission system and then, later, through its transformation into a network of science high schools across the nation. In my home country, sustaining equitable access to STEM education also means enhancing school participation through partnerships with community constituents and the private sector.  相似文献   

课程形态与要素始终处于变化之中,因而课程设计本质上是一个动态和复杂的过程,特别是外语课程设计的研究与实践之间长期存在相互脱节的问题。对基于设计的研究范式和快速原型法的设计思想的分析发现,整合了设计研究方法和快速原型法的外语课程快速设计方法模型可为研究者和教师提供课程设计的一般过程指导框架,为在特定的情境中灵活进行课程设计提供参考,从而能够在提高外语课程设计效率的同时为设计实践与研究之间架起一座桥梁,为实现课程设计领域的持续革新做出努力。  相似文献   

语感被称为语文的灵魂.文章提出合理运用语感培养的方法,采取适当的手段进行训练,可以让初中生语感能力在较短的时间内得到较大的提高.  相似文献   

杨雪联 《海外英语》2013,(5X):13-14
High schools are overwhelmed by tests in China, but it is questioned if the tests are helping students reach mastery or accomplishment. In the writer’s opinion there are two types of tests: summative tests and performance tests. The problem in high school testing is that the two types are seriously unbalanced. Summative tests play nearly all the part for the influence of the University Entrance Exam. This paper gives some suggested ideas and practice hoping to balance and improve the situation.  相似文献   

高中新课程改革实验2004年9月由广东、海南、山东、宁夏四省开始实行,到目前为止共有十个  相似文献   

Often mathematical instruction for students with disabilities, especially those with learning disabilities, includes an overabundance of instruction on mathematical computation and does not include high-quality instruction on mathematical reasoning and problem solving. In fact, it is a common misconception that students with learning disabilities are not strong problem solvers in general. This article highlights the inherent problem solving strengths that students with learning disabilities possess; how they use those skills to address everyday barriers and challenges, and how teachers can relate these skills to academic mathematical instruction. Additionally, practical classroom examples, suggested teaching strategies, and questions for further examinations are discussed.  相似文献   

在应试教育的大环境下,普通高中那些学业成绩优良的学生未必就是在智力上受到严格训练、得到充分发展的人.为了论证这一观点,本文首先提出了衡量学生在智力上是否受过良好教育的四条标准,并据此标准从培养结果与过程两个方面论证了为普通高中资优生开设荣誉课程的必要性.为了增强普通高中课程对资优生的内在吸引力,更好地满足资优生智力发展的需要,本文提出了开发"哲学思辨类"、"名著选读类"、"自主探究类"荣誉课程的基本构想,并对三类荣誉课程的具体体现作了进一步的解释与说明.  相似文献   

张华 《海外英语》2012,(2):126-127
2011年初纳入国家"十二五"规划纲要的中原经济区为河南省高校外语教育改革提供了契机。该文以语言经济学理论为依据,通过分析人力资源的重要性,对高等外语教育的改革提出一些建设性意见,即高校外语教育改革一定要以市场为导向,本着社会效益的原则,走多元化、市场化的新型人才培养模式。  相似文献   

全球化背景下,中国应借鉴美国积极推行全面外语教育改革的路线,明确新的外语教育政策规划应当遵循的基本原则,提升外语教育的战略层级,优化制定外语教育政策规划的各项环境,促进多元文化的双向交流,从跨学科的视角进行外语教育改革。同时,要增强民族文化意识,有效抵制外语教育对民族文化的渗透,制定一个相对稳定的、和谐的、科学的外语教育政策。  相似文献   

The influence of contextualfactors on the career decision states of 429South African and 623 Australian male andfemale students in grades 8 to 12 wasinvestigated. The results for both nationalsamples on the Career Decision Scaledemonstrate that grade, gender, and theinteraction of grade and gender impact on thedevelopmental progression of career decisionbehaviour. Gender differences across nationswere more pronounced for males than females.Both South African and Australian students aremore decided in lower grades. Internationaldifferences suggest that South African studentsare less certain and evidence greaterindecision than Australian students. Theimplications for educational decision pointsand career education practices are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of St. John's University Summer Science Experience and Teacher Mentoring Program on African American and Hispanic high school students' interest in science and science teaching as career goals. In the first phase of the program, high school students from six school districts in Suffolk County, Long Island (a suburb of metropolitan New York City) engaged in investigative science experiences that emphasized environmental science, chemistry, and technology and learned about effective science pedagogy. The second phase of the program functioned as a teaching practicum for the high school students, where they planned for instruction and taught middle school students investigations similar to those that they had engaged in during the summer program. Various surveys were developed to assess high school students' attitudes about science and science teaching, knowledge of effective teaching approaches, knowledge of ways to motivate younger students, and the overall impact of the program on the high students' interest in science and/or science teaching as career goals. Program evaluations reveal that over 75% of the students expressed an interest in considering science or science teaching as career possibilities. Implications for minority teacher recruitment are discussed.  相似文献   

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