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当代文坛,刘震云以自己独特的精神追求,对生活和世界的积极思考及其特异的个性气质而卓然不群。他接续了鲁迅的国民性枇判精神,并在此基础上鞭挞得更加彻底和无情。对主流意识形态,他一直保持阻拒和对抗的态度。对于知识分子的精神人格和启蒙理想,他也毫不客气地予以解构。在日益市场化、世俗化的语境中,当意义"缺席"已成为时代普遍的精神症候,刘震云依然迷恋于意义的诱惑和价值的追寻。本文即从以上几个方面论述刘震云的小说,以期凸显刘震云的意义和地位。  相似文献   

徐礼 《物理教学探讨》2006,24(16):13-15
审题是解题的第一步,把题审好更是物理学习的一个难点。如果审题出现偏差,就象下棋一样,一步走错,全盘皆输。许多学生,包括一些物理基础较好的学生,之所以把物理题目解错了,许多情况下是在于他们审题马虎。显然这部分学生连题意是什么都没有弄明白,不会解答是理所当然的了。所以审题是能否解好物理题的关键所在。本文就在中考中如何审题以及在教学中怎样培养提高学生的审题能力作一些讨论。1审题中常见的丢分原因1、思维混乱:有些学生一拿到题,尤其看到文字叙述较长的题目,心里就发慌,读后脑中一片空白,不知所云。这中间既涉及语文阅读水平,…  相似文献   

Once upon a time, there was a little girl; once upon a time, she was polishing her nail in her yard with her friend like a young woman; once upon a time, this world is such a beautifill and perfect place for her; once upon a time, she was me.Once upon a time, she sang loud and clear with her little voice as if she had been the greatest singer in the world without shyness; once upon a time, she has so many dreams to be fulfilled; once upon a time, she has a heart as pure as an mborn baby.  相似文献   

套利机会识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
均衡的金融市场是不存在套利机会的,但事实上,在局部范围短时间内套利机会时而出现、时而消失·从理论上来说,一旦市场存在套利机会,套利者通过构造适当的交易策略,可以获取无限财富·然而到目前为止,还没有易于实际操作的、能够识别市场是否存在套利机会的系统方法,尽管Flam(1998)旨在给出寻找套利的方法,但实际上它给出的是与套利稍有不同的的占优策略,且没有给出具体的算法与算例·在F1am(1998)的基础上作进一步的研究,探讨寻找占优和套利机会的算法·  相似文献   

格物致知--化学课堂教学改革的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王燕 《化学教学》2005,(7):31-39
近年来,山东省检察研究工作坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以建立科学的中国特色社会主义检察理论体系为目标,坚持基础研究和应用研究“两手抓”,立足服务,深入基层,重点围绕党和国家中心工作、围绕检察制度和检察工作面临的重大理论和实践问题,进行了广泛而深入的调查研究,为强化法律监督、完善检察制度、推进检察事业创造了良好的理论环境,检察研究服务大局、服务检察业务、服务领导决策的职能作用得到了充分的发挥。  相似文献   

仰望星空   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据说,古希腊哲学之父泰勒斯有事没事总喜欢仰望星空,有一天晚上因为太投入以致跌入一个水坑,招致人们的哄笑,而泰勒斯却像没事一样,依然故我。由于泰勒斯看起来寒酸而又憔悴,许多人说泰勒斯在做一些没有用的事,所以贫穷。为了反驳这些恼人的聒噪,泰勒斯做了一次他不会贫穷的实证。他凭借丰富的知识,在经营橄榄榨油器上发了大财。然后,泰勒斯说,我不是不能赚钱,而是我有更重要的事情要做。  相似文献   

高中化学教材比初中化学教材要求高,内容多,知识面宽,<绪言>是开启高中化学宝库的金钥匙,对学生化学学科学习兴趣的培养,良好学习习惯的养成起着重要的作用.个别教师不太重视<绪言>的讲授,认为该篇知识通俗易懂,学生自已阅读教材就能解决.本文借讲绪言课之机,以游戏的方式开展教学,力图帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯.  相似文献   

At the 1980 conference of the National Association for the Teaching of English at Warwick University, a group of teachers considered the classroom teaching of literature. It seemed to the group that poetry was rarely popular with pupils in the schools that they knew, and that a checklist of ideas for teaching poetry might be helpful. The list is introduced here by the group's leaders, Geoff Fox and Brain Merrick. Specific contributions were also made by Graham Baldwin, Barbara Bleiman, Roz Charlish, Dave Klemm, Colin Padgett, and Andrew Stibbs.Geoff Fox and Brian Merrick have both taught in secondary schools and now work in the School of Education of Exeter University. They divide their time between teaching literature and method to student teachers and working alongside teachers in schools and on courses.  相似文献   

During a summer workshop course, a group of teachers in British Columbia recently considered ways of encouraging the response of readers in their classes. Time was limited, and their ideas reflect a sustained brainstorming session rather than an attempt to produce a definitive list. More-idiosyncratic ideas which depended upon the peculiar skills of individual teachers have been omitted, as have highly specific illustrations relating to particular books. A dance drama version ofWatership Down, for example, was not seen as a readily transferable classroom activity.The suggestions below are for individual work, for work in pairs, groups, or with the whole class. The Canadian teachers were concerned to confirm a climate in which books were readily handled, shared and exchanged as a central and regular practice of the class.Geoff Fox has taught in secondary schools in both England and America. He has been Visiting Professor at Harvard University and the University of British Columbia and is on the staff at Exeter University. He has collaborated on several books, both for the classroom and for teachers, and is Secretary to the U K Editorial Committee ofCle.  相似文献   

Publicly display way too much affection.
Blow 10 years of mileage points and fly first-class.
Ask your mom all those "Why did you?" and "didn't you" questions .
Make a wedding toast and knock it out of the park.
Learn all the forks.  相似文献   

刘中飞 《海外英语》2009,(11):25-25
一次纯粹的挑战 最近拍摄的卫星图片显示了格陵兰岛冰山令人担忧的融化速度。法国高山冒险部队的小分队的6名精英成员来了一次亲密接触。他们降落在被一条冰山融化形成的大河拦腰切开的山峰上,之后脚穿防滑钉鞋徒手爬下山来。他们那铤而走险的古怪姿势正好适合完成这次任务——“掌控极端的天气条件和生理极限挑战”——同时,在考察学家的指引下,他们还收集了冰山如何分离的数据。  相似文献   

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