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新形势下物流行业的转型升级,带动物流人才需求的不断增长。为顺应时代变化,培养符合企业需求的物流人才,物流管理专业的教学需要改进和转型。本文以游戏化教学思想为指导,针对物流管理专业课程的教学难点,从学生的兴趣特点出发,分析了利用游戏教学产品实现"课前—课中—课后"不同阶段的课堂设计过程。通过将理论教学融入游戏化的情景设计,有利于学生发挥主体作用,提升教学效果,为其他类似课程的教学和改革提供一定参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]新时期,突发事件应急决策快速响应的情报支持成为应急管理研究的重要内容。基于战争游戏思维的突发事件应急管理情报分析应用研究是以突发事件应急管理情报分析为核心、以战争游戏为实施方法而展开的一项针对突发事件应急决策快速响应的讨论。[方法/过程]首先,对突发事件应急管理情报分析相关研究进行文献回顾,并对MPRR模型及战争游戏进行理论概述;其次,在对突发事件应急管理痛点梳理的基础上,分析了战争游戏融入突发事件应急管理的适用性,同时构建了MPRR模型与战争游戏融合的情报分析框架,并展开相应的解析;最后,为验证该框架的可执行性,以城市洪涝灾害为例,从准备规划、实施模拟及总结评估三个阶段论证了城市洪涝灾害应急管理情报分析战争游戏实施的全过程。[结果/结论]研究认为,战争游戏在一定程度上丰富了突发事件应急决策快速响应的情报方法与理论,同时也为突发事件应急管理的临场处置与应急部署提供了积极的实践价值。  相似文献   

王天艳 《知识窗》2022,(8):75-77
音乐课作为培养幼儿情操与性格的重要课程,在教学过程中加入游戏,有利于充分体现音乐的魅力,培养更出色、更阳光的幼儿。文章探究了幼儿园音乐活动中的游戏化教学策略,包括以幼儿为中心,强化音乐活动与游戏化教学的深度融合;以乐教为主导,注重游戏化教学与音乐活动的紧密联系;注重心理疏导,创设游戏化教学与音乐活动融合的情境;以育人为核心,注重音乐活动与游戏化教学的搭配;以均衡为原则,丰富幼儿园音乐游戏化教学。  相似文献   

本文以大型国有发电企业A公司为研究对象,以战略成本管理、作业成本管理及全生命周期成本管理等理论为基础,进一步充实了发电企业燃料成本管理的理论内容;从管理规划、管理实施和机制保障三个层面,设计了符合现代企业成本控制要求的发电企业燃料成本管理方案;最后,以"A企业本部机关、燃料公司和基层B电厂组成的试点单位"为样本,分析了方案的实际实施效果。  相似文献   

中国作为一个后发国家,大量的经济管理知识都是引进的。以创新管理与经济学为主线,以清华大学傅家骥教授的学术贡献为案例,分析了创新学说的中国化进程。傅家骥从设备管理意识到创新管理,从引进看创新的重要性,到最后提出企业是创新主体的著名论断,都是他深刻地将熊彼特的创新学说进行中国化的结果,为中国的创新研究奠定了基础,为中国的创新政策制订提供了支撑。  相似文献   

朱凌  陈劲 《科研管理》2008,29(2):28-36
本研究在详细的理论考察和文献梳理工作基础上,结合我国企业文化管理和技术创新管理实践情况,提出理论研究者应为企业管理者提供一幅“创新型企业子文化图谱”的企业文化管理工具,以应对当今愈益复杂的企业组织结构和愈益繁复的企业管理工作。研究通过提炼、总结、提升企业子文化理论和组织结构理论的相关知识点,设计了初始的“创新型企业子文化图谱”,认为企业管理理论研究工作者可以从纵向、职能两大分类角度分别考察“战略高层子文化、中层管理执行子文化、基层操作型子文化”和“工程技术型子文化、生产操作型子文化、市场营销型子文化”的创新特征,为企业管理者提供文化构建和技术创新管理的新思路,同时获得理论研究上的重大突破。  相似文献   

本文分别通过对技术创新主体企业化与新公共管理理论的分析,认为技术创新主体企业化与新公共管理理论有三种契合点.不仅有助于技术创新主体企业化在新公共管理的条件下发挥应有的作用,以适应现代科学,技术和经济一体化的发展趋势;而且也使得新公共管理政策能在我国政治经济体制改革中,结合我国的现实情况,更好地发挥其内在的实用价值.  相似文献   

张洵 《中国科技信息》2005,(17):361-362
资金管理的方式一直在不断发展中,企业不必简单套用传统的管理方式,企业信息化程度的不断提高、商业银行相关产品的发展,为企业采用定制化的、更加有效的资金管理方式创造了条件。本文对大型的集团企业分析了管理上分权或集权程度不同的分支机构,采用不同的资金管理,也可以在不同的层级采用不用的管理模式,以最有效的方式实现企业效益最大化。  相似文献   

申玲玲  张惠丽 《内江科技》2022,(5):84-86+10
<正>随着互联网和多媒体的发展,人们越来越主张“寓教于乐”的教学理念,游戏化教学应运而生。但是目前国内教师依然采用传统的评价方式,没有与游戏化教学相适应的游戏化评价方式,为了更好地提高游戏化教学的效果,该研究应用citespace对于国内游戏化评价进行可视化分析,通过年发文量分析、发文机构分析和关键词分析,了解目前国内游戏化评价的研究现状和发展趋势,以促进我国游戏化评价的进一步发展。繁重的课业和巨大的升学压力使得很多学生产生了厌学心理,转而在游戏中寻求乐趣、放松自己,这种现象引起了部分学者的注意,他们开始探索游戏在教学中的应用,并提出了“寓教于乐”的教育理念。近些年,随着互联网和多媒体技术的发展,民众对于“寓教于乐”的需求越来越大,  相似文献   

基于共生理论的中小型科技企业技术创新管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐彬 《软科学》2010,24(11)
从企业共生理论的三个基本概念出发,对中小型科技企业的共生单元、共生环境、共生界面进行了简单的论述;在此基础上初步构建和分析了以技术资源要素的移动和重新配置为主要内容而进行技术创新管理的共生机制及基本模式;列举了三种适合中小型科技企业技术创新管理的具体实现方式,并简单描述了中小型科技企业技术创新管理的发展趋势。  相似文献   

陈鹤阳 《现代情报》2009,40(3):24-37
[目的/意义] 厘清国内外图情领域游戏化的研究现状,为促进我国图情领域游戏化的理论研究和实践工作提供参考。[方法/过程] 本文依据文献述评"识别-选择-分类-讨论"的步骤,从游戏化理论建构、游戏化信息系统、游戏化用户行为、游戏化实践应用以及与新兴领域相结合5个方面解析国内外研究进展。[结果/结论] 目前,国内外图情领域对游戏化进行了广泛探索,其研究的广度和深度互有侧重、互有所长,已逐渐从游戏化理论构建、系统设计转向对游戏化用户行为、用户体验实践等方面的关注。但从整体上,我国图情领域游戏化的发展仍处于起步阶段,本文结合游戏化的实践进展,从组织视角、系统视角、用户视角提出未来可能的研究动向,为研究人员、游戏化系统设计师、决策者和管理者更好地理解游戏化以及游戏化项目中的各种问题提供了见解。  相似文献   

吴琼  张玥 《情报理论与实践》2020,43(4):108-114,185
[目的/意义]在游戏化学习应用取得有效进展的背景下,如何通过游戏化设计,加强社会化阅读用户对阅读这一认知活动的投入,以实现个人和集体目标,对培育社会化阅读用户的阅读素养具有重要研究意义。[方法/过程]基于元认知理论中的元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知技能3个要素,分析社会化阅读模式对阅读素养提出的新要求。基于此结合游戏化设计理念与功能,探索社会化阅读情境下游戏化元素的引入,引导用户利用元认知要素对社会化阅读行为进行计划、监测和调整,从而提升社会化阅读素养。[结果/结论]构建了一个面向社会化阅读素养培育的游戏化框架,为社会化阅读平台的游戏化设计提供了参考和建议。[局限]研究尚处于理论框架构建阶段,后续可以通过调查、实验等方法对模型进行检验和调整。  相似文献   

The paper examines the relationship between gamification – the use of game elements in non-gaming contexts – and innovation teams’ outcomes. It builds on psychological and teamwork theories, arguing that gamification overcomes collaboration issues and generates multiple positive outcomes, particularly in coordination, alignment, engagement, and teams’ motivation. The research follows a qualitative theory-driven using a case study of an innovation project. The conceptual model built through the findings offers valuable insights about applying gamification in innovation teams, namely: i) surprising teams with such a new and playful approach reduces stress among team members; ii) rules and time constraints play a crucial role in teams’ coordination by avoiding dispersion and enhancing focused efforts. The paper provides a set of testable theoretical propositions derived from the conceptualization of gamification in the context of innovation teams. It supports innovation managers interested in measuring gamification outcomes in teams.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对国外高校图书馆游戏与游戏化实践进行调查,总结其经验与教训,得出对我国高校图书馆开展游戏与游戏化实践的启示。[方法/过程]通过文献研究法和网络调查法,总结出国外高校图书馆开展游戏与游戏化的三种形式:游戏馆藏、基于游戏的学习和游戏化,分析其各自作用,指出存在的问题并提炼可供国内高校图书馆借鉴的内容。[结果/结论]由国内外实践情况引发对图书馆内游戏与游戏化服务的思考,提出相关建议,其中设立专门的游戏实验室/创客空间、对多平台的支持、引进相关人才、发动校内学生群体、与校内外部门机构开展合作是成功进行此类实践的保障。  相似文献   

In a highly competitive industry, it has been a best practice that dynamic capabilities guide technology firms to cope with challenging situations. Meanwhile, knowledge creation enables the firm to condition the success and continuity of innovations, entrepreneurial orientation to support companies in winning the competition, and gamification to engage employees in a collaborative way towards better firm performance. This study examines how technology companies can improve their performance using gamification, knowledge creation, and entrepreneurial orientation. To test the proposed model, we collected data using a questionnaire survey of 124 technology companies in Indonesia. The theoretical model used structural equation modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 3. The results show that all constructs have a direct and positive relationship, except for the direct relationship between gamification and firm performance. Thus, entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge creation are essential components of technology companies that mediate the effect of gamification on firm performance. This study provides a theoretical and empirical basis for the antecedents of technological firm performance.  相似文献   

Today, our reality and lives are increasingly game-like, not only because games have become a pervasive part of our lives, but also because activities, systems and services are increasingly gamified. Gamification refers to designing information systems to afford similar experiences and motivations as games do, and consequently, attempting to affect user behavior. In recent years, popularity of gamification has skyrocketed and manifested in growing numbers of gamified applications, as well as a rapidly increasing amount of research. However, this vein of research has mainly advanced without an agenda, theoretical guidance or a clear picture of the field.To make the picture more coherent, we provide a comprehensive review of the gamification research (N = 819 studies) and analyze the research models and results in empirical studies on gamification. While the results in general lean towards positive findings about the effectiveness of gamification, the amount of mixed results is remarkable. Furthermore, education, health and crowdsourcing as well as points, badges and leaderboards persist as the most common contexts and ways of implementing gamification. Concurrently, gamification research still lacks coherence in research models, and a consistency in the variables and theoretical foundations. As a final contribution of the review, we provide a comprehensive discussion, consisting of 15 future research trajectories, on future agenda for the growing vein of literature on gamification and gameful systems within the information system science field.  相似文献   

Gamification is increasingly used as an essential part of today’s services, software and systems to engage and motivate users, as well as to spark further behaviors. A core assumption is that gamification should be able to increase the ability of a system or a service to satisfy intrinsic needs, and thereby the autotelicy of use as well as consequent change in beneficial behaviors. However, beyond these optimistic expectations, there is a dearth of empirical evidence on how different gamification features satisfy different dimensions intrinsic needs. Therefore, in this study we investigate the relationships between the user (N = 824) interactions with gamification features (immersion, achievement and social -related features) and intrinsic need satisfaction (autonomy, competence and relatedness needs) in Xiaomi and Huawei online gamified communities that represent two large technology product-related online brand communities in China through a survey-based study. The results indicate that immersion-related gamification features were only positively associated with autonomy need satisfaction. Achievement-related features were not only positively associated with all kinds of need satisfaction, but also the strongest predictor of both autonomy and competence need satisfaction. Social-related gamification features, were positively associated with autonomy, competence and relatedness need satisfaction. The results imply that gamification can have a substantially positive effect on intrinsic need satisfaction for services users.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether gamified experiences in a multi-actor service ecosystem can be used to encourage customers’ information exchange behavior. Furthermore, it examines the impact of customers’ knowledge sharing attitude on the relationship between experiential value and customers’ information exchange behavior. Structural equation modeling was used to assess these dynamic relationships and provide a scalable measurement instrument that can be applied to gamified experiences ranging from simple customer-interface interactions, all the way up to multi-actor service ecosystems. Our findings support the notion that managers can use gamification to foster information exchange and thereby value co-creation between customers and employees directly, without necessarily having to change customers attitudes first. The findings also suggest that gamification can be applied successfully in cases of large groups of people with widely varying characteristics, backgrounds, and motivations. Additionally, our research indicates that experiential value is a suitable candidate for a consistent measurement instrument for gamification. This study is the first to apply a holistic experiential value approach to a gamified experience that simultaneously accounts for customers’ interactions with a multisensory physical environment, their personal interactions with employees, and their interactions with other customers.  相似文献   

Gamification is here to stay, and tourism and hospitality online review platforms are taking advantage of it to attract travelers and motivate them to contribute to their websites. Yet, literature in tourism is scarce in studying how effectively is users’ behavior changing through gamification features. This research aims at filling such gap through a data-driven approach based on a large volume of online reviews (a total of 67,685) collected from TripAdvisor between 2016 and 2017. Four artificial neural networks were trained to model title and review’s word length, and title and review’s sentiment score, using as input 12 gamification features used in TripAdvisor including points and badges. After validating the accuracy of the model for extracting knowledge, the data-based sensitivity analysis was applied to understand how each of the 12 features contributed to explaining review length and its sentiment score. Three badge features were considered the most relevant ones, including the total number of badges, the passport badges, and the explorer badges, providing evidence of a relation between gamification features and traveler’s behavior when writing reviews.  相似文献   

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