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Telematics has the potential to transform Higher Education through creating a distributed community of tutors and students. Videotutoring is central to telematics, enabling personal tutoring to occur at a distance. Within the context of a post-graduate teacher training course, videotutoring was used to tutor two students during the first six weeks of their first full-time school placement. Both ends of the videosignal were recorded. Analysis of the tapes used a protocol based upon research into non-verbal communication (NVC). NVC is as important as verbal communication in the tutorial process. Findings suggest that the interaction of participants mediated through the screen was significantly different from face-to-face communication in relation to the two-dimensional image of the screen and the "viewing frame" effect of the physical boundaries of the image. The viewing frame literally served as the proscenium arch of a theatre. Two-dimensionality and the viewing frame effect emphasised both the positive and negative elements in inter-personal communication as represented in Argyle's social skills and Goffman's theatrical models. The conclusion is that videotutoring can potentially be a more effective form of tutoring than face-to-face interaction.  相似文献   

语言属于文化,同时也是文化中重要的一部分,外语教学的目标即是培养合格的跨文化交际人才。跨文化能力的培养可以通过丰富多彩的跨文化训练得以实现,促进跨文化意识的形成,培养地道的外语人才。  相似文献   

Training designed to enhance facilitative communication between teachers and students is becoming an increasingly important element of teacher training programs. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of facilitative communication training on the quality of teacher response to various student problems and to the accompanying emotional states of anger, joy, or depression. The subjects consisted of 64 undergraduate teacher education majors who responded in writing to 15 audiotaped stimulus vignettes. A 5×3×2 repeated measures analysis of variance was used to measure the effects of problem situation, emotional state, and training on empathic understanding. The results indicated significant differences between trained and untrained groups, as well as differences in quality of response due to emotion, with joy eliciting greater empathy than depression or anger. Significant interactions among the variables also were obtained. Implications are discussed in terms of human relations training for teachers.  相似文献   

创新型通信工程人才培养的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通信工程人才培养质量的提高,很大程度上取决于培养目标的合理设定、培养模式和方法的创新与改革。本文阐述了通信工程人才的需求和培养现状,论述了深圳大学信息工程学院在通信工程人才培养模式和教学改革等方面开展的一系列探索和实践,为培养创新型人才提供了思路。  相似文献   

我国加入世贸组织后,日资企业对华投费力度加大,人才市场对商务日语人才的需求呈不断上升趋势,企业对日语人才的要求强调的是复合型应用型人才,这给高校日语专业教学提出了更高的要求.  相似文献   

由于企业的人力资源经理等培训专员未必能清楚准确地提出和发现本企业的管理问题,请外部培训机构进行深度调查访谈就成了企业培训的最好选择.这样不但能全面勘察出企业的培训需求,而且还可能发现一些连企业总经理都发现不了的深层毛病。  相似文献   


There is a growing body of research interrogating the discursive construction of ‘rural’ in negative terms – as lacking, in decline or in crisis. This paper contributes to this body of literature by taking as its point of departure skilled trades training in Canada’s most easterly province, Newfoundland and Labrador. To meet the labour demand associated with industrial projects in rural and remote areas, the provincial government has invested in strategies to encourage youth to enrol in certified training programmes in the skilled trades. This paper examines the contradictory and incomplete ways in which individualized labour market subjects are produced through a combination of economic restructuring and government policy initiatives related to training and apprenticeships, and considers what this means for how young people think about and experience the rural. I argue that rural places are largely framed in economic terms, either as in decline and crisis or as industrial sites of resource extraction, and that by discursively linking youth outmigration and skilled labour shortages, the sustainability of rural places and the province is individualized and downloaded onto youth, ignoring the structured inequalities that mediate access to training and employment.  相似文献   

缘于现代科学技术的发展,对基础教育提出了素质教育中的综合能力培养的更高要求,综合能力是建立在学科知识、学科能力之上的多层次的复合能力.在教育改革中,为适应新世纪的挑战所采取的综合科目的考核措施,是必要的、适时的.  相似文献   

在经济和社会生活的全球化大背景下,越来越多的大学英语教学已将提高学生的跨文化交流能力作为英语学习的主要目标.语言与文化密不可分,语言相通是文化交流的基础.认同中西文化差异,尊重并理解西方国家文化特点,才能增强英语学习兴趣.转变教学模式,加强阅读和听力的训练,提高学生语言知识水平和运用能力,实现提高学生跨文化交流能力的目标  相似文献   

在当今经济全球化和知识经济的大背景下,世界各国的教育呈现出国际化的趋势。知识和信息传播技术的日新月异更加剧了世界各国文化交流,碰撞和合作。尤其是我国加入WTO后,随着对外文化、经贸的交流,各行各业对高素质的外语交际人才的需求极为迫切,对外语人才的培养提出了更高要  相似文献   

人才培养模式是培养高端人才过程中的一个重要因素,建立科学有效的人才培养模式也就成了众多高校极度重视的内容。本文结合近年来南京邮电大学通信工程专业在创新人才培养方面的努力和实践,介绍了"高、强、大"创新型人才培养模式,给出了创新型通信人才培养模式的具体措施以及人才培养模式的实际效果。  相似文献   

英语听力能力的训练尽管与读、写、说、译同为英语基本技能,但在实际教学中并未受到足够重视。中国学习者训练英语听力能力的过程在本质上也是跨文化交际的一部分,因而跨文化交际的预测理论对听力能力的训练具有一定的指导意义。本文从具体的听力材料出发,分析了跨文化交际预测理论在帮助学生积极主动、透彻全面理解材料中的作用,得出结论,预测应该作为英语听力教和学中必不可少的一部分对待。  相似文献   

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a core component of special education for many children with learning disabilities and/or autism who have minimal or no speech. Much literature focuses on implementation of AAC in the classroom or therapy setting, but less is known about how AAC is used in the family home. Few studies are authored by an AAC parent/researcher with reflection on positionality, power and the advantages conferred by ‘insider’ status. This paper addresses this gap by exploring the perspectives of five families of minimally verbal children on the place of AAC in their child’s home communication. Semi-structured family interviews were transcribed and subjected to Thematic Analysis. Formal AAC practices such as Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and Makaton were found to play a limited role in the children’s home communication. Findings indicate three possible explanations: the emotional and relationship-building dimensions of family communication; the competing priorities of family life with a disabled child; and the child’s existing multimodal communication strategies including the use of household objects. These findings offer a preliminary starting point for understanding the emic perspectives of AAC families and reasons for their convergence/divergence with professional attitudes to AAC, and warrant further investigation in larger-scale studies.  相似文献   

将时间自动机概念融入通信模式的设计和实现过程,提出一种基于时间自动机、支持各设备自主控制和管理通信过程的物联网智慧通信模式。介绍了感知层各通信模式的规则,给出并验证了有连接和无连接通信模式的时间自动机模型。以有连接通信模式为例,结合系统结构布局描述了智慧通信时间自动机模式设计及实现过程。以实训室照明系统通信实例验证了该设计的可行性。  相似文献   

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