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高校参与社区文化建设是新时期和谐社会建设的需要.文章以高校参与社区实践为例,探讨了高校与社区文化互动的意义以及创建教书育人的新模式.  相似文献   

This essay responds to Professor Aguirre’s article in this issue that explores through personal narrative the trials and tribulations of being a faculty member with an expertise in Chicana/o Studies. The author joins his exploration by introducing the structural disadvantages that Chicana/o Studies suffers as a field. She then expounds on what we have gained by developing a new field with an explicitly political focus that includes putting student interests at the center of its development while fighting for economic and social justice as an integral part of its intellectual agenda. Her conclusion explores the challenges that the field of Chicana/o Studies faces as we confront changing demographic and societal conditions.  相似文献   

This article draws on my experience as an adjunct professor in the Master's program of the Department of Mexican-American Studies at a large public university in California. Seeing my students’ struggles with writing, I conceived of a set of practices of writing mentorship anchored by a series of writing workshops held in Summer 2012. In this article, I document the pedagogy and content of these writing workshops in order to think about the unique struggles and opportunities Chicana/o Master's students face in the writing process and to provide an outline for other instructors interested in developing a practice of writing mentorship.  相似文献   

高校要通过加强大学生文化素质教育,提升大学生全面素质和社会适应力,使之成为适应社会发展的有用人才,已经成为高校人才培养的基本共识。就文化素质教育的理论探讨和实践历程进行相应的思考是十分重要的现实课题。基于此,本文在分析文化素质教育内涵及其在高校实施历程的分析基础上,对其具体实施进行了分析。  相似文献   

高职教育是以培养学生的实用能力为核心,技能的应用只有经过人化的过程才能充分实现其价值和意义,而文化正是使技术实现人化过程的中介。所以,高职院校学生专业素质的培养必须要有文化的支撑。  相似文献   

In this study, we present the conceptions about teamwork questionnaire designed to evaluate the conceptions that secondary students have about teamwork. Participants were 309 students aged 15–16 from eight secondary schools, seven from Barcelona and one from Girona (Spain). The original 27-item questionnaire was reduced according to expert assessment and exploratory factor analysis to 20 items related to three conceptions about teamwork: individualistic, complementary and cooperative. By scores of factor analysis, the results show that empirically there are these three conceptions about teamwork with an appropriate level of reliability and of construct validity according to the theoretical hypotheses. There is no gender difference, but there are differences regarding types of school. The results are discussed with an emphasis on the relevance of this questionnaire as an instrument to identify and train secondary students in the conceptions about teamwork.  相似文献   

语言测试是教学环节中不可或缺的重要组成部分,科学的评价体系能够有力地推动语言人才的培养。本文就当前网络语言学习环境中的听说测试进行信度与效度分析,阐述了网络化听说测试的利弊,提出了这一测试改革的进一步思路。  相似文献   

在现代快速发展的中国高校建设中,规模庞大的校园里高楼林立,道路宽敞,环境优美,但校园里应有的文化与艺术气息却很难寻觅,如何运用当代公共艺术来营造新的校园浓浓人文气息,成为一个值得研究的话题。  相似文献   

计算机及网络技术对普通高校招生的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用计算机网络技术在招生录取工作服务,即实行网上远程录取,可以提高工作效率和录取的准确性,减少各高校每年的招生差旅费,同时杜绝一些招办人员利用特权搞不正之风/但各省对教育部录取软件的二次开发中增设了一些妨碍录取畅通的功能,应加以规范。录取软件开发中必须提高考生信息的准确性及录取信息的安全性,并进一步提高网络系统的传输速度。  相似文献   

Latina/o students are one of the least likely populations to access technology and possess the techno-capital necessary to succeed in postsecondary education. This phenomenological qualitative research study used interviews with 20 Latina/o college students in Central Texas to examine how techno-capital and techno-disposition interact in complex ways to influence their college-going processes. Preliminary findings suggest that Latina/o students held varying levels of cognizance about the digital gap that were heavily dependent upon their socioeconomic backgrounds, that techno-disposition could be leveraged to access and attain more techno-capital, and that gender differences exist between how Latina/o students think about, approach, and utilize technology in their college experiences.  相似文献   

篮球文化活动在高校属于一项比较热门的体育运动项目,学生都比较喜欢篮球运动,所产生的篮球文化对学生的健康状况也会产生一定的影响,能够帮助学生提高身体素质,培养学生的健康心理,促进学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

如何提高境外生的学生社区工作成效一直是侨校面临的一个重要难题,本文从存在的基本问题入手,构建境外生社区管理工作基本原则,从多角度对高校学生社区的境外生管理工作进行了研究,探析提高境外生学生社区教育管理工作实效性的具体措施,以期对今后的发展华文教育有所裨益。  相似文献   

笔者结合自身指导、开展"优秀学子回访母校"、"暑期三下乡社会实践活动"、"千村万户"、"田园使者"、"村主任助理"活动等经验,阐述了当代农林类高校大学生社会实践的现状并指出了存在的问题,最后根据问题提出了相关解决对策。  相似文献   

实验教学与大学生文化素质教育刍论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
进一步更新实验教学的观念,加强实验教学的管理,特别是利用现代科学技术改善实验条件,增加综合性、设计性实验的比例,扩大实验教学的开放性,将对大学生的科学精神、人文精神及信息素质培养起非常重要的推动作用.  相似文献   

本课题是根据当前大学生的学习现状,结合教学改革的需要提出的。主要探索如何利用高校网络和信息资源优势,构建一种基于自主学习环境建设的教育模式,从而丰富学生的知识,发展潜在的能力,提高大学生的综合素质。  相似文献   


This article focuses on how Chicana college students draw from what they learn in their homes and how living a mestiza consciousness may be one way by which they have navigated their way around educational obstacles and into college. More specifically, Delgado Bernal draws on the work of Anzaldua (1987) to define the concept of a mestiza consciousness as the way a student balances, negotiates, and draws from her biculturalism, bilingualism, commitment to communities, and spiritualities in relationship to her education. Using this concept, Delgado Bernal offer a unique way to understand and analyze Chicana's educational experiences. Her analysis of life history and focus-group interviews indicates that the communication, practices, and learning that occur in the home and community - pedagogies of the home - often serve as a cultural knowledge base that helps students survive and succeed within an educational system that often excludes and silences them.  相似文献   

社会发展的信息化趋势日益增强,高校思想政治理论课应加强大学生的信息道德教育。信息道德教育属于高校德育范畴,但是新的内容。内容决定方法,因此关于大学生信息道德教育的方法论需要予以思考。针对信息道德教育本身所固有的特殊性和高校德育理论的发展,文章初步探讨了大学生信息道德教育原则层次的方法论:主体性原则、科技与人文相结合原则、虚拟与现实相结合原则。  相似文献   

结合当代大学生犯罪的典型案例,探讨大学生违法犯罪的主要特点、心理规律以及形成原因,从而探寻减少大学生犯罪的有效途径和方法。  相似文献   

当代大学生信仰状况直接关系到新一代大学生的健康成长,更关系到整个社会的精神风貌和中国特色社会主义事业的兴衰成败。信仰是人的一种意识形态,是基于物质基础上的一种精神状态,是基于信念又高于信念的精神指导。信仰是通过长期行动与实践总结出的精神追求,包括政治信仰、宗教信仰和人生信仰。  相似文献   

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