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文章从体态语言的概念、特点入手,分析了体态语言在健美操教学中的作用,并就教师如何在教学中遣用好体态语言做了探讨,以保障教学的顺利进行,并高质量地完成教学任务.  相似文献   

陈俊 《文教资料》2008,(3):140-141
教学语言是教师在把知识、技能传授给学生过程中使用的语言,它是教师传递教学信息的媒体,是一种专门行业的工作用语.一堂好的政治课需要多种教学艺术的综合运用,比如语言艺术、提问艺术、组织教学艺术等等.而语言艺术是最基础的,它几乎贯穿在各种教学艺术当中.政治教师只有不断提高自己的语言素养,才能更好地运用其他的教学艺术,达到好的教学效果.那么,政治教师怎样才能使自己的课堂教学语言具有较高的艺术性呢?……  相似文献   

体育教师的语言运用与教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面系统地论述了体育教师在教学中应如何运用好有声语言和人体动作语言以便能更深入地理解课堂教学中各种行为的内在涵义,为更好地完成教学任务提供理论依据.  相似文献   

刘寿堂 《教育评论》2012,(3):102-104
教学语言的成功运用是实现思想政治课教学目标的重要手段,也是全面提升思想政治课教学实效的重要途径。教学过程中,尤其要科学地处理好教学语言的庄与谐、文与质、新与旧、疾与徐等多重关系,最大限度地运用好教学语言这个最核心的教学工具。  相似文献   

读完<江西教育>2009年第9期<杏坛沙龙>栏目中邓晓芳老师的<如何用好教学语言--教学语言要富有诗意和智慧>一文后,我感触颇深. 语言,是人们交流思想感情的主要工具,是传达信息的载体.在语文课堂教学中巧妙地运用教学语言,是一种创造性的艺术.而能够将教学语言的丰富与凝练性、知识与逻辑性、趣味与哲理性统一于一体的当数语文教学语言.  相似文献   

英语是一门语言的艺术,要使学生掌握运用好一门外语,就必须持之以恒地对其进行有效的语言训练.为学生创设新的教学环境,通过有效训练丰富学生的想象.加强语言的理解、传递和表达.  相似文献   

简单教学理论的核心理念是"简单的教,丰厚的学";以生为本,以学为本.在教师教学语言的艺术上,要做到"精练有声语言、多用体态语言、用好心灵语言",以达至润物无声的高质育人效果.有声语言主要包括声音,体态语言包括"衣着、装扮、站姿、走位、板书、手势、表情、眼神"等,心灵语言包括"精神、人格、修养"等.教师教学语言的修炼需持之以恒地进行"内化于心、融化于情、强化于炼、外化于行"的训练,方可从技术走向艺术,从教学走向教育.  相似文献   

教学语言是教师在课堂上与学生沟通的桥梁,在教学中十分重要,教师良好地运用教学语言能保证课堂的高效性、有趣性。作者根据对教师的访谈情况,建议把握好声音语言的四性,同时辅以其他教学语言,将教学语言灵活地运用在课堂教学中。  相似文献   

思维是人类的心理活动,语言是是思维的工具和表现形式,两者相互作用,密不可分.人们在学习外语的过程中,有意无意地改变、提高了一些思维能力.我们要想卓有成效地学好一种语言,就必须遵守人的思维规律和思维发展规律,否则必将事倍功半.同时,改进语言教学可以活跃学生的思维.因此,语言教学效率与思维能力相互作用,相互促进.  相似文献   

在初中语文语法教学中,我们要积极创新,联系语境教学语法,强化学生对语法的认识.引导学生把语法知识自觉地运用于语言实践,在语法教学中就会收到好的成效.  相似文献   

整体语言教学初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
整体语言教学作为一种教育理念对语言教学产生了巨大的影响,同时,也引起了世界教育界的关注.本文从整体语言教学的内涵、理论依据与教学原则、教学实践及其合理性与局限性等方面对整体语言教学进行了初步探索,目的在于促进英语教学改革的发展。  相似文献   

研究性学习与语文阅读教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本阐明了研究性学习的定义及其特点,根据研究性学习的特点和语阅读教学的性质分析了在语阅读教学中应用研究性学习的可能性,论述了研究性学习在语阅读教学中的应用。  相似文献   

对外汉语教学法述评:-兼谈第二语言教学的交际性原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对外治语教学法从重视研究语言知识,语言技能的获得到重视结构-功能与交际技能的培养走过了借鉴与综合的漫长路程,而交际性原则已成为20世纪对外汉语教学法的主导思想,为21世纪的教学法研究奠定了坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

Recent research findings suggest that students who have difficulty learning a second language have weaknesses in oral and written native-language skills which affect their performance in the foreign-language classroom. These weaknesses involve understanding the phonological, syntactic, and semantic codes of language. Evidence suggests that dyslexic/learning-disabled and other “at risk” students who struggle in the second language classroom exhibit particular difficulty with the phonological and syntactic codes of the language. The Orton-Gillingham method, a multisensory, structured language approach which adheres to the direct and explicit teaching of phonology, is presented as an alternative to the “natural” communication approaches recently developed by foreign-language educators to teach a second language. A method for adapting this approach for teaching Spanish is described.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, regional minority languages in Europe have regained increased recognition and support. Their revitalisation is partly due to their being taught in schools. Multilingualism has special characteristics for speakers of minority languages and it poses unique challenges for learning minority languages. This article looks at the cases of Basque and Frisian, comparing and contrasting their similarities and differences. The educational system in the Basque Autonomous Community underwent an important transformation, starting in 1979 from a situation where less than 5 per cent of all teachers were capable of teaching through Basque. Today this figure has changed to more than 80 per cent. An innovative approach was chosen for teaching the minority language, Basque, alongside the dominant language, Spanish, and the international language, English. The outcome is a substantial increase in the proficiency in the minority language among the younger age groups. The decline of the minority language has thus been successfully reversed and one of the major challenges now is to uphold a sustainable educational system. By contrast, the Frisian language has fared less well in the Netherlands, where developments over the last 30 years have been much slower and the results more modest. Here policy-making for education and for language is caught in a continuous debate between a weak provincial level and a powerful central state level. Overall, multilingualism as a resource for individuals is valued for “bigger” languages such as English, French and German, but not for a “small” language such as Frisian. Nevertheless, a few trilingual experiments have been carried out in some schools in Friesland in teaching Frisian, Dutch and English. These experiments may also be instructive for other cases of minority languages of a “moderate strength”. In the cases of both Basque and Frisian multilingualism is generally perceived as an important resource.  相似文献   

Foreign language teaching has been playing a dominant role in China’s curriculum reform, especially in the present globalization of Chinese society and economy. However, the insufficient research into foreign language teaching and blindly adopting western theory demand China learn from its own experience and also develop western foreign language teaching theories that innovate and promote its education system and research. __________ Translated from Foreign Language Teaching & Research in Basic Education, 2004 (10)  相似文献   

大学英语教学的主要目的是培养学生的英语交际能力,它不仅包括语言教学,而且应该包括文化教学.我们在教学中应体现语言交际、非语言交际、交际习俗与礼仪、社会结构与人际关系、价值观念等方面的文化差异.总之,大学英语教学应使学生全面了解英语国家的文化背景和社会风俗习惯,提高学生的跨文化交际能力.  相似文献   

我国口语交际教学有着漫长的历史。以“癸卯学制”为界,此前口语交际教学是无意识的;此后口语交际教学变成语文教学的自觉行为。尽管如此,目前口语交际教学形势还十分严峻,口语交际教学教材建设还要加强,口语交际教学评价体系急需建立,教师口语交际教学素质亟待提高。  相似文献   

介绍了外语教学和审美教育的相关理论,通过利用多媒体设备将艺术教育融入课堂教学的实践论证外语教学艺术化的合理性和可行性。  相似文献   

在物理教学中,要通过联系实际,多做实验,以“疑”引趣,以史激情,语言生动,多媒体教学等各种可能的方式或途径,去培养学生兴趣,活跃物理教学,以达到良好的学习效果.  相似文献   

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