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陶韬 《巢湖学院学报》2007,9(5):162-164
如何做一名合格的高校政治辅导员,首先要理解辅导员工作的内涵:其次在实际工作中牢记工作使命,以学生为本,处处为学生考虑;还要不断地加强政治理论和相关知识的学习,不断提高自身的综合素质;只有这样才能更好地发挥辅导员的作用,为高校学生的思想政治工作做出应有的贡献.  相似文献   

1996年日本的"聋文化宣言",乃是一篇对聋人进行重新界定的战斗檄文,它宣称"残疾人"云云,只不过是听人给聋人贴上的标签。聋人并没有把自己看做是残疾人,失去听力本身并不必然意味着痛苦,痛苦更可能来自生活在听人世界与听人相处过程中所受到的种种歧视和偏见,以及基于这些歧视和偏见之上的一厢情愿的意志强加。聋人的世界本是一个完整的世界,聋人与听人语言不同、文化不同,问题的本质不在生理的缺陷而在文化的差异。在把聋人的世界看作是一个完整的世界之意义上来谈论聋教育,教育社会学为分析权力政治、社会不平等、文化再生产等问题提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Michalinos Zembylas examines how the work of mourning can evoke public and school pedagogies that provide an alternative way of relating to otherness and trauma — not through remaining fixated on simply representing the other's or one's own trauma, but in the insistence on remaining inconsolable before suffering. A major concern is the normalization of mourning in school and public discourses through the establishment of boundaries between grievable and ungrievable lives. Zembylas argues that the violence unleashed through national mourning and the reproduction of loss through rituals of commemoration in schools raise important issues about the ethics and politics of mourning embedded in public and school pedagogies. Using two examples of the workings of mourning — one in the context of the South African reconciliation tribunals and the other in the context of collective mourning of Missing Persons in his home country of Cyprus — Zembylas demonstrates that the recognition of our common vulnerability to loss can form the groundwork of school and public pedagogies of aporetic mourning.  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore notions regarding the conceptualization of culture in the field of Christian religious education. These conceptualizations are central to understanding the social nature of faith communities and the role of religious educators as they respond to this nature. The author proposes that the faith community is intercultural in that people with distinct cultural perspectives come together to forge a shared religious identity. Consequently, the vocation of the religious educator is presented as a call to be a specactor1, a practitioner who constantly assesses his/her own cultural orientations in relation to those of the learners. The article concludes the paper with some suggestions on how to develop a contrastive pedagogy that takes into account both the intercultural dynamics of the Christian educational experience and the vocation of the intercultural religious educator.  相似文献   

中国研究型大学建设的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放以来,我国高等教育事业得到了较快的发展,国家着重建设了一批重点高校和重点学科,"211工程"和"985工程"推动了研究型大学的实践尝试。经过十多年的发展,我国研究型大学建设取得了巨大的成就。本文梳理了近年来我国研究型大学建设的历程和所取得的成就,并归纳了取得这些成就的经验和存在的问题。  相似文献   

This article presents a critical analysis of economics education in central’ and eastern Europe since the 1989 revolutions. The infusión of Western economics teachers and literature, while introducing a new perspective to central and eastern Europe, has also created problems. These problems stem from the narrow perspective and belief in the universal validity of orthodox economic theory held by these teachers and their failure to teach any other perspective. The author advocates a different type of economics education for central and eastern Europe. It includes a broader focus on societal problems and the integration of economic history, comparative economics, economic development, and history of economic thought into economics curricula. Finally, the author recommends that economics education be focussed on giving students a perspective with which to develop their own alternative policies for their respective nations, teaching them that there is more than one economics paradigm and that there are multiple alternative transformation paths.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Michalinos Zembylas explores the meaning of affect and its importance to educational efforts to create the classroom conditions necessary for students and teachers to become critical witnesses to trauma and oppression. Zembylas draws out some of the ethical and political possibilities that emerge through such efforts, and extends our thinking about the affective possibilities of witnessing . His aims are threefold: (1) to discuss the nature of affect and the affective economies of witnessing; (2) to show some of the ways in which classrooms and affect interact to produce a particular politics and ethics, especially in contexts of historical trauma; and (3) to provide a sketch of how progressive pedagogies based on witnessing can educate toward an understanding of affect that may encourage a transformative political response.  相似文献   

作为刘劭的后期著述,《人物志》标志着魏初政治理论开始发生转变。虽然《人物志》的政治理论是由才性论思想家的质疑所促成,但刘劭在回应后者的过程中开启了新的理论视阈。在探讨圣人的德性与选官标准的过程中,《人物志》一方面揭示了德性的实质与类型,另一方面也从功能、所产生的效果以及天性等多重向度上为德性原则提供有效性论证。尽管《人物志》的德性理论在很大程度上被限定在政治领域,然而,它关注圣人、综合儒道的主张却成为随后玄学的主题。  相似文献   

本书是叶澜教授主持的教育部重大攻关项目结题成果。该书包括总述和总报告两大部分。总报告由三大部分组成。一为基础教育改革的宏观研究,二为学校改革研究,三为中国教育学理论的重建。第一,在关于当代中国基础教育改革的整体认识上,提出了一些新视角和新认识,丰富了关于教育与社会关系,教育系统内部相互关系的复杂性,  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The marketisation of education in England began in the 1980s. It was facilitated by national testing (which gave objective and comparable information to parents), and by the New Public Management (which introduced a posteriori funding and competition among providers). Now a new complementary phase of marketisation is being introduced: personalisation, whose intellectual provenance is in marketing theory. Conceptually, personalisation is imprecise; practically, at this stage, its intended effects within schools may amount to no more than a new legitimatory rhetoric which leaves pedagogy and the curriculum little changed.  相似文献   

没有爱 ,就没有教育。情感教学是一种教育手段 ,用情感教学去跨越文化和思维方式的差异 ,是一项切合实际的教学运用。英语语言是情感的载体 ,其基本功能是为了实现沟通交流的需要。  相似文献   

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