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2005年即将向我们挥手道别了。回顾2005,你能回忆起哪些发生在这一年当中的国内外重大事件?这些事件又给你的生活带来了哪些影响?围绕着这些事件,你又有什么样的精彩故事?我们还是先来听听江苏省南京市瑞金路小学的三位同学是如何说的吧。  相似文献   

国际原油价格连连攀升,能源供应成为全球关注的焦点。为什么全球对石油的需求如此巨大?这一切对全球经济复苏意味着什么?让我们一起关注——  相似文献   

这两年的世界经济,“变脸”最快的恐怕就数石油价格了。以纽约期货市场年中价为据,2003年30美元/桶;2004 年40美元/桶;2005年60美元/桶;今年8月,原油价格曾高达70美元/桶。难怪有人说,高油价时代到来了。今年1至9月,因国际油价上涨,中国多支出外汇100多  相似文献   

重庆渝中区孙胜同学问:因为石油价格上涨,汽油价格已经上调了4次——近两年国际石油价格“一路高歌”。 2003年年初,就飙升到每桶33美元,一年半后,涨到50 美元,今年,曾达到70美元。在国际社会的共同努力下,才有所回落。油价高原因是多方面的,如需求量大,政治争夺,  相似文献   

(嘉宾介绍:桂浩明,申银万国证券研究所首席分析师)2月20日零时,国家发改委将汽油、柴油价格每吨均提高350元,相当于90号汽油和0号柴油平均每升的零售价分别上调0.26元和0.30元。  相似文献   

创造力缺失在基础教育中   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国以往的基础教育观只是强调书本知识的掌握和认知能力的发展,正是这种狭窄的知识观、片面的基础观,把学生的所有精力和时间都导向少数能力的培养,致使他们因缺乏创造性活动所必需的综合素质及综合能力而难以参与高水准的创造性活动。  相似文献   

没有活动就没有创造力的培养.课外活动是创造力培养的重要基地.几年来,我校根据创造型人才智能和心理品质基本结构的要求,有计划有目的地安排组织课外各种活动,在创造力培养方面收到了较好的效果.一、通过独立性活动,培养学生的创造品质.发展创造力,离不开创造品质作后盾.这个后盾越坚实,创造力发挥的潜力就越大.而给学生以相应的独立性,是形成学生各种创造品质的关键所在.如果学生没有一点独立性,完全是他人的附属品,那么,他就难以获得  相似文献   

童年时期是孩子们提高应变能力,开阔眼界,增长知识,即兴发挥,显露创造力和丰富想象力的关键时期。要使孩子具备应变能力,户外活动是关键。因此,作为家长必须了解以下几点:  相似文献   

Work practices in the creative industries have changed significantly since the turn of the twenty-first century. The design profession in particular has been influenced by rapidly emerging digital media practices and processes. While the design sector remains a significant source of employment, in recent years, there has been considerable growth in the number of designers working – or ‘embedded’ – in other sectors of the economy. The extent to which tertiary curricula cater for this shift in work practices and employment types is not well known. In this article, we report on original research on the preferred work destinations of a cohort of design students. This research was supplemented by a set of interviews with a small group of embedded designers in order to gain insights into the characteristics of embedded positions. Our research reveals that an embedded design position, while not well understood by undergraduate students, is a significant career path and one that should receive greater attention in undergraduate design curricula. We conclude that greater emphasis should be placed on assisting embedded designers to maintain creative networks that support them in what is a relatively isolated creative role.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to estimate reliability, internal consistency and construct validity of the Measure of Instruction for Creative Engagement (MICE) instrument. The MICE uses an iterative process of evidence collection and scoring through teacher observations to determine instructional domain ratings and overall scores. The results demonstrated the sound inter-observer reliability, teacher stability and score validity of the MICE. We found (a) a low proportion of rater variance (0.14–5.99%), (b) moderate to highly correlated within-teacher ratings ranging from r(17) = 0.663, p < 0.01 to r(17) = 1.000, p < 0.01 and (c) a statistically-significant difference between classroom teachers and teaching artists, t(56) = 7.37, p = 0.000. These results relate to the development of classroom environment instruments and the substantive development of pedagogy that supports creative thinking and behaviours, both of which are a priority for enhancing teacher accountability and student learning.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(69-70):111-126

We anticipate and create the future in many ways. Through active planning, improvisation, and even procrastination, we move beyond the moment. The purpose of this paper is to argue that future oriented processes are creative processes. By engaging in formal and informal educational activities children learn to create the future from the present and the known from the unknown. In this paper I explore the uses of improvisation and planning as vehicles for creativity by describing some of my work as well as research and ideas of others in the fields of psychology, anthropology, and education  相似文献   

建立开放实验环境,努力培养创新人才   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
为了提高学生的实验能力,努力培养创新人才,建立全方位开放的实验环境很有必要。该文介绍了“电工仪器与计量开放实验室”在建设中所采取的措施和有益的尝试,以及所获得的实效。  相似文献   

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