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Education research is increasingly being recognized as a legitimate route for faculty development in universities. However, many anatomy faculty lack the appropriate training and access to experienced mentors who can help them develop their own education research projects. Inspired by the American Physiological Society’s Institute for Teaching and Learning, the coauthors proposed and developed the inaugural Anatomy Education Research Institute (AERI 2017). Funded by an American Association of Anatomists Innovations grant, the five-day institute was held in Bloomington, Indiana in July 2017. The coauthors spent two years preparing the conference schedule, inviting speakers who could discuss education research topics and mentor applicants, reviewing applications, developing assessment instruments for the institute, and hosting the institute. A total of 62 registered participants (applicants and invited speakers) attended AERI 2017. Through a series of presentations and workshops, participants were introduced to many aspects of education research and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, including developing rigorous education research questions, determining appropriate methods to assess these questions, and searching the education research literature. Each day also included regular time devoted to work on their own education research project with help from more experienced mentors. Throughout the conference, participants were encouraged to post information on Twitter, using the hashtag #AERI2017. Participants had strong positive impressions of the conference and strongly requested future AERI conferences be held. Follow-up analyses will assess the institute in alignment with Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation Model, though preliminary evaluation indicates AERI 2017 met the original aims of the proposal.  相似文献   

2005年8月23~27日,欧洲第十一届关于学习与教学研究的大会在塞浦路斯首都尼科西亚举行.这次大会探讨了当前教育研究中的两个方面:一方面是我们需要通过多种教学途径来加强学生的知识学习过程;另一方面,当前的教育研究要充分认识到有效教学情境的创设在学习与教学中的重要作用.一些教育专家从社会情感,学习与认知理论,教育评价等几个方面对有效学习环境的构建做了专题报告.作为教育研究的一个重要领域的数学教育在此次大会上是一个很重要的专题,数学教育专家的一些观点和研究成果对于我国的数学课程与教学改革具有深刻的启示.  相似文献   

作为AECT2011年会的参与者与组织者,首先对本届年会的主题内容,包括大会的主题报告、主席专场报告和主席论坛、分会的研讨交流、圆桌专题论坛和论文研讨等,做了全面而细致的回顾;然后在深入剖析会议主旨的基础上,根据亲身经历与体会,谈了对本届年会的感悟及本届年会折射出的教育技术现状与发展趋势。最后,全面论述了中国与会学者对该年会的认识、看法以及他们对中国大陆教育技术未来发展的展望。  相似文献   

教育政策与实践视野下的CSCL——CSCL2011国际会议综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CSCL(计算机支持的协作学习)是学习科学和教育技术学的重要研究领域。在过去20多年的发展过程中,CSCL在学术研究和实践应用中取得了举世瞩目的成绩。自上世纪末以来,国际学习科学学会组织了每两年一届的CSCL国际会议,目前,已经成为CSCL领域研究者们进行学术交流的重要平台。2011年国际CSCL年会将视野转移到政策与实践领域,希望藉此将CSCL领域的研究成果在教育中得到更广泛和深入地应用。在通过对CSCL2011国际会议召开的背景进行简要介绍基础上,概述、介绍了本届会议报告的主要内容、五个重要的主题,回顾并分析了历届CSCL国际会议的主题、关注焦点以及CSCL的主要研究问题和所获取的经验。此外,还针对国内CSCL研究与应用情况,提出了相关建议。[关键词]CSCL;国际会议;教育政策  相似文献   

四位作者作为AECT2010年会的参与者与组织者,首先对本届年会的主题内容,包括大会的主题报告、分会的研讨交流以及主席论坛的演讲等,做了全面而细致地回顾;然后在深入剖析会议主旨的基础上,根据其亲身经历与体会,论述了对本届年会的感悟与启示,其中包括对教育技术未来发展的展望以及对中国大陆教育技术领域所带来的参考与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The 2018 EARLI SIG 22 Neuroscience and Education conference aimed to facilitate the discussion and sharing of research and translation in educational neuroscience. In this article, we first describe and evaluate the approach taken in organizing the conference, which followed recommendations from the educational neuroscience community. We then summarize responses to a survey that captured delegates' visions of research and translation, their intentions following the conference, and the support they need moving forward. From 88 completed surveys, we first note a common desire for more discussions and collaborations across disciplines, and between teachers and researchers. We highlight particularly novel ideas that are not frequently addressed in the community so far, including discussion of ethical issues, inclusion of learners in research development, open resources for teacher training in neuroscience, and mentoring networks for community members. In sharing these ideas, we highlight future directions for the field as it continues to develop.  相似文献   

While the factors that influence college minority student attendance have been the subject of recent study, there remain unresolved questions about how different factors influence college attendance decisions of applicants from historically disadvantaged backgrounds. In particular, there is ambiguity about whether blacks are more or less likely to attend than whites and what factors might improve their attendance rates. This study uses two sets of logistic regressions to identify the factors that can promote minority attendance: a set that examines attendance by all high school seniors in the high school class of 1982 and a set that examines attendance by college applicants in this class. Consistent with prior research on student access, three factors are identified that can potentially improve college attendance by minority students: (1) improved academic preparation in elementary and high school; (2) increased aspirations for higher levels of educational attainment; (3) increased levels of financial aid. Public interventions that would improve any of these factors for minority high school students are likely to improve minority participation rates.  相似文献   

This article summarises the proceedings of a conference entitled ‘Teaching Statistics to Medical Undergraduates’. Eight invited speakers and discussants presented their views to an audience representing teachers of medical statistics from Universities throughout the United Kingdom and Irish Republic.  相似文献   

Conclusion Beginning in 1989, the Ministry of Education and the National Science Council of Taiwan have sponsored an international biennial conference organized by different local universities. The purpose of this conference, the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), is to report educational technology research. After the 1993 conference, it became a regional biennial conference held by different countries in the Asia-Pacific region. ICCE 95 was held in Singapore and ICCE 97 will be in Malaysia. After 1997, ICCE will again become an annual conference to reflect the growing research impetus in the region.In Taiwan, after exporting ICCE to the region, the funding agents continue to support an annual conference with a different name, International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction (ICCAI). This locally organized conference has been held annually since 1994. As a natural result of these activities and consistent support by funding agents, a growing number of international publications are reporting on the more mature results of educational technology research at international conferences and in journals.Contributors included Jon-Chao Hong, Professor of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan; Jihn-Chang Jehng, Associate Professor, Human Resources Management, National Central University, Taiwan; Yu-Fen Shih, Associate Professor, Media and Library Science, Tamkang University, Taiwan; and Gary Chon-Wen Shyi, Associate Professor, Psychology, National Chung- Cheng University, Taiwan.Tak-Wai Chan is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Central University. He is also the President of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education and is an Associate Editor of theInternational Journal of Educational Telecommunications.  相似文献   

中国教育学会教育史分会第十三届学术年会于2012年10月15日至18日在湖南师范大学举行,参加这次学术年会的代表有来自北京、上海、浙江、湖北等全国78家高校、科研院所和出版机构的343位教师与学生。文章以一位教育史专业硕士研究生参加本次学术年会为视角切入点,通过自身的切己体察,感悟到教育史学科发展的三点显乐与四点隐忧,并针对隐忧提出了具体的解决办法。  相似文献   

This article describes the results of a workshop that was held in Valencia during the annual conference of SEFI in 2004. The authors give remarks on the results supported by relevant and recent research. In the workshop, where about 35 participants were present, the following questions were discussed and answered:

Which factors indicate that an institute of higher engineering education is woman friendly? How can we rank these factors and what is the weight of the factors? What initiatives did your institute or other institutions of your country make to increase the percentage of female academic staff and to attract and retain more female students?  相似文献   

以计算机和互联网为代表的信息通讯技术已经深刻地改变了人们的生活方式和交流方式,也因此,21世纪给世界各地传统学校和传统教育体制带来的是机遇与挑战并存的发展前景。在这样的背景下,杭州师范大学、美国肯恩大学和浙江大学教育学院联合举办了第11届西博会“21世纪学习”国际论坛,论坛邀请了21位国际教育技术专家和6位国内教育技术专家,共做了26场报告。报告的主题包括五大方面:(1)信息通讯技术(ICT)在中小学校中的应用;(2)虚拟现实技术在课堂上的应用;(3)电子化学习;(4)移动学习;(5)ICT相关的教师培训。所有报告或多或少都涉及到了技术创新、教育领导力以及学习变革等话题。  相似文献   


The paper presents the initial results of research into the individual conditions of the psychosocial functioning of NEETs in the educational context. The study was performed between May and September 2017 in Slovakia, Poland and Estonia, by means of a triangulation of quantitative tools. The general objective of the study is to diagnose the level of critical thinking (Cornell Critical Thinking), reasoning (T.I.P.), problem-solving strategies (NCS) and individual development assessment (IDEA) in a group of NEETs, and to compare these variables with one another and with socio-demographic characteristics. Based on an initial analysis of the results (100 individuals from each country were invited to participate in the survey; 235 questionnaires were gathered), we can see that the group analysed presents a relatively high level of critical thinking and reasoning (intelligence indicator) and an average level of problem-solving attitude. Breaking stereotypes about NEETs, the study fits into the critical paradigm of andragogical research. The results served as the foundation for a series of postulates regarding educational programmes based on andragogical assumptions.  相似文献   

This paper reports a survey of research in mathematics teacher education from 1999 to 2003 done by an international team of five mathematics educators and researchers. The survey included published research in international mathematics education journals, international handbooks of mathematics education and international mathematics education conference proceedings. Some regional sources from various parts of the world were also included. We investigated who was writing, from and in what settings, with what theoretical frameworks, and with what sorts of study designs for what core questions. We also examined the range of findings and conclusions produced in these studies. Our analysis presented here focuses on four themes that stood out from our initial investigation of almost 300 published papers, and systematically elaborated through a focused study of a 160 papers across key journals and conference proceedings in the field. From this vantage point, the paper offers a reflection on the current state of the field of mathematics teacher education research. Our aim is to stimulate discussion that can support the development of the field, not make final pronouncements about its nature. The research presented in this paper was done by five mathematics education researchers, the authors listed above, and presented at ICME10 in Copenhagen in July 2004. This Survey Team (Survey Team 3) was nominated by the International Program Committee for the Congress and asked to survey “Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers” and present this in a plenary at the Congress. A copy of the presentation can be viewed at: http://www.wits.ac.za/jadler/presentations.html. An earlier version of this paper will also appear in the ICME10 proceedings.  相似文献   

首届"京师数学新课程教学与评价会议暨北京师范大学数学科学学院课程教材研究中心成立大会"于2019年10月18-21日在北京师范大学成功召开.来自全国高校、教育行政机构、教育出版社、中小学校、教研机构等共计七百余名代表参加了会议.会议围绕数学核心素养导向的课程、教材、教学与评价等关键议题,特邀大会报告9项,组织专题工作坊3场、分组报告112项、研究者论坛3场,这为新时代以数学课程教材建设为抓手,助推中国特色先进水平数学教育发展提供启示.  相似文献   

2013年11月,2013教育信息化暨电子课本与电子书包国际论坛在中国上海召开,作为电子课本与电子书包标准领域的首次学术性国际盛会,本次大会兼顾产业发展和教育应用,其规模大、规格高、成果多、影响大、意义远,其宗旨:总结经验、展望发展、促进研究、推进应用、加深产业界和学术界交流与对话.并构建了国际化的协作研究与发展平台。通过对本次会议背景及会议情况的分析.重点阐述和分析了会议专题讨论的五个主题和相关内容,包括论文专题划分、依据作者所在区域划分,并对整个论文和报告内容进行全面概述。最后,给出总结与展望。以期深入推进电子课本与电子书包标准及应用的研究与发展之路.探索电子课本与电子书包的“标准研制一产业发展一教育应用”一体化推进的发展新模式,构筑一个“全”学习数字化教育生态新环境.加快信息技术与教育的深度融合.推动我国教育信息化进程。  相似文献   

From December 14 to 18, 1987, the State Education Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fisheries held a conference in Pingdu County, Shandong Province, to exchange experiences in rural education aimed at improving the local economy. The Chinese Education Association also held a conference at that same location on rural educational reform. Having heard the speeches and read the papers of my many comrades at the two conferences, I feel inspired and enlightened. Now, based on my own preliminary study, I wish to present some issues for discussion with scholars in this field.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been growing interest in the role of history of mathematics in improving the teaching and learning of mathematics. ICMI, the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction, has set up a Study on this topic, to report back at the next International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME) in Japan in the year 2000. The present document sketches out some of the concerns to be addressed in the ICMI Study, in the hope that many people across the world will wish to contribute to the international discussions and the growing understandings reached in and about this area.This discussion document will be followed by an invited conference (to be held in France in April 1998), from which a publication will be prepared to appear by 2000. The next section of the present document surveys the questions to be addressed. Your views are solicited both on the questions and on how to take the issues forward as implied in the commentary.  相似文献   

This paper examines and discusses the profiles of applicants and entrants to the DGO (Dioplóma Gairmiúil san Oideachas) initial teacher education programme between 2000 and 2011. The DGO is the only initial teacher education programme in Ireland that is specifically designated to prepare student teachers for the second-level Irish-medium (SLIM) school sector. It is delivered entirely through the Irish language. This study examines data collected from all DGO applicants (N = 1002) between 2000 and 2011. Results show that demand for this programme has increased over the past decade. The academic quality of applicants has risen dramatically in recent years and 75% of successful applicants are female. The data show that a significant proportion of DGO applicants are native Irish speakers from Gaeltacht (areas in Ireland where the Irish language Gaeilge is the vernacular). There has been a severe shortage of applicants with qualifications in certain subject areas, in particular in Sciences, Mathematics and European languages. Drawing on findings from this study as well as on national statistics and educational policy documents, this paper discusses how changes to the DGO selection process may contribute to better meeting the staffing demands in SLIM schools in Ireland.  相似文献   

2007年11月,全国教育管理学科委员会第9次学术年会在浙江金华召开。大会学术交流以"面向实践的教育管理研究"为主题,从教育管理基础理论、教育行政、学校管理、学校领导和学校改进五方面交流近年来教育管理的最新研究成果。与会者就教育管理研究必须关注现实问题、微观研究逐渐开始占主导、以实证研究为主的"技术型"研究方式等问题达成了共识。  相似文献   

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